NEW DESIGN End grain cutting board - Helpful tips for woodworking

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foreign this video was sponsored by I'm just kidding there's no sponsor but I will be showing you how to make an end grain board with a pretty cool design for this project I'll be using spalted Hackberry and Walnut first you'll want to cut both boards down to a manageable size cutting out any imperfections or holes these ended up being 42 inches [Music] after that we're going to plan both boards down to the same Dimension which in this case was one inch [Music] and from there you're going to head over to your 1940s jointer what doesn't every woodworker have a jointer from the 1940s okay maybe not anyway I'm only taking about an eighth inch off with each pass foreign [Music] now when cutting on a table saw make sure your blade is set higher than the thickness of the wood before turning it on you do it the other way around and it might get a little bit sketchy to make this specific design I cut strips an eighth inch thick up to one and an eighth inch stepping up an eighth inch with each piece making a total of nine 42 inch long pieces of each color or species whatever you get the point [Music] now with your pieces cut you're going to lay out the strips from smallest to largest in an alternating pattern I happen to elevate mine so I can fit calls perpendicular under it to keep it as flat as possible [Music] and it helps keep them in order if you number each piece [Music] you know I pride myself in doing things the most inefficient way possible just get a roller and 12 hours later when it's ready to be in clamped you just throw it in the floor [Music] [Music] I promise no wood was harmed in the making of this video when planing it helps to use a sled for the first side once that's flat flip it over and run it through without the sled square up one end by cutting the edge off [Music] foreign will determine the thickness of your board I went with an inch and a quarter thick I had some length left over so I probably could have got away with an inch and a half but there's a pretty cool website that can help you out with these numbers I'll put a link in the description if you're interested [Music] [Music] and time for the flip [Music] congratulations this is your design just line it up for the camera first [Music] [Applause] who is this guy just painting it on like Picasso you're getting there buddy [Music] up up ah there you go just dump it on there [Music] notice the wax paper under this glue up this will prevent you from throwing your boards you'll get even clamping pressure If you space your clamps out again I have a call in there for vertical pressure keeping it flat and if you're using Titebond 3 which I recommend the bottle says to hold for a minimum of 30 minutes I usually keep it clamped overnight or during the course of the day and then come back to it foreign [Music] now I understand many of you may not have a CNC machine I'm fortunate enough to have one so I'm going to use it but you can do the same function with a belt sander orbital sander drum sander if you have a wide enough planer you could run it through that as long as you have sharp blades if you don't have sharp blades well you might have some chunks taken out of your board and that's what we call tear up here I'm just filling any voids or cracks with the CA glue star bond is pretty convenient you put the glue on spray the accelerator wait 20 seconds and it's ready to sand if you want to try it out I'll have a link in the description [Music] now for the juice Groove I'm going to go with a half inch ball nose bit three quarter or half inch or both pretty common it's just a matter of preference [Music] thank you [Music] want to make multiple passes when doing this it'll reduce your burn marks inside of your groove and this is just a jig I made out of three-quarter plywood specifically for doing juice grooves if you're interested in seeing how I made this just leave a comment down below and I'll try to make a video on it for the handles I use a half inch fluke bit also making multiple passes to make sure I don't burn it okay [Music] you can make your edges nice and smooth by using a quarter inch round over bit [Music] foreign [Music] myself during the whole sanding process because let's be honest who wants to see that but I can tell you I started at 80 grit and went up to 320 grit raising the grain between 120 and 220 then again between 220 and 320 letting it dry between sanding oh and don't forget to sand the grooves the finish on it is just like all my other boards it's a food grain mineral oil since this is in Grain you'll want to let it soak for about 30 minutes [Music] and finally we're going to put some non-slip rubber feet on this thing this is another little jig I made that helps Center the feet on each corner all right [Music] thank you [Music] and voila you now have an ingrained board thanks for watching Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: Green Tree Woodworks
Views: 15,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: end grain cutting board, End grain cutting board tutorial, How to make an End Grain cutting board, Cutting board design software, cutting board designs, free cutting board design, free cutting board design software, end grain cutting board calculator, Best end grain cutting board, Large end grain cutting board, Walnut end grain cutting board, cutting board designs diy, End grain cutting board designs, Kitchen art, woodworking, gift ideas for men, gift guide for her
Id: yU8YDr3ARO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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