New Crescent Kayak CK1 Review: Affordable, Lightweight, Performance Paddling Rig
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Florida Sportsman
Views: 14,305
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: new Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak review, new Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak 2021 full review, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak walkthrough, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak specs, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak features, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak length, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak width, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak weight, best kayaks of 2021, best kayaks of 2020, top 10 kayaks of 2021, Crescent CK1 Venture Kayak 2021, new kayaks of 2021, best new kayaks of 2021, best new lightweight kayaks 2021
Id: utMED-wE7e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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