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[Music] i'm michelle ackley my parents both grew up on council estates and as a family we understand the difference social housing can make to people's lives millions of families across the uk are struggling to find affordable housing so this is my front room and my bedroom together many are living in temporary or overcrowded conditions desperate for somewhere decent to live this is our room where we sleep and this is what we've got in a minute we can't really call it our home but some social housing tenants are abusing the system holding on to properties they no longer need when somebody applies for housing you expect them to live in the property and when they don't it does start to take the mickey or even worse making a small fortune by illegally subletting them he was charging beyond 1500 pounds a month he exploited this completely to his advantage so i'm with housing investigators cracking down on tenancy cheats what a waste if you want to commit tenancy fraud don't bother coming here reclaiming properties i need to speak to you please they've seen an opportunity and they think they're not going to get caught and giving them to families in genuine need that's how a counselor should be it should be loved and looked after this is council house crackdown today a house of horror the family home abandoned nearly two decades ago this could be given to someone who's in dire need of of social housing and it's just being left to rock a continental con as a property owner in italy claims homelessness in the uk she had alternative accommodation that she could live in whether it be in this country or abroad is irrelevant and the mystery of the missing tenant i can see from knocking and looking through the place has been emptied completely emptied housing investigators have a many powers to help them root out tenancy cheats they can access bank records check utility bills and share data with other organizations but sometimes a case comes to light through something much more simple like a tip-off from a neighbour or a contractor carrying out a routine gas inspection this is chamberlain road in kensil rise one stopped the hippest street in europe by vogue magazine it was on this street that brent council's head of fraud david verma uncovered a 10 000 pound subletting scandal that went undiscovered for almost two years this is a pretty nice area isn't it dave it certainly is this is kensel rise north west 10. the area is generally up and coming it's become quite gentrified and quite expensive to live in a one-bedroom private rental property in this part of london can cost 300 pounds a week so demand for council property is high there are currently more than 5 000 people on brent's social housing waiting list housing has never been in such demand in london um in brent as well and when we don't have the spaces to to allocate to people they have to be placed into temporary accommodation or we have to help them in some other way on the 30th of may 2005 38 year old harry lambert was one of the lucky applicants granted a one-bedroom flat in this swanky corner of north west london and at that time nothing untoward absolutely nothing so when was it that things started to take a turn and you got a bit more suspicious well it's quite an interesting case actually because this one came to light through some partnership working with some security guys brent council is required to carry out annual gas safety checks on each social housing property in the borough in 2016 it was mr lambert's turn to be paid a visit but there was a problem try as they might engineers could never seem to catch mr lambert at home sometimes tenants don't let us in early enough to do the gas safety check and we have to go along with security people on the next visit a locksmith was on hand to gain access and security manager richard barrella accompanied him for safety reasons so richard do you normally have to keep your eyes peeled when you're going on these routines with the gas engineers yeah you generally do i mean most of the time it's it's people that actually we we know quite well because we've been doing them for quite a few years as a long-standing resident at the property mr lambert was a tenant that richard knew well whenever i'd go around they'd always complain that you know the players is too small for him using his family blah blah blah so when richard knocked on the door and it was opened by a chinese man and his wife he assumed that harry lambert had finally moved out so i thought you know brilliant he's been moved on he's got his you know he's got a bigger flat or whatever so i said oh you are you new tenants and they said no we're here we're just friends of the of the tenant you know we're visiting the place was absolutely full of stuff so i thought no that's not right you know and i've heard that thing about friends before the evidence suggested that harry lambert was no longer living at the flat richard suspected that mr lambert had in fact moved out and was now subletting his council property to someone else this was fraud and obviously then you guys launch an investigation don't you yeah the investigators requested credit checks on harry lambert looking for any evidence confirming that he was now living at another address but mr lambert had done a good job of covering his tracks well what we've got here is the credit check report for harry lambert at his property and as expected there's plenty showing that he was there mr lambert had made sure that bills for gas electricity and council tax were still being sent to the chamberlain road property and addressed in his name he was very meticulous actually in making sure that everything stayed at that address right so we didn't immediately see from this that he had other addresses or he's living elsewhere i see enough activity on this was going on however what it did show was that other people also had activity there investigators unearthed mobile phone bills addressed to people at mr lambert's flat who were not listed on council records these were not friends of harry lambert they were sub-tenants he was very clever in leaving a lot of his credit activity at this address but the fact that other people had activity there that was a key indicator once we find that the wrong people are in residence the next stage is normally visits okay unannounced visits and you made three unannounced visits to this property initially didn't you what did you find well unfortunately no one opened the door and there was a little spy hole um which people could see through so we weren't sure if we were being looked at and the door not being answered so do you think possibly there could have been people there but they were too scared to answer the door or there's a high possibility that was the case and on the fourth visit someone did answer the door yeah well we finally got a response and it soon transpired that the lady who opened the door was living there with her husband and also her sister and that they were innocent parties they genuinely believed they were renting the property from harry lambert the news that they were in fact living in the council property unlawfully was a complete surprise so they they had no idea no that must have been devastating for her she was genuinely shocked and it soon transpired to her that she'd been a victim in all this and that it was very much going to affect her in terms of not having somewhere to live and this is the thing isn't it dave you know people think that tenancy fraud is a victimless crime but you've got a tenant here in this property that had no idea no idea of what was happening that must have been incredibly upsetting for her and her family very much so very very difficult for her indeed the sub-tenants were eventually able to secure alternative accommodation harry lambert a council tenant awarded social housing in good faith had been revealed as a fraudster when investigators examined his bank records the full extent of his greed was laid bare these very much show rent coming in yeah so you've got the money in 880 pounds that's right that's a significant sum of money well that's in stark contradiction to what he was paying he was paying around half of that per month harry lambert was paying brent council 430 pounds a month in rent he was unlawfully charging his sub-tenants 880. so he's charging double he was making double yeah amazing bank statements revealed that harry lambert had been subletting his flat for nearly two years receiving nearly 10 000 pounds in unlawful payments when you think of people like harry lambert what do you think the main reason is for them doing something like this well the rents are high they've seen an opportunity and they think they're not going to get caught unfortunately for mr lambert the authorities were wise to his deception when he saw what we had he was very keen to sign what we call a tenancy termination form he wanted to hand the property back right take it just take it did he think that that would sort the whole situation out he could well have been thinking that that would hopefully put it to bed yeah but it didn't i didn't know [Music] brent council decided to prosecute and on november the 15th 2016 harry lambert appeared at brent magistrates court he was given a three-month weekend curfew ordered to pay costs and fined 9276 pounds the money he'd received in unlawful rent after nearly two years of defrauding the council [Music] thanks to the efforts of investigators and an eagle-eyed security guard harry lambert was brought to book and the property he didn't need can now be given to someone who does essentially richard if it wasn't for you the team wouldn't have known about this because you went there you were able to report on it are you you know a bit of a local hero now in the area no not at all no far from my people like me thank you it's just a shame that it had to happen in the first place because you know as you've said before you've got a long social housing waiting list absolutely so really you don't need people being greedy charging double the amount of rent and we could do without that yeah exactly [Music] if you have a social housing property it's supposed to be your sole and principal home and if you're going to be away for a prolonged period you're expected to notify the council but as we'll see tenants aren't always as forthcoming as they might be [Music] this is friar park four miles south of warsaw in the west midlands and it was here that tenancy fraud investigators witnessed a shocking abuse of social housing that spanned nearly two decades and led to evidence of animal cruelty [Music] that must have been a pretty awful day yeah it was disgusting it was one of the worst visits i've ever been on the story began in february 2015 when lead investigator lee o'malley began to have concerns regarding one of samwell council's three-bedroom family properties sally this is the property tell me a bit more about it what kind of person is it suitable for um suitable for a family it's a three-bed property nice big living room decent-sized kitchen bathroom and the garden is huge as well over 1 700 people have been listed as homeless in sandwell over the last three years ensuring council properties are rewarded to those in greatest need is a permanent challenge for sunwell council leader steve ehling [Music] but we've got every disordinary families who are having difficulty accessing affordable decent housing as their permanent home and the the housing crisis that we've got in the country has worsened that situation when authorities received a tip-off concerning the long-standing tenant residing at the property in friar park they immediately opened an investigation we started our investigation as it being reported the the lady in question wasn't living at her address authorities were concerned if the woman wasn't living at the property where was she investigators hit the streets to find out the truth so you spoke to the neighbours what did they tell you the neighbours initially didn't want to get involved they didn't want to provide any statements to tours which made our job that little bit harder but what the neighbours did reveal suggested precious council property had been lying dormant for nearly two decades i did tell her that the neighbouring and she hadn't actually lived at the address for 19 years 19 years that is an incredible amount of time when they told you this what did you think i was really surprised yeah because it's the longest period i've known while i've been doing this job where someone hasn't lived at their address investigators pulled the files on the friar park property the woman was listed as taking on the tenancy in january 1992. if what the neighbours were saying was accurate the woman had moved out three years into her tenancy but had neglected to inform the council this was a serious breach of her tenancy agreement investigators were determined to track the tenant down and it was then that they learned some surprising information according to the neighbors the woman was returning to the house once a week to feed her cats a council property intended for a family had apparently become home to a family of cats the diver said she came back once a week just to feed the cats and then she would stay there for a little while and then leave the property so when the neighbors were telling you this i mean it's it's quite strange to think that there's cats in the property without anyone else living there yeah that's right um i'm not 100 sure whether she used to let the cats out or or if she used to just leave them in the property but there was no cap flaps on the door so obviously that just raised our concerns well that's it's raising concerns and alarm bells really isn't it's quite a strange scenario yeah authorities were now not only worried about one of their properties not being put to proper use but also the welfare of any animals inside the house investigators knew that if the woman was returning to the property once a week there was a good chance she was still living nearby one of the neighbors mentioned to us the name of the partner or friend who she may be staying with using the council records i located that person she was actually in that address so you managed to identify there yeah when lee confronted the woman she denied abandoning the property 19 years earlier and claimed to be staying with her partner temporarily because she was unwell and you told her that you wanted to make a visit to this property didn't you that's right she refused because she said she was too ill but the person she was living with at the time she allowed him to come and show him around the property later you don't know what you're going to get on the other side of the door investigators uncover evidence of animal cruelty oh my gosh just awful [Music] [Applause] cambridge in the east of england an historic university city on the banks of the river camp employment levels here are high and house prices have risen by more than a third since 2013. [Music] there's huge demand for social housing and concern that many can't afford to live in the city where they work quite lucky that i have a council house and i've been a tenant for 18 odd years but even then i don't think i'll ever be able to afford to buy outright but look after what you've got it's a gift when someone gives you one of these council races don't abuse it but if they're going to abuse it move them out move them on it was here that investigators faced off against a fraudster attempting to swindle authorities out of precious social housing in a continental con spanning 900 miles james stevens is head of fraud for cambridge city council in 2016 his colleagues at the housing office were contacted by a woman in apparently desperate circumstances in this particular case we had a mother and her children who presented themselves as homeless to us the woman's name was lubnar hamidouche there are 11 000 people currently sat on the social housing waiting list in cambridge but as a single mother with three children mrs hamidouche was moved to the top of the queue so when she presented herself to the city council everything about her application suggested that she had a genuine right to be accommodated by cambridge city council we were very pleased to do that because that is our role immediate measures were taken to house this young family in temporary accommodation while authorities began processing mrs hamidoux's tenancy application it's not intended to be a long-term accommodation unit it's just so that the person is in a secure safe environment while we establish what type of accommodation they should be housed in mrs hamidouche was offered temporary accommodation in a two-bedroom first floor flat in ditton fields housing officers could rest easy knowing that a single mother and her young family were safe [Music] but just days after she was handed the keys to her temporary property investigators received a tip-off from a housing officer concerns were raised about whether all of the children were still living with the mother so it was actually passed to us to try and establish whether all the children were there or not on her housing application form mrs hamid douche claimed to be taking care of all three of her children but once the family had moved into their temporary accommodation her eldest daughter was conspicuously absent authorities began to suspect that lubna hamidoux was attempting to secure a larger property than she actually needed [Music] lead investigator chris schofield contacted the local school where the eldest daughter was registered to see if they knew where she was i asked them to confirm exactly the attendance of the daughter so we could establish that she was actually part of the household and the school confirmed to me that since the start of the new school terms you haven't actually attended that school at all something didn't fit mrs hamadouch's eldest daughter wasn't at school investigators began to suspect that she wasn't with her mother at home either [Music] this is an italian family mother and children so when we didn't have any luck identifying where she was we then contacted the italian authorities investigators contacted housing officers in italy and asked if they had any land registry documents on the hamadough family we actually then received information back from them in relation to property owned the email actually states that mrs hamadouch is the owner of a property in italy in getty which is a province in northern italy it's shown as her main home her main place of residence and what's more information suggested that mrs hamidoux's eldest daughter was living at the address if the information was accurate a woman who'd presented herself as homeless and vulnerable in the uk actually owned a property 900 miles away in the town of gedi in italy later she knew that she had been caught out a fraudster is forced to confront her crime she admitted it became very upset [Music] earlier in sandwell investigators received reports that one of their tenants had abandoned her council property in friar park 19 years earlier 19 years that is an incredible amount of time it's the longest period i've known what i've been doing this job where someone hasn't lived at their address the woman claimed to be still living at the property but neighbours said she returned just once a week to feed her cats it was time for investigators to find out what was going on behind closed doors at fryer park we pulled the paint at the front of the property the garden was overgrown on the front grass was probably about three foot tall [Music] all the signs suggested the property had been abandoned it was obvious from the state of the property when even before we got inside it was obvious no one was living there but nothing could prepare investigators for what confronted them when they opened the front door the smell of cat faces just hit you as soon as you walked in it wasn't a very nice smell and it was visible when you walked into the living room you could see catsick cat feces all in hallway in the living room so there were cats from what the neighbors had said they were correct there were cats in in the property yeah it was horrible could they actually get out um from what i saw there were no cat flaps but i witnessed one of the cats in the property and the breathing of the cats wasn't good the investigators contacted the rspca to take care of the cat and then proceeded to document the condition of the house you just describing it to me it sounds disgusting really you've got pictures haven't you from yeah yeah from what it was like we've got some pictures here um these are some of the pictures which were taken inside the house when we conducted our visits oh my gosh the photos of the property paint a horrifying picture of neglect feces and vomit on the beds the carpets and throughout the house and a precious council property left to decay for nearly two decades i honestly can't imagine how awful it must have been to to go into a property like that one it's you know completely been destroyed and being wasted two there's an incredibly sick animal that appears to be trapped in the property and three you're having to go around take pictures you know the smell it's it's incredibly unhygienic it's on so many levels that must have been a pretty awful day yeah was it was disgusting it was it's probably the last visit of the day um and rock said one of the worst visits i've ever been on it must have made you angry yeah definitely because looks like you could have a family living there and it's just she's gone to waste to investigators the evidence was clear a council tenant hadn't lived in the property for years and had no need of social housing but when they invited the woman to terminate her tenancy she refused informing investigators that she would be contacting her solicitor what were you thinking at that point it was just laughable to be honest at that point because you've got photos of what you've seen in the property i've got my colleague with me neighbours had told me what had been going on for 19 years and basically usually i'll pass that to our legal department let them have a look at it and they can draw up any notices that need to be served the investigators prepared a case to have the woman's tenancy revoked in civil court but just days later the tenant appeared to have a change of heart on february the 22nd 2015 she handed over the keys to a home that had been left to decay for 19 years with this case it's quite upsetting to see there are people out there who would absolutely love a property and need a property like this yeah i mean you saw the you saw other sides of the garden it's a three-bed house children could be playing in that garden it could be a happy family home later i heard the house was in a bad way before we had you an astonishing new chapter in the life of the sunwell property it should be loved and looked after and it should have happy memories here go yay earlier in cambridge housing officers offered temporary accommodation to mrs lubner hammy douche everything about her application suggested that she had a genuine right to be accommodated we were very pleased to do that only to uncover evidence suggesting that she already owned a property 900 miles away in the town of getty in italy the email actually states that mrs hammaduch is the owner of a property in italy it's shown as her main home her main place of residence if what investigators had learned was true mrs liubnerhammy douche could be guilty of fraud at the moment we have serious suspicions she has this property here that she has failed to declare to us it was time to speak to mrs hamidouche to find out the truth so as far as we were concerned the evidence showed that she had actually made herself intentionally homeless which meant that she had no right to be accommodated here in cambridge either in temporary accommodation or in permanent accommodation but when authorities confronted mrs hamadouche she contested their reading of the evidence she denied the facts and she took up her legal right to appeal our view which meant that the matter had to be passed to an independent assessor by law mrs hamadouch would be allowed to remain in her temporary accommodation until the appeal process was concluded and that's when the file landed on my desk to kind of consider whether the council had made the right decision minos purdeos works for housing reviews limited his role is to make an independent assessment when a housing applicant appeals against a local authority ruling he needed to decide whether cambridge city council's assertion that mrs hamadouch had made herself intentionally homeless was correct mrs hamadouch claimed that the property in italy had belonged to her parents but they had since emigrated to morocco she no longer had access to any property in italy we felt that could be quite plausible and therefore we started to make enquiries but when mrs hamadouche failed to provide any flight documents to prove her parents had emigrated or any bills to show the moroccan address minos began to doubt her story at that point we then really started to get a gut feeling that she was either withholding information or actually making some false statements and when minos contacted the italian land registry he discovered that the property in gedi was still registered in the name of none other than mrs lubner hamadouche [Music] the evidence was in stark contrast to what mrs hamadouche had claimed on her tenancy application if i show you this paragraph here it clearly says do you or anyone our application own part own or lease any residential property other than that given as the current address on this form include any property you have abroad mrs hammerdude has clearly answered that question no this was a lie the issue here was that she had alternative accommodation that she could live in whether it be in this country or abroad is irrelevant she had other alternatives at the point that she applied to be housed so it wasn't an accurate statement so she gave us false information but the authorities had no option but to allow mrs hamadouch to remain in her temporary accommodation until the appeals process had run its course by now she'd been living in temporary accommodation provided by the council for more than a year total cost to the taxpayer nearly ten thousand pounds [Music] armed with the evidence investigators didn't waste any time mrs hamadouge came into the council for an interview under caution initially mrs amadou seemed very calm and collected as the questioning proceeded towards asking her about her property she knew that she had been caught out a few minutes later she admitted it became very upset admitted that she owned the property admit that she had lied to us in order to gain a council house and she told us she knew that if she had told us she wouldn't have got one this information obviously that mrs hammadius was giving us was the exact information that we then needed to see that an offence of making a false statement had been committed and then the council could then make inquiries into evicting this hamadous from the temporary accommodation as soon as possible once authorities had taken back possession of the property they pressed charges for fraud [Music] on the 14th of july 2016 mrs hamer douche appeared before cambridge magistrates she pleaded guilty to fraud by deception was ordered to pay costs given a nightly curfew and a four-month prison sentence suspended for a year [Music] this is a great result for us both for the city council and for the taxpayers and local residents of cambridge in this case the lady had occupied this this accommodation unit for more than a year and we were desperate to free it up and make it available for people who desperately needed it so from that point of view i feel privileged that we may manage to make a difference to people's lives and make something available that needed to be there for the public and the residents of cambridge [Music] [Music] our next case began when a letter arrived at wandel housing association in southwark on valentine's day 2017 but this was no love letter instead it was an anonymous tip-off claiming that someone had unlawfully taken over a dead tenant's flat fraud prevention specialist robert kleinberg was the investigator who had to unravel the mystery of the valentine's day letter we had an anonymous letter that came through and it was addressed to our chief exec normally it goes to a particular department but this one was specifically to our chief exec and it was a friend of the tenant the chief executive of wandell housing is tracy lee's having received that letter um i asked our housing team to go and and and verify the facts because sometimes people might have some sort of an agenda um actually the facts don't stand up to scrutiny the tenant in question was living here in camberwell south london property prices here are high even by london standards two bedroom flats routinely fetch more than half a million pounds [Music] as such the need for social housing is even greater and where there's demand there's deception there's such a high demand for social housing in certain central areas of london that there are an element a return demographic will capitalize on that there are people who are just outright out there to manipulate the system and i think that's totally unacceptable that people would seek to profit from other people's kind of housing need and kind of housing a housing misery the author of the letter claimed to be a friend of the tenant who was an older lady living alone a quick check of council records confirmed the story the 10th man in this property have been there for several years so there was no reason to question it or anything for it to pop up on our radar as anything suspicious going on but examining the rest of the letter investigators became concerned the author claimed that the lady had recently died and a younger man who she'd previously taken in as a lodger was now living at the property alone on the housing file we had no notification that the tenant had passed or that there was anybody else living there with her so it was then passed to me to look into if the letter was accurate and the lady had died who was this mystery man and why hadn't he informed wandelhousing that he'd taken up residence in one of their properties the first point of call for me was to do an early unannounced visit and bearing in mind the allegation was that it was a male living there it's a single dwelling with a female who's aged in her 60s um i was just going to see what what happens rob arrived at the flat on the morning of february the 22nd i didn't know what to expect really everything on file as i said indicated that um our tenant should be there but the letter obviously stated otherwise so knocked on the door uh no initial answer um so i knocked again eventually answered the door really didn't want to speak to me at all the tenant listed on council records was a woman in her early 60s the person who answered the door was a man in his mid-30s it appeared that whoever sent the anonymous letter to wandel housing had been telling the truth when i explained that it was social housing and then you know what wandel's involvement was with it the social landlord he didn't want to answer anything and left abruptly saying that he was late for work he just said i'm sorry i'm off and away he went i informed him that we won't let this go we'll be returning and we'll be issuing letters to the tenant and to the occupant to get in contact as a matter of urgency clearly he didn't want to speak to me so he came shut the door behind him and and went and i was having to explain to him the reason why i was there as he was left when investigators studied council records they discovered that no rent had been paid on the flat for four months whoever this mystery man was he was unlawfully residing at a property he wasn't entitled to on march the 7th rob returned to the property and this time he wouldn't be accepting any excuses then on the second visit if i come earlier he might be in such a rush to leave and he may engage and talk with me i knocked on the door again had no answer knocked again i couldn't hear anything no answer so i just put my hand in the letterbox and just called through to explain it was me calling again it was then that rob knew that he was already too late i could see from knocking and looking through the place had been emptied completely emptied rob's mystery tenant had vanished it was almost four months that that individual could have been living in that property to all intents purposes for we know completely rent free or paying a someone else for the uh getting hold of the keys and having access to the property inside the property there are no clues to the identity or whereabouts of the missing man but just 24 hours after leaving a contact card on the property door rob received a phone call from the daughter of the original tenant she was completely unaware of the unlawful activity going on at her mother's old flat she came and met me she explained that her mother had passed away at the latter part of last year she apologized that she hadn't been in contact sooner but i pressed her about who was this gentleman that was living here and she had no no understand no knowledge of him at all so um for us in that in that regard it was quite straightforward we managed to get the keys back yes we now have a vacant possession of the property there are currently more than twelve thousand households on southwark's housing register thanks to the author of an anonymous letter wandel housing have one more property to offer to someone in genuine need the situation like this is great where we can have a quick turnaround of getting vacant possession back is that the the repairs team can come in give it a fresh lick of paint change the locks new flooring down it's ready relatively quickly for a new tenant who needs it to come in and start living it as a home the important thing for us is that when we get letters like the one that we got or we get anonymous emails we seek to recover the property this is a great end result for us we're going to have a new tenant who's in housing need living in a new home job done the identities of the missing man and the author of the letter that led to his undoing remain a mystery with such a desperate shortage of social housing every property that's reclaimed and re-let can make the world of difference to someone on the waiting list in need of help [Music] amy grice was struggling in cramped conditions with her partner and two small children in a one-bedroom flat in sunwell my daughter was obviously in our room my son was in his own room we had to climb six floats of stairs the leafs was always breaking down so i'd have to trail down the stairs with him in his pram i felt in real real need but i waited and i was patient about it and eventually i did get the property that property was the one recovered by sandwell council when they discovered that its sole inhabitants were the previous tenants family of cats after nearly two decades of neglect the property was completely uninhabitable but thanks to sandwell council and some hard work from amy and her partner it now looks like this [Music] i heard the house was in a bad way before we had it and when we moved in here everything was replasted the house was perfect the only day in full was the back garden there was a lot of mess left amy and her partner have cleared and leveled the back garden to make it child-friendly it's back-breaking work but the end is in sight [Music] it was really bad the council gave us escape we failed that we had better bikes house bikes engines bits of cars i overfilled it it's hard work but the work's worth it it's worth it to see your children's face at the end of it and say yeah that's my home ready go yay you want to get your scooter now the day i found out i was getting the place um i was really shocked he felt like he didn't feel real he i was running the school dropping my son off when i had the call to come and view the property and it was like is this really happening to me i was over the moon i just want to live here forever obviously once i've done all the hard work i've seen the god nobody prepared for the grandkids obviously i like today i'm out a few years arrival i'm trying to make it all kid friendly in the council property we've actually made our home somewhere for our kids to say yeah we've grown up there our mum and dad dad done the best for us in that council of property if you brought the property and you do it up that's how a council house should be it should be loved and looked after and it should have happy memories here seeing an abandoned and neglected house being reclaimed and transformed into a home fit for a young family is inspirational and each time this happens it represents a small but important victory in the ongoing war being waged across the uk on tenancy cheats next this morning an old
Channel: Mranonymous721
Views: 74,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j3EJTA7HMkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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