New Concrete driveway diverts gutter water

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is Sean with Gate City Foundation drainage I'm back out here on this job where Ronald and I pumped out the crawl space so it's been several months and the homeowner has completely transformed this house and what we're working on today is we're going to be taking care of this problem right here so he had new gutters put on and they're just washing right here the front gutter is doing the same thing with nowhere to go and so instead of him spending a bunch of money on pipes and still having a gravel driveway we're going to do concrete here and so the concrete will collect the water from the downspouts and send it to the street and not only will he have that drainage problem solved but he'll also have a new concrete driveway so that's what we're working on today I'm just waiting for the concrete guys to get here and then we'll get rolling I'll put a link to the video where we pumped out the crawl space but this was all full of bushes right here and I pulled them all out I just lost that footage but since this is so flat right here we're going to take some of the topsoil we're pulling out and put it up against the house to establish a little bit of grade away from the house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this site was already fairly flat so we didn't really have a whole lot of grading to do and so most of this topsoil we just used around the front of the house to create that slope away from the house and didn't have to haul anything away the homeowner also wants a walkway from the new driveway over to the front step and so I brought the mini skid steer to get that going and so that's what I'm doing right now is starting to cut out for that we've got a string line laid out there from up for a straight edge and I'm going to get that cut down [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] for life [Applause] right now [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are back out here it's the next day and we're gonna get this poured so yesterday the concrete the plant wasn't able to send us a truck so it's a lot cooler out now it's about 8 A.M and the concrete truck should be on the way short time baby it's ready for babies [Applause] the concrete just arrived looks like we got Clark gonna go spot him well we made a big mistake here the concrete truck can't get in here and we all we have is the homeowner's wheelbarrow so I almost brought one of my wheelbarrows today one of the big ones So the plan is to use this little tiny toy wheelbarrow to fill in some of this and then try to get the shoots up in here a little bit more man what a mess we won't make that mistake again solve the wheelbarrow issue right now those handles are gonna break huh those handles yeah I know yeah come on come on come on careful with the handles yeah [Music] look what we got here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you now we're to the point that we can use the chutes again so Clark's putting another shoot on there to reach [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you our second truck is here looks like we got Brian today [Applause] [Music] thanks everybody all right the second truck is on the ground and he's out of here [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what you're my daddy yes the guys are getting everything troweled and Antonio's getting a broom finished on and the boss just showed up foreign how's it going Harvey what do you think it's good yeah we're just about finished troweling yeah [Music] foreign men yeah you are right see don't do that because every police looking for me later all right we're finished with the poor so we'll be back out here to do the Finish grading and I've got to change those gutter elbows to the other Style so we'll be back out here in the next couple days we are back out here on this job where we poured this concrete and the concrete guys just left they pulled the formboards and got the joints cut for us and I've got Lynn with me today and we're going to do our finish grating and get a little bit of seed and straw and this job will be finished so let me show you this what's going on and what I'm gonna do about it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Lynn has got things looking pretty good back here so we're gonna see this feather it out just a little bit more and straw it out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm back out here it's only been a few hours and we got a big thunderstorm going on right here so check this out look at this so let's see if this thing is doing what I wanted it to do oh yeah look at that so we built it up right here try to keep that kicked off hey what's up man how you doing this thing is awesome yes [Applause] this one's kind of coming down and right up against the house and then flowing so we're going to put another extension just a little short extension and it looks like our concrete cracked right here so we're probably gonna try to do a expansion joint across there to the corner and see if that clears that up so it's been like two days since we poured this thing so that crack definitely stinks but as far as water flowing away look at this place to take this water is down to the street and into the city storm water management system and so that's what this thing's doing foreign [Applause] we are back on this job where we poured this driveway it's been about 20 some days and look what happened over here we got a nice big crack and so the cause of this crack was the fact that it was hot that day the concrete was late and we should have cut a joint off off this corner so concrete always cracks on the corner so what we're going to do today is cut this piece out and get it replaced so that's what we're working on today it definitely stinks to have this concrete crack like this and what we should have done is we should have pushed in the joints on the same day that we poured instead of coming back the next day and cutting the joints that would have probably stopped that crack from happening but the homeowner chose to have us replace this section that cracked and so that's what we're going to work on now and we're going to get this all busted out of here and get some more new concrete in here to replace the suction and cracked the guys are over there Jack hammering that and the homeowner I guess had power run from the pole here and there's a bunch of roots so he wants me to clean up these roots and then just try to feather this all back out so that's what I'm working on while the guys with jackhammering [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign it worked out okay to be doing this cleaning up of the roots and trying to grade out some of this trench where they ran the power because that gave me a little bit of paying work while we had to come back and redo the concrete so I was just over here messing around with this trying to get the yard looking a little bit better while the guys finished up busting out and cleaning up that concrete the concrete just arrived and we've got Mike again same guy we had yesterday driving so well he's got like a third of a he's got like a half a yard on there so it's hardly worth delivering it but that's a lot of concrete to mix up by hand look I ain't gonna fill it up man foreign [Music] we're all finished with this repair and getting loaded up and turned out to be quite a bit of debris that he wanted out of the yard posters plus our concrete so we gotta fix this little bit here and let's go take a look the guys I guess just finished Brewing it so a little repair job here with that crack definitely not ideal but that's what happens sometimes so I guess I'll go ahead and end this video here for you all thank you I'm back out here to take a look at this driveway that we did I just talked to the homeowner so he just put this gate up in this whole fence look at this fence so let me get in here real quick hang on all right let's take a look wow nice look at this fence the homeowner said that he did it in three days look at that that's awesome and then here's our work over here so this has been doing really well cool deal this is working too we turn this into a b 90 here and it's just jumping out onto the driveway and on down the way look at this place what a beautiful property now this was an awesome homeowner to work with he had done a ton of work on that house and it was an absolutely incredible transformation and so once he got that addition put on where the kitchen was and the deck put on and the gutters put on he realized that he needed to do something with that gutter water that was gushing out and so he called me out there and he was interested in getting some pipes put in to get that gutter water out of there and also to get a concrete driveway put in and so basically I told him that we could do both with just the concrete and that way he would get a concrete driveway and get the gutter water out of there all at the same time and so he wanted to expand the driveway a little bit to push it back a little bit toward the back of the house and then to do that walkway and so this worked out really really well for him it looks really good a couple things I should have done better is bringing that wheelbarrow on the first day of the poor because I just didn't even think about the the concrete truck not having clearance to pull all the way back there and so luckily the concrete truck driver saw that and didn't didn't hurt the house at all and then of course we should have pushed in the those two joints on the corner the same day that we poured the concrete and that may have avoided that crack so a couple things we could have done better but overall things turned out really well uh the crack on the corner I offered to give the homeowner some money back or to fix the crack and he was pretty much like let's just fix the crack so we that's what we did no problem there it that kind of thing happens with concrete and so we try to avoid it as much as possible but if it does happen we just take care of it so this house is going to be up for rent I'm pretty sure and so he's almost finished with it and very very exciting to see some of the progress he's made over there so if you've enjoyed this video I'm going to put a link to some other related content at the end of this video all right thanks for watching if any of my content has helped you please consider supporting my channel you know what to do here and I've also included links if you would like to become a channel Patron or if you'd like to buy me a coffee thanks again for watching
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 43,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greensboro drainage work, Greensboro drainage solution, backyard flooding problems, drainage problems, gate city foundation drainage, French drain alternative, do I need a French drain, Greensboro PVC Piping, PVC drainage pipe, Satisfying time lapse, satisfying concrete time lapse, satisfying concrete, satisfying drainage job Satisfying construction job, satisfying asmr construction, satisfying drainage solution, satisfying water flowing, satisfying water
Id: Sd6eyB_U2_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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