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[Music] idiso know those and this is a massive video of a hundred pounds worth of Christmas scratch cards we're counting big lucky as a Christmas scratch card cuz I can write okay so be lucky it's a one pound scratch card don't other short be luck he's been out before but I don't think it was like this C idea is in a row you've got to find free B's but you know I nearly said wasps in okay prize you can win our one pound 2020 50 100 200 5 G here we go be lucky son be lucky well we don't welder oh yeah freebie easy cause a win get me anymore right if they want what is that doing all out there they like something start a fanzine be lucky and not be very lucky are they dear oh dear oh dear oh dear I was gonna be a winner [Music] for both ten cards each the last one if I bought ten cards and in that 11 funds a winner shut the front door and my weakness right in a row fine freebies wrong except these cars really ten that's not you don't know [Music] well that wasn't a good start was it okay next we have Christmas cash okay Christmas cash two pound scratch code prizes you can win our two pound for pound five 10 20 40 100 1000 5000 100,000 bones the idea of the game is these are your numbers and then you've got to match them in here if I find x 2 that doubles the win no Sherlock ok 6 124 this is pretty much conflict cards cold but yeah one of them tell you something I wish I never bought this many of them just got excited denial because there's a new one I've never had much luck on this card the previous lot [Music] for 128 [Music] three for 24 leopard in pack Romney's 16 727 we have a winner and our winner she found - pounding - 100 pounds so far doing well 730 28 [Music] 18 17 16 let's see that should be an automatic win fifteen sixteen twenty nine yes we have a winner yes we have another one yes yes yeah okay so you have one two three four five just be saying decent ones too still a nice tempo and winner [Music] 16:25 and twelve nice and our 25 is gonna give us 19 18 2016 15 1 [Music] there should be a bonus famous knowing 29 five yeah you can't be so different than two pound because that's always in so far thank you very much for ten pounds six for one [Music] [Music] 13 12 14 jackpot haha nasty surprise I think Oh fifteen just to properly rub it in few things are no things air two twenty eighteen seventeen thirty one twenty-five four cards left I reckon there's gonna be a five-pound wing from one of these 25 29 15 there's your 15 am I gonna be right [Music] 19:21 11 no get it away [Music] [Music] nine for 18 we're okay number 18 is gonna give us 27 25:29 no right marry millions okay so marry Millions is basically Kingdom scratch I was he called Kingdom the kingdom cash Kingdom or so much yeah 5 10 5 2 5 5 10 5 25 to 15 and as we win match free identical symbols to win prize prizes are 5 pound 10 20 give us a nice jump in it 5 10 20 50 hundred two hundred one thousand five thousand 25 million pounds every time I will have been nice [Music] nice little team down there no favorite fairy trees boom you imagine get a 50 right now that would be spot on when they're not be like yes please or fall card don't let me down oh oh so weak so I eat I mean you have to ruin it then yeah make me sick you make me sick another win by CL AR 20 quid a few days that's the neighbor say good boy dd I can't believe teased me that that was a big tease as well I think you've gone one more that would have been bad at ease oh he might have had to all of them wings in a row okay so women Chiqui trainee nope nope 50 foot-candles [Music] neutral means when you scratching that and you've got one way it kind of ruins it because you know that you've got unless that comes out of a ten you know that that's gonna be a five because there's no 15 is er which is kind of a little bit of a spoiler really there you go ten quid but in fourth becomes a ten-pound last chance card okay so my first college we didn't do too bad I think all right ten fifteen thirty five forty five fifty fifty to sixty to sixty four seventy four eight youth about 74 76 cent yay not fantastic but I didn't must make panic Lee will be at the beginning ten cards of that wing being one pound ones is a don't know if I'm very often does it come on and yeah I enjoyed those not a big fan of em but they've been alright for me Mary millions it's the same every year that's been frayed isn't it yeah all good fun be nice to see a fifty yeah brilliant thank you very very much for watching guys give the video a thumbs up sub buttons down below subscribe if you're not really and I will see you all tomorrow with another video and yeah that is my special 100 pound so what is some music for 78 78 pound bag so I'm 22 quid down that's fairly reasonable don't like being down BER I could have been it could have been a lot worse but it that way very much watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sandwellmobiles
Views: 36,550
Rating: 4.8091807 out of 5
Keywords: lottery, top, prize, win, won, scratchcard, sunday, PLAY, YOUR, SCRATCHCARD, RIGHT, EPISODE, SCRATCHCARDS, HOOK, DUCK, Scratchcard, United, Kingdom, the, national, big, Sunday, (Day, Of, Week, new, ones, jackpot, sandwell, vlogs, scratch, off, cards, sandwellmobiles, snakes, Laddlers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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