New Blender Addons You Probably Missed

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in today's video I'll be sharing with you guys a bunch of brand new blender anals that will definitely help you in some way from modeling texturing and product management addons I'm sure you will find something interesting and beneficial in today's video before we continue let me tell you about wink Fox's new courses as you may know it became possible to make paintings and 2D art out of a 3D scene since the concept is hard to understand two courses are available on Wing Fox for that matter the first and the most recent one for beginners and intermediate users is called create painterly characters and environments in blender by the artist liangzi mague with 22 hours of video content divided across 722 lessons teaching you from scratch how to create your paintings through different processes like modeling and texturing by following him through multiple projects the second course is a bit Advanced and it requires a level of understanding in blender and Photoshop and brought to you by Co and Cole a lead background designer who's going to share his tools experience and professional workflow for creating an animated background concept design in the animation background concept design in blender course which contains 40 lessons and it spends 20 hours the courses can be your keys to transform your 3D Concepts into visually appealing 2D art and backgrounds so take a look at these win Fox forces because they are really good especially knowing that you can benefit from a discount buying both courses and now back to the video as a start we have an add-on called ditify 2 which is all about leveling up your materials by enabling you to add all sorts of imperfections to it which is key for realism diry I think is self-explanatory it enables you to add imperfections to your models and layer them in interesting ways to get a really convincing final result these imperfections vary from basic imperfections like dirt Edge wear and so much more and all of this is possible using a variety of masks that this anal comes with including different textures that can be used as masks like grunes scratches stains and other stuff and the an Works in a very simple way all you have to do is drag and drop your desired effect into the Shad or graph and now you can freely adjust the various settings and Sliders within the anon's interface giving you control over basic controls like scale detail Ness metalness bump but it doesn't end there since you can drag any type of mask unplug it into the mask input which you can customize in different parameters to get a desired result and just like that you can rinse and repeat and add different layers of detail now after equipping your scenes with all that goodness you would normally want to render it out well this add-on is going to help you do so easy Stace is an add-on that is all doubt helping you manage your blender files scenes settings and even renters in a nutshell it allows you to create and manage different scene settings and rendom them all at once using the built and render manager this tool enables you to create variation in scene States within the same project each with unique settings that you can control separately and it covers everything like Shader nodes and modifiers and it also supports both single renders and animations making it easy to batch render all your scene States and you can do that all at once and these scene states are basically different configurations of your scene including camera settings object properties visibilities and materials this means you can create different variations of the same scene without having to set everything up from scratch which is an insane timesaver in my opinion so if you need to render multiple cameras just select the cameras and click a button if you want to change a specific camera property add the camera modifier and set its values for each SC State you should probably get the drill by now so don't wait any longer and save your sanity by getting this insane addon at a very affordable price now let's move away from project management to actual work when it comes to modeling with this add-on called Cube blocker that lets you easily add parameter shapes directly inside blender offering a more convenient alternative to add the default shapes using Cub Locker is straightforward word so all you have to do is press shift plus a select you blocker and choose whatever shape you want like a cube a plane sphere Circle or cylinder and while dragging your mouse a little Gizmo will appear snapping to the surface of another object if available of course or to the world grid if not and you could continue dragging all you want to fill your scene or simply right click to stop the process this addon allows you to create cubes cylinder capsules and other practical default shapes that you would want to start off modeling with but what really Takes the Cake here is that since these objects are parametric you get the ability to adjust their parameters at any given moment like adjusting radius segment count depth and so much more okay enough of modeling because the Anon I'm going to talk about right now is going to blow your mind not your computer of course Parallax it is a powerful blender add-on that can transform any PBR material into a realistic 3D parallx occlusion mapped material with just one click and if that sounds complicated to you well parallx mapping can basically give off a 3D look to a simple plane meaning that it can make flat surfaces look like they have depth and complex geometry without adding a single Vortex saving you both performance and render time and what makes this even better is that it is really simple to use and only requires normal and height or displacement Maps so just select your textures and go for it but this is not everything you can easily control and customize The Parallax effect by adjusting the adjustable parameters that can be found in the anons interface giving you control over strength normal strength UV scale and so much more but guess what parall axit is compatible with both render engines making it a nice tool for adding realistic depth your materials both in high quality cycles and the more optimized and real time EV all right let's switch things up by talking about an add-on that is all about managing your animations in a very interesting way with story liner which is an add-on that brings a nonlinear real-time editing workflow right inside lender allowing you to create all sorts of shots using new and exciting cameras and you can also Define their time ranges and arrange them in any order you like and since it has a nonlinear editing style you can swap shots capture the same action from multiple angles and even create ellipses all of this can be done intuitively and very simply and once you're done turn on edit play mode and watch your edit directly in the 3D viewport this addon also PS a whole lot more than that because you can render images shots edits and sequences independently with Eevee cycle and even custom play blast which I'm a big fan of but it doesn't stop there this addon also has some features for storyboarding for instance you can create sequence story boards and sketch with a grease pencil per shot you can also continuously draw from shot to shot and on the greas pencil objects in addition to being able to generate a PDF Story Board which is just fantastic last but not least we're going to talk about an add-on called ghost matter and this one kind of brings a fresh new workflow when working in the Shader Itor by bringing a couple of Handy features and notes that you can use in interesting ways the first thing worth mentioning is that mixing different materials using masks just became a whole lot easier all you have to do is use a specific node to select the already existing material in your scene now when it comes to mixing the materials you're going to need some sort of a mask right well this addon also comes with a couple of interesting fully procedural masks like Edge wear dirt oxidation and so much more in addition you can easily layer these masks or mix them with each other in interesting ways and you will be able to generate different results to be honest there are also many other benefits of using this add-on like the ability to add decals and stickers using a dedicated note and you can also bake your PBR materials which is just amazing so I highly recommend this one if you want to take a look at it and see what the documentations offer and there you have it guys if you are interested in one of these anals you will find all the necessary links in the description I hope you guys found this video useful and informative if you did please give it a thumbs up you can also check some of our previous videos thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one for
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 7,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender addons, 3D workflow, 3D modeling, 3D texturing, project management, Dirtify 2.0, realism, imperfections, Vdb Forge, smoke simulations, dust simulations, animations, EasyStates, render manager, scene management, Qblocker, parametric shapes, modeling, Parallax It, parallax occlusion mapping, Storyliner, animation management, non-linear editing, Ghost Matter, shader editor, procedural masks, PBR materials, Blender Market.
Id: -hirjMqOxiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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