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all righty well uh bit of a hold bit of a hold uh purely because Alpha has come out once again providing us with more Global News yes now this is kind of something that we already spoke about but but we're actually getting visuals of it all so I kind of want to check it out also um there's something else happening which I guess the thumbnail kind of gave it away and whatnot but we'll get into that in just a second but chion Banner is in the building when we log on in beautiful so um for the most part from what I've seen it looks the same from Choice Banner from Beast Banner so nothing different has happened I know you guys are going to be looking at this FR and being like what is this oh this is horrible I mean it is you know but obviously once you get to the 64th um rate up summon um then her rate up does go up uh then you hit the 50/50 pity if you don't get it that's completely fine cuz then obviously the next pity you'll then get yourself a guaranteed giant so yeah the summoning side of things um forer leveling Revis with the rate side of things you know it's it's tough but at the end of the day it could be worse I mean I mean truth be told it could be .250 I'm just you know putting it out there you know at marble if you've seen the previous gamees you know what I'm talking about but anyway so that's the banner situation so there is going to be a hunter premium subscription pass which you knew about so get one special summon ticket uh which will allow you to select and obtain a desired summon result including SSR grade and then you can have the auto mining feature will allow you to automatically mine the gates that you have cleared um which technically speaking we have for Gates so we can Auto mine the gates to then Auto mine the mining pretty cool I guess uh and then of course there will be checking gifts as per usual and then obtain rate up draw tickets heroic bling stones and more so again we've already got something like this it's oh $10 a month that's not bad you know what that is not bad okay the one thing which I was very well yeah afraid of was that maybe they might upcharge this a little bit cuz I mean I'm seen some of cuz obviously with the exclusive items that you can get and then as well as the item the blessing Stones Etc especially with this ticket where includes an SSR grade guaranteed uh I thought they were going to up charge for this but to be fair $10 a month isn't that bad so yeah there you go plus with the other Hunter ass with the other the other um packs uh again I think it's $6 and then $7 yeah so all in all you yeah so basically $17 a month for everything if I did my mouse correct I could be wrong o anyway um but yeah not too bad all right fair enough they better keep it as $10 damn um so there's that uh what is this sun jimu level seven required okay so we have to work off from oh no we've already had these okay so this was already in the Early Access yeah uh but it was more better than no was it the same oh no wait I think they're adding gold this time I don't think there was gold before unless I'm tripping either way this was already in the game beforehand so that's nothing new um but this is new this is new this is going to be this is going to be selling like hot cakes the level why is the level 30 Sun Jim W level 4 required s level 30 required that makes no sense am I tripping all right fair enough so yeah that's fine God damn okay yeah these blessing stones are going to sell like are going to be selling like hot cakes yeah that's okay so I'm thank God that they're adding these in oh I need these anyway uh okay cool so those are the blessing Stone packages very nice very nice um what's this new Hunter archive stories I got trolled by net Marvel wait what so we new try oh okay cuz he he he he said Park and Kim were going to be first and then CH and Alicia and Emma were're going to be next um but that's fine look either way with these um Hunter archive truth be told a lot of people just use it for the free Essence that we get I'm being completely honest we will just kind of skip it let's be honest let's let's just call it how it is we're here for the essence all right give me the 250 per character all right so hey we'll take that we'll take it um oh here we oh hello hello hello oh the costume's free oh it's the rebel leader costume oh my God so we have to complete chapter eight which is protector the throne y igis there we go reach 70k power level with jimu okay and then we have to reach level 55 okay there we go so they are catering to um Global launch uh wherever them will be um so yeah fair enough so that means for players that have been playing g a month early when we log on in this will be available to enter in so yeah wow so the costume is a part of his job change a free costume let's freaking go hey we'll take that oh yeah this um everyone's rocking this costume I'm sorry and then we get the new um skill run for that that's going to be dope oh hell yes oh thank God I there's me thinking oh go we're going to spend some money um chapter Okay cool so they're adding it I thought they were going to take the time with the chapters I thought we're going to get chapter 16 and then chapter 17 and 18 will drop like maybe in 2 weeks time like so in 2 weeks time we get chapter 17 and then again 18 comes along um but no we're getting the whole Shang we're getting the whole chunk of it so um lovely so that's an extra um uh was it 48 12 it's it's it's just over multi and then obviously we get 50 50 Essence completing per stage and if you do all of the trophies then that's an extra 45 essence so basically 95 Essence per stage I don't know how many stages there are U and then of course you got the hard mode which will give you give us a ton of XP so yeah good good good things all around and then we got the 7 Day gift oh wait wait a minute I'm confused right now because right now this is the skill death stance and or death dance or death stance one of the two and it is one of the best skills in the game to the point where everyone probably has it equipped no matter what I've got it equipped no matter what there's four elements to it light wind dark and fire the light and The Dark One are the broken ones like the dark is number one broken like absolutely broken so I don't know what element this is catering to unless this is a fifth version of it cuz that's the cuz that's what that symbol is death St or death dance I can't yeah it's one of those names oh this is huge oh hell oh yes okay that that's a w that is a huge huge W okay let's freaking go if that's a rare version of the dark dark ruin of that skill that is huge huge W but either way we will take it and then we got the full season pass which is 100% okay the one thing which I will always say with solo leveling gise when it comes to their battle pass it's it's honestly worth the pickup um if you have the funds if you have the means it's most definitely worth the pickup um I I think going forward um cuz what I did beforehand was that I would I did giveaways basically so last time I gave away three people these uh passes uh I'm going to do the same thing this time around um just an FYI just better of a heads up whenever I choose to do that video of course so yeah so how much are we getting now cuz cuz they are putting a costume in the way cuz typically there will be five tickets here so 2 4 68 so you get 36 premium tickets which isn't bad and I think they'll probably do a deal with that when you initially purchase it they'll give you like uh an extra 10 straight off the bat so we'll say 46 but yeah 36 right there and then of course with the other two passes you know they are giving you the The Selective rate up tickets of course which is not too bad along with other resources they're also giving you um a free pickup on Jim Wu's weapon so you can actually pick up um the broken Sr lightning bow which is beautiful and then obviously you get some blessing SS and whatnot so the the battle pass will still leveling a rise if you wanted my honest opinion it is most definitely 1,000% worth its value um with how much they're asking for so like for example the deluxe pass I think was around about just under $20 and on the Early Access version you were getting 64 premium tickets and obviously some other few goodies um it was most definitely worth it so yeah there's that uh but yeah that is that now another thing which I wanted to show you guys is this you can get solo leveling on Steam which I was unaware of so so there you go another way to help you out in terms of getting it online and there's there's controller support so if you don't want to get it through the client that's absolutely fine you can go around Steam and get it through there um I don't know if you guys can see that um uh steam is there something you want to see have you is there something that you don't know that well sorry is there something that you know that we don't know online co-op excuse me um leaked question mark I made a video talking about how this game can Thrive of having um Co-op more in line of like going into a raid with a bunch of friends and then there being like a big ass boss fight of course um again if you're if you know about Destiny raids of course they could somehow kind of correlate that onto sa leveling um I I feel like it's possible um I'll I'll if you guys haven't seen the video I'll link it down below if you guys do want to check it out on what I'm talking about um but I saw this and I'm just like oh okay okay are they cooking are we cooking is n mble got something in the works what's happening here so just for food for thought that's it that's that's that's all I wanted to show you guys I just thought it was very very very very interesting that they said there's online co-op when it's a single player game so maybe they know something that we don't know who knows I'm saying optimistic though CU I feel like it's it's it's a game mode that they're aware that could do so much for the game and again we don't need PVP for the love of God there better not be no PVP just make it get a co-op raid game mode that's it that's it and then we're good you don't need to go the whole mile just give us the online co-op so we so we can Team Up play with our friends and fight some tough ass bosses cuz you know we're all going to be hopping in a COR and screaming and shouting aade Heal Me Heal Me tank him pul ta oh my God it'll be so damn cool and it's so much fun too so NE Marble's got a big opportunity on their hand at a later time to do online stuff if they choose to go down that rout
Channel: Shiney
Views: 3,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise Open Beta, Solo Leveling Arise Release Date, Solo Leveling Game, Solo Leveling 2024 Game, Solo Leveling PC Game, Solo Leveling Mobile Game, Solo Leveling Mobile, Solo Leveling Global Game, 나 혼자만 레벨업: ARISE, Solo Leveling Arise Boss Fight, Solo Leveling Arise 2024, Solo Leveling Arise Dungeon, Solo Leveling Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise IOS, Solo Leveling Arise Android
Id: pa1Jm6aZiBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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