NEW Apartment Tour! How we made space for baby in a small 1 bedroom

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hey everybody it's me Aaron Elise [Music] welcome to today's video I'm hanging out here at home with my two pups there's dipping and noodle and of course baby Remy I took many of your suggestions and I raised him up in my carrier my back has been hurting me super bad especially since he has been really clingy the last couple weeks and I've had to wear him a lot so it is helping but I also think it's just time that I invest and probably a better carrier because he's getting heavier Ivan clearly because he's growing so he's like 14 15 pounds but now probably but today I'm going to give you a quick apartment tour of our little one-bedroom apartment just so you could see where we're living my arms already tired and I just started [Music] okay so the first space I'm gonna show y'all is our living room / dining room where I'm standing now is right right where you walk in at our front door so the first thing you see is our bookcase and we've got our little handy dandy chalkboard from our wedding my brother wrote that out for us so that's really a sweet little welcome got a few children's books down there and the rest are mine and Adams once you come and make a left you see this little piece of furniture our dining room table TV rocker nice big window and our little sofa I'm really glad we chose this sofa because it does have a small chaise lounge and that is where we have kept Remy's boppy we always keep a blanket on top of it just in case he spits up because for some reason the newborn or the boppie newborn lounger does not have a removable cover so that's okay though we just keep a blanket on it and then you can also see down in front of the window we have his doggie bouncy chair he's really enjoying that now that he's bigger we act sometimes add extra toys to it oh there's another one making noise really bright colorful ones are what they're getting his attention now got that and then we have this little basket here with extra blankets for him when we do tummy time and whatnot the rocker in this corner I believe originally was my great-grandmother's but my grandmother had it when I was little and she would rock me in it and I always imagined rocking my baby in it so I'm really happy that I ended up with it and it's it's really special to get to rock roomy in there another way I had to figure out how to make space for him there's nice another window is under the TV I actually ordered those three cubes which happen to fit perfectly I ordered those off of Amazon two of them contain Remy's toys and the third one contains the dog toys so they're really easy to access and just keep things tucked away when we're not using them and of course we've got our dining table it's a little big for this space but again if you watch my apartment tour from a few years ago you may have heard me talk about how basically all my furniture belonged to my grandparents and I'm a very sentimental person and I can't get I can't get rid of stuff like that that kitchen table is what we used to have Sunday dinner on every Sunday when I was growing up so it's here even though it's taking up a lot of space this piece of furniture here is where we are storing all of Remy's clothes and his bibs and like washcloths and yeah basically that's it I've organized it a couple of different right ways I just redid it a couple weeks ago if you see like this top drawer this is all hoodie pajama onesies and then we have this other drawer I'm gonna use my foot this one is short sleeve onesies so I originally had tried to Groupon by size but something I've learned very quickly is that baby clothes sizes don't actually really make sense like Remi is already wearing some things that say six months but then he's also still wearing things that say zero to three months though I just characterized it by like type of clothes so anyways this is all his clothes this top drawer we have like stuff we need to access pretty frequently it's kind of a mess but it's bibs hats and socks and I think there's washcloths in there too for his baths and then this thing I got I'll show you there's another one this little like Buffalo check basket out here I keep burp claws here these are burp claws and then these are his changing pads you just lay them out wherever you want to change him and then we are also still writing down what time he eats more for our own benefit to keep track of it when we first brought him home we had to keep track of like what time he how much he ate if he had a pee diaper or a poo diaper so like much more details but now we're just down to what time did he eat everything fits in it right now he has outgrown all of his newborn clothes which I had to remove and put away which is kind of sad but yeah I needed the space for bigger clothes we got this piece of furniture from Amazon I had originally thought about getting a dresser and using it as a TV stand and that didn't work out so I actually found this and it fit perfectly right there and it's working with forests so far so also on top of it we have his pacifiers and some hand sanitizer that is our living room and how we're using it for the baby so if any of you have any suggestions on what's the best way to fold baby clothes I can't figure it out it always turns into a jumbled mess and I just cuz I'd dig through it sometimes because you're in a hurry and you're like oh he needs a new outfit let me just grab something you know so any tips on baby clothes organization leave that in the comments below I would really appreciate let's move on to the kitchen this is really what sold me on the apartment like we walked in I was like oh man it's really small but I love love love the kitchen if y'all watch then y'all know that I really enjoy cooking so compared to the first kitchen we had in our first apartment this is like so much nicer and I'm really enjoying it so yeah this is our kitchen the only thing we've had to make space for a year was this corner this is where I keep all of rama's bottles and his formula and the water we use to mix with the formula I also have this basket right here where we keep things like his little snot suckers and there's gripe water some lids to the bottles and a couple other things like little tiny stuff that I just wanted to keep organized so that's really the only space in the kitchen that's dedicated to him we originally had the coffee pot there try to figure out what to do with that and what we did I used my great-grandmother's sewing table and it is now our little coffee bar also there's my laptop and the dog's water bowls we have our coffee pot coffee filters and then this thing here has been like my saving grace Adams MoMA gave it to me for Christmas and it's a carafe most of the time in the mornings once Adam leaves for work I pour the rest of the coffee into the carafe and it keeps it hot and rather than sitting in the pot and if I don't get to it for like two hours you know that we have that burn of taste but in this it stays hot and I get a nice cup of coffee when I finally get a chance and it really it keeps it warm till like early afternoon and then we also have our little basket of mail here also our dogs recently have developed a lot of health issues they now are requiring more products and attention so they they each have their own food now noodle is diabetic so we have food for her Pippin we're still trying to figure out what his trouble is it's definitely something like cognitive so we bought this food that is supposed to be for senior dogs and help them and then those are noodles syringes for her insulin so that's all I am NOT a fan of clutter like I feel like there's just stuff everywhere I look and if anyone has any suggestions on what to do because we're basically packed to the brim and I have gone through everything multiple times and taken loads of things to like Salvation Army and goodwill and it seems like I come back and everything else is just multiplied and there's still no space so yeah there's our cute little magnet menu board I like to post that on Instagram to show y'all what we're making for the week so always feel free to let me know if anything looks good and I'll make a video for it also can I just say I freaking love having a window over the kitchen sink it's my favorite thing ever I always have this window open for some fresh air well as fresh as you can get in LA I really love how many windows the apartment has I love natural light one of the very first things I do every morning is open up all the blinds to let in the light and just so I can look out especially with it being smaller I need to be able to see out and we actually have trees around us so it doesn't feel like we're in STL a sometimes so we leave the kitchen we walk through our living room right here to my right is our little bathroom I'll show y'all right now it's a nice bathroom it's been updated but yeah I'll just show you and this is what it looks like this is our little bathroom as you can see there's Batman and my old Georgia license plate as you can see we have a pedestal sink so no storage like cabinet wise so that is why we had to buy one of these over the toilet shelving things so that's where I have like makeup body lotion cotton balls q-tips etc and such bro toilet papers for more storage we have one of those caddy things and then on the back of the door is where we have Remy's the it's called the blooming bath Lotus this is what we use when we give them a bath you shove it down in the kitchen sink so it's like a soft surface for him to sit on and when we're not using it we just got a command hook and hung it on the back of the bathroom door the bathroom is also where we are keeping Rama's diaper pail we went with the what brand is that decor and I really like it it's got this little petal and then you just drop it in the weight of it like also the flap I like this one because the bags aren't like individual bags you just kind of like pull down as much as you need and like cut it like if it was like a particularly foul diaper and you need to take it out right away you're not wasting a whole bag that could hold a lot more there's still you just like cut it and then tie a knot and pull down some more plastic that's where we keep our keeping his four pail that is the bathroom [Music] why dimensioned before we are renting a one-bedroom apartment that means Remy shares a bedroom with me and Adam this was a little tricky to figure out just because like trying to decide what furniture do we actually need for him do I want a crib do I just want a bassinet or like one of those side sleeper things we actually ended up going with the baby Leto mini crib so besides his crib the only other piece of furniture we got for him was the cube storage I showed you in the living room where we have his clothes so so we do have double closets mine is right here on the right and then Adam on the left there's also storage space above and then like miraculously our dresser fit perfectly in between so that was really a space saver for us this is actually Pippins lair though that is noodle hanging out in there right now that's my quote-unquote purple chair some people have commented that it's not actually purple I understand that it's actually more of a dusty rose I always refer to it as the purple chair when it belonged to my grandparents so we actually have just a double bed not a queen not a king a double bed it was super cramped when I was practice Oris because I have one of those pregnancy pillows and the big belly so poor Adam was like curled up on the edge for several months now we have space again so that's our bed and then right next to us is Remmy space so basically like this half of the room is adult half this side of the room is baby half super cute little sheets we have the little owl is his white noise machine and it also projects stars and moon on the ceiling and then I ordered these little cute prints off of Amazon we tried to go with like a little mountain II be my guess and then his mobile we have hanging from the ceiling also from Amazon that's his little crib we have another basket of blankets next to it that bear belonged to Adam when he was little so this is Remy's corner we have like his board books a couple of little sweaters that dingy looking rabbit was mine when I was little you pull it and it plays here comes Peter Cottontail I was obsessed with it as a baby and I've been playing it for rumi and he seems to like it too anyways and then this low dresser you can see there's my pregnancy pillow I don't know where else to put it and I don't want to get rid of it but it shoved up under there right now this dresser we have some of his little friends Winnie the Pooh and Piglet and Tigger and then this is his little diaper changing station because 99% of the time we change him in his crib so we never bought a changing table or changing pad we just use like one of these like a shoujo out in the living room this is also where we keep his swaddles lotions and stuff for after a bath diaper cream a little what I call weeny rags we used to cover his weenie when we change him so we don't get struck by stray P and then diapers of course and wipes so this been compared to the one in the living room is actually has a divider in it which I like that's what we did for him in this little corner by his crib is where we keep his big diaper bag and then this little mat thing he lays on sometimes when he sleeps I have a smaller backpack I use like a backpack purse just when I'm making really quick trips so that when we just store back there also for the bedroom Adam and I used to have like one really large hamper and we realized we need to separate Remy's stuff from our own so we bought like this little one for Remi so his stuff can be washed in baby detergent and then we have this bigger one for ourselves so I feel like that's been really important because I don't want to sort laundry every single time like this way I can see like oh I have I need to do Remi stuff like it's piling up or our stuff is piling up you know we are packed to the brim in our closets in here like we have some baby stuff up top and other stuff of ours that we just are storing until we need it I'm not really sure what we're gonna do as he'd get some more stuff because we'd I don't know everything is full right now so so that's it that is our apartment like I said it's a small one-bedroom but we're we're making do I don't see us being able to stay here more than like a year year and a half we also just we don't want to stay in LA much longer we want to move as soon as financially possible this is how how we're making do so far again Remi is about three months old starting to wake up hi buddy you missed the tour like I said he's three months old as it gets more stuff I don't know we're gonna put it so any organizational tips that are like baby related let me know in the comments because I appreciate it I've also recently discovered like there's this whole niche on YouTube of like cleaning videos where you watch other people clean and organized and I'll freaking love it so if any of you also love that type of video and wouldn't want to see me do it let me know so yeah that's it for today thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time right okay bye bye you and me
Channel: Erin Elyse
Views: 31,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Erin Elyse Evans, Erin Elyse, Erin Evans, JoshuaDtv sister, Erin and Adam, Erin Elyse and Josh, Josh Evans sister, It’s Me Erin Elyse, Erin Elyse singing, Erin Elyse Challenges, Erin Elyse Cooking, southern, Apartment Tour, Making Space for Baby, Baby and 1 bedroom, Baby and small apartment, budget living, frugal lifestyle
Id: RzJ9ClJZXp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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