New 2.92.0 FEATURES in Blender's Video Sequence Editor (VSE)

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welcome back to blender frenzy i am justin and 2.92 release for blender is just around the corner um as you can see here this is download lts the lts is the long-term support so you can see it 2.83 here and they how uh they have a long term support plan mapped out a rough plan here right after 2021 you can see that 2.92 is ready to be released followed shortly after that by 2.93 which is another long-term support release so you can see about every year they're going to release a new long-term support version they're not going to actually add any new features it's just going to be bug fixes but along with the long-term support you can see they're still developing blender they're still adding new features which you can test out in the new experimental versions that come out and you can look at what's coming up in these releases if you go to the wiki and i'll leave a link to this in the post but here you can see the older versions the 2.83 this is the last long-term support and then the next one will be 2.93 like we saw but right now um this is the last stable release as you can see and then the next one coming out which is in beta which is actually we have a release candidate now because it's very close to bearing at least is the blender 2.92 so we are specifically going to look today at the features so if you come down to more features uh and then scroll down just the sequencer for now so this is for all of you who are using blender as a video editor and these are the new sexy features of the sequencer which are really cool um the first one being the coolest right here the media transform redesign and this is awesome here we can go this is the if you actually click on this link it'll take you to this page here and vse media transform redesign i'm not going to read all of this because i'm going to show you what i'm talking about so we've got 2.83 and then 2.92 release candidate over here so this is the two point eight three point twelve version which is the latest long-term support version and so what i'm gonna do is add in a picture i'm just gonna add this picture in here of this raccoon you can find this i don't know if it's on pixabay i know it's a public domain cc0 um actually let me just go find it now okay so here it is it's at public domain pictures and if you just search raccoon you'll find this here and it says before before beaufort jean beaufort if that's not french then it's probably pronounced gene beaufort uh or jean beaufort has released this raccoon image under the public domain license so you can go there if you want to check that out but back to my demo here this is the new version so i'm just going to show you real quick the new version first of course we got to come over down here to color management and make sure we change filmic to standard so that it looks normal by the way everything that i'm going to do here can be done with video and obviously this is the video sequence editor but i'm just going to show you with the picture because it's the same exact thing so this is just a still image but if you look over here make sure my bubble head is out of the way over there okay we've got our transform tools all of them left right up and down and our scale options in the video strip or the image strip built in the rotation is built in and then we have mirror options built in too now this is significant because in 2.83 we pull it over here and then you can see actually right off the bat when i put this in here let me see if i can delete that and just drag that in you can see boom right away original image aspect ratio this is so important for a lot of reasons i'm not going to get into this video i'm going to actually do a separate video about the differences between these in the video sequence editor but just on the surface of it you can see that this doesn't pull in right so what you would have to do here is come over here see here's the transform that we have here but we have offset or we can make it offset here but then that's too big for our dimensions so we actually can't use that we have mirror here but uh no scale and rotation so you'd have to come over here and make sure you have your image or video selected shift a and add in an effect strip transform and then from the transform make sure you have that selected now you have these options here where you have another position x and y a little bit redundant here is cool we have a uniform scale option that way you can scale it uniformly here like that and then you have your rotation but in order to get the aspect ratio we want over here we'd have to do this manually we'd have to pull this x in like that and then either calculate by using aspect ratio or just kind of i'm just eyeballing it right now so something like that and of course i forgot to come over here color management and standard there we go so there so as you can already see a lot fewer steps over here on a lot less clutter especially if you have video strips and image strips that are overlapping each other you don't have this extra transform strip which is amazing on top of that it just plays faster look at that when the transform strip is being calculated with the cache it just takes quite a bit longer for the initial cache this one just just plays right away so that is the first one let's go on to the second one background rectangle option for text strip that's pretty cool too so come back over here let's go back to the beginning by the way i didn't mention this before i'm assuming you guys know where to find the video editing if you come to this plus at the end the video editing workspace is right here but i'm going to come over here and add in a text and same thing over here add in a text and we can see all of our text options over here compared to over here now you have the same options over here but under shadow we actually have box and if we do same thing up here let's do this is a raccoon and i'm probably spelling that wrong but i don't care at this point 100 and with this box you can see it just adds a box under it that you can change the color of to be whatever right away in 2.83 you'd have to actually add in a separate color strip underneath it and then you would have to either offset it or crop it or both in order for it to uh let's do this let's crop and then crop the top down here like this and then of course we'd have to come up here and change this cross to alpha over so like that and then we could change the color like this so look at this we already have our text and our video or image labeled the way we want it and position the way we want it with only two strips here we have a total of four already and we don't have that much going on here and just think if you have a whole bunch more in your scene just trying to overlay stuff it's just it gets to be a big pain in the neck so this is really helpful kind of logically combining everything together so you don't need as many strips which is awesome okay next one we have add overlay pop over panels oh this is pretty cool so this one nope this one add panels with overlay settings for strips and preview and overlay and enable disable button additional options have been added strip name strip source and strip duration and what this is is users can now select what info they need to see on the strips when no text is displayed waveforms are drawn in full height which means you can actually come over here uh and i don't have an audio let's get some music okay open up some music here and okay this is what we would normally see i'm going to go ahead and display the waveform and you can see we have our title above and the waveform beneath it but if you come up over here to our overlays we can actually disable all of our overlays which will just show the strip or we can choose disable duration source and name you can see that's so much better for your waveform if you're editing and you don't have that text in the way here and there's no such option in previous versions okay next one go back here and paste strips after playhead by default okay so this is copy and paste here so paste copy strips after playhead because this is more intuitive let me show you what uh it was here so if we just if i had the playhead here and i selected all of them and i copied them when i put the playhead here and pasted them it would paste them relative to where the playhead was originally which this could confuse the heck out of you if you didn't know this for example if we have these let's just hide this for now if we have these all the way over here like this and i just want to select these and i'm like okay i'll copy them but my playhead is all the way back here remember and then i just want to paste them right here right next to this paste like what happened where they go where where did i paste them oh well they're way over here because again they were in reference to the playhead so here um i think we can get rid of this one only that right there here we can copy these no matter where the playhead is so copy and then paste it will paste it right away here now we have the option to keep the offset which acts like the previous style but by default it pastes it wherever you put your playhead which is a lot more intuitive so copy that and then let's say let's say this is here copy and then move that here paste now keep offset of course it's going to be where the playhead was originally so yeah i like the the fact that they kept this just in case you are more used to the old style but for new users it's more intuitive this way okay what's next move remove gaps i don't know if that's a typo move remove gaps oh no no the remove gaps operator okay move the remove gaps operator logic to module code okay so this one mostly is code based and i don't really know it so the logic was updated making it more logical i guess but there is one thing calculate gap from start frame previously gap was considered only in between strips so that is cool because what you would have to do is see right here if i come to the beginning and let's select everything and just move these if i removed my gaps by pressing backspace then it would just do it in between the strips it wouldn't then remove this huge gap here you'd have to first take these and then snap them shift s and then of course this is a transform strip so you'd have to press g momentarily and then right click to cancel a little bit tedious again and then you'd have to backspace now all of that if you're trying to edit a video and you're on a deadline it's very difficult when you have all of this stuff that you have to do just for a very simple task so here we have now our simple scene and then if we go back to the beginning and we just backspace it starts from wherever the first gap is doesn't matter if it's the start frame or not it doesn't matter if it's in between the strips it will remove the gap wherever the gaps are much easier much faster you can see this already took us a fraction of the time to do rather than here so i'm really looking forward to this 2.92 release it's gonna really speed up your video editing workflow i think okay and then the last one here hide cache settings and adjust defaults adjust the default cache settings to offer all files to store raw and final images they just change the defaults all settings are still available when the developer extra options is enabled and you can already see that here um when i press play when i press play over here you can see the cache is automatically coming in there you don't see that over here but there is no cache option in fact it's not even over here we have proxy options if we select one of our strips here we have these now they did change this it looks like this would used to be in the developer options in an earlier version of 2.92 this proxy one wasn't here you have to enable the developer once unless i've already enabled those well either way you come over here to edit preferences up the interface and then check developer extras and then you can see this cache down here again i think the proxy originally was also with those developer extras but i'm glad that they changed that because uh i think a lot of people use the proxies i certainly do and i need to make a video about that by the way so that is it for the sequencer but uh those are really awesome updates um just gonna really speed up your workflow you've got some motion tracking ones that are pretty cool they've kind of just reorganized it and simplified it a little bit and then also huge speed up of tracking multiple objects at the same time or sorry multiple tracks at the same time uh they added for the compositor a new compositor node it's uh to adjust the exposure of images rather than going to you know we were going to the exposure down here and under color management you can exchange you can change the exposure here but i guess they have a new i just want to check that out actually let's go to compositing uh use nodes and i'm just curious search exposure all right look at that can change your exposure of course we don't have anything in here let's let's add in our raccoon image here and hook that up why can't i see that oh i need a view there we go viewer node and all right so our exposure look at that pretty cool all right but anyway so that is it for this video just wanted to go over some of the upcoming features of 2.92 it's in beta it's we got the release candidate out the full release will be out very soon so stay tuned and happy editing
Channel: Blender Frenzy
Views: 10,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blog, Blogging, Tutorial, Open Source, Free, Project, Website, Editor, VSE, video editor, video sequence editor, transform tools, new features, display, remove gaps
Id: yYS4RfOcDmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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