New 2024 Ford Ranger vs New 2024 Toyota Tacoma In a Nail-Biter Drag Race Against EVERY Small Truck!

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welcome to tfl truck Madness as you can tell we're here at the drag strip where we've done something mad we've brought together six competing trucks to drag race so let's meet the competitors first we've got the Gladiator then of course the frontier next is the ridgel line followed by Andre's Trail Boss Colorado of course the Tacoma and last but not least the ranger that's six midsize trucks that all compete but Andre said he's brought one more truck that will take on the winner of these six [Music] trucks Oh My Andre what the heck did you [Music] bring you brought you brought a bumblebee no so Ram currently does not make a midsize truck so I thought I would bring one is that the V8 this is the 5.9 L Magnum all right we've got ourselves a drag race so let's get to it [Music] hey Andre I'm calling this bracket trusted and true because we've got the oldest truck here but I'm not in it you are I'm in the brand new Nissan Frontier and I in a new Jeep Gladiator V6 so I also have a V6 and yours isn't all that new by the way uh that puts out 310 horsepower 281 PB foot of torque via a 9-speed automatic and my pandar 3.6 L produces 285 horsepower and 260 lb feet of torque and I think I'm still going to win because of my off-road axle I've got some retro goodness on this truck which is going to take the day right let's do [Music] this 3 2 1 go oh yeah F Good Start good start I'm launching it ooh we're tight come on pentar but the frontier is inching out leaving the Gladiator dandre to eat my Frontier dust oh no come on Gladiator here we go oh yeah he's in the dust and bam oh just kept it in the 17s so uh 17.95 at 83 mph here's my result this is a mile above sea level Andre what was your time for 18.25 at 79.1 milph well 17.95 I made into the 17s now if we were you know at sea level and not a mile above sea level you could probably subtract a second from those times yeah well I guess I need to get another truck so I can beat you bracket number two here we go this video is made possible by our friend Scott OS solivan and the OS solivan Law Firm if you your family member or your friend are in an automotive accident you got to call Scott first he's very knowledgeable he's a friend of ours he's a great attorney use the link in the description of this video there's also a phone number right there below so you can call him and get it resolved now for this race I brought something way more spicy this is the all new 2024 Toyota Tacoma so you think a 4-cylinder turbo can beat the frontier with its traditional six-cylinder huh well at least I'm hoping I have 278 horsepower and 3117 lb feet of torque and very low end torque I have an 8-speed automatic and uh I'm hopeful that that can Crush you well dude I've got some retro cool happening here so I am not sure you're going to crush me but let's do this I'm in sport mode I'm in U normal mode cuz I don't have sport [Music] mode 3 2 1 oh yeah Andrew's is asleep over there oh here comes his Turbo come on turbos he might take me come on Frontier oh it's going to be close I need RPM this is too close it's way too close but I'm taking him oh yeah that that was way faster that was way faster all right well you got me on that one Andre well at first I was worried because we're kind of neck and neck but then I clocked a 1.07 so almost 16s 87.7 mph ah nice work all right well that is the first set of two brackets done shall we move on to the next bracket truck Madness tfl truck [Applause] [Music] Madness this is a huge video and it would not be possible without many friends including Brighton Ford Colorado use the link in the description below they have a huge selection of brand new vehicles and also used ones Andre I'm calling this next bracket Honda tastic and that's because I am driving the Honda ridgel line I'm calling it The mashup because you have a Trad well not a traditional truck I mean you have a unibody V6 power truck pickup and I have a new Chevy Colorado turbo well it's Honda tastic cuz the Honda's going to beat you so it puts out 280 horsepower 262 LBT of torque all powered by 9-speed automatic ran you're going to be crying at this end of this race because I have a high output version of this 2.7 L 4 cylinder turbo 310 horsepower and 430 lb feet of torque with an 8-speed yeah but I'm the only vehicle here with permanent four-wheel drive permanent I I think you they should disqualify you right now all right I'm in sport mode let's do this [Music] 3 2 1 go come on Honda ooh power high output oh no no no no no go go okay oh go and there goes the Colorado with no CR control still impressive 1670 at 86 M hour so I'm I'm moving up in trucks I'm going quicker all right Andre 1670 at 85 milph no sorry 86 mph wow that's interesting because I registered I'm showing 16.64 second qu mile at 89.8 and I have a newer Solo solo DL so I must be right by the skin of your teeth dude by the skin of your teeth uh so wasn't so Honda tastic was it well I had a lot of Torx my friend all right well get ready to uh weep because I am bringing a vehicle that is brand new and I think is going to take this entire entire tfl Madness truck Madness [Applause] [Music] competition thanks to our friends at the Colorado State University drone Center who made this video possible and if you guys want to learn how to fly a drone click on the link below Andre my man be prepared to suffer twice once because you're going to lose and the other time because you're going to lose in your personal truck because I'm in the brand new ranger I could see that oh my goodness that's an all new 2024 Ranger and listen and weep my man 270 horsepower 310 PB foot of Tor or is the torque I'm kidding and of course a 10-speed automatic yeah but those numbers on paper don't are not very high I'm I'm not impressed you know Ford is the Porsche of the Truck World they always sandbag a little bit so I think you'll be impressed once we cross the line you ready to uh weep a little bit in your Colorado I'm ready I've got all my uh modes yeah I'm in sport mode let's do [Music] this he spped at the line he fell asleep no I fell asleep a little bit go shift shift shift why aren't you shifting you fell asleep and it'll be close and I'm still pulling away bye-bye Andre bye-bye faster shifting 16.13 and almost 90 89.9 mph not good he's got less torque less horsepower uh did you fall asleep Andre were you uh you know were you just uh getting your tissues out I'm really upset because I may have fell asleep by a fraction of a second but what I saw was your truck maintaining acceleration shifting nicely and my transmission fell asleep for some reason uh blame it on the transmission no I'm serious dud I had the power and then those ships were not coming fast enough so I'm just I'm just [Music] bummed all right Andre so that leaves one bracket before we bring on the classic truck which is a V8 of course and uh what is that bracket well the winner of the first bracket which is the Taco now needs to take on the winner of the the second one which is the Ranger yeah the two newest trucks go figure are going to go head to-head all right go get yourself the taco I'm going to line up with the ranger and we'll see how this madness plays [Music] out well this is the final two isn't it six trucks Andre do comes down to this bracket well this is the brand new turbo class leader in sales Tacoma versus your turbo yeah isn't it funny how everything's gone from six-cylinders to 4-cylinder turbos and it's gotten faster well I'm ready all right all nice 2 1 oh good start come on Ranger come on Taco you've got low end power oh yeah uh bye-bye Newberry oh jeez so I think it's it's the 10speed love you butd hate to see you go no I don't and there we go oh yeah across the line 1659 1659 no I I didn't I didn't have a chance that Ranger is quick sheesh 89 oh I can see I I don't know what to say 1659 Andre you know but it's Any Given Sunday or in this case uh middle of the week well isn't that interesting because I mean this is the real world right I mean TR get hot you know sometimes change but we're doing it side by side which means you are the winner Ford like I said they tend to sandbag I wouldn't have been surprised that this thing actually you know pulls faster numbers than for officially States but we have one more race to do for all of you classic truck fans right yeah how about I bring something Macho mucho with a big displacement yeah bring on that well now it's a ramb but back then it was a Dodge here comes the [Music] Dodge Roman I am driving and name 1998 Dodge Dakota RT 5.9 L Magnum yeah you brought a Dodge to a gunfight yes this is a this is like a cannon uh and listen to these specs 250 horsepower I know it doesn't sound like a lot but 345 lb feet of torque which is monstrous yeah you do have a V8 I'm surprised that do now Ram walked away from the midside truck segment because it's red hot as we're finding out dude wow you're actually spinning your rear tires all right shall we do this shall we see old let's call let's speak gentle let's call Classic versus new how about that I've been born ready all right all right here we go two one go oh no he got he got me I was kind of he's taking off God come on Ford go come on four speed four [Music] speeds I think I can get him at the line I don't run out of real estate here I come here I come what what bye-bye oh I got him oh that was so close I still ran a 16 [Music] 16.65% you you were in my rear view mirror for like an hour yeah but it depends not where I was but where I ended up and that was across the Finish Line first well I clocked in 17.17134 was about 81 81 mil hour so I'm I'm thinking that even if we did it again I I I'm thinking that you could probably have it still yeah no doubt uh but there's one question we have yet to answer so uh let's answer it who's better looking so which truck would you [Music] buy [Music] [Music] Andre at the end of the last race I asked you a simple question which of these six trucks would you buy that's very simple because wait wait wait don't answer it what because this is only a drag race and you can't really decide what truck to buy unless you tow with it unless you off-road it so we're also going to do an ey Gauntlet world's toughest Towing test we're going to off-road him and maybe even do an efficiency test it's Madness it's tfl truck Madness come on back next time for part two I hope you're sitting down because it's the biggest video Towing test we've ever done it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] big let's finish the chain hook up yeah that's very easy now what entiation is this yellow thing so Andre this Chevy Colorado this is your truck why is it so filthy we at 38 and A4 2 and 1/2 could that be let's check out the seats yes you always want something that's a comfortable ride for a long time none of them are easy to get a cowboy hat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in oh
Channel: The Fast Lane Truck
Views: 365,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFLtruck, The Fast Lane Truck, ford ranger, toyota tacoma, drag race, ford ranger raptor, toyota, ford ranger vs toyota tacoma, new ford ranger, ford, ford ranger review, ford ranger vs toyota tacoma drag race, tacoma, 2024 toyota tacoma, toyota tacoma review, tacoma vs ranger, ford ranger v toyota tacoma, toyota tacoma vs ford ranger, 2024 ford ranger, nissan frontier, honda ridgeline, jeep gladiator, gladiator, jeep, ridgeline, chevy colorado, chevy, colorado, race
Id: BjbC6M17kOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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