Neville Goddard The Law

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welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and just found a treasure trove of some wonderful lectures by neville goddard if you've listened to some recent episodes you'll know what I'm talking about and it's kind of in that timeframe from 1963 to 68 I've read a lot from 69 and a few from 71 the recent episodes have been terrific but you really start to see the difference with neville goddard in his lectures on imagination and the law and his lectures on the promise and so in many ways sometimes hey I want to hear more about the law or you might want to hear more about the promise and he kind of has two different kind of lectures and so I was reading through his lectures and it comes upon this time and at the beginning he talks about a friend that is traveling through town and only wants to hear three as many lectures as possible on the law and so he's going to be able to give three lectures to this woman on the law so imagine just for a second if you could be personally mentored by neville goddard and he says okay and she's probably saying but i don't want to hear anything of that stuff about the promise so not while I'm here I really want to learn all you can tell me about the law in the law usually that refers with neville goddard to the law of assumption god's law but he is gonna get talked about stories and techniques and all three of these lectures so I'll try to do all three but we get an idea of telling stories and creating parts and how the imagination really flourishes when Neville focuses on the law kind of more in detail and I love it so I can't wait to read it to you the law by neville goddard february 12 1965 tonight will be on the law a very dear friend of mine will be leaving in oh maybe two weeks for london then off to Russia then off to the Orient she has asked me to confine my thoughts for the next three lectures while she'll be here to the law and so she's very dear to me and so for the next three lectures it will be on the law unquiet she you can apply it this night and prove it in the immediate present they really do not differ God's promise God's law his promise as we are told in the 22nd chapter of Genesis was made unto himself for there was no one with whom he could swear for he was all by himself verse 16 the same thing happens with the law I can't turn to another and swear to the other that I will be faithful to my image I do it unto myself only from a lower level God's promise is fulfilling itself whether you or I know it or not so his promise is moving towards fulfillment on this level we call it the law and so he said the promise is unconditioned because on this level we have not a thing to do with it but the law on this level we have everything to do with it and so it's all conditioned do I believe it it's all based upon a story in the beginning was the story that's how the whole thing begins in the beginning was the word the word doesn't mean a little word a word in Scripture means a thought that is complete that is understood it's a story so in the beginning was the story and the human characters are bound to come for where the story is there the characters gather don't be concerned they will come so I tell myself a story what story these story I want to be true about myself I want to be this that or the other person and then I tell myself the story I need not be concerned as to who will come into my world to play this part they'll all come they must come because wherever the story is there the characters gather also so I stand here this night and think of the man that I would like to be and then I tell myself the story as though it were true just as though it were true now I must be as faithful to that story as the story God told me in the beginning of time for he told me that he would take me through a fabulous world in which there would be slavery Horrors all things but in the end he would bring me out and he and I would be one we would not be to Genesis 15 12 and I would be endowed with his creative power that everything in this world that I desired I could create instantly he told me that but he didn't pledge me to be faithful to it he told me that that is his promise to me now here in this world I'm called upon to be imitators I must be an imitator of God as a dear child just as he told me that story he told me to imitate him so I must imitate him in this world and tell myself the most glorious story and be as faithful to that story as he is to the story that he told me for he told me he would not leave me and he told me how I would bring forward in this world evidence of the fact that he is my husband he told me that and is entirely up to God to be faithful to his story that he told me in this world I must now be faithful to the story I'm going to tell myself for in the 22nd chapter of Genesis he had no one with whom he could swear so he swore by himself so I should take no one into my confidence I will swear by myself and tell myself a story and be as loyal to that unseen reality as he is loyal to that unseen reality that he told me now many years ago I would say 1948 in this city I met this perfectly lovely couple he was a Salesman he sold drugs for an Eastern company and he said to me Neville I would like to do a bigger job than I'm doing now I said all right what would you want he said I would like a larger territory I would like to be not just a Salesman but to be employing salesmen have the territory for myself I said all right you really want that yes then let us now agree that you have it so we constructed a scene which if true would imply that he had it his wife agreed to it she was all for it so together we went into the silence and saw him with his large territory where he was sales manager employing rather he was given the right to employ into fire say six or more salesmen in the area in that year he was given that job and he became a sales manager in this area and the area extended from San Diego up to this area a year later he moved up into the very end of our continent he moved across into the entire what is called the western states it also necessitated traveling and he began to travel once meant he was never at home she blew her top I reminded her of what we had agreed upon it didn't consult her at all he was now traveling all over and she was at home he would come home on Friday night off on Monday morning seeing all these people this very night he's in Rochester New York she called me yesterday he'll be home tomorrow night late he's off again on Monday I said I won't mention her name because you may know her don't you know what you asked me years ago what you and he agreed upon that we would do it that here is a play in the beginning was the play it was the word and all the human characters that are necessary to make the play real are bound to come all you have to do is remain faithful to the play that is it and so they came didn't they and now you are complaining he has a grown in stature he has grown in his income grown in everything he's maybe two years my senior by the laws of that company he has to resign at the age of 65 but I'm 60 so he must be 62 and so he has three more years to go but he must resign but he will resign that the price that he is making and you're standing in his way right now complaining because he's out and yet when he was home seven days a week you didn't want that you wanted something bigger for your husband something better for your husband and so we agreed upon it didn't we well I can't tell anyone in this world what's going to happen after we construct the play so we construct the play in the beginning was the play that is the story and all the human characters are bound to come because wherever the play is there all the characters gather I don't have to concern myself with anything in this world I have a brother my second brother who actually conceived to play and he saw it in his mind's eye so clearly didn't have a nickel we had none but he saw a sign which if true would imply that we as a family owned that structure and that we are conducting business in it my brother today is in a really true sense of the word he's a lonely man because he's become so powerful in the business world the people that he knew so intimately before are afraid of him he goes home he's all alone he's coming up here this week on business he represents millions and millions and it's touched him in his own strange way because he actually grew into his picture he's weaned himself from his entire social world because he's a powerful businessman in his area our presidents today let no one tell you with all this bravado he is a very happy man he's a lonely man people are afraid of him he's grown into his vision of what he wanted everyone can grow into their vision if they will only actually believe the story God told me a story in the beginning of time and that story was he would so become me that I would become God but he didn't impose it upon me that I had to believe it he swore it unto himself I didn't have to believe it that's unconditioned while I am passing through the horrors of the world I must imitate God as a dear child and impose upon myself the same kind of a story and believe it not take anyone into my confidence simply take myself and believe it [Music] so I must imagine that I am the man that I want to be I'm not saying let the two of us believe it for I could pass the buck and say well now you didn't keep your faith with me you didn't believe it so I could always pass it to someone else no you can't pass it to anyone else it's all to oneself either I believe it or I don't for God believed it and he brought it forth in me I am speaking from experience he brought forth his child in me he did it he began the good work in me he brought it to completion by the birth of the child in me Philippians 1:6 now I as a man must assume that I am the man that I want to be and not turn to anyone for assistance and say well now you aren't helping me don't agree with me you aren't joining with me I don't need anyone to join with me I must imitate God as a dear child if I imitate him I do exactly what he did and he did it without the help of anyone for God is one and so I am one and so I simply start with the story in the beginning was the story so tonight I would say what is the story you tell me what you would want in this world I don't care what it is just paint it the lady that you want to be or what you want your husband to be or what you want your child to be that's perfectly all right it's you don't take the child into your confidence and say now you and I will agree and then if the child does not become what you want the child to be you can say to the child you didn't keep your bargain no it's not another it's all self there is no other so don't pass bucks to anyone in this world it's all unto one's self so this is the law she will take to London this is the law she will take to Russia the law she will take to the Orient as she goes on the 23rd that there is no other this is conditioned only upon oneself will I believe it let me go back to a thought that came a few years ago from Robert Frost he said the founding fathers did not believe in the future they believed it in the greatest thing and the most creative thing in man is to believe a thing in now as I stand before you we are told in Scripture if there be a prophet among you I the Lord will speak to him in a dream and make myself known unto him in a vision numbers 12 6 well a prophet is not a fortune-teller believe me a prophet is not someone that you go to and say what is my tomorrow there's no prophet a prophet is one who interprets having heard the Word of God that's all a prophet is Jonah was no prophet in a modern sense of the word for his prophecy of the disaster of nineveh's failed because he told them you did this or else and they did what he told them and there was no disaster you're told in the story he regretted that but the Lord told him that's exactly the message he had to send if you repent no disaster if you don't repent disaster while they repented there was no disaster so a prophet in the true sense of the word simply hears the Word of God a message of God and then communicates it to the world well I've heard the word time and time again and I try every time that I hear it to reach anyone I'm telling well here is one and many of you present heard it a few years ago one morning early in the morning I had this experience I'm standing in an enormous mansion in Fifth Avenue in New York City and three generations are supposed to be present one is invisible he has spoken of as a grandfather there are two generations the second and the third and the second generation is telling the story of grandfather the second one tells of the story grandfather used to say while standing on an empty lot I remember when this was an empty lot and he would paint a word picture of his desire for that lot and paint it so vividly they saw exactly the structure that he would stand upon it but to him it was standing upon DES and they saw it as something present standing upon it well they told that story in my presence when I woke and found myself on my bed it was around 3:00 in the morning I got out and wrote it on a big yellow page the entire story it was too early to remain up so I went back to bed Andrey dreamed the dream this time as I went into the same structure instead of hearing someone tell the story I'm telling the story I so absorbed the message of the faith of grandfather I told them that I was standing on an empty lot and standing on it I would remember when it was an empty lot then I painted for them the word picture of my desire for that lot in such graphic manner that they all saw it as I painted it in words now in the 41st chapter of the book of Genesis Pharaoh has a dream and no magician can interpret it so he calls upon Joseph and Joseph his maid to hear the dream this is the dream I stood on the banks of the Nile and out of the Nile came seven very fat cows sleek in fat then came seven lean scrawny cows and they ate up the seven fat cows and yet it might have been as though they hadn't eaten for they were just as scrawny as thin as they were before then came seven years of corn on one stock lovely blooming luscious and then came seven thin as though they were scorched by the wind and they ate up the seven fat ones I asked my magicians to interpret and no one could and then Joseph said this is the meaning of the dream it's one dream though you had two dreams it's one dream the seven fat cows and the seven luscious ears of corn are one the seven thin cows and seven thin ears of corn are one you will have seven years of great Plenty seven years and then seven years of famine so great people will forget they ever had abundance in this world with seven years of famine you will not even remember there was ever a moment of Plenty in this world then he told me that he would do how he would save a portion of every year for the next seven years so he would have a cushion against the seven lean years of famine then said he and these are the words the doubling of the dream means that the thing has been fixed by God and God will shortly bring it to pass if the dream is doubled well that night my dream was doubled I awoke I wrote it out retired Andrey dreamed the dream having read reamed the entire dream it is fixed as a law of God and God reveals himself to man if he's the prophet he reveals himself in vision and tells him go and tell it to the world for if I say I will not mention it or speak anymore in his name then there is in my heart as it were burning fire shut up in my bones and I am weary with holding it in and I cannot Jeremiah 29 so I cannot contain within myself the vision I must tell it so the telling of it is this you can stand here this night this is the law and say I remember when he or she or they or no one wouldn't that imply that they were someone else you you can look at someone in this world and say I remember when he had nothing well if I remember when he had nothing I'm implying he has something today I remember when he was unknown if I remember when he was unknown isn't he now known God told me this story this is a vision this is God's Word of vision is his word in the beginning of the book of Obadiah the servant of the Lord the servant of Jehovah this is the vision of Obadiah thus saith the Lord he equates the vision with the Jehovah so the vision is God's Word and God's Word cannot return void it is a law you cannot break it so he equates vision with the word of Jehovah and I had the vision of Jehovah because it was a double vision it was affirmed the thing is true so I tell you what I was told me you take anyone in this world and bring them into your mind's eye and say to yourself I remember when you didn't have a nickel I remember when you couldn't get a job I remember when you were embarrassed because you were uneducated when you were unwanted I remember when that's the story and when you see it in your mind's eye that would imply that they are not that anymore would it not will you try it this way just try it call upon everyone to try it this is the law so she can take it to London so she can take it to her wonderful oriental world where she's going to study take it as she passes through Russia and tell them the story if she meets anyone in Russia who cannot get beyond for space beyond because of the conditions or the setup under which they live they don't have to be restricted by any restriction in this world if they know this law if they know the law it doesn't matter under what system I live I can be the man the woman that I want to be if I know God's law it doesn't matter where I live so if they say today millions of us live under communism or you can't breathe for yourself you're told how to do it but you don't have to if you know God's law well he revealed it to me I found it so clearly I became a grandfather and standing on an empty lot I painted a word picture of my desire for that lot and everyone saw it as something completed in the world I didn't construct it I just painted it in words and the whole thing and so I say in the beginning was the story and all the human characters are bound to come for where the story is they're the characters gather I don't care what the world will say when my brother had nothing and he saw that sign a man that I knew casually the very day of the sale of that lot the most desirable lot he came in and said Vic are you going to buy it he said with what well I have the money and I'll buy it for you I need no collateral if you have none give me your signature in your father's signature and on this little piece of paper you promise that you'll pay me 6% on the investment and reduce it over 10 years so at the end of 10 years the principle has been repaid and over the 10 years you will pay 6% on any principle that is left so you start right away Vic said all right and so here a man out of nowhere a human character comes in and buys it we had no money and that day we own the building and that day we moved in this fantastic story unfolded and now from the very beginning he repaid it with his six percent interest at the end of 25 years the man died having put the money back into the business at 4% because it was the best he could get and then when he died he left my brother Victor he didn't leave us a family he left my brother Victor $150,000 in cash and many pieces of property all kinds of things in the island because he called him his best friend and that was Vic just simply telling himself a story so in the beginning was the story as you're told in John and beginning was the word but the word word means meaning well the story must have meaning or it hasn't a story so in the beginning was the word or the story and the story was with God and the story was God he became the story so imagining creates reality that's what I'm saying to my friend tonight that is the foundation stone imagining creates reality and you start from there and no power in this world can stop it because you don't need another to agree with you back to the 22nd chapter of Genesis he swore by himself and asked us to imitate him as dear children so he had no one when he swore to Abraham he did not ask Abraham to join with him and make it possible that was done now we in the world of Caesar we don't have to ask anyone to join with us to make it possible we simply tell ourselves a story and telling ourselves a story we believe in the reality of the unseen state as we remain faithful to the unseen reality it begins to call human characters into the world to externalize it it all becomes projected and externalized within our world this is the story of the law so everyone is free if you really believe in God's wonderful law the promise I have told you night after night it's coming no one can stop it and no one will fail to realize it because God didn't take anyone into his confidence when he made the promise there was no one with him he could square and take into his confidence when he swore by himself there are the words I swear unto myself this shall be and so the promise was made the child was coming whether you know it or not and when the child comes to you and he the begetter are one then you rise into an entirely different world completely subject to your imaginative power but until we get there we are called upon to exercise the same power key blow on this level and kilo we simply tell ourselves a story so there's nothing in this world that man can create more that is greater thrill to him then to believe a thing in yes our founding fathers did not believe in the future the mere passage of time isn't going to do a thing they believed it in he said what evidence had I that I could write a poem I simply believed it that's what the old man said old frost I simply believed it there was no evidence that I could do it but I believed it and I wrote it when he died he was considered along with Eliot possibly the greatest in the century as a poet and that's what he said I simply believed it in there is no power in the world but simply believing it well there were not told that as an essence of belief in the 11th chapter of the 24th verse of the book of Mark what so ever you desire believe you have received it and you will that's the essence of it all whatever you desire believe that you'll have received it and you will there's a lady in this audience tonight she wrote me the most wonderful letters which I got last Tuesday of the these wonderful mystical experiences of hers they're fantastic perfectly wonderful but coming now to this level she said just before you left last May for the East I told you that I was giving an exhibition of paintings at Disney and Burbank the studio in Burbank so soon after we agreed and you said to me all are sold and it's all based upon faith they're sold everyone sold and all based upon faith well you went east and soon thereafter they all began to be sold five months later because of the success of that exhibition they called me for another display and I only had a small little paintings then for I had sold the others I only had little ones but I sent them over took them over within five days I had sold $600 worth of my little paintings at the studio in Burbank the Disney studio all upon what imagining she's an artist why should she work in her wonderful studio and not sell her work why should others not have the joy of looking at what she can create I can't paint but I love paintings in fact I think my walls are too cluttered with the things that I have all strung around but everyone thrills me I can walk into them I look at a painting at home I can step right into it with it I have one little little lady who was always walking out of a picture she never gets out because she's always stuck there but I go with her walk right out of that painting of her lovely old lady my father-in-law who had the painting he loved it and because of his love I love it I look at it it's a lovely thing and I simply walk right into her and join her walk with her right now and so all these things are to exercise the imagination so all over my walls and I don't have so many walls there's always in every little place there's an etching or a painting where it excites the mind you look at it contemplate it and step right into it become a part of it there's a beach scene I sit on it there's another scene where there's a lion on this desert area sit next to him and feel him and the whole thing becomes alive the whole thing is alive because you are alive you make everything alive in this world these things shouldn't be dead with these paintings not if you really move into them make them all alive so you take a play tonight and I'm speaking for my friend and you will be for the next two lectures all on the law you tell your friends when you meet that imagining creates reality don't forget that and then you start from that premise and so you conceive a lovely story a wonderful story all about yourself or about someone that you love then you persuade yourself of the reality of that story don't be concerned about the people who are going to play their parts to make it real all the human characters will come right into it they must come to it for where the story is there they all gather you and they must gather so you simply concern yourself only with the story in the beginning was the word the story and that story was with God and the story was God that's the whole story and then in this wonderful world of ours we unfold it the whole thing comes to pass believe it it is true imagining does create reality and may I tell you what will happen when this thing actually begins to become alive within you and the child comes in unto this world unknowingly the strangest things will happen to you that you do not understand you are exercising the most fantastic power in the world of what you are totally unaware and will remain not completely unaware but unaware while you are still wearing this very heavy garment of flesh and blood but you will do strange things others will be aware of it and you will have no knowledge that you did it you know what you did but you didn't intend it that way but peculiar things will happen in your world strange things I could tell you unnumbered things of which I am totally unaware that I was the cause of it but I must have been four it was all traced back to something that I did but you're blocked out from knowing the deliberate actions you simply do it I will now not violate a confidence because it was not said to me not to tell it but here is one simple little story a man having had an experience of the nature that the speaker's had and therefore the Messianic power is upon him now can't stop it the Messianic power that becomes part of you makes you a free man to choose your own vocation you can be a speaker as I am or you can be a painter a writer a dress designer it's entirely up to you to choose your vocation and the use you will make of this majse messianic power there is no restriction on you after the birth of the child there is a power a peculiar power that possesses you and so you write one that you love dearly and they live away from here thousands of miles away you write a letter explaining a certain experience to one you really love and you post it late say tonight and you post it you imagine you're putting it on the desk of the one you love just as you posted the next day the phone rings and this one is asking you how this thing could have happened because when you posted that letter the from the postmark on the outside and from your letter as you dated it my office was closed and when I came to my office today the mail had not yet been delivered and yet this letter was on my desk how do you explain it and you have to confess being an honest person I don't know I don't know I only know I posted it last night late but as I did so I put it on your desk and before the mail was delivered so the one who received it the one to whom it was addressed asked the secretary do you know anything about this they all confessed no we didn't bring it in it wasn't special delivery it was sent ordinary air mail but posted late sent to the east coast and here the letter is on the desk I can multiply that by the dozens no one in this world could rationalize it they can't explain it and he can't explain it he only now is coming and tasting of the power that is his from now on the Messianic power it's almost the minute this event takes place in our life it is ours from then on and no one can take it from us forever and forever but here we will do it unwittingly tomorrow we will do it reflectively fully conscious of every act and every act the outcome is predetermined no doubts in the mind whatsoever in this it was done just unwittingly but the power was there and the letter was on the desk you tell that to anyone in this world and they'll say that's insane it just can't be there's no possibility of that letter being posted late tonight to reach that destination in the east tomorrow before the mail is delivered and before someone opens that door and enters the office but there was the letter and I had the pleasure of reading the letter from the one who received it in complete amazement asking for some explanation so if it was told to me I believe in him implicitly but beside from the belief in him which is 100% he confirmed it with a letter from the one who had received it bewildered can't understand it this is the power of which I speak which is the Messianic power so to come back to our premise tonight imagining creates reality so what you imagine with faith and if you remain as faithful to the imaginal act as God has and is remaining to his promise to you to make you himself nothing is impossible now let us go into the silence there was Neville's practice when he would give one of these lectures to hold two minutes of silence and then he has questions at the end so we're gonna follow Neville's procedure and he says now let us go into the silence while you were in this silence for the next two minutes I want you to tell yourself a story he has given us a lesson in this and that is a story about yourself you can combine a memory so that it's a story about you that's happened in the past but in any case right yourself to the story in the silence and now let us go into the silence [Music] [Music] I hope it was a noble story that you told yourself and if you are faithful to that story you just told yourself it will come to pass let no one tell you you need any help from anyone in this world that story that you told yourself remain faithful to it now are there any questions question Neville that story in the letter reminds me of something I never told you but when you sent me a card from New York it arrived stamped with no stamp on it the post office had stamped it and at the time we laughed and said wouldn't you know nobody but Neville could get through the United States post office without a stamp we thought it was very funny but now in light of this it certainly fits this I have that postcard I think Neville says well Lucy my dear strange things happen after one brings forth the child strange things you can't explain it even to the one who is bewildered because you are as bewildered because you are still veiled this garment of flesh and blood is a veil and we do not really come into our full inheritance until it's taken off for the last time what we are still wearing it you have the power and you exercise the power you are seeing elsewhere where you shouldn't be there your scene across water thousands of miles away and you stand bodily present in the presence of one who knows you intimately and talk to you and yet you don't know it's a peculiar power that possesses you and there you go well this strange thing happens to all of us and the minute it comes but the day will come you take it off for the last time and then it's over the power is yours the next question is inaudible Neville says insincere people certainly my dear but you forgive everyone people don't know if they knew they wouldn't be insincere but they are because they don't know they really believe that the grave is the end and they talk about it not being the end but they really have no confidence whatsoever and so because they don't know it's not the end they'll make every little effort to cushion themselves while they are still here so forgive them forgive everyone they don't know but they are but don't as Blake said you can see from what I've told you I do not consider either the just or the wicked to be in a supreme state but to be every one of them states of the sleep into which the soul may fall in its deadly dreams of good and evil and so people try to put on all these things just forgive them that is the story of life just forgive the next question is also inaudible and Neville answers no my dear you see God as we're told in the sixteenth chapter of Proverbs God has made everything for its purpose even the wicked for the day of trouble verse four last year or the year before no it was a year ago last November in New York City my two brothers came up and they wanted to see a de with a new interpretation of the Opera new costumes new Direction new everything but the music music remained the same but everything else was different and it was a Saturday couldn't get near the Met Metropolitan Opera and they had a huge big ads in the papers that they were all taken they had big posters on the outside every seat sold and you could not get near the place well I don't accept facts at all I don't no matter what the world tells me I don't accept the fact if imagining creates reality I don't accept back so I said to my brother we'll go to lunch well first we'll go to the mat and we'll go straight to the box office and get seats for the next performance Aida which is Tuesday night well this was on a Monday night the next day was the Opera Aida so we formed a long line when I got into a line and it wasn't moving fast enough for me so I moved into the next line there were only two windows serving so this line began to move and when I got down almost to the window almost down the thing is moving rapidly my two brothers remained in the back with my wife because we're going to lunch after a huge big man oh man must have been six six he stuck his hand over my head the man who was in front of me who was a little shorter than I am I'm 511 he must have been five nine and this fellow was six six he stuck his hand over my head and diverted the tellers attention she asked him a question in this man just simply took the four tickets given him and started towards the door having left his this money in front of him when this man was almost to the street this thing this one thanked the teller profusely and then turned towards the door the teller then turned to see what had he had there the tickets were gone and he had just a few dollar bills so he said what's all this the man had only put out just a few dollars instead of putting $20 for the two tickets he had put I think four dollars so he called to the man and the man coat wouldn't answer so I turned around and I screamed to my heavy voice I put on that day I said sir you're wanted here so he turned around because he had heard my voice he came back he became to the window and said what's this all about and the man said you you only gave me four dollars and he should have given me $20 for the two tickets he said no I didn't I gave you $20 I said oh no you didn't I was standing right behind you and I saw exactly what you did and he only gave him four dollars I was here well he looked at me because he was so short and he looked up and I said that's all that you did I was standing here you gave him four dollars that's all you gave so he opened up his wallet and he doodles of $1 bills and he did have a $20 bill tucked away in the side so he asked the man well when you discover your mistake when will you discover your mistake the man said I didn't make any mistake he said but when you do discover it when will it be tonight he said the end of the season he had an odd sense of humor this fellow certainly had his sense of humor at the end of the season said he so he took the $20 bill out reluctantly and gave it to him took his four dollars back and walked out like a sheep then I stepped forward and said to the man may I have two seats in the very center of the thing that is a circle he said to me you mean the grand tier sir I said that's what it is may I have it just right in the center of the grand tier he said yes sir and he pulled two out and gave them to me for my $20 now you see and I stepped behind this fella who was basically a thief God knew what he was he played all the parts so God made all things even the wicked for the day of trouble so he knew I wanted two seats and he knew the work I'm doing in this world he put me right behind this man well this isn't moving at all this line is moving so I naturally move into the moving line he gets me right behind the one who intends to steal and he knows that I'm going to allow him to steal if I could raise my voice and protect the teller from losing sixteen dollars and so I protect protested the action of this man and as I did the man so I saved him sixteen dollars and so they always have a few seats for the VIPs and so he gives me the tickets at the moment though I'm not known in the world I was in his eye of VIP that was another remarkable lecture by Neville Goddard and this one being directly aimed at the law brings up some stories that we've heard before and with some little twists but the real focus for me personally with this lecture was the story we've heard about I remember when if you heard my other lectures we've heard that story which he had to add in but the real focus of this lecture is the story and what story are you telling yourself and that in the beginning it all comes down to a story that's what we're talking about there's fundamental processes involved in reality creation and it's the story that you use to create your identity for the assumption that you're living in right now what story are you telling yourself I highly recommend writing out a script using a journal and telling a story about yourself that you want to tell don't worry about what story you're telling yourself now create a new story create a story that is wonderful and it will become true for it is always true whatever you believe is true so it's not will it come true or become true it is true so start today to create a news story like he said when you create a story you're going to agree to act in that play and here again it's so amazing all of the coincidences that I find with neville goddard and the the previous lecture he talks about how the whole world is reflected like a mirror talking about the mirror technique and in this one is very much with 250 the priestess and the idea that we have a selection of multiple different scripts that play out so if we choose a script where we want to become a lawyer then there's a script for that and then we end up falling into the script for that reality or intention that we're following and as he says once you start the story you don't know how the the play is going to come out you just start the play and you agree on the story and the characters will come don't worry about where the characters are the characters will come to fill out your story so what story are you telling yourself if you are God and you can create any story start creating incredible stories for you and the people in your life and if you can create amazing stories for the people in your life you can do amazing things in any case I remember when you didn't enjoy episodes of the reality revolution I've never been very good I remember when even though my meditation I need to do another I remember when often times I find great I remember when in the moment but the idea of the I remember when is a wonderful wonderful teaching because to really become the actor and fall into the role the person that you're becoming the state you're becoming may have completely different memories the memories of Warren Buffett are going to be very different than mine but if I want to have a billionaires mindset I need to have a billionaires memories and so start thinking from locations of memory when you use the IRA I remember when technique that is the key when you remember something already happened that is when it is true so in any case we will definitely try to check out these additional lectures after this one that were delivered in 1965 with future episodes so many amazing lectures to go over with you but in any case it's always a joy to be able to share these lectures and journeys with you I have great gratitude and appreciation for everyone that's listening I'm sending out thoughts of love and joy to everybody that hears my voice and all episodes of the reality revolution you can find them at the reality revolution com and as always welcome to the reality revolution well what would welcome to the reality revolution dedicated to the spirits we've life is meant to be magical you know yes really good meditation and you Scott contains advanced viewpoints of the multi-dimensional human beings of the 21st century I'm your host Brian Scott sometimes you need to go back we were able to specialize with exploring stuff that's want to explore I can tell unleash your potential puddin topics on how to change the subconscious mind and the interplay of host Brian Scott [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 54,556
Rating: 4.8674765 out of 5
Keywords: brian scott neville goddard, neville goddard lectures, neville goddard imagination techniques, neville goddard imagination exercise, nevill goddard states, neville goddard method, neville goddard imagination, dan radiostyle, joseph alai, dan radiostyle neville, neville goddard all things are possible, all things are possible, neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard, neville goddard the law, The Law neville goddard, the law of assumption neville goddard, the law
Id: 4qvcPPHUASs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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