Neville Goddard- How To Really Ask The Universe(333)

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i think you will find tonight's message a very practical one something that all should really have and apply the whole of life is just the appeasement of hunger and the number of states of consciousness from which the individual can think and view the world only a means of satisfying that hunger i say this because your state of consciousness is always being externalized if you know how to move from your present state if you dislike it to the state that you would like to externalize then you have the secret and that is what i will tempt tonight to tell you for the only states of consciousness pushed out everything in this world and all are contained within the individual now in the bible we speak of prayer and prayer to the world means begging but not in the bible it's thanksgiving it's praise it's not petition we speak in the bible of repentance the world thinks that it means to regret to be remorseful that's not what the bible teaches prayer and repentance are almost synonymous terms we are told to bear fruit that befits repentance then this said of the central character of the scripture you and your disciples eat and drink with sinners and he replied i have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance leave the righteous alone you are so self-satisfied they're like themselves so leave them alone the word sin has nothing to do with breaking any moral code the word sin means to miss the mark that's what it means you have a goal in life and you haven't achieved it well then you are sitting you may have a billion dollars and still are hungry for another well then if you don't have the other you are sitting you may keep all the so-called codes of the world imposed upon you by the priesthoods of the world that would mean nothing as far as the scriptures go to repent is simply a radical change of attitude that is what repentance means for if i radically change my attitude towards life i will then view the world and see the world from that change of attitude and that change is a change of consciousness and that change will be externalized in my world now repentance is at once man's responsibility ability and a gift of god let us show you what i mean by it he said i and my father are one yet i go to my father for my father is greater than i we are one yet my father is greater than i so i go to my father how do we arrive at this strange peculiar statement and how what does it mean [Music] in the office of the sent i am not inferior to my essential being the sender but only in the office of the saint i am restricted i must live by faith faith in what faith in the center is myself the father for i and my father are one but when i am sent into this world to experience death and to experience the restriction of man i am seemingly inferior to myself the sender so when i repent i go to the sender i first do what i have to do so i say repentance is at once a responsibility of man and a gift from god but what is my responsibility i want to change my world well then i ask myself what would i see if it will change how would i see the world if my world was exactly as i wanted to be how do i how would i see it well then see it in my mind's eye conjure a scene which would imply that it is true live as though it were true in my mind's eye i know i can make it so but in the depth of my own being the father he has the power to make itself so do i go to my father how do i go to my father i first of all do what i am called upon to do i enact the scene implying the fulfillment of my dream and then i turn it over completely in thanksgiving to him it is myself my essential being but it transcends my reasoning mind i do not know on this level how it can be done but i do know that if i have faith in him which is my own self it will be done in my world so we are told in scripture without faith it is impossible to please him and those who would draw near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him i must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him well without faith it is impossible to please him what is faith the same chapter in hebrews defines faith for us faith is the assurance of things not seen the evidence of things hoped for by faith we understand that the very worlds were created by the word of god so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear well in my world it hasn't yet appeared i say it all is contained within my imagination so i will enact the scene which would imply that it's real and then within myself i give thanks now we are told the most wonderful prayer ever uttered you find in the book of john the 11th chapter he stands at the gate of death and he raised his eyes and said thank you father that thou has heard me i knew that you always hear me well i can't deny that the depth of my own being is hearing what i am doing what i am inwardly saying so i can truly say father thank you he certainly heard what i said but is it now supported by some statement of scripture yes again in john but now in his letter the first letter and in this he said if we believe that he hears us in whatever we ask of him we know that we have already obtained the request made of him if i can simply assume that i am the man that i would like to be but certainly the depth of my own being has seen that assumption he has heard that assumption but now can i actually believe that that's all i need you well i have to confess that i can't do it on this level i am not wise enough on this level to devise the means necessary to externalize what i have assumed that i am well have you proved it neville a number of times a number of times when i was completely shut out on certain areas imprisoned as it were not in the federal prisons but a state of imprisonment to find yourself on an island where you enjoyed four months of it almost five months but you have a commitment in america you've got to get back and then to be told that there is no possibility of return until the very earliest september and that will be the very earliest and your commitment is in milwaukee in the first week of may what are you going to do then no possibility no ships have taken the passengers and the list runs into thousands waiting all through the indies from trinidad all the way up all waiting and you are in the island of barbados without making any provision for your return to america when you sail for barbados five months before so what did i do i simply sat in a chair in my hotel room and i assumed i was on a little tender moving against the boat but that was before the days of a deep water harbor now we have a deep water harbor but then you took a small boat off to the ship waiting maybe a half mile to see and then you walked up a game plan so i simply stepped up on the gangplank and walked up that gangplank in my mind's eye if my mind wandered which it did i brought it right back to that first step and walked up again it wandered before i got to the top i brought it back again and i trained it as you would a horse the mind is an unruly animal so i trained it and i walked up step after step when i got to the top i turned around and put my imaginary hands on the rail and i could smell the salt of the sea in the air i look back with nostalgia at the little island of barbados a mixed emotion i am happy that i'm sailing for america i'm sad that i'm leaving behind a very large wonderful family of mine and then in that mood i simply dropped off for a moment in sleep just a little nap the next day i was called by the very company who said that we have no possibility of getting you out of here before at the very earliest september and said there was a cancellation this day in america and they offered it to me in spite of the list of over a thousand people waiting it's not my concern why she or he or it cancel the passage my prayer was answered i did what i was called upon to do for repentance is a radical change of attitude she said you can't get out well i say i am out i'm on a boat and the boat is headed towards new york city that's all i wanted to do so i did my responsibility and the second part of repentance is a gift from god so god has the way of externalizing it what caused the woman or the man or something to cancel the thing i was told afterwards she was she was afraid for some reason not explain to make the trip and so one passage was open and i got that one room because there are only two beds in it and my little girl was only three years old she could sleep with her mother and i could climb up one flight and sleep on the upper bunk and then take my 11 days back to new york city so i did what i was called upon to do that's my responsibility to enact a scene which would imply the fulfillment of my desire and then surrender completely to my father for he has the power to externalize it i do not know how to do it on this level i haven't the wisdom i haven't anything on this level to do it so my faith is faith in my father faith in his power to externalize what i have done all in imagination so to me that is prayer that is repentance i didn't sit down and felt for one moment that i had done something that was wrong and that's why i couldn't get out no sense of repentance like remorse as the world teaches that's not repentance repentance is simply a radical change of attitude that's what the word means metanoia but radical right down to the root and you change your attitude if i change my attitude i'll change my state of consciousness and because all states of consciousness are being externalized in the world then that state will externalize itself in my world in a way i do not know for we are told my ways are not your ways my ways are past finding out just trust me so without faith you cannot please god we are told if i would come to him i must first believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him well i seek him in projecting for me that which i desire in this world so that's what i mean by prayer prayer is the attempted communion with god that's what prayer is as we are told in the fourth psalm the fourth verse commune with your own hearts on your beds and then be silent commune with whom i do not need the mediation of any priest any rabbi or any heavenly being i'm communing with myself the depths of my own being is god the father that's my essential being and he's one with the surface mind called neville and in the capacity of the office of the saint call neville i am inferior to myself the sender but the sender and the saint are one you and god the father are one but on the in the office of the saint you're like an ambassador you do not speak with the same authority of the one who sent you to represent him so i represent myself in the world of death but the center is greater than i and yet i and here one this is what i get from scripture and this is what i put into practice this is what i try to teach and tell everyone who will listen to me
Channel: How To Manifest Anything
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Keywords: bussiness, bussiness ideas, neville goddard, best manifesting techniques, neville goddard feeling is the secret, How To Manifest Anything, neville goddard lectures, neville goddard techniques, law of attraction best techniques, neville goddard en español, law of attraction, neville goddard how to manifest your desires, neville goddard law of attraction, neville goddard meditation, law of attraction breathing, neville goddard affirmations, neville goddard abdullah
Id: s4ra0HKWEs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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