Neville Goddard | You MUST Keep Faith No Matter What

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you should find tonight a very helpful message we are told that faith is the assurance of things hope for the conviction of things not seen by faith we understand that the world was created by the word of god so that things which are seen were made out of things which do not appear if you see it clearly you will see that faith does not give reality to unseen things it is loyalty to the unseen reality that gives meaning to the word faith all things exist eternity exists and all things in eternity independent of creation so on this level the shadow level we do not see the reality we do not see the source the cause of it all that's where we are called upon to exercise faith loyalty to unseen reality it really is the abandonment of self it's an act of self commission and man cannot commit himself to what he does not love and scriptural faith is faith in god so any idea that we have of god which does not spontaneously call forth out of our hearts the feeling of love is not a true idea of god [Music] for the whole basic matter is that god is love i speak from experience i stood in the presence of infinite love and it's man so i do not have the problem that others would have concerning this presence that is love i can yield to him instantly for i know he exists i know he exists in me i also know he exists in you but you may not be aware of it i can only ask you to believe it i kneel completely to this presence within you for by him all things are made and without him was not anything made that is made so tonight we will show you what i have done in the past with great success and how it operates now if i wanted something in this world and who doesn't i would formulate an act which would imply that i have it and then in my imagination i would simply having performed that act i would yield completely to this being within me to execute it i would fall off into sleep convinced that he heard me that he saw my act in faith or we are told in the same 11 chapter that i quoted when i first started the 11th chapter of the epistle to the hebrews that we must come to god believing that god exists or unless we believe that he exists we cannot please him so who would draw near to god must believe that he exists without faith it is impossible to please him and so if i took the 13th chapter of corinthians paul's wonderful hymn in praise of love and paraphrased it though i speak in tongues of men and angels and though i had the power of prophecy that i understood all mysteries and all knowledge and though i gave all that i have gave it away so i gave my body to be burned and had not faith i cannot please him i cannot please him without praise because i am not on the surface level of my being i am not going to do it i simply yield completely to him having acted it's an act of self-commission i performed the act what act i act as though i had what i sought i act as though i heard that you have what you asked of me i perform an act and then i yield completely to that depth of my own being who is god and allow him from that death to externalize it for me as he tells us in the 55th chapter of isaiah your ways are not my ways as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways so do not ask how it's going to be done all i have to do is to completely yield to this being within me for he has ways and means i on this level of my being no not out i rise then under compulsion and under this compulsion i go through a series of events which will lead up to the fulfillment of that to which i healed him i assume that it's done and then i commune with myself and gave thanks within me that it is done and it works in every way even in the most marvelous things like this for instance my friend is here tonight he didn't think he could make it tonight but i got his letter this week he said last week having heard you over the years and having received a hunger from your interpretation of scripture for we are told in scripture in the book of amos i will send a famine upon the world they will not be a hunger for bread or thirst for water but for the hearing of the word of god when that hunger comes upon you not a thing in this world can satisfy you but an experience of god now he said i am a stock broker and things have been very very slow since the bottom of 1970 the market has risen but people with money will not come into it because undoubtedly they will burn prior to this yet the market is really healthy today it's growing and growing and growing yet i must confess things have been slow i have a wife i have a daughter who is a minor i have obligations to life and yet in spite of the fact i should really think of these things first the hunger for an experience of god supersedes all other humbles and so i went home from your meeting [Music] and i say to myself i commune with myself for you taught me to believe that the self the depth of my own being is god that sense of awareness that is god like a god you sent this hunger upon me a hunger for an experience of you give me i said in the 86 psalm show me a sign of your favor just a sign of your favor well i had a dream which i did not recall until friday morning on the way to my office as is my custom i turned on your tape i carry a tape with me and my to the office i turn it on and i listen to that person something there clicked within me and the memory returned and i remembered the dream of the previous night and the dream was this i found myself in an ancient world i knew from the feeling from the atmosphere from everything about it it was an ancient world and suddenly a youth popped up over a wooden fence and leaned against a post and instantly i knew that he was dating here is david i knew he was my son yet he didn't speak i didn't speak but it didn't come until i was driving on the freeway driving to my office i have no memory of the previous experiences that you say one must have prior to the coming of dating so i'm a little bit confused was that an adam bration was that a foreshadowing of the event that must take place i will say to him now as he is in this office yes it's the most wonderful foreshadowing for when it happens you will be so scared you are awake from the state it won't happen that way it will happen out of your own skull your skull will explode that's how it happens the whole thing is contained within man within the skull of man and when david comes in the true form he actually comes after an explosion in your own skull as though the whole thing came to an end and then when the whole thing settles he stands before you and he calls you father and you know he is your son and he knows you or his father and then by this relationship you know you are god so this is the most marvelous admiration the foreshadowing in a not altogether conclusive or immediately evident way but who knows the time it could happen now in the fullness of itself tonight tomorrow i am not going to predict when his act is going to happen but i do know it will happen he's been given a sign show me a sign of thy favor and the sign came so i tell you tonight's subject is on faith and faith is something that must all grasp the significance of it for without faith it is impossible to please him and if he makes all things good bad and indifferent and makes it through faith find out the mystery of faith now faith does not give reality to the unseen things it is loyalty to the unseen reality for all things exist if you only saw it everything in eternity exists man exists man is part of the eternal structure of the universe he doesn't go out of the world as our evolution is saying evolution is confined to the affairs of man not to the creation of god yes i take a hold and then i turn from a hole digging the little layer with a hole into a tractor then i will find something far better than the tractor so i will swim across the ocean or rather swim across a little river and then i'll find a raft that will take me then i'll find a little boat that will take me then i'll put a sail on it and that'll do better then i will take something more than the sail and i'll find something with steam then i'll go beyond the steam and i'll nuclear energy and then i simply this is simply evolution in the affairs of man so instead of walking across the continent i now fly across the continent that's evolution in the affairs of man but there is no evolution in the creation of god it still remains a theory a marvelous theory and we are all under compulsion to study it and all right to pass our lessons in evolution as though the thing was proven there isn't one single bit of evidence in the world to support the theory the hypothesis of evolution not one yet is compulsory in all the universities of the world as though it had been proven in the affairs of man yes but not in the creation of god man as he is and all things as they are there are eternal parts of the structure of the universe eternity exists and all things in eternity independent of creation which was an act of mercy so when god said let us make man in our image man existed did you say let us make something and call it man let us make man man existed in our image and god became man there's no way to make him in his image until god actually becomes man so god became as we are that we may be as he is and he's not pretending that he's a man he has to completely forget that he is god i lose all memory of his power that is god and take upon himself the weaknesses and the limitations of man and in this he now is forming himself into his own likeness which is god he's raising within himself that which he became redeeming everything in this world that is the power that is god now while we are here as man you want to be and you name it you want to be successful in the world of caesar in dollars and cents nothing wrong with it you want to be a successful doctor successful lawyer success i don't care what it is you want to be but then formulate in your mind's eye what it would be like if it were true how would you see the world if you were now the man that you would like to be see it in your mind's eye and then yield yourself completely to the depth of your own being how do i do that simply fall asleep in the assumption i dare to assume that i am the man that at the moment reason denies and then fall asleep in their assumption leave me completely to the depth of my own being to externalize it in my world i will wake tomorrow morning under compulsion to do certain things which i had not formulated i hadn't determined i'll find i'll meet the right people i'll do this i'll do that i'll do the other and it all adds up towards the externalization of my assumption just as in his case he now has a sign of god's favor the depth of his own being responded to his abandonment it's a complete self-abandonment and i can't commit myself to what i do not love i can't do it so if my id of god does not bring forth within me the sense of love but then i have the wrong god if i know that he's in full of love believe me he is but the day will come you would have the actual experience and will know that god is all love i stood in his presence and god is man the world of god is not a man he's an impersonal force they're saved he is this he is that god is man the ancient of days without beginning without end that he said concerning david he said although he was a youth he seemed to have no beginning no end he is seen like the ancient of days and yet he was young as described in the book of samuel here is this youth just as described in the book of samuel the 16th chapter the first samuel that's the one i saw that's the one you're going to see well where is he now he is within you he put eternity into the minds of men yet so that man cannot find out what he has done from the beginning to the end that's what he put into the mind of man what did he put there the father and the son god himself enters death's door the humans come and he laid down in the grave the human skull and he's dreaming the dream of life that man is dreaming and in the end he will awake and when he awakes he is the being in whom he entered the being in whom he awakes so you are john you'll awakes as you and because he was a father before he entered you when he awakes as you you were a father and because his son before he entered you was david when you awake your son is david david of biblical fame is the son of god that's the messiah that's the christ that's the power and the wisdom of god so within you is that power within you is that wisdom to do anything that you desire in this world so this is the faith of which i speak how do i do it you can sit right here and you go to bed at night as you're told in the fourth psalm commune with your own self upon your bed and be silent you don't commune with another you commune with your own self that's god for the self of man is god when you say i am yes god there is no other god but you don't see him now he has become invisible the darkest night in the world was when god became invisible he told the story to all of us before we set forth then he became invisible and took up his residence in us he became invisible and in us he is i am my own wonderful human imagination that's not so i don't see my imagination that i see objects in space for imagination is the reality that is causing these objects in space so i see the fruits of its activity but i do not see it because it is invisible the day will come i will see it i have seen him is the ancient of days just as described in the seventh chapter of the book of daniel and also in the book of revelation just as jesus christ he has no beginning no end he is the ancient of graves but his infinite love is nothing but love yet he will wait on us just as swiftly and as indifferent when the will in us is evil as when it is good for it is he who does all things so i kill i make a lie i wound i heal i do all these things and none can deliver out of my hand so if the willing man is evil he will execute it if it is good he will execute it because there is no other creator so he's entirely up to man what he imagines what am i going to imagine but remember when i imagine i must imagine and then completely heal that is faith for by faith we understand that the world was created by the word of god one word a spoken word you're told in the beginning was the word and the word was the god and the word was god it's god himself and his son and his son is david i have found in david a man after my own heart who will do all my will for any will good bad or indifferent is that power in you for he is defined in scripture as the power of god and the wisdom of god so the power and the wisdom to create anything in this world is housed within man that is david when man comes to the end of the journey there's an explosion within his head and then that power and that wisdom of god comes out personified as that eternal youth who is his son the son is david and you are the one who awake and you are the lord the lord called jesus for who is jesus that eternal question i read in the morning's paper rather yes in the mornings paper the archbishop of canterbury spoke the first archbishop ever to speak at st patrick's in new york city and the cardinal introduced him he had a standing ovation that turned the crowds away the cathedral was filled to capacity and this arch which was the canterbury and he spoke to the crowd then he went up to riverside church and he spoke there he had seen in the interval he saw jesus superstar well i haven't seen the play and he commented on it he didn't quite describe it he says it comes at intervals it comes close to a certain christian faith there's certain passages in it he thought offensive but they did not say who is jesus neither did he the archbishop he didn't say who was jesus who is jesus i'll tell you jesus is the man in whom the will of god is fulfilled and that will be true of every child born a woman jesus is the man who accomplishes the work that his father gave him to do and when he accomplishes that work he is his father man matures when he becomes his own father and the day will come everyone will awaken and he will be the father and that is when he fulfills the will of god as we are told in jeremiah the 23rd chapter the word is wrongly translated anger the anger of the lord will not turn back that word anger means breathing forcefully a forceful breath doesn't have to be an angry bed because you're breathing forcefully the word breath and the word spirit are the same involved hebrew and greek the spirit of the lord will not turn that until it has executed and accomplished the intense of my mind in the latter days you will understand it clearly in the very end you'll understand it will not turn back because he has a purpose the purpose is to train for man into god as god not something just to reflect him but as god so you came down you're the gods that came down you are the elohim you've been taught believe you're a worm you came out of a swamp and then suddenly you became a tadpole and you became something else and finally you find yourself a man forget it you are the gods who came down from heaven and assume the restriction the limitation of man this is the limit of contraction and you assumed it and you're going to fulfill a definite purpose amen while you walk the earth as man that predetermined plan will erupt within you and the whole thing will unfold within you beginning with the resurrection the resurrection did not take place in the near east in some little place where they're looking for it now it takes place in man man is where god is buried the holy sepulchre is this color of man it's not in the near east the bethlehem that they're talking about is in the skull of man zion is holy place where he drails that's the scholar man and the whole drama unfolds within man and man awakens within himself to find himself completely sealed within his sky and he comes out like a child being born out of his own style and then a few months later comes an explosion in his skull and that compartment that contained the son of god who was his will who is his wisdom releases the son you would not let my soul remain in hell said in the 16th psalm so he brings him up he resurrects his son and the son is david and david looking at the father and the father for the first time knows who he is memory returned and the father the son was the one who revealed him to himself so the whole drama unfolds within man and the whole thing is contained within the scholar man has nothing to do with anything on the outside they're looking in vain all the archaeologists and they bring back all this nonsense i was on tv one night with one archaeologist and then a baptist minister and a seventh adventist minister and here i all these groups around me this man brought a piece of claw and he said this is taken from the tomb of christ are you kidding no he was sincere he was very serious he's an archaeologist this is taken where in some strange way light has impressed upon it this cloth the image of jesus i said you are an archaeologist and he was brought there were the seven they are dentists and here's the other fellow he is a baptist and i have no degrees none of these things that these fellows have i said to the archaeologists tell me do you look like that picture he said no that's the picture of christ but don't you know scripture it does not get a prayer what we shall be but we know that when he appears we shall be like him and shall see him as he is do you look like him you'll never see christ that you see him in yourself you are the lord jesus christ the baptist then said you're just taking from me 2 000 years of christianity i said i can take it from you i should because if it's true i can't take it from you and if i've taken it from you well then it's good i've taken it from you he didn't like that all this nonsense this piece of cloth mind you well that's what our great writer said mark twain he went across europe and all as he traveled there brought pieces of cloth this was taken from his robe and this the piece of wood that was taken from his cross he said if you took all the wood together they could build a huge house and that was the cross he bore on his shoulder on the way to golgotha take all the little pieces of cloth together it could actually clothe an army and people fall for it can you imagine that you're looking at the holy cloth a holy piece of wood there is nothing outside of man the whole drama takes place within man it has nothing to do with anything outside you're living in a world of shadows and the drama is within so let us now get back to this simple approach of faith do you know what you want either for yourself or for another construct a scene which would imply the fulfillment of your dream just construct it enter into it just as though it were true feel what it would feel like if it were true and give thanks to the one who is going to execute it it's your own being i grant you but he is the depth of your own being he is the father you haven't yet found him but he is the father and you are now on the surface of your being so fall the sleep in the conviction that things are as you desire them to be in confidence that he will execute it i use the word he is yourself but for clarity sake i say he because you're not aware of him as yet you will be one day everyone will be aware of that being and because that being has one son and that one son is the son of all we are one there's only one there aren't millions of gods only one god but the one god is made up of a brotherhood and we are the brothers raising ourselves to the level of the one god and that one god has one son and the son is daily but i've been sent to tell you this and tell you i will and must if only a few hear it what does it matter you hear it with conviction because i tell you the truth it will last i am not here to set up some little ism i'm not here to speculate and try to set up some little philosophical setup that may work no i want no church no ism just to tell you who you are and you will tell it to others and others will tell it because in the end you're going to prove it to be true you can't rub it out because it is true all that i have told you is true i'm not speculating i'm not theorizing i stood in the presence of the infinite being in his infinite love and he embraced me and he sent me after he embraced me therefore love embraced therefore guided by love we became one body as we are told in scripture he who is united to the lord becomes one spirit with him so in the end there's only one body one spirit one lord one god and father of all who is above all through all an eno so don't go looking for him in any so-called holy place in the world people misled morning noon and night by so-called holy men forget it man comes to you telling you the holy person turn around and start running [Music] all these holy fellas they just simply meet you and meet another crowd and next thing they do they run to the bank with what was in your pocket just picked up one color here he's flying off to switzerland he was in spain after having collected a fortune they found three hundred thousand dollars of him on him and he was at the maura rishi that came up through this country it wasn't the maorishi it was his secretary running off the switzerland where you put it into your swiss bank and all the people fall for it morning noon and night and so if you're taking over you hate to hear it because people hate to know that others know they were beguiled and so those who gave their fortunes to him 500 to teach them how to meditate about the nonsense in the world teach you how to meditate this is a simple simple thing you don't meditate on your navel you don't meditate on any of these things whatsoever you know what you want what would the feeling be like if it were true what would it be like assume the feeling of the wish fulfill well anyone can do that a child can do that what would it be like if it were true that's meditating now yield completely and the being within you will take that and externalize it for you meditating on your kundalini fire and all this nonsense has the things to do with it i'm going into so-called diets diets will not commit you or commend you to god to give you a palette didn't he or then exercise the palette too and so i'm going to go on a certain diet friend of mine went on the diet of things that you should only feed parrots but she isn't a parrot eating pumpkin seeds eating all these things if you really enjoy them but don't tell me that you really enjoy them because you could acquire a taste for anything i don't so you can't but exercise that god-given gift it's a palate i simply enjoy it so to come down to the night message on faith by faith the worlds were created by the word of god faith does not give reality to the unseen things faith is loyalty to unseen reality for this thing exists all things exist i tell you my own experience that entire world that is unseen to this world exists now it actually exists not out there beyond the stars right here it's all existing right here and today will come that you will actually awake and you'll be able to step into these unnumbered sections of time a thousand years ago has not passed away and two 000 years from now is not something that is going to suddenly form itself it is now and you are simply in a section of time and the day will come you'll be able to move into any section of time all these things exist now and the purpose of it all is simply to awaken when you awaken who are you you are the author of it all your god god the creator and god the creator is a father and the father son is simply the sum total of all the experiences of humanity fused into a single mean and that single being personified is david there is no other christ david is the christ the anointing listen to these words in the 89th psalm i have found david these are the words of the lord speaking i have found it with my holy oil i have anointed him the anointed one is the messiah that's what the word messiah means a messiah means the same as christ it's the identical meaning now go down a few verses and come to these he shall cry unto me that's future what i just quoted is an accomplished fact i have funded with my holy oil i have anointed him that's done now he shall cry unto me thou art my father my god and the rock of my salvation that's future it will happen to everyone but the whole thing has already been accomplished now is completely contained within this color man that's where the whole drama is unfolding and what is imposed you are god the father and your son is david if the whole bass were rose in opposition because they were taught differently it makes no difference to me whatsoever they have accepted some misconcept of the great story as told in scripture the new testament only interprets the old the old is the foundation and you interpret the old christianity is the fulfillment of judaism but judaism is the foundation that is the tree and christianity is the fruit of that tree and so to bring something else into it is stupid where in the o which is the cree is it stated who is the son of god and scripture cannot be broken and who is the one who is anointed with the holy oil of god is it not david rise and anointing this is he and then the spirit of god came upon him mightily from that day forward never lost a battle for i have found in david the son of jesse a man after my own heart and jesse means jehovah existence everyone one day will know he is the father of david therefore he is the jehovah who exists that is what scripture is teaching it is not secular history until man stops looking at it as secular history he is not going to understand the scripture but to come back to our wonderful approach tonight you want a better job you want more money you want this you want that don't be ashamed of it who gave you the urge the authority you have the desire it came from the depths of your own being for he can execute it he only asks you to have faith faith in what faith in him have faith in god all right where is he is my own wonderful human imagination i cannot see the fulfillment now but he will do it for now assume that i am already the man that i want to be and yield completely to that assumption and fall asleep just completely fall asleep and completely forget it a lady who is here tonight she called me up on the phone here just a few days ago and asked something of me i will not tell you it's too personal but she asked me to please here for a certain thing it's so simple i sat in my chair after i spoke to her on the phone and heard her tell me but she came back tonight and told me yet it has happened jesus you see this night drove all the way in from san bernardino to tell me this tell me and it simply worked what did i do didn't cost me anything are we not told in the 55th chapter of isaiah come buy wine buy milk without money cost you nothing what does it cost anyone to have faith in god do i put a price on it if i charge anyone it costs nothing i can [Music] you
Channel: How To Manifest Anything
Views: 78,896
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Keywords: bussiness, bussiness ideas, neville goddard, best manifesting techniques, neville goddard feeling is the secret, How To Manifest Anything, neville goddard lectures, neville goddard techniques, law of attraction best techniques, neville goddard en español, law of attraction, neville goddard how to manifest your desires, neville goddard law of attraction, neville goddard meditation, law of attraction breathing, neville goddard affirmations, neville goddard abdullah
Id: zpxJVl1_HgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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