Neville Goddard - His Own Credentials

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"). And revelation to Paul was an act of God in self-revealing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott we have another juicy neville goddard lecture delivered on april 3rd 1964 called his own credentials and he covers a whole plethora of different subjects with new stories and some pretty good question and answers as well his own credentials by neville goddard tonight's subject is his own credentials when anyone aspires to hold public confidence they must begin with their own credentials that is they must speak from experience then it will be said of you what was said of the central figure of the gospels [Music] they were astonished at his teachings and they said he speaks as one having authority and not as the scribe now this is a gradual transition from a god of tradition to a god of experience tonight i can tell you what i have discovered but i can't persuade you to accept it one hundred percent it will come you'll try it it will prove itself in the testing but it takes time for a man to give up his belief in an external god and so from this platform we identify god with the human imagination and in doing that we close the gap between god and man and so tonight you may allow the gap to close and then test it if you do you'll get the result but i'm not promising that tomorrow you will not depart from this god that you find tonight you'll simply it's too much it sounds so great so overwhelming you can't believe that this thing really is true so you try it again and gradually as you try it and try it then god himself will unveil himself within you it's called in scripture revelation but paul said the gospel that i preach is not man's gospel nor was i taught it but it came to me through a revelation of jesus christ galatians 1 11 and revelation to paul was an act of god in self-revealing so here we turn back to the ancient scriptures the psalms you and i will read the words and you might think they are said of someone else for by the word of the lord the heavens were made this is the 33rd psalm by the word of the lord the heavens were made and all their hosts by the breath of his mouth let all the earth fear the lord let all the populations of the world every man and woman in the world let them stand in awe of him verses 6 and 8 and now he asks why like you would ask why why should i fear the lord is he not a god of love as the psalmist told me and here is the psalmist writing again so why should i stand in awe of him why should i fear him and he tells me why for he spoke and it came to be he commanded and it stood forth verse nine well i certainly should respect that power for the word translated fear means reverence means to revere to respect and so i must respect a power that is so creative it only speaks and it comes to be it commands and it stands forth well here is a simple story this will amuse you i got it in the morning mail he isn't here tonight he comes on tuesday but he said several months ago the wedding of his nephew was announced for the 23rd of march that was the day of the wedding his sister-in-law his brother's wife came over to explain the family and to which her son was going she said you know the mother of the bride-to-be is quite a snob she doesn't think they're good enough for her and really quite a snob in every sense of the word that this boy should not come into their family but nevertheless it was all done and they were getting married the 23rd when the sister-in-law left this chap who wrote me the story said to himself wouldn't it be fun just to put her nose out of joint meaning the mother of the bride-to-be so he said this is what i did i said wouldn't it be marvelous if my sister-in-law wore a don loper dress well now you ladies would know that the don loper dress is i had asked my wife so she put me wise concerning a don loper dress and so he said himself i'm going to see her in a don loper dress well came the day of the wedding and she wore a very pretty blue dress and he said she looked very pretty in it but i thought to myself it certainly wasn't wedding-ish for a member of the wedding party so the next saturday after the wedding she called to say hello to mother that is she and my brother she said you know i felt myself a little bit underdressed but i said to myself i'll be damned if i cannot wear a don lover dress to my son's wedding now she thought she initiated it she thought she had originated the entire thought then my friend added a little afterline undoubtedly it was the least expensive model but nevertheless it was a don loper then he said now i see why you stress it constantly that all of us should be so very very careful to invest our thoughts rather than spend them because everything that you do you're going to reap so he reaped it and it was fun i wouldn't blame anyone for having that little something in them to get even if your child isn't good enough you wouldn't be human if in some strange little way you didn't do something just like that it didn't offend her didn't hurt anyone but he proved a point now who did it my friend did it well did he fulfill scripture for it said god did it he spoke and it came to be he commanded and it stood forth would that be the same presence spoken of certainly there's only one god only one creative power and he found it in himself as his own wonderful human imagination but i am not going to swear that he tonight will not go back through the habit to the god of tradition it takes a little while to move to grow up and spiritual growth is a gradual transition from the god of tradition to the god of experience when you experience it over and over then you too will speak with the authority that he speaks of in scripture then another one came in the morning's mail this chap said that he works at the airport and so he felt quite inspired and he was reciting to himself the second verse of the second chapter of habakkuk he said whenever i go over there i go down to the very end of the runway a place where i usually go to meditate there's an old gate there and it's almost like a friend of mine i lean against it and dream i lean against it and i think of all kinds of things well two fellows had asked me to aid them in getting promoted and getting more money well he said in my position in the company does not warrant making this decision i have no power to promote them or to raise their salary but i could do it in my imagination and so in my imagination i saw the two fellows being congratulated by the entire staff on being promoted and receiving more money well a few months later the first one was called to be interviewed and strangely enough when he entered the office to be interviewed who was the interviewer but an old friend of his and so the old friend instantly raised his present salary on that same job that when he accepted the promotion it would automatically carry with a bigger salary than that promoted job would carry by taking the present job and raising the salary for it when he now accepts the promoted job it would carry an automatic bigger salary and one month later the other one was promoted with an increase in salary now he said neville all i did was simply put into practice what you teach i imagined that my two friends had what i was powerful is to give them i have no position in the company that would allow me to promote them or in any way raise their salary but i could do it in my imagination and that i did with the result that here today they are working they are all being congratulated i called them up to ask them if they liked the job and they are ecstatically happy on the job now that is simply identifying god with your own wonderful human imagination closing the gap between god and man and trying to keep it closed because it's not the easiest thing in the world for you and i have been conditioned from the cradle to believe in some external power we can't bring ourselves to believe that by the word of the lord the heavens were made and that lord is the same presence in us when we say i am when i can't even make a nail how could i bring myself to believe that by a word uttered in faith the heavens came into being and that being that brought them in to being is one with my own wonderful human imagination that's difficult to accept overnight but it gradually comes when it becomes now a vision an actual experience that's when the thrill begins all that is said of him in scripture you will experience everything said of him you're going to experience at first to you with the experience it's a mere presentment a mere strange foreboding is it really true but when they become rapid and they can come through one after the other it's an absolute certainty at first a mere presentment because you can't believe that you this little you born of a woman who will die in this world in a few short years and that this you that you don't even know the thing that has been happening to you but how could it be you when you are taught to believe that it applies to someone 2 000 years ago listen to these words of the 40th chapter of the book of psalms and i said lo i come in the volume of the book it is written of me o my god i delight to do thy will thy law is within my heart psalms 47 8 here is an inspired man because no prophecy ever came by the compulsion of a man he didn't sit down to compose it but men moved by the holy spirit spoke from god so they didn't understand what they were writing they were writing under inspiration but the time of the fulfillment of it was not yet so here in the 40th psalm suddenly it dawns upon him that in the book itself it is written of me and i thought all that i received in dictation was of another being a being i always referred to as the lord or as my god or by some other name it could not for one moment be me and then it dawns upon him in the book it is written of me and now he sees the whole law spoken of is in his own heart and now he delights to do the will of the lord and now he tells us i have not restrained my lips i have not kept it a secret in my heart i have told it to all the congregation let them hear it and let them now respond either negatively or positively but i told it to everyone who would listen because i have found him and so you find him as your own imagination and then you tell it and while you are still struggling with yourself to convince yourself this thing is so good so marvelous it's really true because it doesn't come overnight when a man finds himself making only a mental adjustment and by that change in mental attitude he changes his inner conversation because the change commands it and compels it and then an outer world appears to conform to that inner change within him well he tries it again and it still proves itself he tries it again now he tries it with others without their knowledge without their consent and it works again he wonders what is this strange power well i was taught to get down on my knees and say the lord's prayer and make some mental image of a being in space that would be listening and would hear and so at the age of 17 i didn't have the courage regardless of how tired i was and how late i came home to go to bed without first getting down on the floor on my knees and saying the lord's prayer i just recited it quickly because i wanted to go to bed but i didn't have the courage to break that habit i didn't understand it our father which art in heaven we all would say but it didn't mean anything to me i had my own earthly father i did believe always believed in a god but until i found him he was always an external god but i couldn't conceive that he could ever see in me anything so all the arguments in scripture take place in us when you read that they say to him well we know your parents we know your brothers and sisters that part of it is not taking place on the outside that's taking place in the mind of the one who has had the experience he knows he does better than anyone else does as you do what man knoweth the spirit of a man but the spirit of that man what man knows the things of a man but the spirit of the man so then this thing happened in him and he was born differently yet he knew the physical birth took place and for he saw himself clothed in flesh and blood and then a new birth took place within him and he knew that was foretold that was prophesied so he goes back into the ancient scriptures and finds the parallel passage and now the argument starts in him because he is making a claim that is fantastic it's opposed by what he knows to be true concerning the outer garment and so he is saying i know my father my mother my brothers he names his brothers i know my sisters and so it is he carrying on the argument within himself and so when we are told the father against a son and a mother against the daughter a mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law this is not an argument taking place on the outside it's the ancient against the present he has made the discovery now and so it's always the father against the son the mother against the daughter the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and not any relationship on the outside it's all in man and so the father represents the ancient traditional concept of life and suddenly i've found that everything in that book is about me it's not about something on the outside at all the battle is on and it's yours until i overcome the war within me so i can then face the whole vast world and it makes no difference if they listen or not because it's overcoming you so then you will speak with an authority that you could not speak with before because now you speak not only from a conviction you speak from experience you aren't theorizing anymore there is no theory this is something that you know because you've experienced it and so this is the story of speaking with your own credentials as paul said when he pleased god to reveal his son in me then i conferred not with flesh and blood galatians 1 16 to whom would i turn what person in this world that has not had the experience or heard of the experience in the way that you've heard it here could throw any light upon the experience when someone is dumbfounded how could they they will tell you as they told me many a doctor has told me why neville it's a strange hallucination i said would you define it for me well they just use words without any meaning they can't define it just a vivid dream well a man can refer to this as a dream because he's never had a vision a vision is truth unmodified by the conceptual mind you're raised above the limits of this world altogether but it's just as real as this only more so and things unfold one after the other so when you return it's not a dream i dream nightly but visions come at long intervals especially the visions as recorded in the gospels beginning with the resurrection then the birth then the discovery of the fatherhood of god then the ascent into the holy of holies and then the descent of the dove they come at intervals stated intervals the first great four two the first night one on the heels of the other and then five months later the second the discovery of the fatherhood of god and then four months later comes the ascent into the holy of holies and then three years later the holy spirit descends in bodily form as a dove the identical experience so when these happen you have no more doubts in your mind if in the beginning you thought that this could only be a peculiar self-induced state you have no doubt after the other one on top of the other so here believe me take this thought this night identify god with your own wonderful human imagination close the gap between the two not god and you just say just god or just you go on now and having found what this present did your imagination you go out determined to put it to the test as you're told come test me and see if i will not open the windows of heaven and pour out gifts so great you haven't room on earth to receive them what do you not realize that jesus christ is in the unless of course you fail to meet the test 2 corinthians 13 5. so here we are speaking of a test of faith really so when we are told stand in awe it doesn't mean well the word ah as far as i'm concerned is an emotion that comes when you contemplate the sublime how would i contemplate god having discovered him to be my own imagination you can you're told worship god for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy well how do i worship god worship means to count worthy that is worthy of observation so you sit down quietly and you turn your attention inward and you become attentive to what is happening now you notice a miracle taking place because you can think of someone and you see them and that's crazy you can think of something else and you see it you can listen and you hear what you want to hear well who is doing it so here all of a sudden you realize who is doing it well if this presence in you is doing it haven't you found him so that's worship you're counting worthy of observation this presence within you at first you see no one you see only the person that you think of you see the scenes you think of but the day will come that the presence that's doing it all will take on the human form and stand before you and then you will know god is man you will see god and you will know he is infinite love god is man people don't believe it i hope you do as blake said thou art a man god is no more thy own humanity learn to adore everlasting gospel and then you know the most beautiful little verse only one verse on the virginity of the virgin whatever is done to her she cannot know if you ask her she'll swear it so whether it is good or evil none to blame no one to take the pride no one the shame i'll give you a vision of mine to see the universal man just one man and to see that you and i that seems so solidly real all these garments they are only the outer skin of that heavenly man all these and you are the heavenly man you have the experience of being the skin made up of all the generations of man constantly changing through the event called death like the serpent shedding skin all being shed yet the it itself remains being re-clothed the new generations and yet it is both and you are that heavenly man a sensitivity in that man you can't describe it at all because as the man you can get below the skin and see the being that you really are that living being but i tell you whatever is done to this virgin is spoken of as that heavenly man and then i saw the sign come before me in big block letters virgin pure and i looked so closely to be sure i was reading it correctly virgin pure and then comes the vision and the actual experience i was that man with all the sensitivity enclothed as skin by every being that walked the face of the earth and then you know the oneness of all the unity of all so i ask you take it seriously try it try it this night for a friend maybe you have no urge to change your world but someone in your world could be changed for advantage and you try it for him try it for her try it for them because it is god in you that you can speak and it comes to pass just as you're told he spoke fear him because he spoke and it came to be fear him standing there why because he's just only commanded and has stood forth and so tom only commanded i'll put her nose out of joint i'll see my sister-in-law wearing a don loper then seven months go by he mentions something to his sister-in-law he doesn't suggest it that she should act upon the suggestion she thinks that she did the entire thing and justified it when they met this summer after the wedding by saying i said to myself well i'll be damned if i cannot wear a don loper dress for my son's wedding and that's how she justified it she felt that she was a little bit underdressed but that's all right it was a don loper that's all there was to it that's all that he asked undoubtedly she's not a lady of means and maybe she never wore one before and may never wear one again but tom knowing the law he can always keep her clothed and don loper dresses doesn't take any couture in the world they could all be used that's what they're here for to sell dresses and if you want to clothe your sister-in-law better than she has been clothed you can do it without her knowledge without her consent i've seen people doing all kinds of things but after they do it they still don't believe it worked that way and they will say it's just my luck or that was simply luck well you know what the word luck means luck is a name given by those who have no faith to the works of faith that's what luck is there is no such thing it's all the outpouring of these imaginable acts of men so you act with faith and no power in the world can stop you the man had no power to change the position of two men he couldn't increase their salary but no power in the world could stop him from doing it for them and he did it with results now today if he's here tonight i hope with his eyes and ears wide open he will close the gap even more and keep on closing that gap to find there aren't two of you you can say i am he in all the scriptures it's simply i am he but who are you i told you i am he but you haven't told me this day oh yes i have well who is your father well my father is he whom you call god but i know my father and ye know not your god and after that comes the argument and the argument is taking place within you for him speaking from experience it wasn't easy to discover this and overnight to fuse to it it wasn't because the very next day you had an unpaid bill and no sums to meet it yet you found that your imagination is god can't go back on that discovery and yet your anxiety now postpones the day of the harvest you can't quite bring yourself to actually imagine the end because the need is now urgently now and so you postpone the closing of the gap in until finally you'd rather die be cut in pieces than go back on the discovery of the one and only god the one who is your own wonderful human imagination that's god and don't think i'm robbing you or taking anything away from you in fact if i took anything it would only be the idol that you've kept alive in the place of the living god so when you go to bed this night just worship god close your eyes just turn on the inside you might see a glorious light golden liquid light moving around your head and moving off into space like a man blowing a smoked cigar only this is living light something that comes out of your head this way it forms circles and goes off and puffs from your forehead you simply become entranced with it all and then you could turn away from it to something else but think of any friend this night and in confidence and hold god which is your imagination hold him trustworthy trust him implicitly to bring it to past because this is your world you spoke and it comes to pass you're speaking the word when you imagine something in faith you must imagine it in faith as we are told many heard it but it was not mixed with faith in those who heard it therefore they did not get the results they heard the same word in the book of hebrews but only those who heard it and received it with faith got the results and the others were called the children of the wilderness because they kept on moving through the wilderness they wouldn't stop for one moment to turn in and worship god and prove his existence and his nearness and the oneness with god the day will come to every one of us because not one can fail now we are called upon to set our hope fully upon the grace that is coming to us at the revelation of jesus christ set your hope fully upon this grace and grace is god's gift of himself to man directly no intermediary none whatsoever there's no intermediary between you and god when you read the story carefully you will see that no one ordained him no bishop no elder no president he has no intermediary in fact he repudiates all institutions all customs all laws that interfere with the direct access of the individual to his god no one in this world can be between yourself and god call upon a friend if you feel that the thing is too pressing call a friend if you trust him to believe that his imaginal act relative to you is true then call him call her because we're all one anyway but don't believe for one moment that intermediaries are essential to your access to god it's all god and god became man that man may become god i took this night some other form of god from you i don't regret it because only as we die to these gods can we find the true god the living god the real god and i can't tell anyone the thrill that's in store the actual thrill it's morning noon and night thereafter you sit no matter where you are and you dwell upon this loving kindness that has been shown you by the very being that you really are you dwell upon it just can't think of anything but it goes on for years this thing started with me before i found the principle i found the law well the law thrilled me when i got results marvelous but when god began to unveil himself within me on that morning of the 20th day of july 1959 from then on i could think of nothing but yes i had to fix certain things but it doesn't really hold my interest very long i go back and ponder this greatest of all things best of all things and then try to tell it to as many as will listen that it's going to happen to everybody and no one differs in the eyes of this being that i saw and was when i saw it this universal man that is one man living being allowing everything to be done to him by man's misuse of him for he's all imagination and my misuse of my imagination hurts this very sensitive part of me wish i could share with you the sensitivity of that part it responds quickly and allows everything that you do to it so what air is done to her she cannot tell and if you ask her she'll swear it's so whether it's good or evil no one to blame no one to take the pride and no one the shame for in the end the what we have done be like scarlet it'll all be washed just as wide as snowed doesn't really matter in the end all things will be washed white as snow and you will be the god that in your darkness you worshipped as another than yourself so when you read the bible in the future i hope you do it daily try to get the mood that the book is written about you in the volume of the book it is written of me he didn't know it and then his heart jumped for joy he said i delight to do thy will but he couldn't believe that this whole thing could really center in him centered in you as an individual there's another letter i got this morning but it's too long because there are so many dreams in it it's perfectly wonderful i want to thank you if you're here you tell me you come quite often that letter came i read it with great great interest i have it on file but it's too long to take up from the platform tonight again let me appeal to all to test it and then share with me by giving me your letters that i in turn may tell those who come to encourage them your faith my faith together will encourage all if i can just share one two or three stories a night based upon actual experiences i don't want anyone manufacturing these stories please don't manufacture a story tell me exactly what you did what was the objective you applied it and how it worked that i may have your letter on file that i can turn to it i don't imagine you'll ever question my honesty but i would like your letter on file so that if someone should question that i can bring the letter out so you write and take me into your confidence and share with me this use of the greatest of all laws for there is no other law so tonight you can start with the man you are with the woman you are and change yourself completely by the use of imagination you have no one to whom you can turn for promotion all right you don't need him no one can give you a raise you don't need him no one can dress you properly you don't need him all you have to do is use your imagination to dress yourself properly and you give yourself promotion and do all the things that you really want to do except do it first in imagination and then you'll do it externally a chap came to me in new york city and he said neville i want to make and he mentioned his sum of money he was an engineer but he never really made big money but always held responsible jobs i said where do you want to work well he said there's a firm on madison avenue and he named the floor they operate i said would you go there if you got the job he said yes until they send me overseas they always do things all over the world but until i received my appointment i would go there every day i said now in your imagination get on that elevator and go up feel the thing ascend get off at that floor go in the door hang up your hat and sit at your desk that is all that would imply if your hat is hung up now and you're at the desk you're working there in one week he got that job with a salary he had never dreamed of before unfortunately and yet not unfortunately because we all have our exits from this world at appointed hours he was on the job and simply died he was only there four years in one day heart attack young man 56 years old but that's all right he lived fully and before he made his exit here he discovered a creative power within himself so he and his wife and daughter always came to the meetings and before he made his exit the three of them found god if the blow was so great that it turned them aside to another god i don't know some people you know turn aside and they think they should not have done that it displeased god and then god took me or took my husband from me they think of a god of retribution and i have found the god of love infinite love no retribution whatsoever and so he was simply called at the appointed hour but i could take these and multiply them by the dozens the hundreds yes all go into the thousands of these stories and one seems more fantastic than the other but we are told in spite of the number of the signs that he gave them and the character of the signs they still did not believe him they still did not believe him i can talk to many this night before i came out i got a call from new york city this lady got off the plane last night and called to ask me to help a certain dear friend now at a distance she wouldn't mind if i was called but when i meet her in the flesh in the month of july in barbados she couldn't possibly credit me with the power to change a condition in her life that someone else that she trusts implicitly as a doctor would feel it's going to take time and this can't work this way it may never work and so to turn to something you can't put your hand upon you're trying to touch god but you can't touch him he's just like quicksilver and he hides himself in his own creativity he creates something and hides himself in it just like quicksilver so here this night just go into the silence and imagine the loveliest thing you can imagine of someone and when you break the silence believe in the reality of what you have done and don't expect a long interval of time between what you've done and the fruition of it believe that it's done just believe it's something now and it will come out the end of these lectures neville would always give two minutes of silence before question and answers as we will do now now let us go into the silence [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] question does it help in any way to have many minds with the same faith on one thing rather than one can the one by itself [Music] neville says did you hear the question does it add to have many minds work on one thought or just the one mind itself well in the end there's only one i don't feel that you can add strength by getting a crowd about it i really don't simply faith in the imaginal act by the individual who is performing that act and if i turn to others hoping the crowd will do it well it's a lack of faith on my part this man did not take anyone into his confidence he simply did it for his sister-in-law and would not even suggest to her it would be nice if she got it next question is inaudible neville says and pray to your father who is in secret and your father who is in secret will reveal you openly so you are asked to enter the closet alone and shut the door of the senses go right here and close out to everyone in this room therefore you close each door of the senses on everything here and you are in communion with your father who is your very self next question is inaudible neville says can the imagination extend the appointed time of death if i go back to the bible i would have to answer in the negative there's a time to be born and a time to die a time to laugh and a time to cry time to plant and a time to reap and we have all these in the book of ecclesiastes because of this fixed frame that is called a play that the author of my fate and finisher of my fate does not allow me to alter the fixed frame but he does give me great freedom within the framework of his plot of his plan to give me himself for his purpose is to give me himself directly he inserts me into this framework and really there's no death but i mean our exits from the stage and our entrances from the stage the bible tells me they are fixed that's what it tells me question is inaudible neville says for my own sake i do it for my own sake for how shall my name be profaned my glory i will not give unto another isaiah 48 10 can't give it to another he has to make you himself and when in his eyes you are perfectly made then he gives himself his glory is himself question inaudible neville says if you read it carefully it's the most cruel experiment on an innocent being and that's man my dear therefore job was completely innocent of any guilt whatsoever for he didn't know god he started off in the beginning with everything in the world possessions 10 children beautiful daughters possessions wonderful sons a nice wife and then comes one blow after the other his friends depart from him they all begin to leave and then the sores come everything comes and then in the end he's made to say in the very last chapter i have heard of thee with the hearing of the year but now my eye sees thee job 42 5. he wasn't convinced of the reality of god until the very end for he spoke only from the cloud he spoke only from some concealed area and then he wouldn't even speak to job and job knew that he was innocent and said that if i would have the pleasure of standing in his presence to defend my innocence for he knew if he stood in the presence of god he would be god because man becomes what he beholds and only the pure in heart can see god therefore if he could stand in the presence of god that would imply he was pure in heart therefore that in itself would be a fusion with god so he asked god to please let him come into his presence to defend my innocence for he knew if he stood in the presence of god he would be god because man becomes what he beholds and only the pure and heart can see god therefore if he could stand in the presence of god that would imply he was pure in heart and therefore that in itself would be a fusion with god so he asked god to please let him come into his presence and plead his case but in the end i have heard of thee with the hearing of the ear but now my eyes see thee and then you see him and then there are no more doubts in the mind of man who sees question on the one hand jesus is saying i am the way i am the life i am the resurrection then on the other he prays our father i can't understand neville says the fatherhood of god is revealed through his son and only through his son he said i go to my father and to your father to my god and to your god he establishes this point don't think for one moment he's telling the world that i differ from you i have found the fatherhood of god i and my father are one when you see me you see the father and what revealed me as father god's son revealed me as father for i saw him and he called me lord called me father and i knew it there was no uncertainty in me when he called me father i knew he was my son it takes the son to reveal the father no one knows who the son is except the father and no one knows who the father is except the son and anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him matthew 11 27 so one night an explosion and standing before you is this eternal youth it's david and he calls you father well he's already called me father the scripture is call paul father these who claim they are awake you must have called them father it's part of the unveiling of god in man therefore when he calls you father though you answer to the name of bill and i answer to the name of neville and i have a child and you are not that child's father her name is vicki but i also have a child a son and one day you are going to know that you are his father and i won't be envious we are one but you will not know that unity of being until the son who revealed me as father also reveals you as father and so if you are the father of my son and i know i am well then are we not one so in that day the lord will be one and his name won that's what we're told in zechariah so all will know the same son as their son and there will be no envy because we will be the father he's taken us to the father he said i am the way to what really to everything but specifically to the father so follow this way and you'll be led to the father and when that moment in time is right for you you have an explosion and standing in your room in your presence will be david the eternal youth olam i have put eternity into the mind of man yet so that he cannot find out what god has done from the beginning to the end ecclesiastes 3 11 and that that he put into the mind of man and hid it so that man cannot find out is olam and olam is the eternal youth eternity is a youth it's not an old man and so that's the second psalm i have begotten you today i have begotten you thou art my son this day i have begotten you verse 7. these words are addressed to david to alam the eternal youth when he stands before the king and the king wants to find out the father of that child he's not interested in the child the child is this grandchild that brought down the philistine goliath he said whose son is that youth nobody knows well inquire whose son is that's stripping nobody knows so he turns to the sun himself he said tell me son whose son are you and he answers i am the son of thy servant jesse the bethlehemite well the word jesse is i am that's what it is the word jesus is i am and so david did call jesus father but in scripture jesse is the father but it means the same thing it's i am because he's promised to set the father free not the son the son is concealed in everyone and the son has to make the father free so if it makes you free that father's free he made this father free he makes all the fathers free and in the end altogether they form the one god the one father is that clear and so this concludes the lecture his own credentials by neville goddard and we get some amazing descriptions of imagination neville's at his best when he's talking about imagination we get some stories here and a couple of additional bits of insight that we've sort of got in the past but neville does believe we all have a specific time that we die and that we can't control that with our imagination i know some people have questioned the story of neville saving his sister's son who is dying and in those cases neville is not able to help somebody overcome their death i would ask about lazarus once you have the power does he not raise lazarus from the dead that's the only question i would have with that the thing that you can take from neville the stories that he gives about the law are always amazing and you can understand the law you don't need to understand the rest of it you can tell that he went through this event this experience that specifically is attributed to him and he kind of talks about that a little bit saying that the doctor thought maybe he was hallucinating and there's a difference between hallucination and vision so he is addressing that argument here and there's some interesting questions one of them in particular does it help if more people are imagining i disagree with neville i know that we're all one but if we're all imagining the same thing i believe in my own experience it's more likely there is a social memory group that starts to form but he is making a good argument we are still all one and there could be a lack of faith in saying i need to have a lot of people imagining this because me alone will not do it you can alone imagine anything so it's an interesting answer to that question one that i've asked myself i would love to get your insights on this lecture there's some very interesting things about imagination and continue to study these lectures because there's always some nuance that he adds to the ways that imagination can become reality in any case you can find all episodes at the and welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 9,977
Rating: 4.9388795 out of 5
Keywords: neville goddard freedom for all, neville goddard, feeling is the secret, neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard imagination, neville goddard live in the end, neville goddard power of awareness, neville goddard scripture, joseph alai, brian scott neville goddard, neville goddard lecture, neville goddard bible interpretation, law of attraction, neville goddard states, Neville Goddard His Own Credentials, His Own Credentials Neville Goddard, his own credentials, god
Id: _fdYrUAkyXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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