Neverwinter mythic enchantments (free no money down)

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what's going on everybody Infinity iion here all right I might as well chat to you about free enchantments to Mythic how to get enchantments to Mythic for free what I mean free is you didn't put like $100 $50 $20 and buy them at the Zen market right I mean I mean like you need to put a dollar in and you're getting it for free so even if you get a 20% discount it's still going to be 800 Zen and for my knowledge uh 1,000 Zen is $10 so if you buy 2,000 Zen is 20 you're able to buy a 500 Zen for $5 but the whole thing is no Zen no putting money down if you're on Xbox you can convert diamonds to Zen instantly no problem but but PlayStation thing you might have to spend $10 for the VIP for the month that's it but if you didn't do that don't worry just it's going to be a little tougher but I I would just slide $10 and that's 30 days 30 days of diamonds they give you a free 7-Day VIP so you're going to get 37 days of VIP so that's 37 keys right so for instance back to what I was saying enchantments right I got my first one to Mythic on the PlayStation took me a whole month right so after you got to refine you need buy you need 600,000 diamonds so you need to refine your diamonds every day cuz I I just spent it yesterday so what you do is it's expensive on on Playstation God they're expensive bro they're only like 500,000 on Xbox bro super cheap Dirt Cheap so you come here you put Mt Mythic so on Playstation you go to buy out so on Playstation right now it's 650,000 that's expensive that's 150 more about 70 70 to 100,000 more on Xbox everything's cheaper on Xbox so you got to get one of these so you got to refine for 6 days 7 days pretty much a whole week right so you get one of those now for instance the next one I'm going to start it's the recharge bonus refinement points I just spent my refinement points don't worry these glips of potencies right so you're got in one week you're able to buy the mol colis and mol so you need three of these right so to get those free and they show you to they give it to you in the in the Legacy Quest so if you got two characters you're able to get two to four weak depending how many they give you if you got more characters like if you got the sale and you ended up getting five characters cuz of the character slots running like 150 Xbox I'm talking to you because it happened to me and I had like a thousand Zen and every every slot was like 200 plat I mean 200 Zen so I bought like five of them I got like 12 characters on on the Xbox all free pretty much everything free as soon as possible here you got to sacrifice a week worth of stuff to get something like a bag you got to sacrifice two days to get a bag so I had to buy one bag at 72 see 72 I bought one bag it's helping me out plenty so to on Xbox it's 80,000 on Playstation it's 120 to 150,000 depending on the day so back to the potencies come here I already did the ones for for this week you also pick a campaign that you're trying to work on to make it go quicker and then once you turn them in you're going to have these points see I got five left from the last week's rotation so you get 10 so you complete two quests that's 10 10 of these medallions and then you get one one gpse of potency that's one so you go to another character do the other two quests that's two right if you got a third that's three but I wouldn't do them right off the bat like Monday you know since you got to wait the whole week till refine to get the coist award do all your campaigns first and then at the end of the week like you know the last few days that's when you knock out that knock out the legacies with the rest of the characters that you're not ranking up and not doing stuff with that all you're doing is Legacy Quest and and the found and professions that's it so all you're doing with other characters is praising so you get your pity go to Vault of pity and so you get your chess your legacy Quest and professions that's pretty much it so all you want to do with the alternative characters you only really want to be playing two characters at a time especially if you're starting and the second character has to be you aact you do want to play you know you're going to make multiple characters but don't be switching just stick with the two it doesn't matter like like I got the wizard I'm which is my main character I'm completing everything on here so once I finish oh that was another thing once you finish the meth uh once you get it to Mythic right you're able to to share bound it so technically all my characters got this and I'm going to show an example so check this out so I got the Mythic Jade you unequip it you you want equip it and then you come to home and claim valuables and then you go left trigger and it'll be here then you turn it in right you turn it in and then just switch the class artifacts and then slip back and it'll be the first one and then you select it and then you're able to retrieve that one and then you just equip it back on right then like I said it takes a month it took me a month so took me a month and then I go to another character I'm just going to show you real quick now watch I go home yeah yeah yeah yeah here we go you see Mythic Jade so all my characters are able to to get this Mythic Jade my first one that I got for the PlayStation then all you do is you come to here and then you're able to equip it so I would just unequip this one equip and then move this one over here and that's it that's all you got to do so next month I'll be able to have another Mythic enchantments so that'll be two Mythic enchantments but I want to do the recharge speed one so I can have recharge speed for all my characters characters that's pretty much it if you need refinement dread ring gives you a lot of refinement there but if not what I was just say if you really if you still need some it's not they're not that expensive you'll see they're not that expensive see look 25 25 brilliant diamonds for only 38,000 that's 25,000 a piece so 25,000 * 25 exactly you got enough to to do the the whole enchantment if you just need two you just need 50,000 there you go look 43500 you see how cheap they are they're cheap so maybe I'll just buy a 10 pack I I would have bought this 10 pack 25 25 t 10 that's 200 you know 200,000 plus refinement that's enough for your rank boom but you should be getting the your finement the brilliant ones what are you doing your daily cues for your random dungeon skirmishes now if you're lucky to get into a trial even better but trials and Advance uh they want you to be at least trial I I believe they want you to be at least 50,000 or more and then Advance they want you to at least be 55 lowest so 60,000 they'll take you in if you're DPS if you're healer or tank yeah you got to be 60 60 65 70 well that's pretty much it guys that's how I got free enchantment without spending any money all right well thank you for watching till the next time
Channel: Infinity eye 1
Views: 1,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neverwinter, PS5Share
Id: KjoKp9U-IYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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