Neverwinter | 21 Tips for New Players in 2021

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Well hello. When I was a new Neverwinter player,  I really didn't know anything. And, to this day,   I sometimes feel like I don't know anything, but  the point is that there's a lot of information   new players usually don't know, or at least they  aren't exposed to, and they end up making mistakes   that cost them later. the game has changed a  lot since my last interation of this video,   so i thought i would continue my yearly tradition  by updating it for 2021, module 21 and beyond. if you're not a new player, some of these things  are probably gonna seem obvious to you, but,   like i said, a lot of stuff isn't made clear  to the players who are just starting out, and   hopefully this video will help those players out  and make some things easier for you to understand. tip #1. during the final quest of the vellosk  adventure, you'll learn about invoking your   patron diety, the god that you chose during  character creation. you'll want to invoke   at least once a day, and use the celestial  coins you get to buy artifact packs for the   chance at getting a coalescent ward. these  wards give upgrades a 100% success rate,   and they're usually used on upgrades that have  a 1% or 2% chance at success. you can also save   these packs and open them during the double  refining stones event if you need enchanting   stones. invoking multiple times a day also gives  you a chance to get coupons for the zen store. #2. make sure you collect as much of the free  inventory space as you can! you're gonna be   collecting a lot of items, and, trust me, you  won't regret having a lot of bag space, ever.   since the release of the 21st module, jewel of  the north, you'll get a free 42 slot bag naturally   just by completing the vellosk adventure while  you're leveling up. if you started playing during   the neverember's recruitment event, which happens  a couple times a year, you'll also get 2 more free   bags just from leveling up during the event and  opening the level-up reward boxes. you'll also   gain a currency called incentives during that  event, which you can use at the incentives store   to purchase another 42 slot bag. you can get  another free bag from using someone's referral   link, which i'll talk about later, and other than  that, the only other place to get bags, other than   the auction house or the zen store, is the temple  of tiamat trial, which you'll unlock at level 20.   there's just a small chance to get a 20 slot bag  from that chest, so it's not super common. but,   unless you get a really good discount, it's  usually not worth it to buy bags in the zen store. #3. make sure you're opening all the treasure  chests, mimics & skill nodes that you see,   and sell the mount insignias that you don't  need. insignias are a hot item right now,   and you can make a decent amount of astral  diamonds from just selling the ones you're   picking up on your adventures. well, decent astral  diamonds for a new player, anyway, and you can use   those astral diamonds to purchase other things  for your character to give it additional boosts. #4. while you're creating a character, do  a quick search to figure out which ability   scores you should be focusing on. this way you  can pick the racial ability bonus that suits you,   and you'll know where you want to put your points  as you're leveling up. but, at the end of the day,   racial bonuses only make a very small difference  in your performance, so if there's a race you   really like the look of, just go with that one.  you'll enjoy yourself better if you have something   nice to look at, rather than something that you  personally feel is ugly, but makes your character   do better, so you feel like you have to pick that don't have to pick that one. trust me. #5. if you've looked at any guides for your  class, you're sure to see them mentioning   certain stats to focus on first, but don't worry  about this until you're max level, level 20.   just enjoy the leveling experience, try out  everything your class has to offer, and find   the powers and feats that you like to use.  you can always change everything later. #6. if you are a brand new player, or  if you have a character below level 10,   you can use someone's referral link to get some  gear, a free mount, free companion, and a free   bag for more inventory space. my referral link is  in the description if you would like to use that,   but it's only going to work if you also play on  PC, because I play on PC. if you have an xbox or   playstation referral link, you can share it in the  comments so that new console players can use one   of those. you can claim your rewards with the big  "claim rewards" button on the home screen (which   you get to by pressing L on pc, I don't know what  the keybinds are for consoles because I'm a noob)   or you can just go to the reward claim agent  in the enclave. if you already have a character   higher than level 10, it won't work, even if you  delete the character, which is a bit unfortunate. #7. once you reach level 5, you'll  unlock the ability to participate in   daily random dungeon queues. this is how  you'll get most of your astral diamonds,   so make sure you do these  as soon as you're able to.   you can repeat the random dungeon queue until you  reach the daily rough astral diamond cap, which is   80k from queues and 100k in total. vip players  can get all of their 100k rough ad from queues,   but if you don't have vip, you're limited to only  getting 80k rough ad from queue bonuses each day. #8. after completing a few adventures and  some random queues, you'll have collected a   moderate amount of astral diamonds. but, don't  just go spending it all willy nilly, either.   i'd suggest buying some rank 9  enchantments with offensive stats,   and maybe a couple companions that  have active bonuses that you'll use.   there is a link to a spreadsheet created  by Rainer in the description of this video,   and that spreadsheet has all of the companions  in the game, their bonuses at each rank,   and a bunch of other useful information. you can  use it to decide which companions you want to buy. #9. join a guild. guilds offer  boons that significantly increase   your stats and item level, as well as  a whole bunch of people to do quests,   run dungeons, and hang out with. however,  don't just join the first random guild that   will pick you up. read about the guilds you're  interested in, talk to a couple people from it,   just to make sure they speak the same language  and are in a similar time zone as you,   and see if you'll enjoy yourself there.  you can switch guilds whenever you want,   but your first experience is the most important,  so might as well make it a good one, right? #10. don't be afraid to delete a character and  try another class if you aren't enjoying it.   you get 2 character slots for free, so that's  already 2 classes that you can try out,   and getting additional ones is really  cheap, especially during a sale.   there are 9 different classes in neverwinter  now, so if you're not feeling the first one by   the time you unlock paragon paths, which  is level 11, try a different one. each   of the classes has a different playstyle, so  there's bound to be one you'll have fun with. #11. as soon as you unlock the workshop,  choose a profession and start leveling it up.   professions will allow you to make various  potions, armor reinforcement kits, dyes,   and gear. it'll also allow you to participate in  event specific professions, such as the summer   festival, where you can craft limited time foods  like watermelon sorbet. you can also sell the   various things that you craft, and it'll help  you earn a little bit more astral diamonds, too. #12. after every few quests you complete, check  how many adventurer's seals you have. if you   have at least 250, you can buy a piece of gear  from the seal vendor that will be much better   than whatever you're currently wearing. you can  find a seal vendor in the adventurer's guild,   in the market in the enclave, and in some of  the adventure zones. buying this gear will make   your life way easier, and may even be the deciding  factor if you can complete a certain quest or not. #13. experiment with your class and try out its  different powers before copying a build you find   online. you'll have more fun trying what you  think is interesting, and you'll learn more by   experimentation rather than choosing what someone  tells you to while you don't understand why. #14. you can only have one buff from  each type of consumable active at a time.   you can have one potion, one stronghold food,  one event food, one elixir, one trinket,   and one invocation buff active at any one  time. applying a second buff from the same   category will just override the first one,  which you probably don't want to do, unless   you accidentally eat the wrong thing and get food  poisoning or something, but...i'm not judging . #15. look around for giveaways. after a new  module comes out, there's usually a few promotions   floating around the internet with free stuff  that you can get. it's usually just potions,   injury kits, a cape and so on, but occasionally  there are unique mount or companion ones.   some content creators also receive codes  occasionally to give away to their communities.   if you do get a code from a giveaway, you can  redeem it in the arc client, or on the code   redemption page on the forums. there's also a  link in the description if you can't find it. #16. if you find yourself wanting to support  the game, but you aren't sure what to buy,   get vip. don't buy campaign completions or a  character boost if it's your first character.   you'll miss out on a lot of learning opportunities  and be clueless when it comes to group content.   vip will grant you one lockbox  key each day, which will give   you a chance to get some rare items that  will give your character a huge boost.   the different ranks of vip also have their  own unique bonuses that can improve your   quality of life while playing, so make sure you  check it out if you want to support the game. #17. don't be afraid to ask for help with  a quest or if you have a question about   anything. zone chat may seem intimidating,  but there are people there who will help you.   you can also ask someone in your  guild or alliance if they can   assist you, if you're not feeling  particularly extroverted that day. #18. if you don't have vip, buying protectors  enclave teleport scrolls will be helpful.   it's really annoying when you buy something new  on the auction house and you're really excited   about it and you want to equip it RIGHT NOW, and  you really need a mailbox to collect that item,   but there's not a mailbox for about 13.8  miles, and you have to run for, like,   20 minutes just to get to a teleport gate. if you  can't tell, i've had many experiences with this. #19. if you find yourself failing a dungeon  over and over and/or not understanding how   to beat it, look up a video or a guide! don't get  discouraged, some of them can be pretty difficult,   especially if the people in your  group also aren't familiar with it.   there are a bunch of content creators making  guides, either written or video guides,   to help you better understand how to  beat the different content in the game. #20. make sure you collect your rewards  from completing the different adventures!   they're meant to help you improve your character  outside of gear, such as enchantments, companion,   mount, mount collars, and bag space. don't  throw it away or let it sit in your inventory,   it's gonna be useful to you until you're  able to replace it with better stuff, so,   you might as well open and equip it right then. and lastly, but certainly not leastly, #21. after  you reach level 20, start the adventures in the   order the recommended item level recommends  (or don't, i mean, i don't really care). but,   completing adventures will give you boon points  to nudge your stats upwards further, as well   as gear transmutes to change the appearance of  what you're wearing, and rough astral diamonds. well, that's all the tips i have for  you today. if you learned something,   or if you have some tips of your own to share,  please let me know in the comments. also, if   you like this video and want to support what i do,  consider checking out the join button down below.   it's right next to the subscribe button, which you  should also click if it's not already clicked ;) anyways, thank you for watching or listening  or whatever, i hope you enjoyed this video and   gained something from it. i'm  gonna leave now.....ok bye!
Channel: Silv3ry
Views: 73,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neverwinter, neverwinter gameplay, neverwinter online, neverwinter pc, neverwinter build, neverwinter classes, neverwinter pc gameplay, neverwinter mod 20, neverwinter mod 21, neverwinter bard, neverwinter 2021, neverwinter new player guide, new player tips, neverwinter help, silv3ry, silvery, neverwinter casual player tips, neverwinter returning player tips, jewel of the north, neverwinter jewel of the north
Id: jp2CdM6Be3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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