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rev up your engines okay here we have the Matrix now my wife's matrix it's a newer one it's 2010 you bought it used two years ago but about four granted it can run forever but there are a lot of differences so we'll start out with the Numero Uno difference this is an S it's got the big engine it's a 2.4 liter four-cylinder engine but on the plus side it's not like my grandson's one that burns oil because this is a 2010 this is a 2007. these are good engines not good piston rings in it it doesn't burn any oil but on the other hand if your Cheapskate like me I think it's 24 miles a gallon with this 2010 with a 2.4 it is a four cylinder but it's a 1.8 liter engine Rhode Island back to Tennessee I got 37 miles a gallon he gets 24 miles a gallon on a highway there's a big difference in gas mileage on those engines I love the 1.8 my celica's got a 1.8 my old Corolla SR5 out of 1.8 they can run forever and they get phenomenal gas mounts they got enough horsepower it's not as Zippy as this 2010 and you also have to realize for truth sake he's all-wheel drive all right as I say if you don't need it don't buy it you're going to get worse gas mods we got all-wheel drive there's more friction he's even taking it in kind of Muddy not off-road off-road he likes driving through in the snow not getting stuck but he did admit one time he gave it a little too much off-roading situation in a little bumper got ripped off now there's only a few plastic snaps holding the stupid thing on I know that but kind of embarrassing if you're going off-road and your Bumper's sitting there in the mud you know and he hasn't any problem in the transmission Toyota knows what they're doing when they're making these snakes and it's got more mileage than my Matrix we'll go inside how many miles this baby has man it's got 179 000 miles on it and if you look it also has traction control mine doesn't it's still got the stock CD player Radio in it no backup camera and a regular gear shift here easy to get to AC everything still works on it I think I'll throw it with a computer to see what kind of shape everything's in but a typical Toyota Corolla realized originally they were called Toyota Corolla matrixes then they just shortened it to Matrix and that's Megan Cambridge Ontario just like my wife's car was made then they stopped making it made a lot of people mad they some people happy because since they couldn't buy another one they kept their old one and I got customers these things have 500 000 mods on them and they're still running strong Toyota didn't want to admit they made a mistake so instead the other year they came up with the Toyota Corolla hatchback they didn't call it the Matrix but a late model Matrix and the Toyota Corolla hatchback you can see they're both matrixes they just I guess decided they didn't want to do it like they do with other ones well we'll make the ventil we'll stop making events and then we'll make it makes them look bad so instead they called it Toyota Corolla hatchback so if I was going to buy another car I'm too cheap I'll never buy a new one I would buy a Toyota Corolla hatchback sometime in the future if this thing ever wears out maybe I'll never have to who knows but they say what's in the name you know it still is the same thing as a matrix they just didn't want to admit that they screwed up with names again so and interesting enough all the ones that I've seen they were made in Japan as I said this one was made in Cambridge Ontario it just says Canada but it's Cambridge Ontario my whole theory on why they stopped begging in there is because they still make cars there but they decided to make lexuses there where there's more profit they knew the Canadians knew what they were doing putting them together right they wanted to make more money I mean these things are relatively cheap the Lexus has cost a lot of our money so it's just strictly a profit motive they want to sell bigger ones now this one you can see people have shot some of the stuff went bad included back on and it looks Rusty and stuff because it lives in Massachusetts the land of rust but let's look under the car see what the real story is still solid as can be Toyota learned how to rust proof these things from the get-go now I know naysayers are going to say but Scotty those Tacomas and Tundras the frames rusted on Realize one thing this baby doesn't have a frame it's unibody construction for some bizarre reason Toyota screwed up on some of those Thunders and Tacomas and they didn't coat the frames right the frames all rotted well this doesn't have a frame to coat the unibody was coated perfectly they used all kinds of anti-rusting paint it's installed electrostatically on the whole body it dips in a big positive electricity one that paint's a different one and it gets in all nooks and crannies and holes and bonds on these things really don't rust I mean this is the proof now the owner just gave me a good start and it's a warning for everybody else rained a bunch the other day there's water all over people were getting stuck well he decided to drive through it and it made it through it but then a bunch of Lights came on and now when he disconnects the battery puts it on they go out for a day or so and then they come back on again well we're gonna put my computer up anyway see what the heck's going on with that you don't even though it's all-wheel drive you can see it's a relatively low vehicle you don't want to go through deep water the car will make it but then you can mess up the electronics and you always have to consider and you can see here they weren't stupid the air intake is right here on the top now in the old silicos the air intake was down here that's how I got the original Celica for my son that he destroyed driving to Boston when he was going to college the woman's daughter drove it and she drove over an open manhole cover the water was spewing out it sucked water and it blew the engine up so always figure out where your air intake is but you still don't want to drive through all that much water because there's a lot of electronics so let's get out my machine and see what it says then we got it hooked it up seat back a little there an automatic scan and here we go now normally Toyotas don't have all these codes so I'm assuming water intrusion has something to do with it so let's read them we'll start with the ones that probably don't mean much the airbag system indicator of Auto pattern seat airbag active mode now yeah the airbag recall brought it in they fixed they probably didn't reset the code so we'll just go back we'll clear the code let's go backwards and see what this code is tire pressure monitoring system well we really don't care about that he's got a power pressure gauge but we'll see what the codes are the transmitter you can't get data from the main transmitter and the transmitter number two who cares car works perfectly fine so huge tire pressure gauges interesting up my L7 Matrix doesn't have a TPMS system wasn't built with one and I like it I like tire pressure gauges one of these systems breaks down when it gets old costs a fortune take tires apart put a new tire sensors and then have it reprogrammed and you're still trusting an old computer system tire gauge is a lot easier to use I will go back to the next one four-wheel drive system we'll see what that code is malfunction of engine control system that could have money went off-road who knows we're going to reset that one too he doesn't have any problem with it working the ABS system that probably has to do with the sensors too same code as the other one the cruise control has five codes we'll see what they are it's just enough one is the EVAP emission leak detection pump is stuck in the off mode and the other is stuck in the on position I guess it can't make his mind out whether it's stuck in the off or on position so we'll reset it and see what happens after we drive now normally you won't see it in a Toyota anyways especially that the EVAP pump is stuck on and it's also stuck off so I'm going to that water probably did something under there to the EVAP system there could be some water intrusion in there now the only one we really care about is this and that's the main control and that's got 15 trouble codes so let's see what they are but lo and behold now there aren't any and I didn't even reset it as soon as I went to check it they disappeared so I'm assuming they're really ghost codes since I went to check them and then it says there's no codes here and then I go back to the main data and the thing that was red it said 15 codes is now green it says no code so talk about a real ghost code we're chasing go oh it's there so let's see what the reality is we'll start her up and we'll look at live data as you can see there's a lot of live data there's 198 points of live data that's a lot of data the color coding we're starting looking at ones that means something all right the math sensor is good battery's good now both the short term and a long-term fuel it's running a little bit lean it's adding a little bit of fuel now at this high mileage there's no surprise that probably the fuel injectors are somewhat dirty so I'd say get them clean put some good cleaner in try that it runs good enough but it's not getting a problem that a lot of these get which is actually makes a typical on these this doesn't have any I can feel there's no shaking or anything but a lot of these will get vacuum leaks this particular one doesn't have it and as you're sitting here idling it's starting to go down the short term is starting to go down a little they'll often do it they run a little bit off until they warm up but cleaning the fuel injectors can help you can see it's pretty close to Perfection the target air fuel ratio is 0.992 and it's 0.99296 it's really close pretty efficient still even though it's got 179 000 miles on it as you can see the battery voltage is fine battery's fine alternator is charging fine see here it's got zero misfires these things rarely misfire and if they ever do misfire a lot of times the ignition coils just go out so if you get a misfire on cylinder number one just move the coil from number one to four four to one the misfire goes to four just by another ignition coil this one's still working fine it can last a long time but that's a real easy way to fix them don't take it for a spin now the hoods always sound tinny so be forewarned yes they all sound tinny no backup camera we gotta look back good thing we're looking back there's a truck there ancestors has a rather low front snout we're gonna go pretty slow over the bumper it'll drag and we might rip the bumper off don't know when you hit the bumps you're gonna feel it they have short wheel bases like any of them like the cx-30 Mazda I tried out the other day they're all gonna be relatively rough riding I did a Subaru Crosstrek two days ago and it was the same you're always going to get a bouncy ride on these they're just the wheelbase is too small and they're made this particular one is the Sparty one so they're made to be a little bit sportier handling and they handle quite well they just are rough riding when you get on a rough roads so we'll get to our little intersection here where there's always the unending traffic jam okay here we go and I do have to say the 2.4 liter engine there's a lot more acceleration than my wife's Matrix does yes it's definitely got more oomph there's no arguing that this is all-wheel drive too so you get a little more Dragon you generally lose a little bit of acceleration but you don't feel on this it's Zippy and just like my wife's Matrix hey they're fun to drive they Corner really well they don't over understeer and being all-wheel drive you don't have to worry about the rain and the snow and this thing the dogs are all quite well but as this owner found out he went through the water but then he's got lights on now because he probably got a bunch of the electronics wet underneath they're not made for going through deep water they're relatively low to the ground so you don't want to be going through deep water or you're going to probably have deep electrical problems as time goes on he just had that happen maybe it'll dry out it runs perfectly fine it's got a smooth idle not particularly shaking or anything but since it's all-wheel drive we'll step on the gas it doesn't Skip and slide like my wife's matrix it's only front wheel drive you do get a lot more control I'll give it that but I'm a cheapskate and I'd rather get 37 miles a gallon on a highway instead of 24. that's just me I'm a cheapskate four thousand dollar Matrix a couple years ago still runs really well he shouldn't have gone through that deep water but it still runs perfectly fine I do have to say it certainly has to do with water that it said it had all those codes for the electronic control system when I went to test it they all disappeared and then it said no codes and went from red to green with me just trying to check them not even erase them so I let it dry out for a while that's what I said as long as it runs I have never ever seen that on a matrix myself but I haven't worked on anything went through flood water either that's why you stay away from flood water electricity water and cars really don't go together now you know what you get with an S and all-wheel drive if you're a cheapskate like me you'll go for the 1.8 instead of the 2.4 and get a lot better your gas modes on a highway not quite as fast also consider you buy something like this and you spend four grand in it lasts you years and years you can't really complain about gas mileage one way or the other if I was looking for a car and I needed one and I found this I wouldn't poo poo it for that kind of money I'd buy it anyways and drive it around yeah if you're really cheap you try to find the 1.8 liter engine but these are kind of hard to find in decent condition used because most guys are like me they buy them and then they drive them forever I had a guy the other day he bought it for his wife to get better gas mileage to go from Fort Smith the boss and the work back and forth and he said you drive it for four years and then you know I don't want it we'll do something else well that was eight years ago and he's been driving it the last four years and said oh well it runs forever and it gets a good gas mileage what do I care he missed his old Toyota Supra with a turbo but hey he's got kids now he's growing up so it's a shame that they don't make it anymore but like I said that really the Toyota Corolla hatchback is a matrix in Disguise anyways I know this is going to last and if they last four or five hundred and it's only got a hundred thousand on it it's going to last a long time I can't say that about the new technology because it hasn't been out long enough to see if it's going to last or if it's not going to last if you 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Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 152,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, best toyota, buy a toyota, buying a toyota, buying a toyota matrix, car advice, here's why, matrix, matrix review, mechanic cars, new cars, old matrix, old toyota matrix, review, toyota, toyota matrix, toyota matrix problems, toyota matrix review, toyota review, worst toyota, a sad day for toyota owners, toyota owner, owner, should I buy a toyota matrix, used toyota
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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