Never Stop Learning Contest - Round 8: Helmet

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[Music] hey everyone this is justin bate from the rap institute and welcome to round number eight of the never stop learning online wrap contest i love this wrap contest because basically what you're going to get is a mini workshop and you'll see an object wrapped live real time with commentary and what's cool is if you guess how long it takes to wrap that object you win a super cool prize and this round is sponsored by techrap they make a lot of great color change film and ppf and you have a chance to win a roll of their new olive green gloss metallic film worth around 650 bucks and they'll ship it right to your door whether it's your house or your wrap shop super cool stuff so i don't know if you can guess but the object that's gonna be wrapped in this round is a helmet super cool and so i love wrapping helmets because you can customize it because this is just a plain jane white helmet in just a matter of a few minutes you're going to see a transform in this case with gloss black on the side and a chrome stripe in the middle and the people are going to be doing the wrapping are marcos and reiner why don't you jump on in fellas so obviously with the rapids too we always try to talk about you know doing everything in three stages prep install and post and the prep obviously was cleaning in this case and obviously putting masking tape down the middle to find the center point and then some knifeless tape on the sides to do the cutting so once the prep is done now you guys have your tools ready you got your squeegees grinders prepped the material we did a really cool cutout for the little rivets at the front and with that i think the prep is done you got everything set heat guns good workspace temperature and what's nice about you know when you want to wrap a helmet you always want to secure it so it doesn't move kind of same thing with mirrors and door handles so in this case i'm going to be the dummy holding the helmet which is going to be awesome i'm going to tighten it up a little bit right now and with that being said are you guys ready to rock and roll yeah you're you're ready with the time so i got the time ready to rock and roll so you're about to learn how to wrap a helmet but you also might win that role from tech wrap let's get to it and bam clock is ticking let's go guys so reiner is a one of the rapid student trainers we're based in munich and also in america and marcos is actually is a great story marcos was my translator when i go down to brazil and i teach workshops and do sign shows down there so marcos has actually become a very very good installer i think it's a great indication of what wrapping uh watching a lot of videos to get you and also lots of good hard work and practice and his brother jimas is actually a great trainer and installer as well and this is this is pretty cool you feel good i feel great now it's almost like it's almost it's just a stuff haircut should i feel like if if you wants to you can see more so it's pretty critical but so perfect yeah very cool awesome so the security guard and ryder has a cool trick with the heat gun right now so yeah i was thinking so one is cool two is hot and that's even better put it together but we can heat it up really easily so flow can you heat it up our material really hot so you wanna have it really hot right now pick this up so what we're doing right now is it probably too because helmets will do here is you want to heat a wide area also nice extra set of hands and then here [Music] you feel good that was good again stretch the material and they're conforming and reading the wrinkles so everything kind of conforms right to the shape of the helmet and again having those two heat guns is really critical right now in terms of heating in a wide area you definitely want a wide area to heat and then just kind of form it on which is super cool and notice that they're obviously pointed with a good tension but once they get it on what's nice about this adhesive the techcraft that has what's called airyvest features so they're not going to get bubbles when they squeegee so they can basically what's called glass it out get it wrinkle free onto the helmet and then they're basically just going to squeegee it on and cut everything out so they're pulling it reading the wrinkles good teamwork how's it going guys good beautiful [Music] do you feel good or you feel comfortable as i said i mean it's almost like a nice massage it's really great to have our own guy who is heating so flow thank you for the support flow's a great installer based in germany has a great company so flow really knows the material and what ryan's doing now is he's clicking his blade so it's extra sharp i think we're good to go we're good to go you need to first set up the knife less don't cut in your shoulder hopefully but you say you just only need to cry cry if it hurts okay if you if you want to cry so one thing we try to push on the rap institute when you're when uh in all the videos that we teach we have over 2000 videos that you can get a script unlimited access to all the videos for for as low as eight dollars a month which is super cool is the idea is that you know really understand your material we've made probably point i would say about 10 product videos for tech wrapping those we love we basically have their product bullets and we make it into video form and you really have to know the material you know tech wrap is a calendar film and calendar film is a different style than they say cast there's two types of films on the market cast and calendar and calorie film has a different stretch than cats hold his head so he moves around and like cut around so it's almost like when you go to the barber and the barber says put your head down and be still when you do this thing so basically i don't want a bad haircut i just don't want a bad wrap cut so right now miranda's wrap cutting my hair get a nice good steady clean so they use knifeless tape to cut the stripe in the middle and right now rinder's using a very sharp blade just to trim off the excess film and we teach a lot of that on the wrap institute we're getting back to the tech wrap and calendar film it's just a calendar film you know you can definitely wrap curves with it you just have to know the properties and approach it in a different style and that's why marcos and reiner are doing so good such a good job as they really understand the film because actually helmets are actually one of the hardest things to wrap i'd say a top five things to wrap in the industry i would say are helmets door handles mirrors outdoor handles mirrors helmets bumpers everything was just round everything was round i would say even kind of funky too so one side is done pretty good it's awesome going so far so notice what they did too is they cut out the hole where the rivet goes ahead of time and that was a really cool tool that's from yellow tools so basically cut out that you find the shape that you want bumper sensors cut the shape ahead of time so that means they don't have to stretch over the race object and then cut it which means that you might either come up short or you might over stretch so good tip for that so marcos close the liner ryder is going to set it right over that rivet right now and i use my two hands to set it here try to fix it somebody so it's it's really funny if the object also and moves with a little bit kiss of heat here and let's stretch with triangles out here now this leaves super smooth and then we can pull even harder here and we try it in this way that we really heat everything up and stretch it and form it around right now you feel good justin that looks so cool it's even hello very good perfect so and we heat it up again here because here comes wrinkles you say wrinkles on the outside two less stretchy on the inside so we need to stretch the inside of the helmet and here we go i'll just shape triangles good it's pretty critical here because we also have a rice object on the side so not so funny i can feel ryder kind of pulling in the right directions and you know we always try to say you know read the wrinkles and use the little kisses and spread the tension out so it's all about reading the tension but one of the things that i i started saying on the rap institute a couple years about a year and a half ago is what i call a little bit shorter so right now the main installers are marcos and reiner again great installers but right now flo is just adding an extra set of hands you know flow's just kind of hanging out and you know basically reiner said yo yo can you help out for a second so it basically takes that double heat gun which is super cool it's like a double shotgun heat and basically it allows them you know to kind of warm the film more talking earlier about that calendar film you know calendar film is generally a little thicker than cast film so if this was a cast film i would say they probably use one heat gun but because it's a little thicker having two heat guns usually allows them to kind of stretch and warm the film nice and thorough so they can work it on and just glass it on so you feel them kind of kind of hit those sweet spots at the end really finishing everything off and a little light to see her it's almost look a little bit like darth vader so that's a funny one yeah and i can honestly say this is the first time i've ever worn the helmet while it's been wrapped and it's actually really quite relaxing same thing but i don't know about you guys when you guys get a haircut it's always kind of like chilling out and someone's just kind of massaging your head and cutting your air and it's cool i think i'm gonna have more helmets to wrap i'm definitely willing to volunteer enjoy it enjoy it so again i want that you know and then what coming back to you know wrapping helmets and stuff like that and one thing we're always trying to talk about in that institute is knowing the limits of the material and what's you know anyone can wrap you know something like let's say a fender or helmet or a bumper perfect for a day it's all about having it hold for the long term because you can heat and stretch the material and people think it's like paint but it's not it's not liquid it's a solid so you have to know how far you can take them to film before it starts to fail where it starts to fail is you see it lifting out of recessed areas or lifting on the edges and getting what's called fingers so right now what marcos and reiner are doing right now is really kind of finding the limits and the helmets definitely push the material to its limits so if you're a good professional installer and you'll definitely become one if you get on the rapids to watch all those videos and practice is getting to that point where you know the limits and you can wrap stuff like helmets because again you can customize a helmet in just a matter of a few minutes which is really nice so you got the knifeless tape set up you got the masking tape getting that center point and then what do you guys do i can't even see what you guys are doing right now just trimming everything cutting it's raising objects on the side that you can open later or closed later the riser okay and i cut it exactly on the line so after that it looks a little bit white but it's also nice because it's a nice edge yeah i was you know it's interesting with helmets too helmets you know i've wrapped quite a few helmets in the day i actually uh vacation in in thailand my wife is half thai and we go there and we actually it's always fun i always try to take the helmets that we get on the scooter and i wrap them and they're always tricky because a lot of the stuff on the helmet those tricky bits like where rhinos working around it's actually hard to take those off those are really kind of pretty much set on the helmet so you really have to learn how to cut around them and sometimes especially if you're wrapping something that's white and trying to turn to black that's always tricky it's finding that balance between making good clean lines and it which is cool so speaking of finishing i can see that they're kind of getting that nice relax on the edge right now and squeezing everything down nice and clean and one thing to think about too that's really popular especially in america is babies sometimes you know have to wear helmets for a certain period of time and a lot of people actually make good money and he's wrapping those comments and a lot of people actually give those away as a kind of like a charity which is really cool so it protects the baby and you can kind of customize it and that's one thing i love about wraps is customization is that you know if you can imagine it you can wrap it which is awesome so i guess i'm assuming though based on what you guys are doing taking off the masking tape that the black is done not almost you need to cut it on the outside okay and put them off so basically so now you're kind of finishing the side and again you can see that you know helmets because there's such a big curve they do are definitely involved i think you know having two people especially on something like this helps obviously if you want to make some money and profit otherwise you know i would say definitely set aside a good solid half hour 45 minutes to wrap something and you might think well just a helmet's not that not that big but it's not about size it's about curves and that's the same thing with recessed areas don't judge anything by its size i think it's a good lesson in life anyway so uh trim everything off do i need to move right now no please no it's just this is when i say okay size around curves but if the object also moves exactly that makes different to cut the right and pick up a nice line around that okay so be safe it looks even cooler so why are you putting this visor down right here so we start then with the middle we pull off the masking tape here and then we clean again okay and put some knife list on the sides that we have a super nice so right now i sprayed as a spray tear okay i love it don't go to the next stage until everything's in the plate the section that you're working on is complete so right now by taking the masking tape off you might have a little adhesive residue left over so reiner has just taken the you know time to clean up any adhesive residue and now he's actually switching i got this right on my nose he's actually switched us the first round that it is was called design line and that string is made out of polyester and that cuts the material without having to use your knife which is super cool and you always want to do that when you're cutting directly on the object now they're switching material and i talked earlier about knowing your materials calendar and all that stuff and that the black gloss film is a new hd film from tech wrap so it's around i would say seven mil thick it's multi-layered but it's gloss and it cuts nice and easy with design line but right now they're putting on chrome chrome's a totally different animal so no new material chrome is a multi-layered film and it's around 11 mil thick and it's made of different properties so therefore if you cut it with design line they might not cut as clean so they switch to precision line and it's interesting with precision line you always want to do what's called pre-tabbing so what i'm just doing right now is he's releasing the line from the precision line a little bit and what that's again called pre-tabbing the real reason why you want to do that is the line of precision line is made out of wire and because it's made out of wire it can't make a little fragile when you initiate your pull so by releasing it ahead of time before you put the material down you just eliminate that stress of it breaking once you have the material on so again good tips and fix for that and having a visor really nice because then i could put it on the visor and rock and roll so marcos cleaner so awesome i also cut the hole in the middle here and with more material i only try to make it in the right size yeah around here and this pre-cut piece really helps save time in terms of over stretching especially with this type of material and i'd like to come back to talking about marcos again marcos is you know one of my favorite peeps in the industry he's a great translator i've been working with marcus how long have you been working together now like seven or eight years yeah something like that and again marcus's soldiers we always only heat up in the middle and we stretch back and i stretch to the outside a little bit yeah okay good go back back back that looks perfect and we work in stages here and this material loves a little bit of heat not too much so only a little bit and warm it up gently and we got it bam cool i would say so coming back to marcos you know marcos is a translator for a long time and then uh marcus's brother james awesome installer he's a rapid student endorsed trainer down in brazil so if you ever need a workshop in brazil definitely check out you know james's workshop can you lift your head a little bit so anything you want so marcos actually picked up the squeegee and then started becoming you know a full-time installer and he's actually in germany and now for the last few months wrapping cars and he's become very very very good installer actually he passed the avery dennison certification test which is not an easy test in north america so just shows that by watching a lot of videos and really kind of understanding raps and you know by translating you know my workshops and demos has picked up a lot of knowledge and marcus would you say just like you know watching a lot of videos and picking up the knowledge you really sped up your learning process oh for sure the process of prepping it's really important to be consistent you can get this by watching the videos and different objects being brat it helps a lot cool cool and just practicing hands on time and again this is fun wrapping helmets how's it looking guys perfect i'm feeling good right now like it's super relaxing just it's almost like she's got that haircut they've got the wrap cut going on trimming everything off again super sharp blade light touch when you cut directly on the surface if you can use the knife's tape great but again you can see by knowing the different types of material and stretch you can really wrap a helmet and again wrapping it in three pieces keeps the material from over stretching so if they try to wrap in one piece it would definitely over stretch wrapping in three pieces neutralizes that tension and if you think about it the chrome strip that went on top because they're structured that's going to like pull back but by just using the necklaces that's actually holding the stretch from the side so once they have everything down okay the prep was obviously cleaning lining up the knifeless tape right now they're just finishing everything off so what marcos is doing is taking a microfiber towel and just cleaning up any residue and sometimes with the precision line you'll see a little bit of adhesive residue left behind that's just the green tape leaving that behind so it's all about cleaning that off right now and just finishing it right so it's client ready and what's nice about this particular one if you wrap a car you have to wait for the client to show up and pick up the car but dude i'm wearing the helmet i am ready to rock and roll so as soon as you say go i'm jumping on that motorcycle super cool stuff so i feel like you guys are close but they're just taking time to finish it you guys tell me then super cool how's it going guys how are you feeling how are you feeling how are you feeling i'm pretty good so that's awesome so like i said so i would say time wise i think we're about ready to call it what do you think yeah that's good okay so whoever wants to win that role of tech wrap i'm going to hit the clock right there stop the clock in 16 minutes and 52 seconds we've got a super cool helmet thank you thank you tips and tricks for this one and i'm going to spin around check it out cool stuff so now you know how to wrap a helmet and if you pick at the right time you just won that roll of film from tech wrap so big thank you for tech wrap for sponsoring this round hope you enjoyed it and definitely check out round number nine next week thanks for watching just
Channel: Wrap Institute
Views: 6,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C4JLwiBz0Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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