NEVER QUIT - Motivational Speech

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[Music] what do you do when the world is telling you to stop what do you do when everything around you is going against you when other people are questioning if you have what it takes and you start questioning yourself you're going to fall down sometimes and you're not going to know if you have the strength to get back up so often times you walk around acting like everything is fine when you know inside you're falling apart maybe you're living in fear not knowing what's going to happen in the future maybe you're worried about what people think of you what people say about you and that fear paralyzes you you feel stuck and I wanted to ask you today can you see a way out of this mess because in reality you probably won't when all hell breaks loose in your life you probably won't know what to do or where to go and that's okay but I need you to hold on to faith faith that things will get better for you because as bad as things are as dark and nasty as it gets there's always a way to come out on top and when you can get through all this terrible you're going to see exactly why it had to go down like that those experiences are what shape you and form you into the person you need to be in order to go to higher levels they will make you better but every time you hit a low place and things go wrong all those discouraging voices in your mind come back again don't they you start saying to yourself I'm a mess up I'm a failure I'd be better off not being here and we just keep feeding ourselves this toxic thinking you have never changed your belief about yourself and you will never completely be healed or whole until you change the voice you hear inside of your own head so when you're in the midst of the struggle in the center of Chaos in the aisle of the storm you got to remind yourself who the f you are and what you are capable of you have greatness in you and you need to cut off those negative thoughts and voices in your mind saying you can't make it you don't have enough money you don't have the education you don't have the support and you start redirecting your mind into positive affirmations telling yourself I can do this I have what it takes I will make it every time you do this you break down those weak insecure parts of yourself and build up your self-confidence and anytime you get external voices telling you something similar saying you can't do something you block them out and you show them what the hell you're able to do working as hard as possible to prove every single one of them wrong I need you to create a belief inside of yourself that won't be denied a belief that says I will find a way and if I can't find one I'll make one I will not be stopped the only thing that separates the winners from everybody else is the mentality of a winner when everything is against them they learn to pull out more of themselves and muster themselves up to believe they can get through whatever the is in front of them they know that this too shall pass that the pain is temporary but the pride and victory of getting through it lasts forever you ought to look at every negative situation in your life and say you're a liar every time something Whispers in your ear and says you can't make it through this you can't take this you're going to have a nervous breakdown you're going to lose your mind you're going to die like your mama did you're going to get sick like your father did you got to talk back to those voice and say Hey you are lying I'm better than this I'm tougher than this I can handle this I can go through more than this I can be more than this you will not defeat me I will break you before you break me you got to remove every voice in your life that says you can't take it you can't learn you can't do it you can't have it you can't be it you'll never get up you'll never get better you'll never survive you need to get those out of your life right now because those are killing you and killing your potential you can do be and have whatever you want in this world but you got to have the right thoughts in order to get there and that starts with removing all the toxic negativity around you and within you and doubling down on the thoughts of possibilities and positivity looking for Solutions not problems and in order to do big things in this world and make breakthroughs you don't need a million dollars you don't need the right connections you don't need someone to come and hand it to you all you need is to truly believe in yourself believe in your abilities believe in your ideas and don't doubt yourself cuz when you can wholeheartedly commit and believe in something so strong others will believe it too and before you know it you create a shift in this world and you can make this thing you once saw as a dream into your reality this message is for those of you who are at your breaking point you've come to a point in your life where you say I can't take this anymore I don't want to go through this anymore I don't want to live another day when life knocks you down when you feel like you're a failure when you feel like the fight is over and you don't see a way to get up you have to find it deep down inside and you get up and fight again in every season you will go through something that'll help you for the next season in this round of your life you may be getting knocked down you may be going through trials and tribulations but I tell you once you get up you'll be able to fight with strength you never had you'll be able to do things you never thought you could do you'll be able to go places you never thought you'll ever go but you have to see it in your mind you have to see it in your heart you have to fight from deep down inside of you you must speak it out you must think it out before it actually happens that's the only way you're going to keep fighting where you don't feel like fighting you have to know in your mind that as bad as it is right now as much as I hurt right now this is not my final outcome this is not the end of my story you may have lost the game you may be losing the game but it's not over if you fight until the end you can come back and get the victory go Stronger Just Another Day your breakthrough is almost here you need to go one more rep just as hard as your last one because your competitors are trying to outwork you today right now stay in that gym J a few minutes longer go just a little harder and you will come out on top with the vitim keep going a little stronger hold on just a little while longer I'm telling you your breakthrough it's right around the corner don't lose your faith don't give up don't quit ride through this storm because on the other side there's sunlight There's Hope so you will know what it is once you make it you've got to take a few more steps there's a reason you had to go through the hurt through the pain and you'll find out soon why cuz we've all had to go through something to get to where we are download this video and audio by becoming 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Channel: Ben Lionel Scott
Views: 55,007
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Keywords: ben lionel scott, motivation, motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, speech
Id: hIFhfRFQ3Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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