Never Fear Dropping your Motorcycle Again | New Rider Tips

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[Music] how's it going everyone so i'm on my buddies what year is it again 2016. 2016 kawasaki concourse 1400. and with all the parts and the extra protection and luggage and everything it's probably 700 pounds so how do you not fear how do you get over the fear of dropping your motorcycle so the main thing is first when you're just coming to a stop the bike is heavy this thing is 700 pounds of course make sure the bike is absolutely vertical your handlebars are straight and your eyes are straight as you come to a stop that's just general basic tips right but mainly it's about when you're doing a u-turn you're doing low-speed stuff how do you go with the fear of dropping it so like right now i'm at practice every single time anybody has ever dropped their bike we go up to them we pick up the bike we make sure they're okay and i always ask them what's the last thing you did with the clutch right before it tipped over and 100 of the time i pulled the clutch in when you pull the clutch in at low speed maneuvers you take away the power to the bike it just becomes a 700 pound piece of metal it just wants to fall over so the key thing is if you look over here to the clutch right so the every bike has a friction zone a part of the clutch where you have power and no power so right now it's in first gear so look at it so right now this is all dead zone and you need to know this about your own bike this does nothing so if you pull the clutch all the way in and you're like oh my god where's the power in this delay of you of you playing with this dead zone that's when the bike usually drops the friction zone which means you ease out the clutch the bike starts to get power there it is and i pull it back in see that it's just this much that is the key for low speed maneuvers you pull the clutch in just enough to cut the power but then you ease it back out just a little bit to get the bike power it's just a play of that friction zone the clutch is not fully all the way in it's not fully all the way out now we're just talking about doing the low speed technical stuff u-turns moto jutsu drills that's what i'm talking about so a lot of times i see people it doesn't matter how many fingers you use one two three four it doesn't make no difference whatsoever however if you use two or three at least you have one finger your pinky wrapped around the handlebar so you leave a little bit more control i would recommend practicing that but even if you use all four that's okay it doesn't really matter but the idea is you don't have to go all the way in because there's an inch and a half a dead zone and you can always adjust your clutch about how far that friction zone ends you have to make it right for you but the main thing is it's only this much movement power no power power no power so i'm gonna go through right here i'm just gonna do a couple figure eights a couple circles no breaks this is just throttle and clutch if i feel like oh my god this big 700 pound bike is about to fall over the sensation you get the bike wants to fall most people's reaction is you pull in the clutch now it probably will fall and if it's if it's gonna fall just kind of don't hurt yourself trying to hold it back up just let it fall over that's why you have crash protection anyway if you think the sensation oh it might fall over that's when you want to ease out the clutch a little bit to get the bike power and it'll stand back up that's the key now but i mean give the bike power if you let go of the clutch it's probably going to stall and 100 you're gonna tip the bike over so again the friction zone is a half of an inch power no power power no power check it out so as i'm doing look at this real quick just to let you know watch this this is the process i go through with any bike that i ride so like where's the friction zone okay it's too far away for four fingers so i went to three how far was it away it's still a little bit too far for my liking for three fingers so i'm switching to two and now it's just right there there's power there's no power you see that now if i wanted it closer i would adjust it to get it closer to the lever so i'm only using three fingers but you just kind of figure out okay where on this bike he has it set up for him but for me okay i'll use two fingers for this power no power power no power okay let's just take how am i going to figure it out how do i want it i'm not going to use the brakes we'll go over the brakes open later how do you feel most be turned to not drop the bike it's all about the quest [Music] mike wants to fall over [Music] when you're hearing that i'm not doing anything with the throttle i was pulling the clutch in and eating the clutch out i'm just slipping the clutch i'm riding the clutch with the throttle it's actually irrelevant you could go a whole lot of throttle you could do no throttle i want the bike to have power based on the clutch alone not just the throttle so you can keep it steady but if your bike is a little bit less cc less power than this big old bike you might have to add one percent throttle maybe 3000 rpms and just try to get used to holding it there so the bike always have power and you control how much power you want to give the bike just with the clutch so that's what you hear [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] no brakes being used just a clutch just a clutch that is the main key the bike feels like it wants to fall over most people pull in the clutch take away power the bike tips you get that sensation while you're practicing your youtubes ease out the clutch a little bit give the bike a little bit of power i'll stand it right back up then pull it right back in it's all about that now if you add the rear brake you can start slowing the bike down more it's like an anchor dragging behind a boat you can slow it down a little bit everything else still applies up here but you just kind of get your speed a little bit slower you could do tighter turns just a little bit more variability of what you're allowed to do [Applause] found that pull up [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming to a stop handlebar straight eyes straight bike straight up and down so i couldn't possibly come to a pause and stop like that and kind of play around without the rear brakes so you get to practice that eventually but the main thing is the clutch it's all about the clutch hopefully this makes sense to you think about more about with the clutch and not so much to break when you go out there and practice if you have any comments feel free to comment below you know i'll get back to you and thanks for watching you
Channel: MotoJitsu®
Views: 100,108
Rating: 4.9672918 out of 5
Keywords: Riders, motorcycle, motorcycle tips, motorcycle safety, motorcycle riding tips, new rider tips, motorcycle riding, riding, motorcycle training, motorcycle training course, motorcycle safety training, how to ride a motorcycle for beginners, how to ride a motorcycle, how to motorcycle, road safety, motorcycle vlog, beginner motorcycle riding, motorcycle course, motorcycle skills, motorcycle techniques, motorcycle videos, moto, moto moments, MotoJitsu
Id: GYpcn6A3Qrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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