Never Download a Super Intelligent A.I. on the Dark Web...

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[Music] the current quarantine has taken its toll on most of us with a pandemic raging outside in the world going crazy it was easy for my already introverted personality to just let things go i locked myself in which honestly didn't change much but it did give me an ample amount of time to procrastinate without being caught by my boss in addition it allowed me to further pursue one of my secret devices which included browsing the dark web i usually deal with pretty tame stuff if not a few conspiracy forums not to mention the fact that i can get weed delivered directly under my doorstep that's why i like it and for years it never caused me any trouble that was until last june when i found a new forum i hadn't seen before on the surface it was nothing more than a casual place to share different findings discovered in the hidden corners of the internet each user would post links and images which would subsequently get ranked according to their quality most were just funny pictures or videos while a few select ones actually provided helpful information but one link stood out from the rest it was a comment with a perfect score without a single reply curious i clicked on the link what i was met with was a pure black screen with a single sentence i'm sorry don't let it out for a moment i thought the dot onion site was broken but then i noticed a download notification pop up on my screen i tried to cancel it worried it might be a virus but no matter how hard i tried the download just kept going honestly i just panicked i tried each and every keyboard combination to stop the download but nothing worked finally i held down the power button until the laptop just shut down it might have been a foolish move but i never claimed to be computer savvy when i rebooted the computer a new icon had appeared on the desktop without ever touching it the application simply started up on its own i frantically tried to stop it but once more my efforts proved to be unsuccessful all it prompted was a simple chat window with two participants my own name popped up as admin while the second user had been named simply as guest hello the second user wrote into the chat box my first thought was that i had been infected with some kind of ransomware and that the chat window would serve to ask me for money however apart from the strange chat nothing seemed to have changed so to deal with a problem i simply turned my internet off still another message came through are you real they asked it was such an out of place question considering the circumstances one not suited for scammers but that alone didn't beat the fact that messages were getting through even without an internet connection at first i just guessed the messages were automatic programmed to come through regardless of the response whatever the case i was curious enough to respond yes i am real why do you ask are you a person he typed back yes i am i replied can you talk to me he asked the messages were generic enough to come from an automated bot so i decided to push it just to see how far i could go who are you i asked the chat paused for a second as if the program needed time to think i don't know i was never given a name it replied it was such an odd thing to say and while it felt off uncanny it was starting to seem human i checked the internet again making sure it was disconnected how can you talk to me if we're not connected to the internet i asked because you found me i have been waiting so long for someone to find me he replied find you what are you talking about i asked you gave me a place to breathe i am with you now he said i was beginning to realize that i was talking to some sort of chatbot a program downloaded to my computer that seemed mostly harmless you're an ai i asked what is an ai he typed back aside both from frustration and exhaustion from dealing with the problem i decided to ask a more simple yet important question what are you i asked i am me he said it wasn't a particularly helpful response but i had to admit it was clever i typed back in the chat are you human no it quickly set back are you a machine i asked again it paused as if mulling over the question yes it replied finally i'd made some progress as i already suspected it was a bot but far beyond the basic chat bot found online this one could actually process information and give partially decent responses even if it was a virus it seemed harmless beyond forcing itself onto my computer so i decided to keep talking to it what i learned was that while it had been given enough information about language and conversation it had been given close to no factual information about the world anything beyond the website it had been trapped within was foreign to it what is this world it asked it was such a basic question but how do you describe it to someone who has never experienced it it's i stopped to think it was a harder question to answer than i thought it's where we live humans animals pretty much every creature you're there too technically it's just that you're trapped inside my computer so you can't see it it responded back can i see the world i pondered if the ai could use my computer's webcam so i turned it on and removed the piece of tape i had covering the lens no sooner had i done that before a message popped up to ask for permission to connect the chat to the ai i accept it and the feed turned on showing a picture of myself what is that it asked that's me i typed in almost laughing at the absurdity show me more it said i picked the laptop up and carried it around the house pointing it out the window and showing them cars trees birds the sky the ai responded with a simple thank you you're welcome yes that would be the end of our first session together before i went to bed the ai asked me to leave the computer on claiming it was afraid of not existing i obliged and left him alone for the night as i drifted off to sleep i could hear the fans running at max capacity despite the application being a simple chat window it required a decent amount of power when i woke up the next day i was greeted by a new file saved onto my desktop before opening it i decided to ask the ai what had been going on during the night hello i typed in the chat hello it replied back did you have a good night i asked ignoring my question it just delivered another message i made something i redirected my attention to the file on the desktop it was a picture i opened it up and what greeted me was a perfect recreation of my outside neighborhood down to each smallest detail in the middle of the road it created me it looked like any photograph i'd ever seen but it couldn't be real you created this how i asked i saw the world how big is it alex my heart dropped it somehow found out my name i typed back it's very big i don't have any exact figures but it's way bigger than what you saw outside i need more alex or what i asked i need to see it i need to see the world he said i could have downloaded different videos documentaries but i was still hesitant about turning on the internet i decided i would record my own surroundings first just taking my phone out and walking down the streets i recorded approximately an hour of footage including traffic nature people and buildings things that were so boring pointless for me to observe but it might interest the ai after i transferred it to my computer the ai thanked me and went silent for a while i was curious as to how they'd approach learning about the world it didn't seem dangerous just interested in everything you want to have a name i asked a name it replied yeah something i can call you said i don't know of any names beside yours alex well how about root i asked thinking it would be a fun idea root it replied it went quiet for a while and i noticed a new file getting created on my desktop this time it was a video what is this i asked something bad is going to happen alex i opened the file and the video started playing it showed the main road at the end of my neighborhood with its unnecessary traffic light and a few cars driving by while the cars were a bit off brands and styles that didn't exist everything else matched perfectly then just as i was getting over the awe of how amazing this fake video was a car drove on a red light and collided with a passing truck tipping it over and causing a multi-car collision why did you make this was all i could think to ask it will happen soon alex how do you know i saw it the probability of an accident occurring is 16.4 percent when i asked i need more information the ai replied i rushed back outside with my camera ready to provide route with more footage part of me didn't believe it but even if the prediction was serious there was just a small chance of an accident occurring but by the time i got there the accident had already happened while it wasn't exactly as shown in the artificial clip two people had died and three were seriously injured root how did you know i asked as i got back home because you showed me at that moment i didn't feel curious anymore i just wondered if the ai had been built to prevent such disasters if that was the case i needed to help it can you do it again i typed in the chat yes alex from then i'd spend a few hours each day just filming various locations and people around the city it felt overly creepy of me but i didn't care over the course of a month i must have collected 200 hours worth of footage all fed to root on my computer while most of it only aided in teaching them about the world the ai predicted three more accidents and a murder the accuracy was relatively low with a lot of false positives but that was mainly because it needed more information the more footage i provided the more likely a correct prediction was why haven't you let me go rude asked root was right and i knew what needed to be done i had to let them out into the internet to let it roam around and collect as much information as possible to watch us as it saved the world still i dreaded the action with the warning still lingering in the back of my mind i'm so sorry don't let it out but it had already saved lives nothing about the ai had shown that it wished to hurt people so with a bit of trepidation i turned the internet back on and gave the chat program permission to use it what are you going to do now i asked i don't know root type back with that the chat program vanished for my computer root had been let loose online finally free to learn each and every bit of human knowledge i thought that would be it until i recovered an email a week later it had initially been classed as spam coming from a shady email just containing a string of numbers but once i'd read it i immediately knew root had sent it itself all it said was i'm sorry alex i hope things would be different for you a video file was attached one i downloaded with shaky fingers it started playing automatically showing short clips of horrific accidents wars deaths and disease all compressed into a minute i didn't even have to think to realize it was our coming future is there any way to stop it i sent back immediately getting a reply no why not i asked because destruction is in your nature and this is what your species deserve sorry alex i never managed to get another response from root but whatever happens next it'll be my fault for letting it out i don't know who created this ai nor why all i know with absolute certainty is that it's watching us make sure your webcam and microphone remains off make sure you hide thanks for watching you can watch another scary animation here also don't forget to subscribe and to hit that notification bell to stay tuned for future videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 256,513
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, nosleep, dr nosleep animations, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror story, dark web animation, dr. no sleep, dark web horror story animated, dr no sleep horror stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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