NEVER Buying A Super-Long HDMI Cable Ever Again - PWAY HDMI Extender Over IP

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so recently i ran into a dilemma i got myself a security camera system and i wanted to be able to view the camera feeds on multiple tvs throughout the house the problem is the camera system only had one hdmi port and to make matters worse none of the tvs were remotely close to where i planned on keeping the system so i did a little amazon browsing and came across these neat little devices and these things helped me achieve exactly what i wanted hi everyone welcome to another tech talk with samir where i talk about anything and everything related to technology in my life if this is the first time you're seeing one of my videos please consider subscribing it goes a long way in keeping me motivated to pump out more content so as i mentioned in the intro i recently got a security camera system for the house it was a lot of work installing it but well worth the effort my ultimate goal with the system was to have it set up in a way where we can view it from any tv in the house simply just by changing the channel of course there's already multiple ways of viewing the cameras like through the phone app a web browser and even their proprietary software installed on a computer but i wanted to have a solution where it's easy for anyone in the family to operate and instantly view the cameras the issue with the phone app is that it usually takes a few seconds to buffer once you go into the live feed but i wanted a way to view the cameras without having that delay all the cameras connect to a network video recorder or nvr for short if i only had one tv and kept the nvr in the same room as the tv all it would take is a simple hdmi cable and that would achieve exactly what i was looking for but the problem is that you normally want to keep your nvr in a hidden location in the house so it's probably not the best idea to keep it in plain sight near a tv additionally there's only one hdmi port on the nvr so by default i'm only limited to one tv another possible solution could have been to get some sort of an hdmi splitter and run long hdmi cables throughout the house that sounds great in theory except lengthy hdmi cables are quite expensive not to mention it's also a lot of work to run cables in a house for something so specific like an hdmi cable it's really not worth running it long distances in a house what i ultimately wanted was something that would leverage my existing ethernet cable runs and don't cost an arm and a leg after some browsing around on amazon i came across these pwa hdmi extenders this is an hdmi over ip transmitter and receiver combo there's plenty of similar products on amazon but what sets this one apart is that it's relatively inexpensive and it supports multiple receivers with a single transmitter so if you want multiple tvs in your house to view the same thing this can help you achieve that a lot of hdmi over ethernet devices on amazon simply does one-to-one transmission what that means is that for every receiver you need a transmitter to go along with it on the other side those can be great for specific scenarios where you only need to extend a single hdmi cable over long distances but for my needs it would only solve part of the problem this specific device does one to multiple transmission so what that means is that i only need one transmitter and have as many receivers as i want this is more of a broadcast type of setup on a high level how this thing works is by connecting your video device using hdmi to the transmitter and connecting the transmitter's ethernet port to your router and as long as you connect the receiver to the same network and connect the receiver's hdmi port to a tv it should just magically work you can connect as many receivers as you want and as long as they're connected to the same network they should all be able to view the same feed this thing can transmit 1080p videos at 60hz it also claims to be able to extend the hdmi signal over 500 feet using ethernet however i personally can't confirm the 500 ft claim since my longest cable is probably around 200 feet but i definitely believe that 500 feet is achievable with this if you're looking to transmit 4k video signals with this unfortunately it's not rated for that but for most people depending on what they're looking to do 1080p at 60hz should be more than enough now although what sets this thing apart is the one to multiple transmission feature but that doesn't mean that it can't do one-to-one transmission you can connect the receiver directly to the transmitter using just an ethernet cable without going through your network but if you're looking to do that i recommend going with something that specifically does that so you save a few bucks another cool feature that the transmitter has is an hdmi passthrough so basically it can split a hdmi signal so that in addition to carrying the signal over ethernet it can also connect directly to a tv that's nearby it does also carry audio through hdmi so it can be used for broadcasting media but for my specific needs i don't really need audio although i'm using this for something simple in my home i think this thing can really shine in a corporate environment where you may want to broadcast the same news feed to multiple tvs in an office in those scenarios you can probably get away with having just one cable box for multiple tvs that being said your cable provider might not like that so you may want to check with them first overall that's pretty much all there is to this thing i personally think that the best gadgets are the ones that solve complex problems with simple solutions and this thing does just that if you have some specific questions about these leave them in the comments below and i'll try my best to respond i'll be leaving amazon affiliate links for this item as well as other related items in the description of this video if you use the links to buy anything i do get a small commission from amazon but it doesn't cost you anything extra another way you can support my small channel is by subscribing and hitting the like button on this video to help with the youtube algorithm as always stay safe and i'll see you again on the next one
Channel: TechTalk with Samir
Views: 141,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HDMI Over Ethernet, PWAY, Security Camera System, Media Over Ethernet, HDMI, Long HDMI Cable, Home Security, NVR, Lorex, Lorex Camera System
Id: 5lJX0puKO8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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