Never Before Seen Black Hole Discovered in Hubble Telescope Data

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So today we're going to discuss a relatively exciting Discovery in regards to black holes but before I talk about why it's exciting let's actually talk about what we know about black ho so far or to be more specific why there is this unusual mystery of intermediate Mass black holes black holes that are not big enough to be Central black holes in various galaxies but also black holes that are massive enough not to be considered to be Stellar maass black holes or essentially the one produced by various Supernova and while to date pretty much the majority of everything we discovered has either been a stellar black hole very often discovered as a result of its interaction with something around it or even as a result of a collision or a super massive black hole that produces various effects in centers of various galaxies but the scientists have always believed that there has to be something in between them with a mass of over a 100 solar masses but less than several hundred, and these types of black holes have always been referred to as imbh intermediate Mass black hole but in the last few years pretty much most of the evidence so far has been kind of circumstantial there have been some signs here and there and you can worn about some of these previous discoveries in several videos in the description below but for the most part we've never really had any conclusive evidence that intermediate Mass black holes exist which by itself is kind of weird because we have million ions of discovered super massive black holes lots and lots of different Stellar Mass black holes but just a handful of potential hints for intermediate Mass black holes and so yeah something here doesn't make sense but that's until this relatively recent study that basically took like 20 years or even longer to finally get extremely solid evidence out of a very famous globular cluster the one that you see right here known as a mea centory and it's actually always been believed that inside of these clusters there has to be something something massive enough to basically keep everything together but the evidence was just not there until now and so hello un full person this is Anton and today we're going to discuss this first ever confirmation that intermediate Mass black Hol do indeed exist and one of them with a mass of 88,200 solar masses seems to be in the middle of Omega centor Al the first a quick clarification when it comes to Global clusters the actually are full of mysteries by themselves and you can learn about some of these mysteries in one of the videos in the description and Omega centu is probably one of the most mysterious Global clusters in the entire galaxy here's roughly where it's located compared to the rest of the Galaxy and if you were to look at it from planet Earth it would be visible somewhere in the constellation of Centaurus but interestingly even though it's about 17,000 light years away from us it's actually pretty big 150 light years across or in terms of of physical size it's about the same size as the moon in a night skies and here you can actually find approximately 10 million various stars with the overall mass of the cluster being about 4 million solar masses which makes it the most massive Global cluster or really any cluster in the entire galaxy as a matter of fact the only thing that's even more massive is the other mysterious cluster known as mayal 2 in the nearby Andromeda galaxy but that's basically a mystery of its own and we'll discuss this in some of the future videos subscribe and stuff and so because it's so large so massive and has so many stars it's technically visible to the naked eye but you have to be in a relatively dark location in order to see it and because it's so easily visible it's been known to the ancients for a very long time although first it was officially classified by the famous Edmund Haley back in 1677 and here's a small fun fact slide note what one of the closest stars to planet Earth the captain's star that we discussed in one of the videos in the description a star that's about 12 white years away from planet Earth seems to have actually escaped this cluster long time ago now this is based on the analysis of its properties compared to the properties of stars in the cluster and they seem to be surprisingly similar many of the stars in this cluster seem to be about 12 billion years old and quite a few of them have actually been disrupted over time to escape into the rest of the Galaxy which basically suggests that Omega centu like many other Global clusters seems to be the ancient core of some kind of a dwarf Galaxy a Galaxy that was disrupted by the Milky Way possibly about 12 billion years ago to eventually become a kind of a permanent orbital object moving around the Milky Way in a somewhat eccentric orbit once again here's roughly where it's located compared to the disc of the Milky Way but because this is so massive and so large it also obviously contains way more stars than any other known cluster and as you move toward the center the overall density of stars increases even more and so here very close to the center most of the Stars seem to be only 0.1 light years away from one another moving around each other with the overall velocity of about 8 km/s but what makes this cluster a little bit different from others is the fact that some of the Stars here seem to have formed at different time periods so basically some of them are actually a little bit younger and some of them are also a little bit brighter here if you look closer you'll notice that there are quite a few blue stars that seem to be just a little bit easier visible than other stars you can also see these stars in the actual image taken by the lasilla observatory and so as a result it kind of becomes easier to measure how stars move inside the cluster and thus work out the overall Mass distribution potentially discovering if there's basically something hiding inside and so over a decade ago back in 2008 one of the first studies using the hble Space Telescope presented first evidence for the existence of some kind of a central object inside this cluster and it was assumed to be an intermediate Mass black hole here this was done by showing that many different Stars seem to Bunch up near the center with a gradual increase of Starlight the closer to the center you get with some of the Stars also showing increase in velocity as they got closer and closer to the center which led the scientist to include that this was maybe signs of an intermediate Mass black hole right in the middle with a mass of possibly 40,000 solar masses but because the evidence here was not really that strong and because the motion of the Stars could be explained in some other way here's actually the projection of the motion for some of these Stars this was not widely accepted and as a matter of fact most scientists believ that there was another explanation as a matter of fact because no additional emissions have been seen from this region and no signs of x-rays or any black hole activity taken together all of these additional observations led to Alternative explanations and so this was basically widely disputed and it was disputed for the past 16 years and it was really the most recent observations that finally were able to put this to rest with the actual conclusions being made in a very similar way to how scientists were able to confirm the existence of Sagittarius A star the essential black hole in the middle of the Milky Way now one of the main ways it was proven to exist was by essentially observing unusual motions of several Stars around an invisible dance Point somewhere in the center and because many of these stars were moving at very high velocities there was practically no way to explain this without some kind of a dense massive object so here it had to be a massive black hole and even though there were no additional emissions discovered here at first today we're pretty certain that there is a black hole because these emissions have been discovered in the last decade we even have an actual image and so something very very similar was now done here by looking right at the core of this cluster pretty much ignoring millions of other stars scientists behind this recent study you can find in a description were able to finally identify not one not two but seven fast moving stars in the innermost region of Omega centu with the likely location of the black hole visible right here and they were able to achieve this by looking at over 500 different images from the Space Telescope with these images taken over 20 years which in the process allowed them to simulate the overall motion of these Stars discovering that some of these Stars very bright stars in the middle were moving just a little bit too fast for any of this to be basically normal and so by discovering these fast moving stars almost in the center of the Omega centu they essentially discovered the most likely location for the intermediate Mass black hole the black hole that seems to be 88,200 solar mass es because that's the only way these Stars would move that fast around the central point and this was achieved by looking at velocities of 1.4 million additional stars in the star catalog from the hble space telescope and so out of these 1.4 million stars seven really stood out and all seven were in a very similar location and well by chance this is extremely unlikely to happen I mean if this was just like one or two stars there could have been some other explanations but here Seven Stars that's definitely something in the middle but because the mass of this black hole is not as massive as initially thought it essentially implies that this cluster represents a kind of a time frame literally Frozen in time or basically this was a remnant of a galactic core that never really got to expand or collide with other galaxies leaving this Galactic core unaffected by anything else for billions and billions of years which essentially prevented this black hole from growing larger and from becoming more massive which at the same time presents us with that Missing Link the link between super massive black holes and the Stellar Mass black holes we usually find after various Supernova but the other reason why this particular Discovery is actually kind of exciting is for that famous telescope known as EHD Event Horizon telescope the one that was responsible for the picture of m87 and of course Sagittarius A star because this black hole is so much less massive the motion around this black hole and the overall activity around it is actually much much lower than around Sagittarius A star in terms of time skilles it's at least 10 times slower and that basically suggests that this now makes it a perfect Target for EHT to potentially take another picture of another black hole right here in the Milky Way galaxy potentially revealing something we've never seen before and discovering details about these black holes that could never be possible otherwise and though this would probably take at least a few years I I think at this point this is probably the best possible next Target and so chances are in the next few years we might get an actual picture from here showing us what this unusual black hole looks like but I guess until then or until future discoveries from this region that's pretty much all I wanted to mention when it comes to Black H horse this is definitely a really important confirmation and it will most likely lead to additional discoveries in the next few years and so until then thank you for watching subscribe share this with someone who L about space and Sciences come back tomorrow to learn something else support this J on patreon by Jo and general membership or by buying the wonderful person t-shirt you can find in the description stay wonderful I'll see you tomorrow and as always bye-bye [Music] [Music] n
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 40,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imbh, intermediate mass black hole, origin of globular clusters, globular cluster mystery, globular cluster, anton petrov, science, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, technology, space engine, cluster, terzan 5, liller 1, galactic fossil, galaxies, milky way galaxy, the milky way, hubble telescope, star cluster, nightskies from globular cluster, andromeda galaxy, m87 galaxy, number of galactic clusters, clusters, bulge fossil cluster
Id: _iFmtcp4kqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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