"Never Alone - Remedy for Loneliness" - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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our message today is going to be talking about never alone or I guess if I was going to pick another message it would be remedy for loneliness now I sometimes like to ask the young people give them a special assignment and so for any of the young people here's your mission if you should choose to accept it I know I'm gonna say the word lonely during the sermon today several times I don't know how many times some of you might want to keep track on how many times you hear me say lonely that's actually the third time now so you can start with three if you want to be accurate years ago I was doing meetings probably twenty-seven or more years ago in Paradise California and one night I was just homesick I wanted to go to Colville Oh and so I thought I'd take the shortcut across the mountains now Jayson fonsella went camping with us last week he found out about that shortcut and he said it was two hours from halfway it's a long way and I was driving my little Nissan pickup truck by myself going across the mountains when I got to the top out in the middle of nowhere just to understand this you know there are still places in California where you can be 60 miles from the nearest gas station and so there I was in the middle of as far away as you could be from anything probably in Northern California on top of the mountain out in the woods big bears mountain lions me it's pretty wild up there we were up there a few weeks ago saw bear rattlesnake and my truck stopped at night and I thought oh no I'm a long way from no cellphones back then if they had the might have one no GPS and I thought boy it is a long walk to civilization and so I stood up there and I monkeyed around with the engine I tried to figure out what was going on the truck just stopped and is a beautiful night I wasn't cold or anything and I walked out there and I just felt really close to God but I felt very alone and I remember talking to the Lord said Lord you know I don't know what's wrong I'm a mechanic and I had no idea why it would just stop tried to start it the battery just turned over run and I prayed and eventually I got an idea that maybe I tried the spark plug wires I found out that I had been such a bouncy road the water had bounced out of the windshield wiper fluid gotten on the coil shorted it out in the engine just stopped once I figured that out I dried it off and I'm doing all this in the dark and that truck started up I was so thankful but I just can t remember that sense of being out here in the middle of nowhere now you might be thinking pastor Doug I thought you lived in the cave yeah that was my choice that man I could go to town to find people when I wanted to here I was isolated against my choice it's a little different it's like being put in solitary confinement you know I remember reading in the Bible the story of Jacob you read in Genesis 28 and we just alluded to this in our scripture reading in Isaiah 41 but if you turn to Genesis 28 Jacob as you remember had played along with his mother deceived his father into helping him steal the birthright from his brother and now his brother was plotting his murder and he figured it was time to get out of Dodge and look for a wife in another town and so finally the Bible says with nothing but the staff in his hand he probably had a little knapsack he left home and began a long journey it sounds like it was on foot across the wilderness and somewhere along the way he stopped exhausted by himself went to sleep you couldn't check into a hotel he had nothing but a rock for a pillow and as I've said before I think I stayed in that hotel before where the pillow was like a rock and there he went to sleep and here's where you take it up Genesis 28 verse 11 he came to a certain place and he stayed there all night because the Sun had set and Jacob was feeling very alone he's probably feeling guilty because of his sin he knows he has to leave because he tried to deceive his brother probably felt cut off from God he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head and lay down in that place to sleep and there he dreamed and behold a ladder was set upon the earth and it stopped reached to heaven and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it something like a heavenly escalator and behold the Lord stood above it at the top and he says I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the god of Isaac the land in which you lie I will give to your descendants also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth and you will spread all abroad to the west and to the east and the north and to the south and in your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed through you the Messiah would come and then he promised what was really on Jacobs heart he said I am with you and I will keep you wherever you go you send but you've repented I've forgiven you and I'm with you and I'll keep you wherever you go and I will bring you back to this land for I will not leave you till I have done that which I have spoken to you I will not forsake you I will fulfill my promise to you and you know it gave him such a wonderful sense of peace to know that he was not alone I think it was Milton who said loneliness is the first thing that God named not good you remember there in Genesis the Bible says it is not good that a man should be alone now all of us like a little time alone but have you been alone for days have you ever gone days where you did not see another human no human voice no telephone no radio no TV but you're just alone by yourself I figured that once a longer psychic long it's about five days where I just saw no human interaction how would you do going years not seeing anybody else all by yourself you know a little bit of a long time is good but too much you can get out of hand some of you've heard the story you maybe read it when you're in school was probably a sign Green for a lot of classes about Robinson Caruso Robinson Caruso that classic written by Daniel Defoe back in 1719 what some people don't know is that Robinson Caruso was written based on a true story about a sailor by the name of Alexander Selkirk now Selkirk about 1685 he was a very adventurous young man lived in Scotland he decided he wanted to run away and go to sea and he did and he joined up with a ship he ended up being working his way up and being one of the first mates or at least some higher position on this ship English basically they called him pirate tears he was assigned to a ship with Captain William Dampier and they were to plunder the Spanish merchant ships fire pirates is what they were but there are the good pirates right and as they were making the way around South American going up the coast agility Chile Alexander Selkirk got into a very fierce argument with camp captain dumb Pierre and finally they stopped at an island their 400 miles off the coast of Chile and he said just put me off here by myself I said there no ship may come by here for years he said I don't care I'd rather be on this island be with you and you're so hot-headed they set him off they put him on this island I think there's a picture of the island up there they're gonna put it up there on the screen you can just see it still on Google Earth matter of fact they've renamed the island robinson crusoe island Cheryl put the island up yeah on the screen there we go I didn't help much did it anyway there it is but it wasn't that big it didn't have fresh water on it some other ships years earlier had put off a few goats they're hoping they'd multiply so that the ships could stop and get meat and the goats did multiply some rats had also escaped on the island and a few cats had gotten loose on the island and they set him off on the island they gave him my gun with some gunpowder and a flintlock and he had some bedding a little bit of clothes and and a few provisions and again a sewing needle and fishing hook and they left him there it's probably a good thing for him because the ship that put him off sank and most of the crew perished not all but he thought it would be in a few weeks and someone would come by and weeks went by months went by years went by nobody came and at first he was overcome with melancholy because he thought you know in a moment of heat and passion and pride he got put off a pretty soon you get over that Here I am stuck out here with all these goats and the rats plague dam eventually he made friends with enough of the cats cats were wild feral cats but he tamed and made friends with him where soon they'd all gather around his camp and he literally said I'd go to sleep at night with hundreds of cats surrounding the camp he said the good thing was it took care of the rat problem and then he caught some of the goats and he tamed them and I ended up you know making skins and clothed his clothes wore out he made clothes from the goat skins he made a hut that were the grass and were the goat skin walls and and eventually he got to the point where he said he was pretty happy I said every now and then he'd dance with the goats and and the cats and he sing his little songs four and a half years he lived by himself that's a long time I'm sure there are others who have lived in isolation longer we probably heard of people who have been in prison and solitary longer than that but eventually a ship came by a Captain Rogers picked him up on a ship called the Duke the interesting thing was Dompierre who had been his captain before had been demoted and he was a crew member on this ship and they conquered our they captured another Spanish ship and the Selkirk was still such a good sailor they made him captain of the Spanish ship they captured he finally made his way back to Scotland again and and they wrote a story about it and Daniel Defoe heard about it and he ended up writing the book Robinson Caruso but it was based on on Alexander Selkirk and and he eventually learned it wasn't that hard to be alone did I mention that they put him off with a Bible among the things they gave him and it brought him great comfort to know that even though he was isolated from men that he was never forsaken by God that's a part of the story they don't always share Ecclesiastes four verse nine two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor and if they fall one will lift up his companion but woe to him who is alone when he falls he has no one to help him up now the reason I think this is very important is there are people who are lonely that are in a crowd you can be surrounded by other people and feel like you are forsaken and alone Bible tells the story in John chapter 5 where Jesus went to a man who was crippled for 38 years and he was there by the Pool of Bethesda and every time the water would be trouble they believed that if someone would just get in the water that they could be healed and he'd laid there who knows years and he says I have no man to help me into the water he just felt like he was so Forsaken and alone I saw something very disturbing yesterday on the news I guess it happened over a week ago but finally the video reached the news there was a man in Cocoa Florida his name was James Dunn 32 years old had an argument with his girlfriend and felt like he was gonna end up alone he said well I'm gonna kill myself so he went off he couldn't swim he went off to this large retaining pool of his a pond or a lake and he walked off in it while on the other side of the lake there are about four or five teenagers that were videotaping this guy getting in with his clothes on it was in the middle of the day and then pretty soon he got out in the middle and he started to shout for help he said help me I'm drowning he realized I didn't want to drown and for at least four minutes they watched him they videotaped it him pleading and calling for help and they made fun of him I said well you shouldn't have gone out there alligators are coming you better get out there you got in there yourself we're not helping you and they can be heard mocking the man as he drowned and he did he drowned he went out there called for help made a terrible mistake people watching but he was left alone have you ever felt like you were abandoned yeah you wonder what's the world coming to when young people can watch someone else's drowning not even call nine-one-one but this videotape but on their phone no charges are being filed against the young people because while what they did was wickedly negligent they were not responsible according to Florida law there'll be another judgment well that will come up you gonna be lonely in the crowd all I just stood on Mount Carmel first Kings 1822 and he said I alone am left a prophet of the Lord but bales profits are 450 here Elijah surrounded by the people the king the other prophets he stood alone for God sometimes you may be alone in the crowd you need to stand for God Einstein said it's strange to be known so universally and yet be so lonely a crowd is not company you ever heard that expression you might be in a crowd and feel like you have no company there are people who are lonely they could be sitting in a church you could be in a family with a lot of siblings and be lonely you can be lonely in a marriage you could be lonely at school lonely at work by the way psychiatrists tell us that 80% of psychiatric patients seek help because of loneliness counselors will tell you that loneliness is the leading cause of suicide people struggle with the idea of being alone now I should mention that some people are lonely because they make themselves that way proverbs chapter 18 verse 24 a man who has friends must himself be friendly and some people have no friends because they don't act like they want friends sometimes people have been hurt and they're free to reach out to somebody else because they think well I don't want to risk any further rejection and so they sort of isolate themselves they sequestered themselves because they're afraid and so they make themselves lonely sometimes it's good to be alone you know we all need time with God Isaiah 5:8 woe to those who join house to house they add filled the field till there is no place where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land you know there's a building boom happening in California right now we found out more about it as we started building our church project up on the hill but so many contractors are busy right now because they're just building everywhere and as you fly you can see new developments Karen I got a notice in our neighborhood new development going in and people are laying house to house and joining field of field and I think Isaiah prophesied the suburbs at least matchbook house they'll look like cookie cutter homes all in these neighborhoods it's too bad if you get to the point where no man can be alone in the midst of the land someone once said people who cannot stand to be alone are usually the worst company it's good sometimes to be alone Henry David Henry David Thoreau's said not till we have lost the world that we begin to find ourselves and there's a time when it's good Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci Benjamin Franklin Abraham Lincoln were not afraid of being alone because they knew the creative moon would work with them that was written by Carl Sandburg Edie were given said conversation enriches the understanding but solitude is the school of genius and so a little time of alone in your thoughts sometimes carols walk in the office and I'm just standing there staring at the wall with my arms folded geez what are you doing I said I'm thinking I'm just standing here and I'm thinking and I don't have to be doing anything else she always multitasks why she's thinking but it did I can't do both at one time so sometimes you just need to be able to think alone Jesus prayed alone do you have quality you know don't always think about being alone as punishment a fee a child misbehaves you're gonna have a long time oh not that well a long time is not all bad the Bible says in Matthew 14 23 and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone Jesus went into the mountains to pray he rose up sometimes a great while before it was day in our family all of us have our long time I go to the office I know Nathan I've walked in him on several men he'll be in his room he prays and he reads the Bible Karen so she got her her mountain of books and she sifts through and she'll sit there in her bed and go through her study but it's important to have your alone time every day when you're not really alone because you're with God but it's alone with God jesus prayed alone I know that people do not want to be alone with God but if you're longing heart ever finds the living water it will be alone aw Tozer said Daniel spent time praying alone in the upper room that gave him strength to be alone in the lion's den when Jacob entered the promised land I talked to you about when he left the promised land he was alone do you know he needed to spend time when he came into the promised land says after he heard his brother Esau was coming to attack him he divided his family into parts he took Leah and her chill Rachel and her children and the servants and the cattle and he split them II thought you know maybe if they get one the other will survive and as he sent them away with the servants he thought now the best preparation is for me to pray and he went to a grove of trees and he knelt on the ground and he prayed and the Bible says he was alone and then Jacob Genesis 32 24 there he was left alone and a man wrestled with him till the breaking of day so was he alone who was it that wrestled with him we need to spend time praying sometimes alone many of the world's great souls have been lonely if you go through loneliness it's not always all bad because sometimes God uses loneliness to work in us and through us and for us with others Moses was alone he had to spend time alone Samson spent time alone Elisha spend time alone we'll get to that in a moment Herbert van Zeller said the soul hardly ever realizes it but loneliness is really a homesickness for God you know when Elijah fled from Jezebel not Elijah spent time alone there he was by the creek during the famine and there like Alexander Selkirk all he had was the animals the Ravens would feed him and who knows how long he was there but he was most wanted in the land he spent time alone but was he alone every time they brought him food twice a day he was reminded that God was watching over him and then later he was at the cave he was running for his life his servant started the trip with him but eventually his servant turned back and he went on by himself 40 days and 40 nights in the mountains till he came to Mount Sinai climbed the mountain found a cave up there and God spoke to him he said I've been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword I alone am left and they seek to take my life you know I think that before and the reason I'm talking about this before we enter the last days if we're truly to be prepared for the Lord's coming every one of us has to have a relationship and a faith where we can stand alone with God because you may feel like every earthly support has been removed matter of fact there's an interesting quote from that beautiful book the desire of Ages in the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off and so for some of us if you can't stand to be alone if you've never spent time along with God or if you're afraid to stand up for your faith where you feel like you're the only one you may face a real test why'd you have learn to stand up for God says I'm the only one left God said you're not the only one left it just feels like that sometimes the Bible that you're holding in your hands much of it was written by people while they were alone much of the New Testament was written by Paul while he was in prison now you know what the Communists would do when the Communists would want to break somebody and get them to give up their patriotism for America they put them in solitary confinement I think most of us have heard this week that Senator McCain is struggling with some health issues it became his story was frequently told when he was running for president about the time he spent and what they call the Hanoi Hilton and during the Vietnam War he was imprisoned and one of the ways they were tried to break the soldiers is they put them in isolation they often overcame that because they could tap through the walls even though you couldn't hear a voice through the walls you could hear tapping and they taught themselves Morse code some already knew it and they would tap messages and just to know that someone else was listening and that they could communicate how would you do if they took away your smartphone and you could not text how long would you last social media has sort of replaced conversation hasn't it people used to talk together and have a chemist in little soundbites well how do people are texting they feel very alone Paul was in prison and he keenly felt the loneliness if you just look I don't have time to read them all but look at a few verses just from a second Timothy listen and tell me if you hear it devil was trying to break him through isolation 2nd Timothy 1:15 this you know that all those in Asia have turned away from me among whom are file Aegis and her ma Jenice everyone's turned away from me go to 2nd Timothy 4:16 at my first defense before Nero no one stood with me but all forsook me may it not be charged against them but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me everyone was so afraid that if Paul was found guilty and they were friends they would be thrown in jail so they all left him 2nd Timothy 4:10 for demas has forsaken me having loved this present world and departed for Thessalonica cretians for Galatia Titus for Dalmatia only Luke is with me praise the Lord if you've got a friend like Luke but can you hear Paul saying everyone's left me now this was not long before he was executed it 2nd Timothy is really his last letter you ever read the book pilgrims progress you wanted have pilgrim progress unless a man had been arrested and put in jail alone John Bunyan there alone with his thoughts was inspired with the struggles of the Christian journey and he wrote out that book there in prison Joseph felt alone when he was in prison he felt like he was forsaken Jonah felt alone a few people have been as isolated as Jonah I mean here you're running for God and you know that everyone around you is perishing because of your sin you tossed off in the ocean jettisoned as you would say and then you get swallowed by a sea monster and you're carried around against your will I mean who would think that God could hear a prayer when a person is at the bottom of the mountains inside a whale or whatever that great fish was and yet Jonah was not alone there he prayed and God heard his prayer and Joseph was not alone and Elijah was not alone God spoke to him in a still small voice the promise also in Isaiah is you may go through trials in the last days and you may be feeling isolated and lonely but when you pass through the waters he says I will be with you when you're calling for help God will not let you drown through the rivers and they will not overflow you he parts rivers when you walk through the fire you'll not be burned like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego nor will the flame scorch you you know loneliness is really pure loneliness is really an ascetical to why you are created it is not good that man should be alone why did God make us just to be with each other or to be with him we're separated from God because of sin what's the proof of restoration we're back with God God Himself will be with us God gave you minds you've got some self realization but God gave you mine so that you could interact with other people so you could communicate how much better to enjoy something when you've got someone to look at it with you have you ever he said something really good it's all you gotta try this this is great and maybe you've tasted something really bad you've offered that to someone else too haven't you you probably doesn't this is awful taste it right come on how many haven't read and done that it's a terrible try that this smells bad sniff we like to share our experiences with each other right you see a beautiful view and you kind of look around wish boy it does anyone else getting this you want to share your experience God made us to be social creatures that's why the lost in reality experience eternal separation from God it's a neater darkness and eternal isolation and eternal non-existence when Jesus suffered the penalty for sin he took that isolation when you when you think about it Jesus took absolute loneliness upon himself which was the penalty for our sins in the garden he said please come and pray with me and he just felt so cut off from God the thing that he dreaded most of all is that God would forsake him that he would be cut off from God he said to the disciples pray with me they went to sleep he felt alone and then on the cross he felt alone Matthew 26 56 then all the disciples forsook him and fled and when he hung on the cross they stood afar off and he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me never was there a time never was there a person in all of history that experienced more abject profound loneliness that words cannot describe than what Christ felt when he was on the cross and in the garden he felt that separation and when Jesus felt it it probably felt like it was gonna last forever but you know in spite of what he felt in the last moments he clung to what he believed and he said father into your hands I commit my spirit that was the last thing he said even though he felt all along he refused to believe he was all alone because God has promised I will never leave you and forsake you now nobody can really say they went through what Jesus went through Jesus was forsaken by his family he was forsaken by his friends he was forsaken by his country he was forsaken by his church Jesus felt as alone as anybody can be you look in Psalm 69 20 it's a prophecy that describes this time reproach his broke my heart I am full of heaviness I look for some to take pity but there was none and for comforters but I felt none I still go back to that image of a man drowning with people watching him drown and nobody taking penny Isaiah 53 he's one from whom men hide their face no comforters no one to take pity people hide their face from him Jesus felt absolute loneliness and why did he do that so we wouldn't have to be alone the Bible says that in the kingdom that he'll be with us Jesus has promised one of the parting words of Christ he ascends to heaven go teach baptize and he says lo I am with you he says to us what he said to Jacob I am with you wherever you go even to the end of the age and then in heaven I heard a voice saying revelation 21:3 behold the tabernacle of God is with men he will dwell with them they will be his people God Himself will be with them and be their God what a wonderful promise to know you never really have to be alone and I remember several years ago I was flying cross-country and you know I'm just a VFR pilot that's a visual flight reference IFR is an instrument flight that means you you're qualified you're certified to fly purely by instruments all VFR pilots get instrument training because things happen and you might find yourself caught in bad weather so I've had some training but I was flying cross-country I called ahead they said oh there's visibility there's a ceiling took off while I was flying the weather changed and all of a sudden these clouds below me came up and clouds above me came down and all of a sudden it's like someone takes white paint you know you used to flying you look out the window see the landscape you can tell whether the plane will is level or not because you can look out and see it all of a sudden it's like someone takes a a white spray paint and paints your windows and the motors or any but you can't see anything and the other problem was frequently you'll call you'll talk to these people at different flight service stations you ask them for flight following that means they're watching you on their radar they can talk to you and tell you where you are and help guide you in well I was so far out in the woods that I was out of radio range and so I'm flying by instrument which you know I kind of knew how to keep it straight level I didn't have a GPS in my plane back then you got to use these old instruments called vor or you're tracking these little needles going back and you're looking on your map and and I spy myself which was probably a good thing and I kept calling Seattle Center five to echo November do you copy all you hear is and the plane is gone and you're looking at these windows you're going I think I know where I am but I am really not sure where I am and before we had GPS in our planes with the vor you didn't know it was just a general vicinity of where you were so now if you're flying and you get caught in rain you see little raindrops or you're screaming across your windshield I'm hoping that you know where engines not gonna short out or something like my Nissan and and you start feeling like you're really alone and I don't know how long it went it may have been 20 minutes but every few minutes I'd call and you start feeling a little desperate I hope I'm in the right place I hope when I start to go down that there's a runway somewhere under me I hope I don't like run into a tree or a radio tower because I've miscalculated where I am probably shouldn't tell you the stories about when I came down out of the clouds once and I was on top of a mountain range I said I don't know what in the world where am I there's no mountain range here I'm in the middle of Sacramento Valley there's not supposed to be any mountain range here well you know what happened is I came down on top of Sutter buttes the only mountains the smallest mountain range in the world I managed to find it came down right on top of it and another time going through the cloud said look a tree some trees aren't supposed to be in the cloud sighs in the mountainsides god I shouldn't you probably won't ever want to fly with me and so on flying long I'm just really you know I'm afraid to go down because I'm thinking I don't know where I'm at and I'm flying along I call in Seattle Center five to echo November and I'll tell you it was so nice when I called in finally said Seattle Center five to wake on November 5 to echo November Seattle Center we're with you what's what's your request I said I I don't know where I am no so I'd like flight following please I said punch in this code I punch in the code they give me a number they see the number appears on the radar so yeah we see where you are we'll follow you we'll give you a vector will give you a directions I thought that was so nice what uh that was music to my ears so I couldn't see him I could not smell them I could not feel them but just knowing that they knew where I was that I was not alone was a wonderful feeling well you know God tells you that one you may feel alone and sometimes you don't know where you are where you're going that if you keep calling out God is gonna hear you he will not let you crash land he knows where you are you are never really alone God has promised I will never leave you in forsake you you know as we near the end of times all of our faith is going to be tested we're gonna be tempted to think there is no God or there God has left us we may have to wrestle with God like Jacob and say I will not let thee go except thou bless me but God has promised that he will never leave us in forsake us you know many times David Livingstone when he was going through the jungles he sometimes would go off by himself and he'd hear hostile villagers in the distance and people asked are you frightened for your life he said no read the words of Jesus it said I will never leave you or forsake you and he said that is the promise of a gentleman and I take him at his word so God has promised that you never have to worry about being alone Casey said I'll go with you wherever you go and that's why I thought we'd sing that song that talks about God promising to be with us number 50 in your hymnal abide with me let's stand together as we say [Music] would be [Music] that's really comforting to me to know I'm never alone amen you know before I pray I want to make an appeal but this is gonna be a different kind of appeal I'm not gonna appeal by having you raise your hand or walk up front I'm just gonna ask you to be praying in your heart because God knows what you're thinking would you bow your heads with me for a moment I know listening here in this assembly and maybe others who may be watching or listening online there are some lonely people out there there are people who may be in a church but they feel alone it can happen in a family it can happen in a marriage it can happen where you work a lot of lonely students I understand but God wants you to know that you're never alone and he's speaking to you right now this is just a simple message today and he said I will never leave you or forsake you but I'm with you then I've got a plan what he said to Jacob when he said to Elijah and Moses and others he says to you says I'll be with you wherever you go and if God is with you then you've got the best father in heaven the Lord I know that there are people that struggle with loneliness they feel isolated they don't know that they've got a friend in Jesus and I pray that they'll just know right now that they can believe your promise sometimes we need to reach out like Christ by faith and just believe the promise that you are with us Lord we are so thankful that Jesus experienced perfect loneliness so that we would not have to experience that eternal separation that he wants to abide with us he wants us to be with us he's going to move the capital of the universe to the New Jerusalem and that we'll get to live with him through eternity and lord I just pray that each person might be encouraged by these truths let you just bring your spirit into their lives and give them comfort to know that you are with them Lord I asked that you'll bless help us to have a faith that when we are alone we know that we're not alone that we can stand through the trials to come and if that day comes were we sense that every earthly support has been cut off that we'll know that you have not forsaken us bless us Lord to that end and I pray that we can just sense your walking with us we'll know what it means to live with you we thank you and pray all this in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Aaron
Views: 70,964
Rating: 4.7831979 out of 5
Id: cXHNH-1kuyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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