Neutron Stars Collide in New LIGO Signal?

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Question: If there is a humongous black hole, and a smaller one merging with it, the bigger one doesn't move around as much, but the smaller one orbits it in a bigger circle (or ellipse). They basically orbit their barycenter point. Would the gravitational wave of such system be symmetric? I mean can we understand if one is big and one is small by just looking at the gravitational wave? If we can, how do we do it? And If not, do we see the waves as if it's coming from two black holes of the smaller size or two black holes with a size of the average of the two?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kafshak 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
[MUSIC PLAYING] MATT O'DOWD (VOICEOVER): This episode is brought to you by Curiosity Stream. Last year, LIGO announced the detection of gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes. The science world went a little crazy. But only a few weeks ago, a new rumor emerged, that LIGO had for the first time spotted gravitational waves from the collision of a pair of neutron stars. If this is true, some longstanding astrophysical mysteries are about to be unlocked. When the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, LIGO, detected gravitational waves from a pair of merging black holes, an entirely new realm of the universe opened up to science. We now have an observatory that can explore the most extreme gravitational phenomena in the universe. Check out our episodes on the LIGO detections for more info. Since the first, LIGO has announced the detection of two more black hole mergers. As the data comes in, we're learning a ton about black holes, how they grow, and the stars that produce them. But the merger of binary black holes isn't the only game in town. LIGO was supposed to also detect some other crazy stuff like certain types of supernova explosion and the merger of binary neutron stars. It may have just done so. Rumors abound that LIGO has finally spotted the long expected neutron star, neutron star merger, and that the event was accompanied by a bright flash of gamma rays. The rumor has already been hyped all over the press, so let's dissect it with a skeptical eye. But before we figure out whether the rumor is true, in fact, before we talk about the supposed signal at all, let's refresh our memory on neutron stars. When a massive star ends its life in a supernova explosion, it leaves behind an ultra dense core. For the most massive stars, that core will collapse into a black hole. But there's an intermediate range. A remnant core between 1.4 and around 3 times the mass of our sun instead ends up as a neutron star. These insane objects carry the mass of a star within a sphere the size of a city, around 18 kilometers in diameter. They are mostly composed of neutrons at the density of an atomic nucleus and are held up by a quantum mechanical force called degeneracy pressure. We talk about the bizarre physics of these quantum and gravitational monsters in this video. Neutron stars can rotate up to thousands of times per second and have enormous magnetic fields that result in jets of near light speed particles that sweep through space like a lighthouse. When those jets sweep past the Earth, we see the regular flashes of a pulsar. In fact, the first real evidence of the existence of gravitational waves came from a pulsar. This was the Hulse-Taylor binary, two neutron stars in orbit around each other, one of which is visible to us as a pulsar. This binary pair stirs up spacetime in its vicinity, creating ripples that travel outwards as gravitational waves. And that gravitational radiation sucks energy from the orbiting system, causing the neutron stars to spiral inwards. By monitoring the pulses of one of those stars, this inspiral was measured. The rate of loss of orbital energy exactly matches the expected rate of emission of gravitational radiation. Any neutron stars or black holes in close orbit with each other will eventually collide as they leave gravitational radiation. We now know of plenty of neutron star pairs in binary orbits. In fact, we expect them to be much more common than black hole binaries. Why? Well, because the universe makes far more neutron stars than black holes. See, black holes only form in the deaths of the most massive stars, those over approximately 20 times the Sun's mass. But these are also the rarest of stars. Neutron stars form from the not quite as rare stars of around 8 to 20 solar masses. That means neutron stars should be more common than black holes and neutron star binary systems should merge more often than black hole binaries. So why isn't LIGO seeing lots of them? Well, again, it's because of mass. The remnant core of a dead star must be less than 3 solar masses to make a neutron star. But that's a factor of 10 smaller than the 30 solar mass black holes that merged in the first LIGO detection. Smaller mass means weaker gravitational waves. In fact, a typical neutron star merger needs to be about 10 times closer to us than a typical black whole merger for LIGO to be able to see it. If we can see neutron star mergers only out to 1/10 the distance, then that translates to being sensitive to 1/1,000 of the volume. We can see black hole merges across 1,000 times more universe compared to neutron star mergers. So even though the latter are common, we have to wait longer for one to happen close enough to us to be detectable. Neutron star mergers do have one advantage over black hole mergers. They last a lot longer, at least from LIGO's point of view. LIGO is sensitive to a specific frequency range. Inspiraling black holes only hit that range in the final second before merger, while neutron stars ring at audible gravitational wave frequencies for at least several seconds. If we did spot a neutron star merger as rumored, we'll have a lot more juicy data to analyze compared to a black hole merger. Let's talk about this rumor. It was started by a tweet from astronomer J Craig Wheeler about a LIGO detection with an optical counterpart. "Optical counterpart" means that there's a source of visible light associated with the gravitational wave. And in this case, it's from the suspected galaxy that the wave came from. But how do we locate the galaxy? After all, LIGO can only constrain the origin of its signals to a wide band across the sky. Well, there's also the rumor that the Italian Gravitational Wave Observatory, VIRGO, also spotted the signal, which helps triangulate the location, but not enough to get an exact origin. Well, here's how we know. The day before the fateful tweet, August 17th, the Fermi satellite had spotted a flash of gamma radiation-- so the highest energy light-- from a galaxy 130 million light years away. Now, that in itself isn't unusual. These gamma ray bursts are relatively common. Most are believed to result from supernova explosions. But around 30% of them, the short-lived ones which last for less than 2 seconds, are believed to come from merging neutron stars. The observed gamma ray burst, GRB, was of that type. Logs from the follow-up observation by the Chandra X-ray satellite confirms this. This is still not especially convincing. But check this out. A Hubble Space Telescope observation was triggered a few days later to look at the location of this gamma ray burst. And the particular observing program that was triggered is one specifically intended for following up on gravitational wave detections. Now it's suddenly compelling. Astronomers don't trigger Hubble observations lightly. Someone in the know decided that this gamma ray burst was very likely associated with a gravitational wave. That blob is the origin of the gamma ray burst. It's NGC 4993, a known lenticular galaxy. We rarely see supernovae from this galaxy type because their most massive stars have long since exploded to leave neutron stars and black holes. But that makes them the perfect environment for neutron star mergers. NGC 4993 is 130 million light-years away, which is about at the limit for LIGO sensitivity to neutron star mergers. Compare that to the around 1 billion light-year distance of the earlier black hole mergers. OK, so assuming the rumor is true, why do we care? Well, beyond raw curiosity, it may be that neutron star collisions produce many of the heavier elements of the periodic table. Most heavy elements like gold, lead, uranium, et cetera, are produced when the nuclei of lighter elements capture fast-moving neutrons. This is the r-process. It definitely happens in supernova explosions, which for a long time were thought to be the primary source of heavy elements. But it turns out that merging neutron stars can do this too. As these stars coalesce, most of their material goes into forming a new black hole. But the neutron stars' thin iron crust is likely bombarded with neutrons and blasted outwards, spraying a ton of r-process elements into the galaxy. Depending on how much of the outer layer is ejected, neutron star mergers could produce most of the heavy r-process elements that exist. Seeing a gravitational wave signal from merging neutron stars would allow us to determine pretty exactly how much mass is lost in the merger. This will be an extremely important piece of evidence in either killing or helping confirm the idea. Besides their importance to nucleosynthesis, the simple fact that we can see neutron star mergers in regular light is extremely powerful. Black hole mergers are dark, so we have to infer almost everything from the gravitational waves alone. But colliding neutron stars are bright across the electromagnetic spectrum. Comparing the EM and gravitational wave signatures will teach us a lot. If this is real, why hasn't LIGO announced it? Well, the LIGO team has always shown admirable caution before making big announcements in the past. They want to analyze the data fully to ensure the signal meets their very strict statistical standards for claiming a detection. The last LIGO observing run ended on August 25, at which point they announced that there were "promising candidates." Probably that means more black hole–black hole mergers in addition to this rumored neutron star merger. But to go from promising candidate to confirmed detection requires meticulous statistical analysis. Public announcements will happen when the team is sure of the significance of the signal. Fingers crossed on this one. We may have just spotted for the first time a long theorized astrophysical catastrophe, one that may have birthed a new black hole and created half the Earth's mass in gold. And we will have learned it from over 100 million light-years' distance by collecting only a handful of gamma rays and by sensing the faint ripples it made in the very fabric of spacetime. This episode is brought to you by Curiosity Stream, a subscription streaming service that offers documentaries and nonfiction titles from some of the world's best filmmakers, including exclusive originals. As it happens, Curiosity Stream has a really excellent overview of LIGO and gravitational waves. "Gravitational Waves-- Rewinding Time" includes some fascinating behind-the-scenes footage at the observatories. Get unlimited access today. And for our audience, the first two months are free if you sign up at and use the promo code "spacetime" during the signup process. I want to thank all of our Patreon supporters once again. Your contributions really add up and are an incredible help. And an extra huge thanks to Mark Rosenthal for supporting us at the quasar level. Mark, we've made arrangements for half a planet's worth of gold from the next neutron star merger to be shipped directly to your address, priority mail. Unfortunately, that will still take at least 130 million years. Now, we missed comment responses on the last two episodes because I was traveling. There was the small matter of an eclipse to be witnessed. We're going to catch up today by doing a comment from each of the last three episodes. For our episode on extraterrestrial super storms, Feynstein 21 and David Nelson asked whether it would be possible to stop a hurricane by dropping a nuke in its eye. Well, the answer is no, thank the stars. Nuclear fallout is dangerous enough, extra dangerous with a bit of wind. Stir up the fallout from a large bomb with a hurricane, and it becomes a global catastrophe. At any rate, by simple energy arguments, it just doesn't work for any weapon we now possess. A full fledged hurricane generates anywhere from 50 to 200 trillion watts of power, which is the equivalent of a megaton hydrogen bomb exploding every 2 minutes. Even assuming a large enough bomb could be brought to bear, it wouldn't reduce the pressure in the eye for longer than it takes the shock front to leave the hurricane. Pressure depends on the actual amount of air present relative to the surroundings. And exploding the eye isn't going to add hundreds of millions of tons of air. If anything, it'll reduce air pressure and add heat to the ocean, making things worse. Regarding our episode on detecting life by observing extraterrestrial atmospheres, Alex asks whether we can observe the atmosphere of Proxima Centauri B. Well, the answer is no, at least by the method described in the video. That method is to watch the effect on the parent stars' light as it passes through the planet's atmosphere. And for that to happen, the planet needs to pass directly in front of its star from our perspective. Only a small fraction of planetary systems are conveniently aligned so as to do that, and the Proxima Cen system isn't one of them. On the other hand, the TRAPPIST-1 planets are perfectly aligned for this. After all, that's how we found them, using the Kepler Space Telescope. Proxima Cen B was instead found by the Doppler method, which can measure the tiny wobble in a star's motion caused by the planet's gravitational influence. Regarding our episode on white holes, a few of you wanted some clarification of a point I made. I said that the Big Bang is mathematically similar to a white hole, except that it doesn't possess a singularity. What I mean by that is that the Big Bang happened everywhere at once, not at an infinitesimal point in space. The origin of all space is the Big Bang, and so all space came into being in that event. Now, we can imagine both the white hole and the earliest instant of the Big Bang as possessing infinite or at least extremely high density. But for the Big Bang, that density is everywhere, not concentrated at a single point, as in the case of the white hole. BrendanBlake42 points out that Karl Schwarzschild looks like Simon Pegg in a comedy mustache. Oh, my god, that makes so much sense. No wonder he's such a Star Trek fan. And Hot Fuzz is obviously a reference to black hole singularities in string theory.
Channel: PBS Space Time
Views: 629,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black hole, white hole, singularity, event horizon, space, time, pbs, universe, mystery, matt o dowd, science, carl sagan, cosmos, worm hole, quasar, x ray, reverse, reletivity, einstein, star, core, Schwarzschild, metric, cosmic, future, flow, white, hole, black, light, entropy, energy, explode, worm, physics, astrophysics, math, maths, mathematics, penrose diagram, speed of light, gravitational waves, gravity, gravitational, LIGO
Id: kL81uuYW9BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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