Neurology - Divisions of the Nervous System

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central nervous system and so the peripheral nervous system can be divided into two parts one that brings the information to the central nervous system and one that takes the information out from the central nervous system therefore the peripheral nervous system consists of a sensory division or afferent division and a motor division or efferent division it is better to call the divisions of the peripheral nervous system the sensory division and the efferent division and we'll soon see why let's focus at the sensory division of the peripheral nervous system first that is the afferent division the sensory division is for sensing things such as sight smell touch and even pain for example the sensory division basically sends these information to the central nervous system through sensory neurons so the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system is basically where we have the sensory neurons here for example they will bring information to the central nervous system to the CNS to the spinal cord as shown um and this is done when a signal comes it can be signals coming from our eyes vision it can be touched signals it can be pain signals but these sensory neurons will basically bring this information to the central nervous system so to the spinal cord for example this information can then travel up to the brain for processing for interpretation for integration and to see if a proper response is needed the actual response is part of the motor division of the F or the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system this is where it takes the information the signal from the central nervous system so from the brain or spinal cord and sends it to a target cell through efferent neurons the signals being sent from the central nervous system to the target cell can be voluntary meaning that it can be that it is consciously controlled or it can be involuntary which means that it is without our control an example of an involuntary response is our heart because we have no control over a heartbeat it always has to beat and because there is a voluntary and involuntary efferent neuron we further divide the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system so the motor division you can say but the effort division of the peripheral nervous system into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system the somatic nervous system is the control of voluntary movements and the autonomic nervous system is the control of involuntary responses let's look at the somatic nervous system first an obvious example of the somatic nervous system is where information or signals is coming from the central nervous system through these effort neurons here to target skeletal muscle cells for movement so skeletal muscle cells are the target cells and this is part of the somatic nervous system because we can consciously and voluntarily move our arms and legs right then we have the autonomic nervous system which is the control of involuntary responses to make this a bit more confusing the autonomic nervous system can be further divided into two divisions the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic division both the sympathetic and parasympathetic division is what we have no control over because it's involuntary and both are completely different to each other for example the sympathetic division are switched on or are more active during exercises so during sport and that is why the sympathetic division is sometimes referred to as the fight-or-flight response and the parasympathetic division obviously is less active during exercise during sport now both divisions of the autonomic nervous system they take information from the central nervous system to a target cell involuntarily for example the information here is being sent to the hearts conduction system through efferent neurons there are two as you can see and this is typical of the autonomic nervous system the sympathetic division in particular will actually send they will take these signals from the central nervous system to the target cell that is the heart to cause it to increase in heart rate because we always have an increase in heart rate during activity during exercise right the parasympathetic division on the other hand is usually opposite of the sympathetic division it is called the rest and digest response and so it will cause a decrease in heart rate or slow the heart rate down the parasympathetic division is actually more active during rest and when and when we eat for example what you have to try to understand is that the sympathetic and the parasympathetic response does not only target the heart it can target other organs for example it can target the gut and the saliva glands for example but both have opposite responses to each other and that concludes the video on the divisions of the nervous system just recapping you have the two main systems the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system the central nervous system is the brain and the spinal cord the peripheral nervous system we have the afferent division and the efferent division the afferent division brings in information to the central nervous system the efferent division takes information from the central nervous system to a target cell but when it takes the information to a target cell it can be a voluntary signal or an involuntary signal and so we have the somatic and the autonomic nervous system divisions the autonomic which is the involuntary response is divided further into the sympathetic response and the parasympathetic response both contradict each other and do opposite things to each other I hope you enjoyed this video thank you
Channel: Armando Hasudungan
Views: 1,354,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neurology (Medical Specialty), Nervous System (Taxonomy Subject), Central Nervous System (Anatomical Structure), Medicine (Field Of Study), Peripheral nervous system, somatic and autonomic nervous system, sensory and motor divisions, efferent and afferent neurons, overivew, different, difference between the, sympathetic and parasympathetic responses, information sent to the CNS, connection between the different nervous systems, physiology, lecture, tutorial, response
Id: zeo19WVQ47w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2013
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