Neural network racing cars around a track
Video Statistics and Information
Views: 3,616,084
Rating: 4.8939171 out of 5
Keywords: AI, Neural Network, racing, game
Id: wL7tSgUpy8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you look up CodeBullet on youtube, he has a bunch of videos using neural nets like this.
What happens if the "trained" cars start on a different track ?
I wonder - can this model start training itself, optimizing for shortest distance, speed, or lowest g-forces (to protect fragile contents)?
I’m vaguely reminded of the robot motorcycles in one of the terminator movies, and how they weaved through traffic during a chase - and how terrifying it would be to be chased by something nearly sentient and armed to the teeth. :)
An even more interesting test would be to see how well or bad does the AI run the cars on a different track to check if it had learned to drive on any track or not.
Is this a Grosjean simulator?
Would be interesting to see you manually trying to compete against the best car from your genetic algorithm.
r/mildlyinfuriating how you keep clicking the cars for selection before finishing the simulation and letting everyone crash.
On Kongregate there's two machine learning games. Look up idle machine learning and Neurodriver.
Where can we find out more intofrmarkon about making this ourselves? This is an awesome project,