Neuenschwander Family (A Cappella Gospel Sing 2018)

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long before the fall of man God designed the master plan he exchanged the sinner for the sinners lon Jesus we're thrown on high came to us to bleed and die he said father not my will but thine be done here's mine he is me I'm blessed beyond all measure here's my I have pardoned four and three through the bloody shed for me say forever I will be here's my [Music] through God's mercy and His grace he's prepared for us all glaze words cannot describe the Masters beauty there we will praise the perfect lamb King of Kings the great I am he has made the joys of hair loss to share [Applause] he is mine he is I am blessed we are no measure here's my for entry through the bloody for me say forever I will be here's my I have pardoned for went free through the bloody shed for me stay forever I will be [Music] [Applause] Jesus came out alive and the darkness went away the light in the tomb dispel the gloom when Jesus rose no power to keep him inside he hosted a the keys to the grave Jesus came out they hung their heads in sorrow Jesus their Lord and died no reason to live tomorrow 11 bowed down and cried the Mary ran down the dusty road crying Peter come see where he lay for I've seen the master I'll sign the sermon today Jesus came out of mine and the darkness spread away the light in the gym is down the gloom when Jesus rose the place were they is empty no power to keep him inside he calls today the keys to the red Jesus came out of love Thomas touted her story in grief you've imagined this thing till I see the hands that worry then touch a side I will never believe then an awesome presence fill the place Jesus appear in the room Thomas declared my Lord and my god Jesus came out alive and the darkness ran away the light in the turn this down the gloom when Jesus rose no power to keep him inside he halls today [Applause] Jesus came ah [Music] [Applause] and since we serve a limit risen Savior we as Christians should love to I love to that sweet home I love to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] now his loving arms are holding me and Sanjay smiling face I'll see and I love to tell my saviors I have a theory in my song keeping me so free I love to tell the world about her so good he's leading me to that sweet home sweet man I love to see so good he's leading me to that sweet home I love to see I love to tell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down deep in my soul I'm climbing each day the ways called straight way straight then Anders the gas [Applause] my way back home a wonderful time [Applause] back home I mean to be there I need to be there from soon I have fled I'm winging [Applause] I'm climbing each day Dube Laurie diva like the way it's called straight away stop shake that Anders again I'm [Music] my travel the wrong do glory diva right the way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this will be our last song for this standing in my robe of white meet my Jesus there it will be so great when I get to that land in my robo boy I will fly away first I'll hear the trumpet sound all the saints will be having bound we will cross over Jordan one stopping view the other side and I'll see the holy Hills and my change yes I'll be the first one to meet my Jesus there it will be so great when I land in my way I will fly away it's gonna be a wonderful time when I get to the other side see my loved ones gone before we'll be part from them no more we'll be walking on the streets of gold surrounded by riches untold I look on Jesus space on the line save us mazing in my robe of voice I will fly away to that land so there meet my Jesus Eric will be so great when I get to that landing my robe of light I will fly away in my robot white I will fly away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so many times I worry was may happen I want to know how life will all turn out and then I hear a gender boys misses me he says how old your future in my hands God also [Music] and our lives are masters not into everyone's makeup [Music] why don't you give up all your cares to struggles just tell them all the things you're going through you'll feel happy said all day comes from Jesus and then you'll say my future's in his hands God [Music] our lives our masters plan nani to what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bigger than all the Giants of fear and unbelief bigger than all my hang-up sees bigger than anything my God is bigger than all my questions bigger than anything that I can and I'd see my god is bigger than any mountain that I can see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this next song we're gonna sing is one we kind of pulled out of the archives so you'll have to give us a little grace here but um it's called by faith and we've been talking about God being bigger than any mountain that we can or cannot see in this talks about you can make a mountain move with a little faith and I just pray that each one of you tonight that can be your testimony that when there's a mountain in your road that if you have a little faith God can move it for you long ago there lived a man named Noah and the king said Noah you're the one said tell you what to do go and build a floating Zoo and by faith old Noah finally got it done it doesn't take so very much just a tiny little touch you can do most anything with a little now Jericho it was a wicked City and around it was a mighty wall but when the army of the king let those mighty trumpets ring with a little faith they saw that city fall by faith by faith you can make it doesn't take so very much just a tiny little touch you can do most anything with a little as I recall this tale about young David he was the bravest lad in all the land but when Goliath came to town faithful David struck him down shot in his hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] tiny little touch you [Applause] if you have our one of our first CDs maybe our first one you and hear that song you'll notice that there was some voice changes since then but I'm a little bit proud of him because they revived it and changed it up and still singing it so it still takes faith next song is be strong and courageous be strong and courageous and do not be afraid be strong and courageous and do not be afraid the Lord goes with you each and every day [Music] [Music] the Lord warned three trouble and strike and he will protect you for life he'll never forsake you don't be afraid he'll never send do not be afraid don't be a liar the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] isn't that an awesome thing to know that God is with us if if we're committed to him he's with us every step of the way that we allow him to be with us sometimes we like to try to do things on our own but it's only through the power of God that we can be strong and courageous the next one we're a sing is called yesterday I imagine at least some of you have heard it before I don't know but this song I've been thinking about a lot the last while and it talks about how Jesus is the same every day forever more long he's always the same and if you stop and think about that fact that God never changes and in light of the world that we live in how much things are changing constantly changing people change relationships change there's always things on the move it seems like but it don't matter where each one of you finds yourself in life there's always that rock that we can go back to and hold on to that's always the same we can count on it there's nothing different he he still loves us no matter what and this song talks about different things that that change in this world but Jesus is the same listen the message of this song this will be our last song [Applause] [Music] and [Music] Jesus will never never change Jesus is always the sparrow will find a new dwelling the Eagle will change change his name but uh I'm holding on to the chain changeless wine and I'm leaning on his brain the river will change its course and mountains may crumble and fall [Music] time will leave its mark they say upon us one hello yesterday things were different too [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is written in God's Holy Word that every flower and every bird was brought to life according to God's plan then on the sixth day God's power was displayed when out of dust he made a walking man don't make monkey out of me don't make monkey out of me I have James at full prayer I recognize that God is there to answer what I have upon my heart I have two years to hear him speak I know and he talks to me the way to heaven doesn't seem that far have you ever heard a monkey pray or tell the world that and he will cleanse you from your every sin or have you heard a monkey speak and say here's what God did for me I have hope because he rose again I didn't come from a monkey I never smiled from a tree God loves me that he died for me don't make monkey out of me no don't make monkey out of me I didn't come from a monkey I never swung from the tree God so loves me that he died for me don't make monkey out of me don't make a monkey out of me no don't make monkey out of me [Applause] the next song we have to sing we ladies kind of saying and stand helps with the bass and listen to the word pictures it's sort of a Christmas song but we just love it because of the word pictures of Christ coming and what he means to us now the meat and [Music] compassion has a tear joy yes laughter and here ever after peace has a smile read a mentions mud has base to flowy at airports bromine might is a child Oh has hands freedom has feet truth will stand the world will speak know me and Lolly will finally embrace love as arts bees and graces [Music] the holy and Molly will finally embrace our speed and grace as [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna just give you a wee little disclaimer Laurie was gone for six weeks to Guatemala and I was serving down there with a young couple that was making the transition down there so she got back and we had what about a week or week and a half till this weekend and we had worked on this song a little bit but anyway she's like we need to sing this song of the gospel sing so we're gonna give it a whirl here and the message is too great not to share it if we mess it up forgive us but it's the greatest story ever told [Music] a woman and an angel a promise and a song a word two grand for any mind to hold a tax law and a journey a sable and some straw these tell the greatest story ever told - he is come my great Messiah come back before is awesome mystery mighty God Brando baby you lowly manger balls and you still the greatest story ever told a hillside and some Shepherds a blaze of blinding light angels singing carols in the core eternal revelation to man stall this stone the glorious greatest story ever told same is he is come my great Messiah come bow before is awesome mystery mighty God and praise oh baby oh and it's still the greatest story ever told three crosses on a hillside a crown of cruel thorns a savior dying for a fallen world but death could have no victory when he rose from the grave that's why it is a great story ever told all single - he's got my grade Messiah come before his awesome majesty mighty God Savior [Music] and it's still the greatest story ever told he's calmer great Messiah come out before is awesome majesty my god that the brand is still the greatest story ever told yes it's the greatest story ever told [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a river flowing deep and wide coming from the save your side from Jesus feet and brown [Music] underneath this river Krim Center me [Music] a breath of spring cleaner there and a sparkling stream through the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shades for me and the Crimson River says me free Krim cetera ever me [Music] a breath of spring cleaner than a [Music] sparkling stream then eternity will be but a sardine place for me to praise the lamb and all because the Crimson rivers [Applause] well we're gonna try something a little different and we were planning but that's okay there's a lot of people watching many different places in the world and but I have a sister in Georgia that called in Becky so hi Becky if you're looking that called in and asked if we would sing redeemed how I love to proclaim it we're gonna try and sing that song we don't have any music but it's an old song mm-hmm and we're honored to do that we're going to sing the first verse as a family and then the second verse we're going to ask you to join us [Music] reading now I love to believe in my reading through His infinite mercy [Music] [Applause] reading - really [Applause] meeting them so happy in Jesus no anguish my rapture can tell I know that the light of his presence with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] reading baby get out [Music] be seated [Applause] Jesus came out of light and the darkness ran away the lighting the tomb dispel the gloom when Jesus rose shanty no power keep him inside he hosted a Jesus their Lord and died no reason to live tomorrow he loved and bowed down and cried then Mary went down the dusty road crying Peter come see where he lay for I've seen the master outside human tears risen today Jesus came out of light and the darkness ran away the lighting there to dispel the gloom when Jesus rose that day Laden is empty no power could keep him inside a horse today Thomas doubted her story and grief you've imagined this thing till I see the hands that were even touch your side I will never believe then an awesome presence filled the place Jesus appeared in the room Thomas declared my lord my god you crazy [Music] Jesus came out alive and the truck ran away the light in the to dispel the gloom when Jesus rose back [Music] no power could keep him inside he holds today the keys to the grass Jesus came [Applause] ah okay the next song we're going to sing is yesterday before I forget this will be our last song before I forget I just want to thank ray and Titus and all the ushers and the cooks and cleaners and everybody for making this special occasion year after year I don't know I just don't understand how much work that must be to do what they do but it's a lot of work and so you know thank him if you have a chance but this occasion is coming to a close in a couple hours here and we'll go home and we'll say yesterday and then you know we were here it's past all we have is memories well just a couple yesterday's ago I became grandpa and I feel pretty good about that yesterday these grandma too and so I don't know where Garrett is and Lindsey but they're back there somewhere my favorite daughter-in-law and my favorite grandson so I'm really happy about that we are we are but as I think a little more seriously about yesterday and the that thought you know we all regard especially as we get older we think of yesterday's more in history and past and we think about maybe things that we used to do and we wish we could go back and do them again they were fun you know they were we had a lot of fun we wish we could relive them then we also think about things that we've done that we wish maybe we've never done and we wish we could go back and relive that so we would not make them the same mistake but God is a God that has 20/20 vision all the time you know we say love being able hindsight is 20/20 God never has to look back and say I wish I would have done differently he never has to look back because he's always the same and we're gonna sing this song about being always the same new heights sang a song in just a few minutes ago I said God is that's just he's just that way and I thank God today that even in this world of change we have a God they always the same yesterday things were different today they're different [Music] Jesus will never change [Music] Jesus the sparrow will find a new dwelling the ego will change his name but I'm holding on to the changeless one and I'm leaning on his brain [Music] no River will change its course and mountains may crumble and fall time I will leave its mark [Music] Aparna suave Oh Oh yesterday these forgive friends today yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you all [Applause]
Channel: A Cappella Gospel Sing
Views: 143,790
Rating: 4.8632727 out of 5
Keywords: A Cappella Gospel Sing, A Cappella, Neuenschwander Family
Id: KUi9_XkpBY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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