Network Automation Jobs and Salaries | DevNet | CCNP

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there's a claim going around from a lot of influencers in the networking community that the definite associate isn't really in demand yet with employers but I think we should dig into that a little bit more let's go [Music] if you get your definite associate certification do you have a legitimate shot at getting a job out there in the networking sphere that's what we're gonna unpack in this video but if this is your first time visiting my channel and you'd like to grow your IT skills in your IT career click that little subscribe in the little Bell it's free to click and you'll be notified when new content comes available all right I've heard this one before that people out there ha HR companies they're not demanding the definite associate certification yet if you get the cert that's cool it supports network automation in general and validate your skills but no one's really hiring for that I don't really think that's the case you see it's been my experience that certifications typically come in response to labor market demand we want to people are demanding these skills and we need to validate that they have them so vendors make the certification exam for that now Cisco does feel a little bit ahead of their time with this one they've got the dev net associate programs as well as the automation exams at the professional level those automation exams count towards both the CCNP and the dev net professionals so there's like this huge range of automation options that are being certified in now so you can get definite associate Devon a professional and you can specialize in security automation or Enterprise automation or data center automation and that would count towards your CC and p2 that's a huge opportunity there so now you can validate all these skills but does that actually lead to a real-world job and if so how much does it pay let's explore that a little bit firing up Firefox here I'm gonna search for network engineer if I can spell engineer write Python jobs just to see what will come up for something I think is pretty relevant well immediately I see some pretty interesting stuff there are at least a few options here right here in front of me from Google results that have a network engineer with Python network system engineer Python software engineer QA and networking protocols in Python beyond that I see some relevant search results down here and indeed and I'll check those out in just a second but I'm gonna start by clicking on network engineer with Python here in Denver Colorado and we can take a look immediately well this is looking for a seven one thousand dollar-a-year pay range for systems engineer computer networking nighty it must have Python experience now I think that's another good differentiating thing here is that a lot of the arguments against the Devon associate exam is that this is really a software developer exam it's not for networking but I'm looking at this job opening right here that's asking load balancer experience network engineer experience bgp with multicast experience but also software development with python c to me when I look at this job posting they're looking for a network engineer they're not looking for a software developer they just want a network engineer who has software developer skills and interestingly I can see all of these other positions over here that are very similar to that have kind of the same job title I like Python automation network engineer that sounds cool and their requirements are listed right here as well that pretty much identify both networking skills as well as server skills and Python automation skills but let's jump back for a second all the way back to that initial search result and the job title that I'm gonna search for now is network automation engineer jobs well this is the one this is the title that I think the end goal is going to be to get to here I recently saw someone on Twitter that I follow just announced that they're starting their career as a network automation engineer and I was like well that's really cool I wonder if that's a common title and it took one Google search to find out that boom there are over a hundred of these openings right now so if I jump into network automation engineer Network automation architect now I see a lot of very interesting skill sets and requirements that are here and again I don't see anything here that says they're looking for a software developer who just getting interested in networking I see kind of the mix of both for instance when did you learn about VR FS + VX LAN did you learn that in CCNA no I mean you are going pretty far up the stack when you got into VR s VX LAN bgp these are things that you're getting into c c and p or above level but they are also looking for the things like CI CD pipeline's database management now this is actually getting into dev net professional stuff too so an ideal candidate who's applying for this position the senior network automation engineer would probably have both the CCNP and the dev net professional but I can click on a job posting here that's in Austin Texas kind of scroll down and look at the responsibilities and I get really excited when I see that automation engineers have to have multi-vendor skills look at this Cisco and juniper right there so fascinating there are plenty of jobs out there for people who are getting serious about network automation stuff and I think the takeaway here is that they need to have some experience when it comes to network engineering as well as some sort of pipe on automation getting familiar with those see ICD pipelines source control techniques and all the other tools the stuff that's covered under definite associate and eminent professional it's gonna validate that you have the skills that can go along with this so maybe there's not entry level positions here sure but those certifications can absolutely lead to Network automation jobs and now the question is are those jobs worthwhile do they pay enough to make it worth your time to study for and go for those certifications let's thing into that if I just scroll down on the page that I'm already on I see a network automation test engineer has a range of 62 to 93 thousand per year and not too surprisingly a senior network engineers paid 72 to 130 thousand dollars a year the bottom ranges are relatively close within 10,000 of each other the top range is here or not but this one is a test engineer it's not an automation engineer whereas this is a full-blown engineer so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna jump back and I'm just going to change this jobs here in my search to salary well glass door has network automation engineer and the average pay the average base pay here is roughly $80,000 a year if I scroll down a hair I can see some salaries here like Intel paying in the 110 120 range Facebook paying in the 136 to 148 you get the idea it's safe to say that your range here is gonna be somewhere around 65 to 70 at the bottom and it could be upwards of 140 at the top of course these statistics these job openings everything is in the United States and you'll want to check what's going on in your region to see what's available what's in-demand in your area to you could also you know be the change you could be the one who uh sure's that work automation into your area which is also a cool opportunity to but I think this kind of goes to say the definite associate the definite professional and any of the automation specialties they have a lot of value - this is where things are going large institutions are rapidly adopting DevOps practices and applying that to their network so yes you do need to fully understand what network engineering is you probably should start with the CCNA and really understand how OSPF even works in the first place before you try and automate but once you've tackled that and you really want to start diving in to where the industry is heading and you really want to jump into it you should know that validating your skills for the definite certification or the automation specialties there's a lot of value in that businesses are demanding it right now and they are paying high salaries for them - as always I would encourage you to dig into CBT Nuggets when it comes to training for these certification exams the definite associate course is out right now the in Auto course is coming out very soon and we're gonna start working on the dev core the definite professional core course very soon - so that's been my take on job availability and salaries when it comes to Network automation thanks for stopping by I'll I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Data Knox
Views: 13,688
Rating: 4.9691515 out of 5
Keywords: devnet jobs, devnet salary, devnet pay, network automation jobs, network automation salay, juniper automation jobs, juniper automation salary, cisco automation jobs, cisco automation salary, network automation engineer, network engineer python jobs, network engineer python salary, python jobs, python salary, cisco devnet jobs, cisco devnet salary, network engineer salary, network engineer, network automation
Id: MVYE8kblxBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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