Netflix's Cleopatra Actor Blames The Fans + Government of Egypt Responds

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what's up everyone it's indemion and as if the controversy surrounding Netflix's Cleopatra couldn't get worse the powers that be seem infinite in their own stupidity these days besides the updates surrounding Cleopatra in this video I also really want to delve into this concept of what revisionist history means going forward why is it happening and what can we do against it to start things off I want to look at the website the American which released an excellent article that inspired me to make this video in the first place in this essay Dr sumantra Mitra brings up the concept of a cultural year zero so let me read some of mitra's article and then we'll dive deeper into this really interesting concept and I quote her fate namely that a couple of Millennia after her death she would have The Misfortune of her character being violated in a TV series by someone of the intellectual caliber of Jada Pinkett Smith is almost enough to make anyone believe in the concept of Karma the cause is simple this is the ultimate endpoint of what I call the 1619 School of History here truth and facts have no meaning and the only thing that matters is demonstrable power usually over you dear reader it is in simple words falsifying history to create an alternate historical and artistic starting point a year zero for the future generations to come that is why you see the desecration of Tolkien by Amazon in the name of diversity and representation instead of new stories by new Authors this is why one can observe the co-opting of historical figures to destroy historical accuracy this keeps happening and only in One Direction because of a simple reason you possibly cannot see this slow artistic coloration by a very specific ideology because it is all around you from TV shows to movies to revisionist history books and because this incessant revisionism is not talked about openly the discussion is often Underground and is often the domain of prejudice animus but the reality is that this is far more subversive and banal at the same time historical revisionism is the ultimate Refuge of ideological Fanatics who want to distort history and of unoriginal Midway bureaucrats in film and TV production who do it for money we will not see Hugh Jackman playing Nelson Mandela but we might see Whoopi Goldberg or Dylan Mulvaney as a Twitter Anon pointed out someday playing the queen of John C or hypatia or Joan of Arc relax it's just another stupid TV series you might say and yet it should make you Furious it is a war on Truth itself one that will provide millions of impressionable Minds with an entrenched false narrative history as a discipline is different than just narrative simply because despite their inevitable human biases historians should at least aspire to be detached and neutral as a duty to the Future Generations there's a certain quiet inward glory in being that that detached from every side where everything is standpoint epistemology holding up a mirror to the present and calling it history when nothing's about truth and everything is just power and domination one might as well just either submit or Rebel end quote I just want to say that this article by Dr sumantra maitra is bloody excellent and really articulates why the battle against woke historical revisionism is so important this goes beyond a stupid Netflix series but reaches a place where this level of disrespect cannot and should never be tolerated by rational thinking people why this story about Cleopatra resonates so deeply with me is because it reminds me of a certain other event that I was told about as a child my nationality is Serbian and Armenian and growing up my father's side of the family would always tell me about an event called The Armenian Genocide this was a war crime pushed by the Ottoman Empire between between the years of 1915 to 1917 where during World War One around 1 million Armenian people were exiled via death marches into the Syrian desert these victims were deprived of food and water as they were forced to leave their homes as their towns and families were massacred the actual death toll was around 1.2 million and the war crime was instigated when the Ottoman Empire suffered losses during the Balkan Wars of 1912 to 1913. the Empire feared an uprising of Armenians seeking Independence and thus the Iron Fist of War descended upon the innocent to pay him blood for crimes they did not commit the reason why I'm telling you about this horrific real-life event is that for years following the death marches officials who were in charge of enacting it refused to confirm that it ever took place to begin with this horrific event was met with resistance from the Western world as journalists attempted to cover the event so the world could hear about it but the Ottoman Empire intervened and attempted to suppress all knowledge or evidence of it ever happening regardless the story thankfully did come to light and was documented in books such as the treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 1915 to 1916 which was an official report that was backed by the British Parliament this book amassed 742 pages and chronicled over a hundred sources that confirmed what happened to those innocent Souls during World War One this event was called by historians as the Apex of Horrors conceivable it was also referred to as the murder of a nation and the greatest crime of the ages although this extermination event did happen before the Holocaust of course which would unfortunately surge past this event and casualties but nonetheless The Armenian Genocide happened and like I said many Ottomans denied its existence along with many other countries even to this day although thankfully there are countries that recognize and stand with the Armenian people to address the existence of this tragedy countries like Greece Denmark Canada Austria Argentina France Lebanon Chile Syria the United States Poland Mexico Sweden and more all officially recognize the event in total there are 31 countries that back it here's the list so if you don't see a country on it they likely oppose it and I'll let you think what you will of that the reason why I've spent so long talking about something so personally tied to my own Heritage is because this cultural and historical revisionism must stop before it spreads the longer we allow will creators like Jada Pinkett Smith and her moronic producers to do things like this it will not only silence the truth it will actively rewrite history to fit agendas until younger Generations won't know fact from fiction the concept that Dr Matra said earlier in the video has stuck with me which is is the idea of a year zero when it comes to woke revisions effect things like woke identity politics stem much further than just Ray swapping a character or making Mary Sue's out of leading women in media what wokeness aims to do at its core is to act like what I can only refer to as a language virus it's an ideology that if repeated and used enough will eventually rewrite the critical thinking Pathways of your brain until the objective reality of what you see and know are indistinguishable from the actual truth just look at what happened in the last few years when the whole world shut down you had so much misinformation spreading from all sides that people actively began to believe in comfortable truths in order to reinforce their own realities if things like the ray swapping of Cleopatra are not met with resistance it will only embolden these wool creators to do more and what will eventually happen is that children will be raised in schools and they'll be told that Cleopatra was black or what if they're taught what happened to Armenians back in World War One never actually happened to be honest that probably is what is being taught anyway because public schools are so infested with brain rotted wouldn't surprise me especially these days young people these days are having woke ideologies drilled into their brain on a daily basis and whenever they step out of line or question it they're ridiculed shamed and sometimes expelled for having the audacity to ask questions that's what myself and people like Dr Matra push against if you bow to the woke you'll have no choice but to live on your knees being fed lies as facts after all you have places like China who we all know pushes propaganda onto its citizens like crazy so for a second I would like to talk about the movie Fight Club yeah I know first rule don't talk about Fight Club but that movie ends with the banks basically being wiped out by Working Class People except in the Chinese version of Fight Club the movie ends with a tech that says through the clue provided by Tyler the police rapidly figured out the whole plan and arrested all criminals successfully preventing the bomb from exploding after the trial Tyler was sent to Lunatic Asylum receiving psychological treatment he was discharged from the hospital in 2012. so when you think the revision is propaganda of things like Cleopatra have suddenly begun and ended there as you can see this push to rewrite history or even the endings of films are all done to control you and how you think China notoriously lies to their citizens all the time so they sure as hell can't have a movie like Fight Club air where the Common Man overthrows the government so voila it's changed and the citizens have no choice but to accept a fake reality as truth that my friends is goddamn scary and is going to keep happening unless we speak up and call these things out and keep the conversation going even the woman King rewrote his own history to make the film portrays Nation as heroic when they worked I mean these things they won't end thankfully there is some light in the chaos with Cleopatra's executive producer Jada Pinkett Smith's other show getting canceled with red table talk being axed by Facebook recently that show by the way is where Jada told the world that she screwed her son Jaden's friend August so excuse me if I don't feel sorry for Jada at all when it comes to this however Jada is Seeking a new home for the talk show and I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to get her cold clammy hands around Netflix's neck and revives her show there instead since she already has a relationship with the company unfortunately but the idea of people like Jada actively working to create a year zero when it comes to what's culturally accepted as truth is terrifying imagine if the Germans could just one day rewrite their World War II past and over time through propaganda make people forget what actually happened then he got crazy examples like North Korea who has in the past told their citizens that they won every gold medal at the Olympics ever like I'm not even kidding they even created fictional athletes that apparently beat every other nation's Fighters as well in 2014 North Korea told their citizens they reached the finals of the World Cup in Brazil which never happened but that's what this is all about rewriting critical thinking out of the modern day person so that they can get to a point where they can't refuse but believe what's told to them and the Cleopatra controversy also had another tone deaf PR nightmare when the actor who plays Cleopatra responded to an insane woke fans tweet the Tweet says very much excited for this also the white Devils have already started making videos and posting misinformation so be ready for that shaking my head just don't know why it's hard to grasp that she is and forever will be a black woman to which Adele James who plays Cleopatra said thank you so much as if agreeing with the insane fan that this history is true and everyone who opposes it is a white devil I love how as long as you have the right politics you can just say the most insane things with no repercussions is in society just great like that but that's what this culture War does it gives special privileges to some while completely constraining others it's just all so insane to me and as I was making this video it turns out the Egyptian government has officially responded to Netflix in the response Egypt's government as Mustafa was zeri to respond who's the head of the Supreme Antiquities Council of Egypt Mustafa remarks that it is not racist that Egypt's wish to have the history of their nation and the figures within it to remain racially accurate Mustafa went on to say and I quote archaeologists and anthropologists should have been referred to when making such kind of documentary and historical films that will remain a witness on civilizations and his history of Nations end quote the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities called out Netflix for culturally appropriating their history and demanded that in order to make amends the four-part series should be rebranded from a documentary to a drama even though that would still not change Cleopatra's ethnicity in this show at least it wouldn't be passing itself off as revision is propaganda then we have Dr Nasser makawi who's the head of the Egyptian Department of archeology at Cairo University they explained that the depiction of Cleopatra in this series contorts even the simplest of known facts about the historical figure and they're amazed that Netflix could take the writings of Scholars like plutarchis and diocasius who recorded the events of Roman history in Egypt during the reign of Queen Cleopatra and even in those reports these Scholars confirmed that she was not in any way shape or form depicted as how Netflix shows Dr Nasser makawi further drives the knife of History Deep by saying Cleopatra was the result of generations of inbreeding with this tradition of inbreeding with sisters and brothers being a well-known custom that the Macedonian royalty enacted to keep their bloodline pure as weird as that sounds and as if that wasn't enough the report goes to explain that Egyptian archaeologists concluded after years of studying mummies that the bones and DNA of these mummified remains show no correlation with South Saharan Africans from the DNA to the bones or even the genitals and that these mummies confirmed that Egyptians do not have the body organ ratio bone density or height length of Africans the report continues that Egyptians are not Africans and the many statues within Egypt bear far more resemblance with modern day Egyptians which I mean is obvious but the fact we need to even State this is insane to begin with and to conclude Egypt's response on the matter they referred to two statues of Cleopatra which depicted her with Hellenistic features for those unaware Hellenistic refers to the time period of around 300 years within Greek history between the death of Macedonian King Alexander the Great and 323 BCE and the rise of Augustus in Rome around 31 BCE meaning Cleopatra and all of her historical depictions showcases the queen wearing and featuring fashion and items that are exclusively tied to that time period the best way to explain what Cleopatra was to the Egyptians would be like this she was not Egyptian but was placed by Alexander to enact his rule during the time period of course Egyptians didn't take kindly to this since Cleopatra was a foreigner ruling over people she was not ethnically connected to to put that into modern day terms so woke idiots will understand it would be like if Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of ruling over Mexico even though Kamala Harris is obviously not Mexican she would rule over Mexico in Joe Biden's name and ensure that his rules and laws stayed enforced over the people of Mexico until eventually the Mexicans would overthrow Kamala Harris and it is as they say it's jover or Joe over for Joe Biden whichever one I don't know although I should say that Joe Biden in no way shape or form even remotely comes close to Alexander the Great but I had to use some sort of example to explain it in the simplest of terms by the same mentality would you depict Kamala Harris as a white woman if she was actually black even though she ruled over the Mexicans in this stupid ass example I've conjured in this video you wouldn't right so the same can be said about Cleopatra she's about as black as Steve Buscemi is which is not at all but that's why this woke revisionist propaganda needs to be called out otherwise it'll never end actually if you want this woke Shadow War being put into pop culture theme so that you can understand it easier then Emperor Palpatine is the Supreme woke Lord and Order 66 which killed almost all the Jedi is the executive action that destabilized the world and the Sith who worked tirelessly to suppress and transform the perception of the Jedi so that younger Generations fear and despise those who wield the force basically the woke agenda is Darth Vader in Palpatine and you and me are the Rebel Alliance except instead of flying cool spaceships and willing lightsabers you're watching this and I'm in my room yelling into a microphone hoping I do my part in Shifting the culture to a more sane and rational way of thinking look I know the wool culture war is tiring but I will never stop reporting and exposing it because for the reasons in this video all it takes is turning a blind eye to allow injustices of all kinds to pass as long as you keep giving these wool creators the benefit of the doubt will keep being repaid in Mindless awful products that belittle human history so please do not watch Cleopatra and always dig deeper whenever you feel your gut not sit right when you see or read something and in the words of baruch's binoza the highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding because to understand is to be free thank you for watching subscribe for more and share the video to help others understand why this is not okay be good to those around you and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 159,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diversity, modern audience, men media, critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, RK Outpost, woke media, woke media dying, spiderman, yyc, triggernometry, post woke, Victoria Alonso, disney decline, Jonathan majors, nerdrotic, mindy k, disney is dying, Kathleen Kennedy, the marvels, Cleopatra, Netflix woke, Netflix Cleopatra trailer, Netflix Cleopatra reaction, agent 355, tina gharavi, cleopatra reaction, Cleopatra Netflix, jada pinkett, jada pinkett smith Cleopatra, ENDYMIONtv
Id: JLguTE6ZksE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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