Netbox Site Region Tenant Design Examples

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i want to free your mind [Music] it won't take you that long when you get to know me to find out my all-time favorite movie is the matrix the original matrix and there's a scene in there where morpheus is trying to to get neo to literally jump over buildings and he's like look i'm trying to free your mind gravity is a rule that that can be kind of bent in this in this place right and that's what i want to do with the net box i want to i want to kind of free your mind you've seen the structures right you've seen hang on let me just jump right here you've seen that the site is the core right you've seen that we can then take sites and group them into regions and we can even group regions of regions and we can split a site up with multiple tenants but what you haven't seen is like okay well give me some examples of where that might be possible absolutely when you're using netbox i would say from a region perspective there's two primary perspectives that you can usually take one is what i would call the managed service provider model now managed service riders are a fairly new thing about 10 years old they're essentially an organization that does outsource it or technology services right so so instead of hiring people that have that expertise they a company might say hey you be my it provider right to this managed service provider so you have an organization that might be using netbox that has many different clients within it so instead of the region being a geographical area you could set up the region to be your customers so the top level region might be stanley spas right one customer of the msp the second level region might be zap hand sanitizer we're in the we're in the middle of covid uh right now so so everything's sanitizer right so it made a growing company obviously zap and then you know next customer next customer next question those can be your top level regions and then underneath that you can either break it into sub-regions like let's say stanley spas has you know three offices in phoenix and two offices in tucson right so you could create a sub-region for tucson and phoenix and then put your sites in underneath there or if if stanley spas is like hey we we do you know one office per location you can just make this the site right you don't have to make that a sub-region and it's the same thing with zap hand sanitizer right you got your your locations which could be sub-regions and you could even divide those further into sub-sub-regions right or they could be the individual sites the other model could be an enterprise model so let's just say instead of it being an msp we now have global education the the worldwide provider of education services right and they have offices in and that now we're regions a little more like it sounds north america in australia with kangaroos and sydney and newcastle happen to be sub-regions of that and then maybe the individual sites and the again same thing as the msp model these could be sites or they could be sub-regions i'll just put sr um and then you you could even break it down further sub-sub-regions you can nest regions within regions within regions and that can be a model that you can use for the regions now that is usually pretty logical makes sense where people struggle is with the tenants and and rightly so regions can only contain other regions or sites right tenets can contain all kinds of stuff racks virtual machines servers where am i you we use we use that all kinds of places take a look at this um and let me get my pen off of there and clear off my my dots you might use tenants to organize your cabinets let's just say that that um we've got uh uh wrong color pen uh we've got um uh a big a big office space we're running a data center right and it within within this uh this data center we have multiple cabinets and we we then do co-location to where we've got you know uh customer one buys the cabinet customer two buys this cabinet so you have multiple customers with different with different cabinets so this would be this the site excuse me let me just use uh uh we have a data center out here in arizona called iron mountain data center used to be called i o data data center until they sold it so so iron mountain might be the site and then within there you divide up that site with tenants and you you divide each one of those tenants into and assign them a cabinet because again let me let me make sure that that um you catch this hang on let me clear this off and jump over here to netbox uh you can see that that we have our sites everything orbits around the site you can subdivide the site with tenets which it says are customers or departments again it's the model that you're using regions you can only get to right here it's not on the on the home page right so so when you think about that you could be thinking like an msb model you could do that uh or you could do you know departments within your business accounting has all this equipment but look at this whenever when i click on the tenants uh if i can get that loaded up there we go and i click on add you notice i mean let's just asdf let me just add add one right here you notice that the tenant can contain sites and racks and rack reservations and devices so it's again a way of of subdividing that when you see things like sites it's like okay that could mean a lot of different things prefixes these are ip address schemes vlans you can use tenants to divide a lot more granular stuff than you can a region so you could use it again to come back here to divide up your cabinets or maybe rack space so so for instance our data center here in arizona you can't you can't buy anything smaller than a 42u cabinet you know a full full length cabinet but a lot of times you'll get you'll get providers that come in by the cabinet and then they reach out to customers who maybe wouldn't be able to afford a cabinet or don't need a cabinet they're like hey we'll sell space by the you you know buy one you two you three or however much you you need and they provide their value-added services and things like that that would be great for them to use uh the tenant to divide up their rack space so they can have you know uh one u through let's just say five u goes to customer x you know six you you get the idea right so you can assign each one of these and then use net box to generate easy reports to where you say okay billing time end of the month let me generate a report out of that box and and here's exactly what you're paying for customer x here's what you're paying for a customer why to to divide up that rack space you can either divide up rooms and buildings you can use it to divide up a server so you can have vms assigned to a specific tenant so again how granular do you want to go cabinet level dividing up a rack do you want to divide up a server inside of that rack and use like you know aws or azure hosting models to say okay that vm costs you x amount a month uh or do you just want to use it to divide up office space is that is this gelling a little bit right is it you kind of seeing the model for this so here's here's what i want you to do because again hearing it is one thing doing it is quite another i want you to draw out a region tenet model for your organization and i want you to implement that in netbox literally go in and i know you're probably you might be like well you know i got it i don't know no i i want you to do it because it's not until you actually engage with netbox and start oh okay and you add a few things based on a design that you draw out on paper that it really starts to stick with you otherwise it's just terms that just cycle around your head right draw it out build it in that box and now it sticks it's that simple
Channel: Viatto
Views: 1,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WugtkeMqYaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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