5 Tips to "Find" the Motivation to Study

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and the reason I say it's so difficult is because that opens the door to a whole lot of baggage I pinned a question to my Twitter thread a couple weeks ago that pretty much opened the door for anybody to ask any question that they wanted and this was the very first question that came in how do you motivate yourself to study after working all day and putting the kids to bed and it's 9 p.m. serious question although when I feel the heart behind that question that little smiley face is probably like one of those tears sad faces right and I relate straight to this those of you that know me know I have a big family a whole bunch of young kids so I know what it's like to come home and they just want you and you're consumed until you finally get them all to bat down to bed and you're just like I'm done you know check please so how do you get motivated to study in that situation and another question that came in after that was would you still have gone for your CCIE if you were to do it now the answer is yes but I would approach it way differently than I did back when I was a single guy the first thing I want to do is make sure I throw a big assumption out there the average American watches 4 hours of television a day over a life span that's 13 years of life and I'm gonna make a big assumption that that's not you and if it is you then that's my number one tip stop watching TV whether it's 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour that is just filler it's it's a waste of time that a lot of people say well I'm relaxing and I get it I get the need to unplug but what I find a lot of people doing is they use TV to fill the time that they don't know what to do with meaning they get home and all the kids are there you don't know what to do you know you can't study your to kind of like click and on goes the TV and there goes the whole evening to that you have to twist that into an intentional time and that's what I'm going to take you to my second tip which is which is probably the most difficult and it's it sounds so obvious but probably the most difficult one that I have plan a schedule with your spouse and the reason I say it's so difficult is because that opens the door to a whole lot of baggage meaning when you bring your spouse into it that is the number one way to work with it whether it be your wife or your husband if you've got kids if you've got a family they're going to be necessary to join you in this journey of studying for your CCIE or studying for whatever you know doing doing whatever it is and if you try and go around them and and I'm not gonna say it's not possible you can and I'm gonna give you some tips on how to do that in in a good ish kind of way but if you try and do it without involving them it's probably a better way of saying it you're gonna find yourself struggling against weird forces that you just don't know are there it's tough to do but literally it's going to be sitting down with them and saying this is what I'm going after I think it's gonna be good for our family of law and how can we do this and expect a lot of you know back and forth don't that's that's the biggest my I'll just confess my biggest problem is when I do that I want the okay I'm right there I support you let's do this and that's where the baggage comes in I'm like oh well oh yeah mmm this is gonna take some time to figure out if you're willing to put in the time you've got a solid study solution right there it's planned it's scheduled and supported by someone could who can actually help with the kids next up get to something practical as soon as possible when you're studying a lot of this stuff is conceptual like I'll just take the OSI model as a simple example learning the OSI model without actually doing something that relates to it is brutal its rote memorization nobody wants to do that so a lot of times I'll skip straight to where it's actually asking me to do something it says okay do this and I go I don't know what that even means so I'll go back and research what does that mean which makes then the the not so practical stuff a little more digestible because I'm doing it to get to something practical and that way I can I can learn concepts that I can do because at the heart a lot of times network engineers are doers and we want to do something and if it's all concept oh we're not doing anything so get to something practical quickly don't wait to feel motivated that's one of the big myths no MERS when I see how do you get yourself going at 9:00 p.m. well a lot of times you're you're kind of waiting for that feeling like yeah I feel like studying which does come I'm not saying it's never there but it's not going to be there consistently as creating a plan or a schedule as you know I talk like this all the time this is the kind of training that I do and I'm not motivated for a lot of it yeah a lot of your like you know how can that be you're always so peppy yeah well yeah but a lot of that starts with me sitting at that desk over there with a book you're going okay what is I don't get it I'm jumping up and down I'm walking around because I have to force the motivation I have to force myself to get through it and not to get distracted with something else and that brings me to something I did a few years back and that's flipped that study time in the evening to the morning I know I know network engineers aren't morning people but I'm telling you waiting to the evening is setting yourself up or I'll say for myself was setting myself up for failure I didn't like waking up early in the morning and I still kind of don't I would always love to sleep in but my alarm goes off at 4 a.m. every single morning because I know that's my best time and that's where I'm gonna dive into something like this the only sub tip I'll give you on that flip to the morning is make sure that you have a plan of exactly what you're going to do because if I'll speak to myself if that alarm goes off at 4 in the morning and I don't know exactly what I have to do I'm hitting the snooze button because I'm like oh I don't even know Alex I'll just get to that later right fail if the morning still doesn't work for you then schedule a 10-minute evening thing what do I mean by that I mean that instead of saying I'm going to spend 10 minutes studying in the evening I'm gonna force the 10 minutes out of a schedule a 10 minute thing meaning look at whatever concept you're studying and say I'm going to turn on a router and set the hostname that's something you can do in 10 minutes I'm gonna you know whatever it is it's just a thing that you commit yourself to do you plan it you think about it and you said it that it's only gonna take 10 minutes that's usually all it takes to get me started is if I get myself in there to do the 10 minute thing then I'm going to keep going after that that's how I hurt my interest if you will to get studying in the evening now with all of these things I don't know if you've noticed any one of the themes through them all it's intentionality its schedule its plan its at the end of the day discipline which is kind of a word people like to avoid nowadays they want to feel that rush feel motivated and the feeling we'll come through discipline which has no feeling at all associated with it it's misery but at the same time it's the beginning of something great that you want to do every technology I've had to learn is brutal when I first get started until I start that flywheel going and going okay I get it again and then it becomes exciting and the motivation follows the discipline to get it started being planned being intentional being disciplined that's the best way to find it the motivation to get going
Channel: Viatto
Views: 12,698
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Keywords: Keeping IT Simple, Jeremy Cioara, Study tips, it blogs, it specialist, information technology (industry), information technology, it, tech, networking, it jobs, it fundamentals, how to, learn IT, networking tutorial for beginners, home network, CCNA, Study with me, studying, studying tips, how to study better, how to study, tips, tricks
Id: W3-W2CVpED4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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