.NET MAUI Preview 10 Update: Time For You To Get Started!

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hear that i think it's another don and maui preview landing right there so let's go check out what it's all about spoiler alert it's awesome now this should be a short and sweet video because um there of course there has been progress but um you know it's just implementing all the missing bits the missing handlers and making things more stable but i think there is one important thing that we need to note here so um together at netconf i'll talk a little bit more about that which is a big conference all about.net which just wrapped up last week at the time of recording um vs 2022 has launched as well i think the day before.netconf so visual studio 2022 is now generally available you can download it if you haven't done so already but together with that we've also released a visual studio 2022 preview so 17.1 preview and the dot at maui bits have moved from the the ga version which was previously in preview oh my gosh there's a lot of previews and gas in here but so if you install the regular visual studio 2022 right now then you won't see done at maui you won't see that in maui workload which is kind of odd because you've worked with it before but it also kind of makes sense because you know it's now generally available so we don't want to have these experimental bits these preview bits in a generally available visual studio so together with the stable version of visual studio 2022 there's now also the 17.1 i think if you were on the preview track before for visual studio then it should update automatically to the 17.1 version if not you know just use bing to google visual studio preview and you will land on the right page so having that said you need visual studio 17.1 to install the dotnet maui workload right now but the good news is is that it i think it's much more stable because i've mentioned in earlier videos before you know don and maui was a little bit rough and by that i mean there are so many bits the tooling was new dot-net 6 was new and still in preview win ui was still new and in preview all these things had to work together for done at maui to be able to work so it wasn't really done at maui who was kind of rough around the edges as well as all the other bits but now the good news is visual studio is out dot net six is out i think win ui or the the windows app sdk is almost at version 1.0 so that should be out pretty soon as well so your experience to start with a dotnet maui app should be much more smooth by now because all those bits are just right there and you don't need any private nuget feeds or whatnot all the things maui check we no longer need that you can just go and install visual studio 17.1 preview check that dotnet bowie workload and you should have everything you need i just tried it out myself on my machine and i was able to just install that preview do a file new don at maui app and it ran at the first try so you know as always if you can't figure it out please let me know in the comments or find some other way to contact me i'll be happy to see if i can help you but i hope it should be much more smoother for you as well now let's switch over here to the screen i think we've did this 10 times before we have this wonderful blog post by david here who is outlining all the things that are new first off the thing that i just mentioned installing.net maui so you need to have the preview version and then if you go over to the installer you can go to mobiledevelopmentwith.net and you have to check the.net maui preview check right here so that's the thing that you need to do i think i got the installer here as well so we can see it live in action um you can also see you can install it side by side i only have two right now i've used to have a couple of visual studio instances here this is the internal preview this is the regular public preview that you can have as well so you can all do this side by side no problems works perfectly and if you click modify or you know if you install this for the first time you can see all the workloads right here if you want to do also the blazer stuff make sure to click the asb.net web development here as well here the mobile development let me check that before i lose all my functionality here and here you can see net maui is right here so make sure to click that and it will install all automatically now if you also want to target windows with wind ui all that kind of good stuff make sure to click the universal windows platform development as well and you know some other stuff i like to do azure so just click everything that you like in here and of course if your disk space allows for it so install that and you should be good to go now the other stuff in here um update on controls i think this is a big one collection view is our replacement for the list view so collection view now uses the handlers as well i think we also did the indicator view which is like the little view for your carousel view to show on which page you are so we're just you know going through all the controls converting them to handlers and yeah for you to use in a net maui native way so that is really great now there are some links down here below to check out the collection view indicator view get started today so the download link for visual studio is right here as well i'll make sure to put those links down in the video description for you to find and of course you can check out like hey the migration guy for preview 9 to preview 10 all the other release notes and the road map of course that is coming as well actually let's just click over to the roadmap for a little bit and let's see a little look ahead uh preview 11 should land in december more bug fixes more handlers for the flyout page tab page carry of shell view webview and some other amazing stuff that is in here as well while we work through the release candidate in q1 and we're going to work towards releasing this as well now the other thing i mentioned was dot netconf so let's switch over here to the dotnet youtube channel because that is where it all happens they have slightly more subscribers than me at this time but i'm working on that and here you can see the netconf and it is a big playlist with all kinds of things but you should definitely check out the keynote for dot net six and in the keynote there was also dot net maui which was a mind-blowing demo really i'm gonna show you this in a little bit let me know if you want to me to go through the source of this code the source of this code the source of this app in a video because there is a lot to cover here i think the code will become open source soon so make sure by the time that you watch this i will make sure to update the link down in the video description but the code should be out there for you to look into as well because this is just like the other dot net conv apps this should be an app that represents a real live app and i know for like you know years back xamarin forms had this app for conferences where you could see the sessions and you could do ratings and all this kind of stuff and had it that has been copied for real-life conferences and used as an app and i actually you know i looked into that app i didn't work at microsoft at that time i looked at that app and i took some concepts from that app as well and applied it to my own app so it's always good to learn from actual code that has been written by people at microsoft but also the nice people at plane concepts which is a company that microsoft uses to create these demo apps so there's a lot of stuff in there not just xamarin not just don and maui but also azure stuff static web pages containers i don't know it's crazy so let me show you what that's all about um i'm gonna hear i think i have it running already so here we have the app running and it's all about podcasts right so this is my uwp version that's running or the win ui version and there is some some podcasts in here so we can see i don't know.net rocks you probably know that one or the dotnet maui podcast which is really cool as well you can have subscriptions on podcasts listen later listen together and that's the one that i'm showing you because that is going to be really crazy so if we go into one of these it is a little bit slow that's my machine it's not the app and you can subscribe here to the.net maui podcast so we will get notified whenever a new episode comes up and we can do this for you know the lesson later so it will show up on our listen later thingy here and whenever we click play here it shows us this bar that starts playing so this is just a a audio player a podcast listener that is fully functional you can use this to listen to your podcast if that's what you want now whenever i started this listening what is really cool i can go to listen together and actually let me start up the android version of this as well i already deployed that to my windows subsystem for android so let me click that and it will boot here in the background and i can go to listen together and what it should do is here show us rooms so you can create a room to actually listen together to your podcast and that will use signalr to synchronize you know wherever the point in the episode is that you're listening to and you can do responses together so let's create a room um yay listen together open room and i'm gonna be launched into this room and you can see i can share my reactions with friends i can leave the room but the really awesome thing is that the android app is now here as well and i can go to together the together tab and you can see that the the ui is responsive right so now i suddenly have these tabs here at the bottom for my android ui and for the windows ui i have enough space which is responsive that it shows on the left side and you can already see there is this room here that's why there's one person in here so whenever i click i can go in here and i can say hey my name is gerald join the room and what is really amazing like i said it will sync the playing so it's playing right now you don't hear it but it's really playing here and i can say okay i like this episode so i'm gonna do the thumbs up and you can see in real time it comes up on both apps all right i love this i love this little heart and it has this playful animations right here and it will just float and if i do a couple of more then you can see it really shows all of these emojis flying up in real time in both apps so i can really share my reactions with all my friends and that is really cool going in real time in the dot net conf keynote it is you know much better presented than i could i think by maddie legere and i can't remember who the other person was maybe dan roth with the blazer part or scott hunter who is the net six person as well but go definitely go check that out and like i said if you want to know more in detail about this code whenever it's open sourced i can make a video covering like how this all works because this is some blazer magic this is done at maui magic and if you ask me this is really really promising what i see here so um go check that out now there you have it a short and sweet update on don and maui preview 10 already so as we've just seen on the roadmap we're gonna have preview 11 and then i think we're going to go into the rcs but you know it's not set in stone so it might change over time but um you know the end of the year is nearing and we want to release don and maui in q2 of 2022 um so you know but if think back about that podcast app how amazing was that right that was a real live app which has a lot of concepts i've seen the code which has a lot of concepts that people will definitely use in their own apps that people will definitely be interested in so whenever it's open source i will do a small announcement through my shorts maybe through my stories i have all this stuff that i can use now from youtube so be sure to follow me and you will be updated automatically on all this crazy stuff together with that if you like this video then other people can benefit from these updates as well so please like this video if you actually liked it subscribe to my channel so this content will come to your feed automatically and i'll be seeing you for my next video keep coding you
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 4,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net maui, .net 6, .net maui preview, visual studio 2022, dotnet 6, .net maui example, maui dotnet 6, .net 6 maui preview, .net 6 maui, .net 6 xamarin, maui preview, .net maui desktop, .net maui community, dotnet maui preview 10, .NET conf, dotnet conf, dotnet maui podcast, dotnet maui podcast app, .NET MAUI podcast app, dotnet maui blazor, dotnet maui signalr, vs2022, .net maui android, .net maui mobile, dotnet maui install
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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