.NET MAUI Delayed! What This Means for .NET 6 and MAUI

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dot net maui has been delayed so what does that mean for net six let's talk about what exactly is being delayed and what's still being launched in november now if you're not familiar dot net maui has caused a lot of stir in the c sharp community dot net maui is actually an acronym that stands for multi-app multi-platform application ui so it means that basically we can create one project and deploy it to windows mac linux ios android we can deploy it pretty much anywhere it's a it's a pretty great concept it's based upon net 6 and the unification of dot net which is dot net core dot net uh the mono framework and also xamarin so it kind of brings all those things together and this is a kind of a ui but more than that that goes to all these different platforms natively now i'm looking forward to it in fact i'm actually wearing my um dot net maui shirt today um kind of as a i didn't even think about it but when that announcement came out from scott it's it's a little sad um but at the same time it's also a good thing so let's talk about what does this delay really mean well the original plan was that we would have.net maui in dot november.net is now on a yearly release cycle meaning we had net five last november released so dot net six comes out this november we've talked before by the fact that net six is actually an lts version meaning a long-term support which is about three years of support for this version in fact there is a a first rc version or release candidate version is already out rc2 is coming soon and those are actually supported for going live or for using those in production but right now the net maui pieces of those are not supported for going in production so the plan was.net 6 and maui in november now what's going to happen the new plan is that net 6 is still coming out in november it's still the lts version it will still have the latest.net code updates it will have c sharp 10 we'll have hot reload pretty much everywhere those new minimal apis you may have been seeing everybody talk about i'll be covering those soon we're going to have those the blazer improvements the mono runtime is getting unified with net and we'll have a preview of maui now that preview is a preview when microsoft says preview what they mean is you probably shouldn't use that in production and of course for those of you who are working at companies they're a little conservative which a lot of companies are you're probably saying tim i can't get them to get on.net core gotcha don't worry this is not the time to launch a new model or a new maui project okay but it is coming and that's coming soon so right now that's november that csharp10.net changes all that good stuff comes but not net maui so dot net maui has been pushed back to roughly q2 quarter two of 2022 that puts us anywhere in the oh april to june time frame i'm guessing um they're gonna want to release around the may june time frame but really that i know the heart of a team is gonna be released as soon as ready and not until it's ready there are basically all the pieces are in place for net maui now however the polish isn't there yet this is why i say it's a good thing they're not releasing this yet the the systems are in place the the cross platform is working there's some really cool stuff you can do right now in demos but the problem is that there's some quirkiness to it still there's some polish needs to happen to just make the the process and the flow better there's controls that are in but they need some improvement and there's some speed issues and size issues that need to be addressed in order to have the best possible performance of your application those the kind of things are going to happen between now and launch so in this time frame so when dot net 6 releases the the advice is still gonna be if you want to go and deploy to uh mac or deploy to ios or android then you should still use xamarin and xamarin is still supported it's still part of.net it's just that slightly different version of dot-net slightly different um the uh the underlying structure is a little bit different and that's what's getting unified with maui but it still works and there will be an upgrade path from your xamarin application into a net maui application so you're not losing anything here if you really jump the gun now and get something going or if you have me already in the works keep going with xamarin don't worry you're still supported so that's the current uh way to go forward from now until dot net mommy gets launched when the launch happens is still up in the air this announcement happened today they're still sorting some things out one of the questions that i haven't seen answered yet but we'll need to be part of this is where will this end up then what i mean by that is that.net 6 is the lts version the long term supported version so when dot net maui comes in which is kind of out of band it's kind of it's not part of the main release cycle so is that going to come in as part of net six six months from now or six months from november in q2 is that going to be part of then the lts branch or is that going to essentially kind of be a pre a pre.net 7. we don't have those answers yet we're going to find out i would assume they become part of the lts but i'm not positive so there are still some questions don't worry though we have time again we have to look forward to to find out a lot more these questions find out what's going on but this really is a good thing yes i know it's disappointing i actually have a project that i'm really waiting for dot net maui for i wanted to um build a product that i think would be really cool but i want to wait until i have that unification of platforms um and it's just not ready yet i'm gonna wait i'm a patient and i'll wait i'm not gonna try and do something early and then have to change things and that is i wanna talk about briefly uh i haven't covered the the new.net six stuff yet on my channel and the reason why is because things are still changing the rc1 is out and they're making some stability and performance improvements some you know quality improvements to the uh even the release candidate and then rc2 will be out uh shortly brown rc2 is going to be really um starting to show off what dot net stuff will do dot s6 stuff will do because that's when it's the most real world ready that's when it's you know it's ready to go so that when you do get the full.net six you're ready to go um but if you jump too early on something and changes need to happen it can be breaking changes and so with this.net maui stuff coming out in q2 i would encourage you to kind of hold back on doing anything production related i know that you could be cutting edge but with cutting edge things do change things do uh morph over time so there should be uh very few of those breaking changes like i said they have pretty much everything ready um just not polished just not totally done yet there are some some tweaks coming out as well but it's still a little bit of a clunky process i would wait until later on maybe the march time frame uh maybe february to start really investigating learning it so you're ready to go when it does launch in q2 all right so that's the dotnet maui news we're still getting.net six we're still getting c 10 we're still getting those improvements to core blazer um the hot reload that's gonna go everywhere the integration of mono and so much more stuff lots of cool stuff coming in november i think it's in november second to fourth something like that we're gonna have um the the the actual launching of the general availability of net six can't wait for that we'll definitely have some cool content around that until then thanks for watching thanks for listening and as always i am tim corey [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: IAmTimCorey
Views: 32,199
Rating: 4.9477353 out of 5
Keywords: .net, tim corey, iamtimcorey, .net core, .net maui, .net 6 maui, .net 6 blazor, .net 6 minimal api, .net 6.0, .net 6 api, .net 6 blazor desktop, .net 6, tim corey c#
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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