.NET Maui Apps | Adding App Icon to .NET MAUI Project.

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foreign when you use dot net marry application and finish  creating or developing your application definitely   I believe you like to change the application  icon when I see application icon what is it   I have a project created and I have run it in the  Android emulator now if I open the QC we have the   application icon this is a default one it is dot  net marry so we would like to change this icon to   yours how can I do that that is what you're going  to have a look in this video it's very simple step   what you have to do here is you create an SVG file  for the icon that you want to set as your app icon   so I have an icon here that's what I'm going  to use so you can see it has an app icon dot   SVG and that is the ambulance icon over here  now when we check our solution Explorer and go   to your resources and app icon folder you can  see we have two icons Here app icon.svg and   app icon config or app icon fig dot or SVG so  that's what we're going to do let's highlight   all this and let's move them to the rough folder  we don't want to delete them let's keep them here   now what you need to do here is now you  see when you go to the app icon it is empty   so I'm going to paste this app icon I've make a  duplicate of it so over here because I have an   app icon and app icon FG so I'm going to paste  them in the app icon folder so paste it here   okay now when you are done right click  on this app icon go to properties   and now here you can see build action let's use  for Marry icon so let's go for my it is an image   and let's select for an icon and that is this  okay now when you're done go to Project settings   so come here and you're gonna see we have the  icon set up here and there is a default one   okay so with this default one that's what we can  do we have two icons set up so let's comment this and now we need to set the foreground  of this icon so let's let's grab this so let's grab this and let's paste  this here so the foreground is up icon   LG dot SVG so there is a foreground  icon now we can also set the color so with the color we can set this to   let's see and this color let's use red now let's  save this so when you are done we have to build or   clean this project so make sure you get this  project cleaned then you build the project again so you have an app icon sets  and that is displayed over here okay so it is saying that a remote  error occurred in the connected Mac   Okay so we don't want to connect to  Mac now let's see so let's go for current projects let's see the output so field  now let's see the reason why it is filled   so unable to remove this now let's clean solution again so the reason why  we have Diaries I attract to connect to my Mac and   let's see so let's build clean this too as well  okay so see that now let's build this project so beautiful see that now what you have to  do here is we have to run the application   to see so there is a the default one  we have there's an icon there's your   default so when you run it you want  to see the ambulance now let's go okay so as you can see it has now changed to the  ambulance icon that we specified and that is the   icon of this over here okay so now it's going to  launch the app so let's wait for you to Launch so the app is now ready so let's close this and now when you go you can see there's an app  over here that's an app icon now you close it   and go to the home page you see we have the  app icon here as demo so that is the way to   set up the app icon I believe you might be  asking of how to change this splash screen   I have made a video on that so I'll put it at  the description so I'll link it over there go   there and check it up and click on it to see how  to change the splash screen when the page loads   also I have a video on how to create an animation  such as a lotium animations to use mainly for   loading you can also check on that check the  description they are all there we have a lot   of projects and lessons um in the playlist so go  there and check it up and you're gonna have a lot   of informative videos also that is it for this  video if you like what I am doing can give me   thumbs up if you have any issue to put it at the  comment section subscribe to the channel share and   comment thank you guys for watching this video  and I'm going to catch you up in the next video
Channel: Netcode-Hub
Views: 2,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asp.net core, Registration, controller, service, email service, web api, SMTP, pagination, EFCore 7, skip(), scaffolding, assign-role, mobile apps, maui app, mobile app, desktop app, create app, android, apk, applications, MSIX, poweshell, cli, command-prompt, google api key, map key, google map api key, cloud key, direction, maps, integrate map, desktop application, google map.api key, api key, context menu, navigation service, nivigate trough content pages using navigation service
Id: jXuuoBlQFD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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