Neptune 4 Max load screen and software error fix

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all right hey everyone so it's been long time since I made a video I've been in process of moving right now I'm in the workshop new workshop we got temporary table here we got I got a 3D printer in this is the reason I'm doing this video is for anyone that's having troubles with the Neptune 4 Max or any other eligo printer that has this um this screen here detach all this so you can see some filament here that I have to throw out I just I just finished up a uh dragon you can see the oh eh you can't really see it but there you can kind of see the outline on the table but that's from a dragon all right so if we go over to here the problem I was having so the first thing I printed out was a uh Spider for my mom um little jumping spider and that went after I got the bad level you would go into here well you would go into level not prepared level and you would go through and you would turn all these knobs and you would go to level and you they go check and then you do it again then again with the the piece of paper um so got the level done and then printed the spider came out perfect and then I came back in here I couldn't get the thing to load and then eventually I got it LO mod and for some reason when I go in so if I go in settings and then I'm going to go to uh about the machine when I went to print the dragon it was uh it wasn't printing it was um it creating let grab it here it was creating swirls on the pre-print so there's a little print line that goes here and finishes there and it was producing swirls and I don't know why I didn't know why and so it would started Printing and it would not connect to the bed it would connect at each um point that it changed directions just because it's a little bit extra but it was not um is not going flat there's the top side and there's this one side this is a dual color filament so um but it wasn't printing correctly and so it took me for hour to turn it off on off on off on off on eventually it got froze on a loading screen so it free froze on a loading screen with a little where it just loading up and stayed there so what I did is uh I can't remember the guy Channel I'll put it in the description you unplug the computer back there you don't touch the switch you just unplug it you unplug the screen here both points you let it sit overnight I let it sit for like 3 hours and that made it uh change then it would go to then it would go to the um a software uh error code screen which would be just give you your oh which would give you your uh it would say Neptune and then it would say either Clipper or uh um uh fluid uh software is not working properly and you would have to and the way you do that is you unplug it and plug it back in unplug it plug it back in until that screen and it pretty much I just had to do it once uh where it I had to unplug it and plug it back in it went to the screen uh but the last time it wouldn't go to this screen it kept it stayed on loading screen so I unplugged it there unplugged it there and unplugged it here plugged it in back in a few hours later and that got me to a um that got me off the loading screen but went to the error um the error software screen so I kept on trying to unplug it plug it back in unplug it plug it back in um and couldn't get to work so it came up on the error software screen now I found out that if you go on the airor software screen is where this little icon is here your top top right hand corner on the error screen there's a button there and that's your settings button so so at the top of the error screen there will be a button here and that will be the button for settings so we're going go to settings now what you'll get you won't get all this but what you will get you'll get like language um I think you'll get language factory settings about the machine and advanced settings now now if you go to if you go to advanced settings you won't have any of this so I don't know why they put that on there uh but when you go to there you're going go to it's either going to tell you when you click on it or you're going go to that uh about the machine mine is the 4 Max the one that when it was screwing up for some reason I'm guessing they use this module on all the other uh newer any any Neptune that has this module on it they use the same module with different softwares loaded in this one got switched over to the Neptune 4 Pro which is a like M which is a much smaller build plate so I could there's no selection here it says contact El which they apparently have good but I thought good um good customer service I thought I was gonna have to go in uh Flash the printer and Flash this with a thumb drive and inside here there is a SD card that you have to download the program from eligo to restart I found out if you go to if you get to this screen if you get to the um the error software screen would and then go to the top right hand corner click that button in the top right hand corner on the error software screen go down to factory set settings and what that will do when you click on that it will reset the the printer to the factory settings so whatever it was installed as then you will go back you'll it'll bring and then it will bring you up to this screen and then you do your leveling again um so then you go into there I'm not going do it because I don't feel like going through all that you go into leveling and then you start your computer but going to the settings in top right hand corner on the uh software error screen go to fact go to about machine or it will already tell you and see if you have the right machine loaded your there is all the info for each machine is on the front leftand corner up underneath the print bed so this one is a 4 Max or Neptune 4 Max so then you go over to here and you press about machines if it's on the screen if it's not just click factory settings it will reload the factory settings and reset all the softwares and this computer like I said on mine you went to about the machine this it said Neptune 4 Pro instead of the 4 Max and it would not work with this printer because this is the wrong printer so go to factory settings click that and let it reboot it'll automatically reboot and then you will go in and you will do your leveling yada yada yada and everything will be perfect again I print it I have yet to have another problem I don't know how in the world it got switched over to a Neptune Pro but you know have a good one y'all
Channel: Hunters Workshop
Views: 1,262
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Id: 4dqbEeOF8JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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