Nemesis Board Game - Painting Soldier

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to watch it paint it today painting a model from nemesis this was on Kickstarter fairly recently but unfortunately I was on a holiday when they sent me a few prototype models I'm going to be painting the soldier from the set and I did back this game so it's something you might see on the channel when it finally arrives depending how much you guys have interest in this game maybe you've got it maybe you haven't if you haven't got it you interested I'll put a link in the description below to the late backer sort of pledge thing they'll gonna be doing in the future and if you didn't like this game let me know in the comments below and I'll sort of keep my eye on how much interest there is in this game so here's the model now this is a prototype it's not exactly the finished product but I thought I'd just show you how the model came it looks like it's had some zeniff all highlighting applied for me so this is gonna be the first time I'm painting in a model with that effect in place let's sort of keep an eye on and see what difference it makes hopefully makes the highlights lighter and the shadows darker I'm gonna start with parasite brand by Vallejo I'm gonna be painting on a sort of spacesuit make the choice of an orangey colour lightish orangey brown so this is one of the biggest parts of the paint in this model is only couple of colors for it's not actually a lot of work this model and in terms of the number of colors to use so you're just trying to paint in his trousers he's got a couple of our hops he's got this guy's got a couple of arms they're both poking through so he's got some sleeves she needs painting on one of his arms his bare arm is showing through those a bit weird asleep like wherever they are they must be able to survive in the atmospheres of their best skin exposed anyway after up in at his arms and legs basically necromancer cloak out that's by the army paints a really really dark gray almost black even and I'm gonna be using my detail brush to very very carefully painting these pads he's got on both legs and sort of around those straps that running through the middle of them I'm gonna use dark flesh tone for his skin tone that's a quite dark reddish brown it's quite a nice dark skin tone actually it looks really good I'm gonna shade it anyway so I'll dull it down a little bit later but it's basically only got that one forearm showing through and a little bit of skin on his glove as well and I'm gonna using it after I've painted in hit the skin inside his glove when he used the necromancers cloak again and just paint his two gloves in the same color that did there's patches on his leg I just mentioned that I what would all these paints down quite a lot because of that Xena full highlight and I'm trying to use a large build it up really really thin layers and letting the white in the background highlight it up and the black darken it down in the shadows now the next big color to use on this model is silver a lot of this model is silver so he's got his boots he's got his gun he's got a big space helmet he thing gun down his back as well like a harness around him so I'm using machine gun metal it's a dark silver by the army painter still using my detail brush so this models quite small and I'm just gonna go round and carefully painting all of his boobs all of this spine that he's guys he's got some sort of spine running down his back which this guns connected to I'm gonna paint the gun arm in the same color but I'm gonna paint the gun itself in a different color darker metallic by the army painter in it in a minute as I'll show you but just to add a little contrast a little interesting different change in color to this model once I've done all those little fiddly bit so I'm gonna bust out the regiment brush by the army painter bigger brush doing a bigger chunk of the model I'm just gonna apply paint a lot quicker so that's around his helmet just being extra careful around the glass parks I didn't want to get it too too shiny for already there then as I mentioned before gonna use rough iron that's there's really dark eye any color rough ions you know it clues in the name and that's gonna be painting in the base of his good I'm just really really darkening that metal down just avoiding all the bits I've already painted but I am using my regiment brush here trying to make a quick quick job of that bit just gonna use a splash of pale flesh inside is what in the artwork it looks a little bit perfectly glowy so I'm just giving a pinky purple screen there just to add a little bit of sparkle or something interesting I'm gonna use gory Reds paint in those straps that I mentioned before that going from that that gun harness to hold the thing that are just running across his legs so it's got a couple of straps on each side I'm just pen and red simple as that but nice easy easy strokes you just want to use your detail brush paint along it don't forget to very very carefully at the top and bottom edges make that look nice and freely and realistic it's really gonna add a little bit of detail and make that bit look much much better he struts are also sort of running between his arms and behind his gun it's a little bit fiddly in there but you can just about reach after that to attach back my hobby holder so I've got a very very firm careful grip here and I've mixed a glaze using light denim and about 10% of that and the rest is glaze medium and I'm just going to apply that from the bottom of his helmet and dried that upwards which is gonna sort of make his his helmet look like glass like a light blue glass now I did consider painting that all sorts of colors it depends what colour visor you want you can if you made a red glaze it'd be a bit red a yellow glaze it'd be a bit yellow but I've gone for blue you know the most realistic I think glass look and feel is I don't think it's the coolest look at the end but it's very realistic and I hope at the end you think it also looks quite like glass I'm quite proud of that I'm quite happy with this model in the end so hopefully you'll enjoy this video and let's see what it looks at at the end and it's pretty good pretty good for my standard at least so I'm just showing you now completely finish the base coat that's how he's gonna look only a handful of colors other mentioned but this model is really really nice I'm really happy actually back this game this is gonna have some really really good models just gonna show some washing now this is the jumpsuit shader this is the red shade youngers cover the red bits and the orange bits of his jumpsuit in there and been very very careful the shade making sure it goes exactly where I want using the exact amount I want making sure no extra shade makes it look dirty or spreads the red anywhere I don't want to and then after I finished with that shade I'm gonna bust out the survivor shade of the black shader and you can see I've upgraded to my regiment brushes because this is not as fiddly I'm less fussed about how it sells but this is for the meta medbay bit beer it's for all the metallics and the dark areas of the model so that was his gun or although the silver his boots his helmet the arm of his gun and then those patches of the grey that run that his legs on the other side so just carefully that then I'm gonna be super super slow and careful around his helmet really try not to get any of that shader on his helmet once that's all dry I'm gonna pick out gloss varnish and just add a gloss varnish to that visor that and paint it before just trying to make it look even more like glass and then I'm gonna use my detail brush just getting the very very corners of all about and soak up some spill on to the metal I don't think it matters if the metals a bit shiny Eva but I just just trying to China do it perfectly basically next up I'm gonna start highlighting up all of that metal I'm gonna start with machine gun metal that's the darker silver I army paints and I'm gonna be dry brushing this on first onto the gun just applying a very very light coat all over the raised edges and there's loads and loads of bumps notches it stuck to the gun lots of corners and angles and stuff so this is gonna dry brush across it really really well and start bringing some metallic back into it make it pop out a lot better I'm gonna do exactly the same on his boots again there's lots of sorts of sections of his boots and angles and pistons and stuff on his boots and it's gonna catch this dry brush really really well this is really really easy dry brushing and being careful not to get any on the on the other colored parts but it's not not really much of an issue that the metallic bits are poking out left right and center and then gonna go down to them a detail brush and get out clay more blade that's the really light bright silver by the army painter and I'm now gonna do a lot of edge highlighting along all those metal bits again or push in across all these as I mentioned the sort of place of his boots I guess so they're realistic so you can actually walk in this so this bends and joints and stuff I'm just gonna go along and catch a line of this brighter brighter silver down all of the edges it's just edge highlighting and I'll show you all of that just slowed some of it down there so you can sort of get the gist for what I'm doing but I'm just gonna go around and get at least the top edges of all of those plays and just make it look a lot lot more realistic and as though life's reflecting off all those panels back to what I was saying before about being happier back to this when these models are out that I've had them for quite a while as I mentioned I was on holiday I missed being able to do one in time for the Kickstarter I'm doing them now because hopefully you guys want to see them as much as I did but I've so procrastinate on this this model it's really really hard to pain I was a little bit dubious think you know I'm gonna ruin this it's to have to put it off we'll do it right we all put off painting someone we think it's gonna be a bit too difficult but I was completely wrong this is one of the easiest things I've had to pain and it's one of the things that's come out the best I think and I got to paint some glass for the first time ever and I'm pretty chuffed with that thing called that was have done a decent job highlighting it it looks quite small and fiddly but all the details stand out so far from the model is really really easy to catch the highlights and on the bits you mean to catch so big thumbs up on this model I hope that the finished models the proper models all is it's nice to paint as this is so after I've done all that Hitler hedge after all after you've trimmed all your hedges and highlighted them up nicely we're gonna go on to highlights and about orange jumpsuit that he's wearing as he's sort of space suit I'm gonna use a completely different color and I'm gonna go for tan here after that red shader had sort of a absorbed into the parasite Brown that a base coated in it this was the correct color - then how and I took live so you might have to George that fee cells just have a look how yours comes out at the end and see what would be the best base coat but the best highlighting coat to put on top of that base coat and for me it was tan by Vallejo and here there's loads and loads of sorts of folds and straps and all its going on all over his jumpsuit so there's this just that is this is really easy again it I'm just being very very careful he's kind of highlighting itself I'm just catching just put my brush near it and you can't get in in all the recesses and all the shaded part like I'd have to get quiet of my way to accidentally highlight somewhere I didn't mean to so that's all over him all over that jumpsuit nice and use a little splash of dark flesh tone again just to highlight up is for I'm just just gonna catch the edge of that just to make that look a little bit more realistic a bit skin like necromancy cloak out again just painting in around the bits where a bit of colors bled and now I just want to highlight that back up I did did add that survivor shader so I was just putting a little dab on each patch on his on his side and realize it really just didn't didn't really need it if you won that level you can go for it but I could barely see it so I just skipped on cold Gray's out by Vallejo somewhat to lighter gray and I'm gonna sort of dry brush this very carefully on his gloves and those pads on his side and just catch all the raised bits using my detail brush I didn't go full dry brush but I was very carefully just scraping some up and here I'm just highlighting back in that gory red just gonna basically paint in all the bits that I can see of this I'm not gonna do the top and the bottom that I did in the base coat leave there's a bit darker but the main side that you can see of them just paint fully back in red all the bit she can reach easily and that's just gonna make that look a lot more realistic and then for the final highlight that I'm just gonna use orange fire just an orange by Vallejo gonna have next to no pain on my brush and then that's great but even more off and then I'm just gonna use the side of my insane detail brush and just scrape down the bottom edge of all of the straps that I can see and that orange is gonna make it look like a really really nice highlight to that red and just make the detail stand out just a little bit there final touch but it's it's gonna make that red just look all that much better it's well worth doing it it only takes a few minutes and then I'm gonna paint the base black I would have liked to base it in somewhere but I've got no sci-fi base and frankly we all like bases differently so playing backs nice quick easy simple and you can always touch it up at the end and then gonna paint around the rim of the base just in the red I think the characters are looks of quite red like it's a red class and red character just make him more recognisable and table make the base just a little bit more interesting and that's him completely finished just give him a little spin so you can all see how he came out and I'll just let you know this guy don't mean just an exactly an hour to pana that's one of my fastest yet and I thought it was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever painted boy was I wrong I'm always wrong about the difficulty of painting what are things easy it's much harder what I think is hard is much easier or if you're new to the channel that's just part of me being a novice painter and just trying to show other people that this hobby is really easy to get into and it just takes a little bit confidence and a bit of practice and you start getting some great results as I mentioned if you are new do hit subscribe if you enjoy this video do hit like and I hope to see you again if you want to see more prototype models from them assist let me know in the comments below thank you all very much for watching
Channel: Watch It Paint It
Views: 26,687
Rating: 4.9669423 out of 5
Keywords: nemesis board game, nemesis, nemesis soldier, nemesis kickstarter, paint tuturial, paiting glass, painting visors, painting spacesuit, tutorial, watchitpaintit, soldier, miniature painting, miniatures, miniature wargaming, figure painting, watch it paint it, nemesis board game kickstarter, nemesis miniatures, nemesis paint miniatures, nemesis painting, nemesis painting soldier, paint nemesis, awaken realms, nemesis board game painting, nemesis boardgame, painting helmets
Id: wyCX-6lUHCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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