Neil Patrick Harris Goes Undercover on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube | GQ

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Can we just get a whole episode of the beloved Donglover himself?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/30blake05 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/POSTMODERNWATER πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi I'm Neil Patrick Harris and I am about to go undercover on the Internet this is actually me nice computer by the way GQ first question comes from quarrel what are the anti-aging products taken by Neil Patrick Harris here's the key moisturize moisturize moisturize just because you're a dude doesn't mean you have to be off roof or ah and not put lotion on your face parts and then drink copious amounts of blood submitted how does Neil Patrick Harris feel about kissing girls on How I Met Your Mother given these yay okay I added my own inflection let me try that again less judgy how does Neil Patrick Harris feel about kissing girls on How I Met Your Mother given these gay kissing girls is super fun they're pretty their skin is soft and when they slip you in a tongue hello I did one scene where I kissed a girl she was 85 years old it'd been a while I guess cuz she went for it when did the cast of How I Met Your Mother learned the details of the series finale the Christmas party of season 8 I cornered Carter and Craig my bosses the creators and executive producers at Kim Miam in a very drunken stupor forced them to tell me the the end and they did and I loved it and I appreciated it and it makes me rewash the episodes with a newfound lens of appreciation Yahoo Answers yeah is there a film where Neil Patrick Harris cries or a video why I'm not one of these actor people that can just give the clenchy jaw tear I'm blotchy and puffing and do the goat cry ever except my husband described the body type of Neil Patrick Harris live lean large how would I style my hair like Neil Patrick Harris okay takes a long time you need to pomade need the conditioner get a flat iron you need a jheri curl then you need the leak tape then you need that black powder stuff takes out the you know after that what do we do just in the blow-dry so you need to brush the curling brush and then you wet it all and just go like this and you're done there you go Twitter you brought are you Twitter why is hashtag Neil Patrick Harris that a thing managing this holiday in in Borough that manager is disarmingly attractive his name is Marc winter by the way I'm more of a spring/summer his Neil Patrick Harris on this episode of friends never been on friends though I do love monkeys YouTube you will be swelled you'll be great where can i buy Neil Patrick where's his album seriously he should have continued his music career too after dr. horrible because I'll tell you why I feel so bad for the people there in a certain head space right and they record this album of angst about their breakup then a year later they released the album and for a year after that they have to sing that same breakup album all the time on Good Morning America at 7 a.m. I feel like that would be exhausting and no fun then again Donald Glover is doing it really well Neil is my spirit animal I would be way more flattered if it spelled my name correctly I am dB trademarks often plays mischievous characters often works his singing abilities into roles often worked his abilities as an illusionist into his roles hilariously it's all I got confirmed reddit yes I have I was rating them to post their yearly Halloween picture here are some previous ones and one more we love a good family Halloween picture always have but now we just have to convince opinionated 7 year olds that what we want is the right way to dress which is increasingly difficult because they bruise so easily Wikipedia 2014 Eris turned down the chance to replace David Letterman in that role he also rejected the suggestion of replacing Craig Ferguson as host of The Late Late Show on the same grounds well that makes it sound like I would straight-up offer to gig that wasn't true but I was on a CBS show and that was certainly conversations that were questioning my interest in a talk show realm he attended La Cueva high school in Albuquerque graduating with high honors in 1991 I did graduate from La Cueva high school go bears with high honors oh I did okay I mean half the euro is tutored on a set by a teacher who you know fed me the specific information that I needed to solve tests more hora what is the most badass thing about Neil Patrick Harris hey hey hey my ass is far from bad easy bang nailed that comedy in what time slash IRRI is a series of unfortunate events set it's intentionally an era less show we want it to not be modern so they can't go on line or have a cellphone but we don't want to be old-timey so they have to talk like that from the the 40s see what will happen if Neil Patrick Harris becomes governor of New Mexico not gonna happen not again did politics is not my jam hole I follow it a little bit I have my own opinions I'm a jester in this fair court we call the game of Thrones why didn't the old Patrick Harris decide to buy a house in Harlem we've lived in Harlem New York for a long time I think it's awesome I love the history of it I love the people that are there and there's great hearts there and great food there got nothing bad to say about Harlem digitised there's some answers to some of your hard-hitting questions I'm tired of hearing my own voice so case closed sorry
Channel: GQ
Views: 3,808,273
Rating: 4.9537349 out of 5
Keywords: neil patrick harris, gqactuallyme, neil patrick harris interview, nph, neil patrick harris actually me, actually me, neil patrick harris 2018, goes undercover, goes undercover on the internet, neil patrick harris undercover, neil patrick harris goes undercover, nph 2018, neil patrick harris funny, neil patrick harris gq, how i met your mother, gq actually me, nph gq, neil patrick harris how i met, undercover, gq, gq magazine
Id: VX_jkRI5pNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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