Neil deGrasse Tyson: America is declining RAPIDLY

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every single generation the older generation looks at the younger generation and they're like bro I don't like you right and then they think that America is now in Rapid decline um Neil degrass Tyson saying that America is in Rapid decline is interesting I haven't actually gotten into it yet so we we'll see if America is in fact in Rapid decline or if it's just that he's from a different generation looking at the younger generation and they're just like ew could be again I'm a millennial uh I'm in the the direct Center of Millennials uh ranging from the age 27 to 42 currently right um direct Center and I look at gen Z and I'm like I don't even understand how you made it out of the house today without crying at least once right that's the type of thing I I look at Jen Z I'm I'm telling you right um and so it's interesting it could be something generational but let's jump into this immediately guys this is a suggest suggestion uh via a donation I'm thoroughly cannot I cannot wait to actually see what's happening here but let's get Let's uh let's see what this uh takes this case this was the future in 1988 right this is drawn in the 1950s in60s thinking about the uh 1960s thinking about the 1980s let's take a close look at what's going on in America I think we have fear of numbers fear of numbers for example okay here goes one let's go maybe it's not fear maybe it's ignorance of numbers okay all right let's go science bro I honestly hope that someone in Congress did not say this bro I'm just going to be honest literacy is rampant in our culture who was it I I'm not telling please bro no say the name I'mma find out who said that bro hold on I've changed my views 360 if you don't remember what 360° is it is that okay now I wonder maybe the Congress person did do that exactly right right maybe they're just trying to fool you maybe they're trying to make you think they changed their mind but they did not okay I'd have more respect for them lying with correct masth okay [Applause] oh no okay so I think it's uh representative Maxine Waters she's a Democrat from uh what looks to be California um she was speaking to Henry Hyde when she then said uh you have done a 360 turn uh I think that's the closest uh the closest statement here um it seems like he may have rewarded it potentially um because we cannot find an actual quote Ian I'm looking online and I don't see any like very specific quote but the but this one does definitely resemble at least but I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth with math ignorance half the schools in the district are below average you know [Applause] this that's kind of what an average sort of is right right right about half below that's kind of what not exactly maybe but pretty much so right technically that would be what would that be the median technically but still right what the journalist probably meant to say was half the schools are below standards or below grade level but they said below average which meant they were mathematically illiterate if that were actually true something would be wrong with the state of mathematics here's one a little more subtle 80% of airplane crash survivors had studied the locations of the exit doors on takeoff so you say well I'm going to study where the exit doors are cuz I want to be in that 80% that's a good percentage to be in isn't it I mean the percentage is already minuscule them being a Survivor that's good so but think about this wait what's bad go ahead let's go so think about so here here here let me just pait a question to you right suppose 100% of the dead people study the locations of the exit doors on takeoff you would never know because they're dead all right so so this statistic it's basically meaningless to act upon that's all I'm saying I'm just saying this one you get this a lot the state lottery is a tax on the poor we've heard this cuz poor people spend a disproportionate fraction of their income on state lotteries right does uh Washington have a state lottery everybody every state has so so so but really I don't think of it this way I think of it as the state lotteries attacks and all those people who never did well in their math class that's how right because if they knew they would not be doing it right I mean I did a entire video on uh the concept of Lottery over on the Mr elboy discusses Channel guys if you want to see that you check it out you can I'm sure he's about to dive into it so I'm going let him I think about it how about buildings you go into buildings 80% of all buildings are missing a 13th floor right 789 10 11 12 14 15 16 I feel like going going into all these elevators with a sharpie Crossing off the FL putting it and say that's the 13th floor you're not fooling anybody this is 21st century America and we have people afraid of the number 13 and what happens when you get to lobby and then you go to floors below the lobby what do they call them B for basement SB sub SBB can I buy a vowel please like what are you doing there we have perfectly good nomenclature for going below the lobby level we have they're called negative numbers okay right we know how to do this it is well understood but of course this is America there is a place in the world that has negative numbers oh it's in Germany oh my gosh oh oh by the way is this a science museum no it's a history museum J Germany that's a closer look in case you missed it right you see it okay I'm not going to one there's also bad physics all right now this illustration requires an explanation this is an ad for holiday in adly this is holiday in England rather than holiday in America okay but holiday in is an American company right now this is an ad for what a new marketing plan where you can have what they're calling bed warmers pre-warm your bed for you okay before you go to sleep at night well that's nasty okay I don't want that I don't want that so now so the people on either side are the bed warmers right now of course he's looking at her and not him just just interesting fact there there but not that interesting kind of expected this is a thermodynamically pointless exercise because the only way you're going to get the body heat from those two people is if they are naked in your bed but for reasons of Sanitation they are not only fully clothed they are fully ins insulated if you're insulated your heat is not coming out it stays within all of your clothing so they are not heating the bed they're just getting it dirty with their outside germs at all right Whoever thought this up never took physics 101 if they did then these two people would be naked I got another one yeah again still no thank you I don't I don't want these random people in the bed I'm about to get into bro I don't know you is there any Bayer uh the Bayer Corporation do they have plants out here no good okay this is an ad from Bayer like ask where they are boasting that they send their scientists into the schools to help out so Bayer employees volunteer in a Hands-On inquiry based program Making Science make sense to help kids develop a lasting passion for science you're on try to get them interested now first of all they've got a black kid and a woman like apparently these are the problem cases that you got to get interested like how about the white kid with the tattoo just got off the motorcycle where's he okay but okay so these are the problem kids okay the woman and the black kid I think I think that's just regular marketing bro that may be a reach so be that may just be a reach all right let's see what we're trying to get them interested in try to get them interested in like guys my wife does marketing my wife is in marketing um and I have absolutely been a photographer for a really long time and it comes down to it just is what it is um unless they strategically sat down and were like you know what I'm going to do this uh for very specific areas and this for other areas generally when I worked on a campaign uh it was for like a univers Market but why lighter Things Fall faster than heavier things wait a second hold on wait that that's not tough one huh that's not the question it's tough because that doesn't happen in this universe right that's what I'm trying to understand here that's that can't be the question bro that's not a question I refuse to believe that yes they would finally fix the ad you're on try to get them interested in why lighter Things Fall as fast as heavier things that's the Galilean experiment but what's clear is that that previous ad was written by somebody nobody caught the error it was types set it was it was laid out it was printed it was no one caught the error right nobody in the entire chain of command of of like of bear with like science of from the first person who composed it to the copy editor of the magazine ad yeah it's pitiful so what's clear is that that whole chain of people are the ones who should be in this photo and not these two kids well played theor of physics the American physical Society meets it's a sort of my a professional physics organization and you know meet choose a city occasionally this one time uh we met in Las Vegas but this was what happened here Vegas asked them never to return to I mean they understand the odds understand to the city understand that this we're talking about America people bad engineering you know what is this okay levies broke in New Orleans 2005 krina you know if you read accounts of this they say oh Katrina came in and Hurricane Katrina bad hurricane excuse me wait pause back up do you know Katrina was category five in the Gulf on landfall it was category three it had already passed over New Orleans people were sweeping up some of the broken branches in the street then the levies broke the city survived the hurricane just fine what it is they didn't survive was faulty engineering that was the problem in 2005 and I submit to you that you look at these images and people hoping to get rescued from their rooftops and you ask yourself what country is this some of us who were old enough we used to see film Loops of third world countries where you see an absence of infrastructure people Towing you know their belongings with an ox through mud and you say oh that's the third world we live in America what country is this in the middle of Manhattan a steam pipe explodes people died steam don't we know how to move Steam from one place to another wait a minute we're actually still using steam wait what okay I'm not going far back in time to get these stories I know I know Bridge collapses I all right I see I see us okay okay okay hold on hold on the United States of America absolutely does have an infrastructure issue uh that is real that is a reality a lot of these things were built a long time ago uh and no one really is I mean obviously they're being maintained uh but a lot of these things need to be reinforced that's just a fact uh we need more money for that and less money for the nonsense that we actually spend it on um but all right 35 Minnesota a bridge collapsed yeah that's crazy go through Europe there's still Bridges standing from the Roman Empire we can't put a bridge over that like full-blown like Roman uh Roman aqueducts in Segovia and Spain all right and even further back there there are still things from the Phoenicians in Spain bro uh there are there are things from the Moors in the 13 and 1200s guys in Spain look at alra in Spain yeah he's right that's not a river this is a brook all right what right that's that is a crazy IM what country is this let's go to Los Angeles trains Collide people get hurt some people die you think we would have figured this one out a train comes this way you don't send another train in opposite direction on the same track that would be like commandment number one right railroads 101 absolutely catastrophic a crane collap back in New York a crane collapsed what you can't hold up a crane what what's what country is this hurricanes come we say run now here's what's interesting I think these people already know about this okay so this is useless information to all these people right right now show them where to go to get the safety rather than saying hey there's a hurricane in the Gulf they know that they're leaving here's what happens if you are if if you don't have scientists and engineers in your midst when a hurricane comes or some kind of natural disaster your first thought is stockpile food and run but if you're an engineer or a scientist and and the disaster is coming you say how can I avert that disaster right I foresee a day where hurricane forms in the Gulf you put in some kind of apparatus that Taps the energy of that hurricane that energy drives the electricity of the city that would otherwise be destroyed by the hurricane had it continued to go through like find a way to utilize the overall overwhelming power from one of these hurricanes or or tornadoes that's [Music] absolutely forward I like the idea of that I don't know how we're going to do that again because we we're we're not focusing on on figuring that out right but that sounds like an amazing plan again not sure how that would even be plausible but either way that's the kind of thinking that needs to go on in this world that's very forward very forward what country is this I'm not going far back in time here this is you know yesterday's news oh what country are we living in there more what's going on profound science illiteracy in this country here's a book that I read before I came here okay um how to defend yourself against alien abduction I am sorry to tell you uh that if the aliens come specifically we're done out here guys we have there's nothing that we have to do bro we're just going to be obliterated um by us because they will in fact be us long story short I read it in its entirety I heeded its advice okay elaborate sir I wanted to make sure I showed up for you this evening so someone has to write this book an editor says hey that's a good idea for a book a publisher publishes it they put it on the shelf and then people buy it how about this one and this I I just just won how to survive 2012 tactics and survival places for the coming po pole shift pole shift where' they get that from huh the pole the end of the world in there is the Mayan calendar because clearly the Mayans knew more about astrophysics than any of us do today clearly well played well played and wait a minute next Saturday whoa next Saturday whoa Judgment Day what country is this it's the United States of America this is definitely the United States of America 100% I can't imagine any of these people being taken serious anywhere else at all and I don't know why we take these people serious I know I don't right but I just have no idea how and why we do this to ourselves like we're we to focus more on education educating ourselves guys uh as a mass guys Millennium is this yeah right so what's interesting is originally they said the world was going to end May 21st but then it was revised and so apparently the 21st is only Judgment Day so Jesus is coming on the 21st and I'm guessing that he's really pissed okay most likely at human beings so five months later is the asserted end of the world as evidenced right here the end of the world and there's not much sand left in that clock you can you can translate this into any language there's an audio reading of this and you can get the printer friendly pdf version of this account what country is this I'll show you where this oh oh answering the question did human beings as we know them develop from an earlier species of animal this is simply evolution by natural selection right so if you're this so this is countries ranked s of Western countries and countries that are otherwise developed by the modern use of that word so if you're this sort of the green bar it means yes to that question which means that EV you're convinced by Evolution if you're this sort of Amber bar on the right it means no and if you're the white in between it means you're unsure so America's got to be up there somewhere no it's going to be way at the bottom because again United States of America probably is the place with the most uh religious people um that's really what it is um the places that are at the top of the list are some of the best places on this planet to live in guys I'm telling you if you've ever been to any of those places listed there you'll understand instantly what I'm saying all right but right let's get it now Iceland Denmark Sweden France Japan Britain Norway Belgium Spain Germany Italy Netherlands Hungary looks republ eston Portugal Malta Switzerland Slavic Republic Poland Austria Croatia Romania and I keep in mind I'm talking about the top 10 like the top 10 places some of these other places I'm a pass on guys they're beautiful absolutely but uh I try to stay out of east Europe Greece Bulgaria Lithuania lvia Cyprus United States of America edging out turkey by a nose there it is amazing what country is this maybe we should just move back to the caves let's analyze it a little further here's a map okay this map has the area of each country is that a real map yeah that's a real map portioned according to their surface area on a globe which means guys what's funny is is that there are so many like the globe that you buy in the store the map that they also teach you um like in School these all these maps are fake guys I just want you to know this it's meant to show uh mainly North America and Europe bigger than everywhere else right like it's just it's purposely meant to show that right but the this is a in fact the real map it's like the real size of of all the actual uh the countries um so don't get things confused guys we are in fact not as big as we think we are guys all right do not fall for those uh those idiotic maps that are in every school and on on every Globe uh Google Maps uh iPhone Maps it's a normal map okay so no so what's what it's a normal map okay so no so what's what what's so what we're about to do is morph the area of each country Accord to how much peer-reviewed science research is conducted in that country okay okay let's do that so this is a measure of who's doing the most science in the world some countries will shrink relative to that area you see here others will expand depending on how active they are in science so let's check out what happens when we do this well United States is sitting fat and pretty there I'd say that's America yeah yeah okay wait what's that big purple region way whoa what was that what's thatp I don't recognize it bro whoa what is it bro what country is that Japan kicking major science butt on the map right there one of the great tragedies is Africa shrinking to nothing in area on this chart compared with the area it actually occupies in the world right which is that is a modern day tragedy right there right given the natural resources that are prevalent within it yeah because they don't they don't own their own natural resources Europe is huge they split formerly Eastern Europe that's in Blue from Western Europe that's in those shades of pink so and there you have uh Brazil look at that's the Aerospace industry kicking in there all right so what so you look at this you say hey we're doing pretty good what are you complaining about okay yeah because we're doing it but but then there was swabs of people who are like facts I don't like facts facts are silly how dare you tell me something that's true I have to go with what I feel or what let's not let's not do this let's go okay this is the wrong map I don't need to get canceled again what you want to look at is not how much science is going on no you want to look at the change in how much science is going on okay from the year 2000 to 2010 that's the trend line that is the future of the world compare the difference in published research papers and all Sciences between 2000 and 2010 and you get this Europe is even bigger Japan is even bigger China is huge right Africa is even smaller this is the changing landscape of the world yep as I can definitely see this here everyone else understands the value of innovative investments in science and technology in ways that we do not not and if you look at it right all of these places are combined probably do not even have a fraction of what we have in religion here we're focusing on religion rather than actual scientific advancements like we used to like we used to absolutely care about like our future in a way right now what are we doing bro we slowly fade this is the fading that worried me when Russia says oh you guys want to join us for a mission that will save your West Coast you say well sure well we got our space program we lead the world in space how about space we've got some faulty memory going on one of them is that we're space Pioneers right that's a faulty memory okay Yuri Gagarin was launched into orbit 50 years ago April 12th okay we all know that did you know however that he and I I tweeted this by the way he was the fourth mammal to achieve this feat what feed after dogs guinea pig and mice okay then we sent then a human they all Russian a Russian dog Leica guinea pig and mice then yurian so so let's look at the full list dogs G in order dogs Guinea P guinea pigs mice Russian human chimpanzee American human does that sound like we're Pioneers here we come behind Russian mice the Russians did all this first they came up with the rocket formula for goodness sake this is the formula tells you that most of the fuel in your rocket that's yet to be burned requires fuel to lift it to a place so that you can later on burn it that's why the Saturn 5 rocket 32 stories tall the astronauts you're in the up little bitty B and all the rest is a bomb basically right first satellite first animal first human first woman first black person in space first to land on the moon with a with a uh robots first lunar rover they photograph The Far Side of the Moon Earth rise from the Moon Venus Mars space walk the now we have a few first we have a couple okay first space docking first to land on the moon we cross the asteroid belt first okay first to achieve hyperbolic velocity velocity that escapes the solar say okay right but still this is hardly what you would call with voyager pionering Behavior this was whoa guys um he pointed out a lot right I mean I've never heard him say at one time in this video that America was rapidly declining but um I can see how you can kind of get that from what he said uh all he did was basically give us back to back to back to back to back on why we may not be uh the best any longer I know we're not I mean I live on two continents guys um I can definitely see the changes right I know where I feel feel more comfortable in um I know that there's less crime I don't even lock my door in Spain right so just like um there are differences right uh we once were the best I know it I can tell you this right now we absolutely um did all of these things but unfortunately I don't think we are and it saddens me that we're not you know this once know this great place that you know wanted to do things for the future and and continue innovating inventing and and building but we're too wrapped up in nonsense right all we do is all we do is battle each other over over literally red and blue right we're not moving forward like we we have the most we probably have the most amount of just straight ignorant people um in a in a group of within our borders right than anywhere else I'm telling you it feels like it at least and and again I have over 140 passport stamps guys I've been to so many countries okay okay I can tell you that um we need work guys like we seriously need to work on ourselves we need to be better to our neighbors right um stop caring about your political party bro stop caring let's innovate again can we please just innovate again let's stop caring about what this ridiculous like like commercial media right is telling us what we should be caring about because there's too many people who are wrapped up in literal nonsense right they're not looking at science they're not looking at anything because it goes against what they may believe in that very specific moment or have believed their entire life uh and we are not innovating any longer we're not uh we're not working on our infrastructure uh we seem not to care about that obviously that would be a big thing for many people we could probably fix a lot of unemployment if we could in fact push people towards fixing all of this fault broken old infrastructure terrible roads holes and Roads bro again I live in um the south of Spain in Andalucia and I can tell you right now I don't see potholes bro I I haven't there's no trash on the streets guys and the city the closest city I live in I I live to live in basically uh in terms of distance um I think that's like 7 million people in it bro there's no trash on the streets people are not sitting here fighting each other over political affiliations not like that guys it's just not a thing I don't know bro we need to understand that there we have a lot more in common than we have in terms of like the differences basically guys the differences are are minuscule minuscule bro but all right listen um you guys all have an absolutely amazing day enjoy your day thoroughly oh [Music] you
Channel: MrLboyd Reacts
Views: 88,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REACTION, HISTORY, music reaction, first time watching, movie reaction, reaction, news, news today, trending news, news live, history, education
Id: M9fpgD2jOMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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