NEIGHBOR'S SECRET ROLLER COASTER!!! (Hello Neighbour Full Game #2)

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wait so there's more of you now these guys freak me out in the game and in real life what why is it 3 anyway guys hey how's it going welcome back into a hello neighbor the full game on the Xbox I'm back playing this so soon because you guys absolutely love to the first episode so if you're hyped let me know and we're gonna get straight back in to act 2 now I don't know how many acts there are in total I believe there are three we completed the first act in the previous videos and today we're gonna start right at the beginning of act 2 and hopefully finish that in this video depending on how long it is but let's find out we're in a pretty sticky situation last time so here we go here we go see what I mean sticky situation were in the room that we visited last time but this time we are looking a bit worse for where we got our toes out we got our knees all dirty and one shoe why is the neighbor stolen my shoe so the last time we were inside this room we were in here voluntarily and there was still a bed here but the room was a fake one seems as though it's it's all too real now which I'm not too fond of I thought I heard footsteps then let us open the door and we can't open the door okay let's see let's see what's happening okay so we are still in a fake room look there's all the the wires and stuff I heard banging why was that what did that just happen did I just did I just miss that I think I just missed that look it a light fell down okay I don't think that was me but can I throw something can I pick up the candle I can't pick up the candle I need something to throw oh it's open now why is that and who are you hello I can't pick you up but you're in like every weird scene in this game so far there's got to be something to do with this doll yeah look there's lights pretending that it's actually light outside and a whole lot of creepiness is going on we've got a vent as well which I'm guessing yeah I'm gonna just grab and you know throw out here see you later what else have we got I might just take one of these which is Beecham a love Beecham I can't she take what I was gonna take one just in case I could throw it at the neighbor but doesn't look like we can I'm just gonna do what the game wants me to do and get on out of here am I still I'm not actually crouched right now so I must still be a tiny little um tiny little version of our character also known as a child and where is this gonna lead us I have no idea but there's dirt a ladder let's just climb this ladder and see what happens oh look at my arm as well my arms all bandaged we were buried under the house no he buried me under the house you're a nutcase you hear me a nutcase I can't actually believe that and what house is this because we played through a few different houses I want to say three maybe four but I don't remember one having all of this pipe work right I don't remember any of them having this pipe work I can't believe we were down there that's so weird there's a shoe I've got a shoe it doesn't fit me but there's it oh there's a hat as well and some cans what what is going on I don't take the shoe just in case what is this binoculars yeah I didn't mean to throw those I did not mean to throw those where did they go so we need another wrench to get up there there's also like a tap as well which is a little bit weird he has seriously fortified this hasn't he weapons if I push this it doesn't actually work yet but he's gone a little bit extra on the old security hasn't he oh oh it's moving now which way is it moving though there's like the option for a crowbar as well oh my goodness you frightened the life out of me so it resets back to here every time it looks like there might have been some time movement as well I do keep all my items which is goods do I keep my progress what's this is that a frying pan I'm gonna take this bro thanks for the frying pan next time I see your neighbor I'm gonna smack you real hard it's definitely something to do with these pipes let me see if this is okay that's where we left it coming here yeah it started to run now which is good I think crowbar needs to be used here he's probably moved everything though a zani look at this place we have never been in a house that has this much protection before red key gets us out of here and there's a big gate in the way of the trampoline I would love to use this trampoline but it looks like it's powered by something so first lead follow the cable shall we the cable goes into his house I'm out I'm out got the ladder up the ladder not move right this quickly hot step it up this ladder that was really quick actually we can go down here there's another lever which doesn't actually have a lever on it okay that's slightly annoying we need to get up here maybe we might need some boxes and stuff but I'm not quite sure let's head over this way first huh yes he's like boarded up all his rooms I think we need to go in there guys look at that the pipes are looking real suspicious I can't believe how protected this house is I just want to check the I can't smash this window okay I can smash the window but even if I throw a hat at it this this won't come off oh he's mad he's coming up hit him I got him but he he doesn't even care oh geez okay I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out go go go go go run right I need boxes I threw the through the binoculars guys he doesn't see me yet he hasn't seen me yet and we haven't actually been in his house oh jeez oh jeez let's just let's just explore and see what happens he's put a sofa in front of there we've got another leave I need to press this yeah there we go okay I have no idea what that's doing but since we're already in here let's just find as many levers as possible that's locked okay is there another lever in here he's gonna find me any second now it's kind of annoying me that I've got a box in my eyesight but it's gonna be fine let's go through I can't go through here what I can't go through there where can I go oh oh he's found me okay at least we've got another lever done I want to check something there's another one here okay let me see if I can quickly just you know pull up here so my minecraft skills coming in perfectly a week Wow what yes come to me leave up come to me come on don't do this don't do this I need to I need to flick you know is this tall enough please be tall enough how do I grab that one oh I did it yeah so now what I want to check is that gauge that we saw before where's the gauge where's the gauge he's coming for me the gauge is there oh did you see the water the water is pouring out where is it there it is okay I have no I oh yes we can use this as well perfect I think that's up the ladder is chasing me I got caught guys I got caught and I'm in a circus thing this is like his house with mad graffiti on it so this happened in the previous episode we got captured a certain amount of times then it just shows you bits of story which is quite cool we've seen one of these very similar circus style things in one of the PCE games but I don't know what else is gonna be in here it's like one of those fun houses you see have fun fairs which I normally like but oh my goodness really it's gonna row a roller coaster dude look at this guy he isn't that nice at all I mean he looks friendly but still let's uh let's get in here we go put your arms up guys and get ready to enjoy a ride through the neighbor's house he's got a secret roller coaster oh it's heinie okay watch out for the table what's up what's up what's up that only do this so we heard a girls voice this is weird I'm Disney but a really creepy Disney okay he's crying the fridges on the ceiling that's a little bit weird oh my goodness there's hands on the front of our roller coaster are we going up this is when you normally hear the the chain noise where guys I'm not gonna do that all the way up that would be annoying what if these hands come from anyway here we go here we go we're going over the top we're peaking oh my goodness I've got my clothes back as well which is kids ah it's a girl nope catch the girl bro that's scary haha since when did this get so weird I'm gonna guess I'm just gonna straight-up guess it's the neighbor's child we now know its daughter the neighbor's daughter had some issues and there was a car crash as well all right let's put this on here can I put this on here I can let's twist it and we can hear water so waters now running it into that room for some reason hey sir oh geez I didn't know you could get me from there this is the most unhelpful basketball in the world look it's just blocking my vision so much I'm getting your house whether you like it or not buster I can see him coming quick get in get in get in get in get in I'm running out of things to throw so I'm gonna have to throw milk basically let's try and throw it as fast as we can Oh smashed it in we go just get in just get in the house oh my goodness getting the house quick Oh what's best we need to find another one of those wheels I think it was like a boiler with a tack that was still free whoa what's that I'm in his house put his doors here is he caught me hello how you doin sir I'm glad you haven't caught me I'm just taking a peek II peek behind your door so we need to get in there somehow press I don't even know this is so weird white water what what's the deal with that okay guys I'm an idiot I've got to record my camera so let me recap what I've just done I did some amazing things as well I'm so annoyed I got in here and then I went upstairs then we just put the lights on and check this out there's so much up here this is open as well oh my goodness he bear trapped me are you kidding me see Roger I've been here before so there's a doll house with a key on it which I'm sure we can unlock I guess we need to pick our kits is he here is he here I am going dyes up oh my goodness I need to go I'm gonna go up here quick quick quicker quicker got got got got it's wrong site no I hate you neighbor I hate you a lot oh we got more secrets though where am I dude this is freaky no I don't like this where on earth am i oh this is more interesting stuff okay a bleep machine or hospital beds there's a there's a bit of sheet missing oh no someone's died someone definitely died I'm gonna guess that the kid has died at some point that's so upsetting like really upsetting there's a door there but it's so dark I can't even see the doors here there is oh look there he is he's crying he's real upset it's okay buddy I mean I guess it's not it was all your fault whoops this is there any way I can go and try not to miss anything but I don't think there's much I can't miss I'm a receptionist now sir something went bad something went real bad I need to talk to you yeah let me just let me just talk to this microwave his Eric and his daughter died but I I don't know why he would be being all creepy with his house because of it though I mean it's pretty traumatic so I don't blame him but my goodness right we need to get up there run run run run run okay I want to go I want to go up here let's go this way up up go why would he go up there we go perfect so this is where we got before when Alison recorded my face and we made it into here it has not much stuff as the weird dollhouse that we need to unlock had a key door for the yellow key which we just kind of unlocked because it was just hanging up there and we unlocked this one there's also this and there's a flippin shark in here remember the shark guys he's back he's ready for action and there he is I have a theory that we filled up this room not sure why but look at it it's so weird to shark with a bear trap face there's also a staircase down which leads to our countrymen where elites do it leads to this room which is outside okay so this leads to down here which we can't actually unlock yet because we need the wrench which means we need the wrench pretty desperately there's another valve there as well but I don't know if we still need to do the valves or not is he up here I hope not yeah he's up here okay he's uh he's having some issues though so I'm gonna leave him there if he's stuck that would be phenomenal I'm jumping down this is gonna give us some freedom I can per valve thereby don't have it Oh Oh I need this I need this no that was the wrench in the fringe why didn't I think about looking in the fridge oh no he's right there guarding it dude I'm going to I'm gonna throw this at you right now don't worry it's gonna be fine huh yes got him I need to just grab it really quickly come on come on come on it's so hard to aim on console yes record it right now I can open this I should be able to do anyway let's see yeah okay right now I can go up here super easy now my theory is there's a lot more of these so I need to I need to just move the one that I used before the question is where do I put it I put it here can I can i grab it I can grab it but I've got this on me I'm gonna leave this up here grab that perfect okay let's go this way try and outrun him and put this where it needs to be ooh oh oh he's definitely at me he's definitely gonna get me oh yeah you got right that's financially because it leaves us free to do this okay let's see we can put this on here I don't know what it's gonna do if anything but it's worth the try right let's see what happens can I put it on okay I think I'm here I think I've got it come on put it on put it on there we go use it use the thing dude use the thing it's running I don't know where it's running to but I guess we'll find out okay so my theory is I need to put this in more places because I think as we've gone around we've seen this red thing quite often thank you right where should we take this next I think this room has that boiler in so I'm gonna go in here and see if I can use it yes I can okay perfect right let's grab this wheel put it on no I've lost my wheel as well I didn't get the Turner you punk get in turn the wheel don't get trapped oh can we pull this as well we can okay turn the wheel there we go grab this oh it's in the radiator now okay so we need to find more places to put that I'm pretty sure there's something through here I'm fairly sure I'm in a bear trap no he's got me he's got me it's here yeah it's that door come on I'm inside all right let's do this let's do this I can't even see I've twisted it and I'm giving it back okay I don't know what's going on here is he capturing me hello sir he's close I definitely done it though is there a way I can pull a lever did I pull it I definitely could pull it I don't know if I pulled it though ah man oh and he's boarded up this window now are you kidding me he's that smart I just want to pull this lever broke there we go I pulled it something's happening that's now sending water somewhere else could it be up here maybe not or do we need to put the red thing on here let's take a quick look see look let's put that on here come on let me do it there we go there we go okay right can we turn here it turned us and it's working hole dude I don't know if we're gonna be able to float up there though is it gonna what's gonna happen what's gonna happen can we floats do we floats we don't float okay this is done though how on earth do we get out of here I need something that floats I'm gonna grab back this just in case as well I don't think we're gonna need it again but we might do I think it might be stuck down here you know uh what do I do I can hear running water like a crazy amount of running water what this is open since when is this been open when we filled that room with water no no no surely not is this it do I have to go up here and just jump across let's see what we can do ah I didn't make it okay I could definitely make that I must be able to they both don't even listen bro I'm just you know just jumping around this level made no sense whatsoever but here we go yes yes bounce oh we made it we're out here I don't know what's happening but we've done it we've done it is he gonna follow us there are turds please don't kill me I'm a nice man oh he's not he's not even gonna follow me that's some creepy low-key look at him he's like you escaped me once buddy but you're ain't gonna escape me again haha we did it we actually did it I have no idea what the logic behind that was I'm guessing we just needed to fill that room with water start that generator thingy and then the gate opens maybe you can still make it across because that door still needs to be open so there's definitely secrets in that act but what happens next the dream sequence so this is the most recent one that we've done before and we're locked in and we're in a weird town okay I'm gonna have to leave this here even though these eggs look delicious no girl likes you I don't really know how that logically made sense I think I was looking and to be able to fill that room but that wasn't actually the end goal the end goal was to flow the water all the way through the house and the pipe work so that you could get that generator working to close down the gate and jump over the trampoline but there's definitely more weirdness to be found in there definitely we escaped we may need to act three guys if you're excited and you enjoyed this video then please leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated and it's time to be the first bit same of me please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today because that took me over an hour of 15 minutes it was nuts I made no sense but hey I hope you enjoyed it anyway act 3 is coming up and I will see you guys in the next one good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 33,801,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, hello neighbor, hello neighbour, dantdm hello neighbor, hello neighbor dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, hello neighbor xbox, xbox hello neighbor, hello neighbor act 1, hello neighbor full game
Id: rKhw6ZaVutc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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