Neighborhood Series: Polish HIll

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we have just arrived in ploys Hill and we're getting ready to meet Terry bility who is the president of the portal Civic Association for a walking tour around the neighborhood we begin our journey at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and it's the perfect time to visit the church because well it's a Catholic Church and tomorrow is Easter Sunday so there will be lots of decorations going on inside it's a beautiful day outside perfect weather for a walking tour the early days of policial when the residents were at a population point that they wanted to have their own church this became the purpose of the neighborhood or it became a massive intention of the neighborhood when all of the residents got together and contributed money to construct the church and right after the church was completed in the late 1880s is when the massive Polish migration BM this is one of our first businesses returning to polish Oh first of many and they have a lot of local applicants but they also have one of those main standards I Anna we're walking today I'd like to tell you everything here is way too good Anna actually let me sample a package of Polish cookies and they were delicious we do have an extremely safe neighborhood but we had a mentally disturbed resident that actually stopped in she left the neighborhood and at that time and this was the only place you had for bread milk and eggs there's so much history here it's don't come to happen mm eh Danny at first mayor of Pittsburgh came to the deme estate right here Isaac Danny was his father who owned the land where I lived and her father was Captain Denny from the Revolutionary War and at the end of the war they gave the captain's big parcels of land so this is freeing so far that this is what they actually gave captain Denny now one thing you'll notice right now besides the excited young gent on the monkey bars that we don't have a large population of children around we don't very take us what happened what happens is since the school has been closed we have a trend that you'll have a young family moved in and don't have wonderful children and then the children turn five they move away for the education the loop to the North Hills the loop Bob Chapel where it don't go to a private school polish show did not invent but it does continue the tradition of the horizontal word of life and the interesting part is we have second-generation skaters now where you have the father and son and daughters cruising all through here actually one of the Pitts students Carly she comes over here a lot invest a lot of forty years ago and it's nice because they're open so after school the kids have someone who don't have something to do we have many ghost signs are for show because of all the previous activity we have as a retail area a tune unit brick building accidentally caught on fire so this empty area now reveals what is called a Gulf sign which was here before that brick building was built a ghost sign is simply a faded advertising sign painted on the exterior of a brick wall and Terry said any number of the local buildings could have one looks like a little hell I mean not tiny but you know a little house right okay come on to his rooftop deck and it was really windy up there but we got a wonderful view of the city we're making our way to the last stop of our walking tour the community garden Archer guides so this community garden gives the best view of Pittsburgh and they weren't lying Sarah Miller who was now Sarah Miller Kenneth was married right here under this arch in the garden is our first garden wedding the community garden was filled with chives sage blackberries raspberries we even saw asparagus and had a chance to nibble on some of the fresh herbs the garden just had a little bit of everything hello then I was a black you know my husband is Lebanese without my god thank you no and we've never had a problem people have fully embraced us when we were unpacking people were bringing us food and grains that we're getting rid of the ice on the sidewalk so we were moving things in where do you find that just says a lot about the neighborhood where we'd snake
Channel: The Pitt News
Views: 6,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pittsburgh, polish, hill, pitt, news, sherri, huang
Id: _UxfKs18358
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2009
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