NC A&T vs. Duke Full Game | 2021 ACC Football

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on their season plenty of weapons to deal with for the duke blue devils we are going to see their quarterback gunner holmberg and the offense first as north carolina amt is going to kick this one off settle in friday night football here on acc network right up the middle duke's going to get the ball for 26 yard line let's welcome to the third member of our team in bridgette bridget hey matt and eric it's been 650 days since these fans behind me have been inside wallace wade stadium watching a football game that all changes tonight i talked to some of the guys earlier this week and they said those cardboard cutouts that they had in the stands last year yeah they were fine but those cutouts they didn't do the wave no bridgette cutouts we are so happy to see real life humans back in the stands so duke and gunner holmberg to get the ball first ball spotted at the 27-yard line for gunner and duke right away quick pass to jake bobo the go-to receiver out of the duke blue devils and gunner holmberg good story here eric making his first career start at home for duke yeah and you expect a little bit of nerves but hey this is a guy that has waited his time and a guy that has earned his shot excited to see him execute at home tonight so a gain of six on first down mateo durant can't catch his feet tackled for a loss there tackled on the play by number 95 octavius pringle and a loss on the play for duke bringing up third down loss of four we've had a little weather in the triangle i think this field is going to be a little bit wet interesting to see the rest of the game does that affect anything so an early third down challenge for holmberg and duke early movement that'll be offsides on the aggies that was pringle that jumped early get that four yards back plus one false start offense number 71 five draw penalty is still third down that's timothy hedge path our official tonight acc crew they called false start i don't know about that one matt so maurice mcintyre tack five on to the third and long now third and thirteen holberg sacked what a play by devin harrell homburg hunt on to it just a little too long harold able to close in on the center this is what you can't do if you're an offensive line going against a lesser opponent watch your left side there just getting on different levels it's extremely hard matt when your left tackle and your left guard are not on the same page and a game comes right in your face that's why we saw an easy sack where 50 wasn't even really touched so the incredible possession there for duke they've got a punt after fourth and 20. corey banks deep to receive the punt that's going to go duke's neck gonna roll inside the 25 yard line so we bring out the aggies offense for the first time tonight jalen fowler the aggies quarterback he's got plenty of weapons around him eric he does and this is what you want to see get the run game established early and often we talked about it in the opener there jermaine martin this guy is a stud for a t he truly can do it all but the run game is something that this offensive coordinator and this offense want to get established early their head coach sam washington honest this week they had the layoff because they didn't play in the fall last year they didn't even play in the spring some 600 days in between games he didn't realize how big of a factor it was going to be until he saw the first quarter last week against france said his guys were tired they just weren't ready because you can't imitate playing a game first down nothing doing there no gain and that was john martin we expect to call his name early and often tonight [Applause] and that is not jalen fowler starting a quarterback kingsley affidi actually getting the start right now we'll have to find out what's going on with jalen fowler but that's kingsley affidi taking the snaps for the aggies a surprise to us we expected to see fowler but it is in fact defeated who keeps it himself [Applause] short gained tackled by nia peebles gain of three when we were talking with coach cutt earlier this week he said i need my defensive line to build a fence and not let anybody through it a great couple of plays here early for that defensive line led by dwayne carter that's the standard that duke wants to play with we'll see if this secondary is going to get tested here so third down and seven as you see fowler over there on the sideline to defeat on this first drive of the game third down of bugaboo for the blue devils a week ago a feed he's going to roll right set his feet throw to the boundary has a receiver caught that is taemon cook covered on the play by daquan johnson likes to go by money johnson and that's going to be a first down for the aggies yeah money's got to close a little bit quicker there he's got to close that space that was the biggest critique that we heard from coach cutcliff and the defensive coordinator a week ago saying we cannot allow for easy passes tally at one right there so how about a feeding his first throw of the game not expected to start moves the change for north carolina a and t martin up the middle [Applause] and you get the sense eric with duke tonight especially for them they're going to do their thing offensively but they want to make the point defensively tonight based on what happened that they do and it's going to be a huge point point of emphasis not just in this game but moving forward challenging these players and saying is that what you were happy with is that the standard that you want to play do football they said absolutely not went straight back to work so now second and nine small gain there for martin on first down ball spotted just shy of the 25. and feeding the fake to martin and he's going to keep it himself boy those defenders were all over that fake to martin a great job by ben frye slamming down and doing his assignment taking the running back but a really great read as you see ben on the top of your screen slamming down eliminate the run a great read by the quarterback picking up some but overall great job by duke swarming to the football dorian maousi on the tackle bringing up third and six [Applause] kayshawn baker now in the back he's their shifty quick twitch back third down back for the average [Applause] so feed he's gonna look right come back to the middle has a receiver crossing it is caught corey banks in another first down for the aggies tackled on the play by shaka hayward matt guys are running wide open this is what we cannot have if we're duke this was a huge point of emphasis watch it come across your screen quarterback has time goes through his reads linebacker just gets caught up in all that traffic a great play call better execution to pick up the first down coach cutcliffe told us their biggest victim last week you don't space if carolina and t saw that on film pair first downs now for a feedy the surprise starting quarterback for the aggies tonight goes up the middle that's baker attacking on the play by jamaric woods matt we're doing a good job in the run game that's what a t wants to do they want to run the ball but duke is saying hey you know you're not going to get too far pick up a four maybe a little more than they wanted but it's not the big home runs you have to limit those but you have to pick it up in the passing game second and six baker still in the backfield and a feed he's going to keep it himself designed run for the quarterback how about this kingsley of feedy moving the ball effectively tackling on the play by lumma young and another first down north carolina a t well that's probably my fault right giving so much credit to the run defense when you run the quarterback you have an extra blocker guys can get out in space your quarterback gets to the secondary who knows what can happen a great run there by feedy look this is big time football you're gonna get surprises all the time but the surprise at quarterback how much can that weigh in for the duke defenders no no question when you don't know what's gonna happen you don't have film on them there's absolutely no doubt that they can surprise you and really show you stuff that you had no clue what's got plenty of film on martin who gets the carry short game of the play tackled by jaylen alexander gain of one there again the look and jalen fowler the starter last week 268 yards two touchdowns 11 rushes 29 yards coach cutcliffe prepared for him told us he's got a great release really accurate arm but that's all irrelevant at this point we'll check in and find out what's going on with fowlers it's kingsley affiti now midway through the first quarter and a run to the outside by bashul that's going to bring up a third down let's get out of bridge and continent for an update on the quarterback bridgette yeah he got injured last week against furman a little bit in his right thigh so it's just precautionary right now they said if it was a conference play game they would play him but right now he's just cheering on his team on the sideline all right so third and fourth big south conference probably brings him out there but they're gonna go right now with kingsley afidi third down success early for the aggies watch for those crossing routes again they had success with it see if they attack it roll out your quarterback probably to the field here to the right play clock at three affinity's got a player wide open and it's baker in another big game third down perfection continues for a t jumeirik woods knocks him out of bounds big game there 16. baker is the all-purpose back he's the scat back you see him just a simple wheel route and nobody covering him no one everybody confused on the back end saying who's got him do i have them do you have them duke's secondary has to figure this out this is now a problem for these guys in two games in a row here what an opening drive by the back up quarterback kingsley affidi now spotted at the 27 yard line athiede throwing on the way sets up the slip screen it is bobbled but eventually caught by sterling burkhalter javon franklin right there for a loss of one you look at this drive look at the clock these guys are just eating it away and this is the type of game nc a t there wants to have north carolina a t they want to take away possessions seven minute drive matt already 13th play of the drive taking the clock eating the clock keeping the defense out of the field now second and 11. that's frederick graves to the outside look at great lower his shoulder they depart that is lowering his shoulder what a violent run out of martin for a gain of six hey we talked about that power and speed earlier in the open but here's what you need to watch the quarterback has established himself as a runner so much the defenders did not do their job and stay on the running back they went to the quarterback he gets out in space and does the rest on the edge jalen alexander and the business end of that jermaine martin that was that was a run with intent so another third and short ball for 22 opening drive for the aggies [Applause] and another third down conversion of feeding [Applause] space space space these guys are catching the ball uncontested that could not happen and what do you see from lewis when he stands up there number four for johnson number 33 he looks exhausted these guys are very tired in the secondary coast kucliff getting a little upset on the sideline this was the one thing he said they had to fix and to this point they have not baker back in the backfield affinity to give to baker tries to get to the outside avoids a tackle and a good effort making something out of nothing gain a four tackled by woods a really powerful run there by baker a guy who's normally a scat back shows the elusiveness getting through a tackle my friend ej manuel said look you have to have identity make plays make tackles a great example there of not doing your job could have been a big loss there was able to escape the tackle at jalen alexander bringing up a second and six now ball up to 12. i mean if if you were tailgating late you're coming in there we're into four minutes already in the first quarter afidi gives the ball to big frederick graves he's tackled immediately small gain of three so already four of four on third down eric this one's big third and three and you're seeing some sloppy tackles right now matt these guys are exhausted for duke you have to just man up and say listen this is what all summer conditioning was for this play right now third and three ben don't break mentality get a big stop get your offense back on the field if you're a duke fan and you watched the game last week against charlotte you saw plenty of missed tackles probably having a little bit of deja vu but they could get the defense off the field here with just a field goal lafitti hands it off that's frederick graves pushing his [Music] and it looks as if it was enough for a first down watch the power here from the running back getting behind his shoulders not going down two guys hitting him at the line of scrimmage he sneaks forward for another two just a really impressive run there and i hate to keep saying it matt duke is exhausted 10 minutes 30 second drive 17 plays they can't handle it right now and they've used four running backs baker martin graves and tooton now first and goal for the aggies martin in motion defeated designed ron up the middle gonna try to push his way towards the goal line and affinity he's gonna get it down to the two [Applause] just getting behind your pads there if you're the quarterback following your big offensive line look when you think of a of a g5 school or of an fcs school you think of smaller offensive linemen that is not the case these guys are monsters up front 300 pounds plus in most of the positions and these guys know how to get behind their pads and get going in the right direction you talk about the big boys they're going to bring in the heavy package here second and goal kingsley afidi if you're just joining us getting the start ahead of jalen fowler banged up a little bit last week okay to play if this was a conference game but right now affidi doing what he can and duke's gonna have to bang a timeout a little bit of confusion on their side of the ball look there's a minute 40 left in the first quarter it's been a cup of coffee we'll be back steve antique from eastern tomorrow first things first for the acc and duke stop north carolina a and t martin over the middle ball looks like it came loose martin tried to stretch it over he was able to retain possession here you see it the big boys up front just get them down let your linebackers do work the little movement on that ball there but they're hurrying up saying let's go that is a big fella that's a heavy package here for the aggies third and goal the feed he's gonna take it himself can he get the push score it touchdown north carolina a-n-t a drive that was for kingsley affinity i mean you are the number two guy coming into this game you have that mentality and say look i just own this and i'm gonna walk right down the field and do a great job with this moment look at the big boys up front duke is going backwards man that is not what we expected to see tonight with these guys being angry want to make a point that's not happening so far tonight 20 plays 86 yards 1208 off the clock you want a statement the aggies have come in here to wallace wade and done just that andrew brown on for the extra point [Music] in an unbelievable start for north carolina and t they haven't won a game in 630 days they don't have their starting quarterback all they have right now seven not the lead one yards in the touchdown it was a perfect drive matt i mean you couldn't have it better if you wanted it and you come in here composed you come in here dropping dimes and just orchestrate a perfect drive for a touchdown andrew brown kick goes into the end zone a touch back that's where we'll see duke's offense can matteo duran says the year greg sean was like wait a second big ten football i got this thing covered that's right a little four-game schedule never seen that before on that network here's the way to tell if someone went to syracuse just ask them first and ten ball to 25 here's gunner rolling out to his right quick throw off balance intended for eli poncho goodness second and ten yeah good to see eli involved there looked like he's fumbled on or stumbled on the uh on the get up there but this defensive line this defensive coordinator say hey guys look we have got to get a push we have to get a rush slow this offense down so second and ten still nothing out of the star matteo durant he's gonna get the ball there off the right side nothing going there tackled immediately on the play by robert porcher and i know we want to get mateo the ball but that's a pull read right there punter if gunner pulls that he's going to pick up some big time yardage playing the offense understand the offense now it's third and long that's that d-line porsche you see him there [Applause] we'll love to see the center snapper right there get some free yardage big third down for holmberg and duke after punting on their first possession sets his feet looks left throws left goes to all reliable jake bobo at a first down for the blue devils forced out by miles simon matt an interesting thing there north carolina a t went right back to that same stunt that they ran on the first third down with success the duke offensive line did a much better job picking it up easy conversion so gain of 11. a little tempo now to holmberg again back to bobo bobo's able to get to the outside just like that a little bit of movement a little bit of tempo another first down for the blue devils [Applause] likely the last play of the first quarter that was quick north carolina a t took advantage of it big drive out of their backup quarterback and how about the aggies coming into wallace wade they're up 7-0 after one here on acc network blue devils after 600 some days away from the football field the duke fans are out about tonight beautiful night as they mark that second and nine so second and one to start the second quarter when in doubt give it to mateo duran he'll move the change for you does just that and a first down for duke so eric coming up for first quarter you and i were just in here looking at each other like what is going on it's time now for the duke offense to get into this it absolutely is and you cannot just give the ball back quickly which they've already stalled enough need to see better push on the run here though but you you got to let your defense breathe you've got to let them regroup and look at themselves say what just happened what can we do how can we fix it that's what duke is doing right here on this drive expect them to keep just grinding this out shamari wallace holds durant to no gain or a loss of one rather bring it up second and 11. holmberg quickly to durant has space and some blocks this time and mateo durant out of the backfield could do a little bit of everything forced out by aaron harris in a game tonight really great play call right here and sometimes you just get lucky when you see on the edge there they're blitzing right off where mateo comes from gunner identifies that quickly gets him the ball in space play fake roll left for holmberg over the middle caught that is jaylen calhoun and here comes tempo another first down for duke good to see some rhythm good to see some movement get a lot of wide receivers involved this is where duke wants to be offensively another gain of 18. [Applause] durants comes off the tackle there goes mateo durant duke answers touchdown blue devils [Applause] mateo durant made him pay 19 yards for the score extra point away from being tied up at seven mateo durant the workhorse the powerful back says ezekiel elliot's his favorite player a little bit of shines of vintage zeke right here getting through the hole keeping his feet moving get into the end zone young man what a great play for the easy touchdown charlie hamm on for the extra point porter wilson holding and that's how you answer a little 38 left in the second quarter big factor on that drive eric he ran the ball caught the ball out of the backfield nine play 75 yard drive ties it at seven yeah mr do it all was really active there for duke and that's what you want to see from your best player he has to play that way for you to win ball games no different here how about a little surprise on side matt looks like they get it it's a scrum what a call by cut cliff charlie ham goes for the surprise on side to maybe flip a little momentum in the blue devils way now you just you have bodies everywhere what a play call man i love it to have the audacity and there they go look at this great play call you know that you went through a first quarter where you don't feel good about what just happened leave it to charlie ham and that low face mask [Applause] to make something good go down hey listen i don't care who we're playing we need to win a football game and this is how we have to do it fantastic play call look at that watch for the 10 yards clear beautiful execution oh just down there with the big boys good exercise good execution great execution kicker would have came up with it looked like it clipped somebody's heel but great play call so here comes gunner in the offense swings it out to durant durant drops it they're gonna rule that passing complete as it went forward and howard right there but you have to do things like that sometimes if you just come out not playing well defensively you want to keep them off the field now we've only seen north carolina a t and they're opening possession here comes duke again after the onsite hey best way to play defense is don't play defense flip that off wisdom print the t-shirt used that at halftime holmberg over the middle with a catch by bobo threw it up the receiver extended it bobo his favorite target last week seven catches 88 yards and it's that way again in a first down for duke really next nice job there by gunner staying in there making the big throw rolls out gunner finds nikki demolin brings up second down big stucky there with a hit bringing some authority on the tackle there a couple of back-to-back plays great tackles in space you talk about the defense being tired you're going to start seeing that out of the aggies after that drive here's durant again [Applause] short gain for him poor shea and wallace combined for the tackle and mateo saying look guys i'm a little tired get me out of here coaches say no sir we need you in there big man you're gonna stay put so third and six holmberg looks over the middle has a man over the middle and is caught in a big game jalen calhoun gets it inside the two-yard line this is just what the blue devils ordered touchdown on side big play jalen calhoun now they're rolling first and goal here's that tempo there's mateo durant ball over and just like that down seven nothing after the first duke comes back six plays 52 yards in the second touchdown of the night for matteo durant really great execution there by the blue devils get it to jake bobo get it to your big tight end get it out to calhoun and then let your bell cow do the rest matteo duran a special player a little bit of a dive in there some acrobatic ability i know he's tired but man you get those tds get those stats up i absolutely love the call by coach cutcliffe i do too he knew that his team [Music] they had answered and scored the touchdown but he just he came out flat got to find a way change that with one on-side kick duke up 14-7 or the second quarter that kick after the touchdown that ignited duke and then gunner holberg took over finding his weapons gunner looking surgical when he has time to throw he's been able to do it very well finding his receivers getting the ball around but then mateo durant mr do it all for duke he's gonna have to be great tonight and he's been just that so far you talked about it flip the script first drive they looked lost and then two in a row lead to touchdowns and a 14-7 lead here beginning part of the second you've got your running back falls down first play you get sacked puts you behind the line of scrimmage just a sloppy start but they figured it out charlie hands fired up now at that onsite kick he's like watch me does he do it again right here no they're looking for it now tamon cook deep to receive for the aggies now oh they're going to throw the flag did not cross into the end zone so they'll mark them for a penalty there let's go down to bridget connor with more on mateo durant bridgette yeah matt back in march coach cutt had a conversation with matteo and said i don't want you to get into the senioritis now that you're you know here at duke another year i want you to focus on your effort and conditioning because sometimes these older guys get into a routine mateo became more intentional about his work this off season and we saw it last week with those 255 yards named acc running back of the week and big with two touchdowns here tonight in just three minutes and 50 seconds you know what i love about that story bridgette is it after you set a score record it appears that the conversation has sunk in for durant so second possession now for the aggies kingsley fede the quarterback the handoff to martin trying to get to the outside and it ain't going to happen duke everywhere led by loma young great job there by loomi getting outside lummi getting outside and not letting him break containment you've got to swarm this running back he's special he can make things happen you see young they're just tracking them down good job with your pursuit let everybody else come to the party just the second time the aggies had the ball they marched right down the field ate up about 12 minutes of clock in the first quarter 20 plays 86 yards you see it there and then after duke recovered to kick just the second time we've seen affidi in the aggies he's going to roll right throw right quickly caught tamon cook forced out of bounds by jalen stinson and another open wide receiver but that was better closing speed we saw a defensive back accelerate through the tackle and a much better job by jalen stinson there to close space in a hurry that's what we need to continue to see and duke build upon this defensive backfield it was six for six on third down on their first possession now third and eight would love to see some pass rush here matt big fry down at the bottom of our screen a wrestler see him use his magic here he said that the d-line needs to be the difference plain short-handed no gary smith mafini over the middle it is incomplete josh blackwell covering sterling burkhalter flag on the play pass interference defense number 31 the ball will be placed at the spot of automatic first down it looked like there was good contact there from blackwell the entire time you see him just on the back kind of pulling on him he was just a little bit early i like the aggressiveness though matt that was the first time that we've seen a duke defensive back in the same picture as a wide receiver but unfortunately a flag another chance for them to get off the field and they don't so first down affinity gonna go up top there's more hands there and it looks as if he's gonna get got again blackwell for passing interference back-to-back plays you never want to see that i like this physicality from blackwell didn't think that was much of a play we'll see if we get a better angle pass interference defense number 31 15 yard penalty automatic first down we talked about ron hunt the big play receiver for the aggies and this is him right here in blackwell knows he says hey i'm just going to go right over the top blackwell extending that arm you couldn't really tell there didn't look like he locked out but certainly physical i'm on the fence there i'm an offensive guy but i like the physicality i'm not sure if that's it hunt five receptions 146 yards and two touchdowns a week ago against furman he is a big play threat as the aggies back in duke territory [Applause] ball at the 42. affinity gonna throw again [Applause] back-to-back pass interference calls matches walking down the field tough for any defense duke is really going to have to stand up tall here make a big time play josh blackwell he's a physical corner he's a great player probably the best on this duke defense unfortunate to get hit with two penalties back to back there young on the coverage there that's the first incomplete pass for rafiti who's up second and ten feet he's gonna keep it himself does a nice job to do a good cut back he kind of stutter stepped his way into the backfield made his cut left he was able to get a big gain their gain of nine bring it up third and short a really elusive play there you like the tempo here on third and short fumble snaps all kinds of movement get a flag above the turf false start offense not all players were set prior to the snap five-yard penalty second down and that's what will kill your tempo when guys aren't getting ready center snaps they're down lucky yeah exactly coach washington not happy the third one had a little thing going now brings up third and six again six of six on the third down of the aggies picked up a passing interference call in the last third and mall [Applause] the feed he designed to run can't get away from the duke defenders myuci and howard on the tackle brings up a fourth down really great job by mayusi staying in his lane identifying that as a quarterback draw and just triggering quickly to the quarterback there a good play call with what we've seen from the aggies but just better defense so with no gain and duke gets their stop you can't overrate that based on what we saw last week or what we saw in the first possession no question this defense was tired this defense was confused this defense was not in the right position a big time stop right here get your offense the ball back go score some more points before halftime mike rivers the punter play offense five yards it's still fourth down games back him up a little bit give the punter a little more room to situate himself he just wants to give more room more yards for his stats smart play by the way hunter's like kickers like to pad stats if i was to if i was duke i would have declined it just just because to blackwell deep to receive had a couple of pis dude did decline it so coach coach cutting nice same guy pressure on punt just gets off blackwell's gonna catch it at the 10-yard line a couple touchdowns and a defensive stop duke starting to find their rhythm 8-52 who's making his first start here inside wallace williams stadium his family is here his mom his sister and a big group of people are here because duke university has a much bigger connection to these people than just football gunner and his family moved here in 2006 when his dad was going through cancer treatments at duke hospital he spent three years down here before he passed away when gunner was 10 years old and his mom said that experience shaped who he is as a player and allowed him to wait his turn for this moment to start tonight she said when i talked to her earlier what his dad sean would think about it he said he would be on cloud night nine elated he loved sports and for his son to be the starting quarterback here is a dream come true bridgette thank you we talked to gunner about that is jordan waters on the carry we had talked to gunner about it this week and he said look i don't want this stadium this university and this place to represent what was a bad time for my family i want to turn it around and make this a positive influence for my family and we're going to see that here tonight what a story of perseverance that got her homebird so third and five at ball incomplete intended to jake muridi this is his mom jen they brought a lot of family and friends out here to see this game as gunner finally gets his first start here for the duke blew down he's got an injured player on the field when he got here daniel jones you may know him starting quarterback new york giants he was here chase bryce then transfers in from clemson so gunner had to wait his turn to get this job yeah he has and really just looks like he's taking advantage of it he's super sharp the way that he makes plays the way that he has the grasp of this offense and when we were talking to gunner as you alluded to earlier said hey look we don't want this to be a dark place we want this to be a bright spot for duke came in as a four-star recruit out of wake forest north carolina at the heritage high school you know you bring in chase bryce who had a cup of coffee collapse actually led into a big win in their national championship here you're thinking okay bryce is here i'm about to wait well bryce head to the transfer portal again he's at appalachian state and then gunner holmberg earns the job for the duke blue devils and getting his first career start tonight at home in front of his family and friends to seven minutes 59 seconds seven one thing that you noticed in that past drive matt no matteo durant offense kind of sputtered out a little bit with him not on the on the field there expected duke to take advantage of getting the ball back they're unable to do so porter wilson to punt a little pressure gets the punt off safely corey banks he's going to field it after the bounce risky for banks to do it but he pulled it off so the aggies will come back on offense tackled by daquan johnson [Music] but coach washington's fired up they were moving the ball again they had that penalty on third and short ended up in a punt they know they can move the ball in the duke defense if they wanted and i expect to get them to get back to the pass here what we saw from affiti in that first drive was efficiency confidence and delivering strikes they're going to establish the run but get back to the pass i'd be willing to bet time of possession still doubled up in aggies favor here first down and a nice gain on the play for sure tooting the running back set a gain of seven nice job with having two backs in the backfield there not sure which one's going to get a little bit of a misdirection play and then just hitting your holes created by this big offensive line been very impressed with what we've seen up front from the aggies we've already seen four running backs we detailed that in the first quarter we've seen martin's back there now baker tooton graves second and three give the ball to big john maine he takes it over midfield tackled by michael reese gain of three some new guys in for this duke defense looking at the defensive line rotating guys in hopefully they'll give a little bit of a spark a little bit of energy to this defense third and short here you're gonna have to rear your head back and really get a push try to get him to go backwards here caleb oppan now in at defensive end i said earlier gary smith d tackle he's out tonight so 13 inches of feedy gonna get the push and the first down a good initial push there by duke but really it was the second effort that got them to the first down there college football lineup tomorrow right here on acc network busy saturday illinois and virginia start the fun off at 11 a.m rutgers syracuse from the carrier dome clemson hosting south carolina state and then the acc primetime matchup presented by geico jacksonville state squares off against florida state be interesting to see what they do at quarterback for florida state after the great play by mackenzie milton late in that game jordan travis came out but now affinity gonna look to take a shot to his big play receiver and it's incomplete [Applause] ron hunt looked like he had a step on blackwell lafitte couldn't make the throw yeah you might even could call for a pass interference here but a great stutter route and go and he's got him beat if this ball is thrown out in space that's potentially a touchdown just a great round by hunt really selling it breaking it down and using his speed to get over the top into stack on top of that defender should have been a big completion that's the difference between fowler the starting quarterback and affidi who started his career at ecu just four career completions coming into tonight he could run the ball can't affidi takes it up the middle cuts outside a big game gonna move the chains for the egg a really great read there by affidi if you saw on the top of your screen they were bringing safety blitz and he just reads it hangs in there says not so fast hits the hole with authority no linebackers home able to get to the second level pick up some easy yards to mark it as a gain of 11 gonna be a first down for nc a and t a look at jalen fowler the starting quarterback not tonight baker in the backfield stutter steps his way through the line of scrimmage gain of five back on the play by woods it'll be interesting to see there a little bit of a new wrinkle they had a little bit of an orbit motion going behind that running back dive there will be interesting to see were they setting that up seeing if something else will be there they throw a pass to it hand it off there was nobody home on the back side for dude one cut he could be gone coach has said he's their shifty dynamic they love to use that word quick twitch second and five matt clay and he's got a quick twitch saw him running here after his pregame show and there he is again baker how did that work you did you did the huddle and then you walked across the building let's put some emphasis on that there's a reason they call it espn at campus campus that's right i got my 10 thousand steps into the boy half of it was that walk over to this studio so third and short again for the aggies can they get the push afidi looks like he's gonna get another first down for north carolina a and t and it's the second push matt it's been that way three times in a row when they get into this heavy package run a quarterback sneak just a really good job by the offensive line hanging in there as you see here duke does a great job stopping it initially just can't get him down his feet keep churning he's picking up yards picking up first downs offensive line substitutions to george simpson comes back in and then lawrence legrone in for coryon sharp it's a first down aggies again having some success on the ground ball through 22. [Music] and off to the left side good effort there by big 92 and he is a really nice pull there by simpson coming across the formation and just obliterating the safety big lummy right there he got in the backfield but watch this offensive lineman he goes look out he's kind of undercut him a little bit it didn't look as cool real time but a great job getting that guy on the ground [Applause] also one second and 11 under three and a half to play in the first half affinity gonna roll right throw right receiver open caught in a missed tackle tamon cook jamarrick woods able to slow him up just enough but he stayed on his feet could have been a big play yeah good closing speed there trying to make some contact get him down but the wide receiver able to pick up some extra yards great job rolling the pocket keeping this duke defense eyes all over the place you're right if you don't make that tackle that's a huge game maybe a touchdown so third and six [Applause] play call should give the indication of their their fourth down intentions the fedy looks to go out of the backfield but finds his receiver corey banks and it looks as if he's going to have enough for the first down it's certain yeah referee waving him on but what was really impressive about that was watching ephedi going through his reads going through his progressions the running back was the first option he wheeled out of the backfield saw that duke was in cover two that wasn't open great check down how about the aggies on the third down time now nine of ten it's impressive that's how you win football games and especially coming into a power five opponent hit him right in the mouth execute on third down two minutes to play in the first half jermaine martin off the right side i'll tell you what this kid he declared that he was coming back they didn't have the spring season you think he's an nfl type bodies you see some extracurriculars and a flag on the play dorian mayusi on the tackle yeah looked like a little bit of acting on the defensive line here it's gonna be interesting to see which way does this go [Applause] timmy the hedge path the head official after the play personal foul unnecessary roughness defense number 99 penalty is half the distance to the goal automatic first down that's christian roy absolutely huge penalty on this drive it really is you're getting a great stop and then just acting the most grabbing a face mask i mean what are you thinking is going to happen here you're absolutely going to get penalized just a silly play from a young player that you know really duke needs to step up duke needs him to have a presence on this defensive line and he just quite hasn't matured enough yet so now first and goal aggies [Applause] they ride jermaine martin who had nothing going at the beginning [Applause] tackled by loma young and a gain of one a little bit of scuffling going on here after plays this duke defense needs to understand do it while the play is happening do it while the play is in session not afterwards that's not where you make your money that's when you're going to get penalized and get in this situation you are in now north carolina a t still has all three time outs under a minute and a half just eating clock every time they get the ball 13 plays 54 yards this the 14th play of this drive as duke tries to sub in some last minute defenders [Applause] and t gonna use one of their three timeouts so minute eight left in the front all right so i wondered why one of the camera shots was slow now i know why hey just do your job man that's what that's what you need to focus on get these guys he looks good though he's jacked man so second and goal just before the half [Applause] and if he's going to keep it himself how about it kingsley of feeding during the commercial break my partner said run the quarterback and they did and we are an extra point away from north carolina a t tying this game up with duke with a minute three left before the half really just a silky smooth read here great job by feedy and a great block bringing your wide receiver in get on the edge man this kid is having a ball game right now get in the end zone young man you fake it to your start running back jermaine martin that is going to get the attention that leaves the quarterback graffiti who got the start surprise start to us and right now it is 14 on i'll tell you what when you look at the stats at the half north carolina a t a hundred rushing yards to duke's 19. that has been the difference in this game because with the rushing man they've eaten a lot of clock time in possession 22 to six and a half i mean you there's no shot that you would think that duke would have been in this situation just understanding the disparage of talent but that has not been the case north carolina a t saying we'd have some dogs over here and they are playing out of their mind the aggies looking super sharp offensively i've really been impressed with what we've seen from quarterback play for north carolina a t if not for the onside kick duke had to recover to get some momentum north carolina a t has won this first half no question about it and if you're duke you're not embarrassed you're not worried about any of that you're worried about winning a football game don't let any other factors in this you've got to put your front foot forward and say hey we've got a minute and three seconds to go down and score get some momentum going into halftime into the third quarter speaking of halftime our friends jordan cornett the coach mark richt and e.j emmanuel gonna handle the halftime duties matt claim gets this halftime off he's slumming it in here with me i'm surprised they're not they don't want me to run over there and do it real quick jalen stinson deep to receive [Applause] stinson met by a crew of aggies players but kingsley of feedy we said we didn't expect them to start jaylen fowler banged up from a week ago he has been efficient and effective have been really impressed with affinities decision making running the ball whether to give it whether to pull it and then just his smooth calm cool collectness in the passing game identifying okay who's open i'm going to fit it right to him and on third down matt he has been smooth operator all night long now gunnar holmberg trying to lead the two-minute offense a one-minute offense at that before the half gets it out to bobo and that's a good start forced out by miles simon duke still two timeouts remaining 52 seconds in the half holmberg again the quick throw incomplete intended for cole finney just a little bit outside of the stretch of the tight end there six foot seven hard to overthrow a six foot seven guy comes up second and ten plenty of time looks quick throws quick it's bobo i think duke's gonna use one of their remaining two timeouts every saturday morning the huddle cornet mcclain manuel richt gets you ready for acc football they'll preview this later games keep you updated on all things acc football 10 a.m eastern right here acc network one tap one tap on the one half one tap rather in the espn app and i bet your guys this week here on the acc network was entertaining to say the least based on the week one performances i can only imagine what the conversation will be tomorrow morning with the outcome of this game it'll be a lot of fun we'll talk about it but the good thing is man there's a great slate of games oh right on cue here you pull it up for me pitt versus tennessee cannot wait to see that the johnny majors classic what a great partnership between those two universities and then a big game i've got my eye on nc state mississippi state can't wait to see it the bell cows they're going to be ringing down there in stark vegas a big opportunity for that nc state defense i'll tell you what between those two teams i said before the season that pit could mess with people because the experience they had at quarterback and nc state looked good in week one as holmberg goes over the middle would it go up and get it catch by calhoun who's had a nice first half tackled by reims coming out of the timeout move the change tempo now for duke and gutter holmberg's they're gonna clock it to bring up second down great catch there by jalen calhoun really having strong hands he goes up and just grabs that football doesn't allow it to get close to his body watch here as he goes over the middle hunter going to read it sees it and a really strong grab there keep it away from the defender great job by gunner so after the spike second and ten holmberg forced out of the pocket throws it right and that's caught by harding [Applause] that's daryl harding's first grab of the night forced out of bounds by joseph stuckey gain of six [Applause] third and four holmberg stays strong in a pocket and throws it behind his intended receiver late hit there by tywin howard but not called intended for cole finney yeah obviously the ball thrown behind us big tight in here hard to make that catch then that right there that's a penalty that's a big point of emphasis they've got to call that see i disagree with that one one because from his vantage point you can't tell if the ball is caught and i don't think there was any leading with any type of head or helmet or throwing himself at the defense's receiving good no call fourth and four duke converts it's calhoun again boys he had a good first half really quick player finesse with the routes get open pick up some big yards would love to see him get more involved here so gain of 15 duke is moving clock starts one time out remaining down to 10 seconds holmberg over the middle again calhoun can he get in it's down to five seconds duke has that final timeout just short of the goal line so now they're gonna use their final timeout first and goal from the one five seconds who do you think's getting the ball here on first and goal who do you guess i'ma give you a hint mateo duran but a great play here get in front of your quarterback get in that hole of the coverage would have loved to see calhoun fight through that tackle but regardless a great catch really been impressed with his involvement early in this offense thought a week ago that was a big miss i thought they needed to involve him a lot more than they did good to see the young playmaker getting involved here five catches 98 yards caught every target all right so i i agree with you when you think like give it to matteo durant i'll play devil's advocate what if he stopped for no game then the go to halftime that's what happens i mean you've got it yeah you've got to trust that he's the best player on the field put it on the offensive line and say hey let's go get it boys this is where we earn our keep right here that big offensive line led by jack wallenbaugh say hey we're going full speed ahead and get it done it is a big fellow that's what you want right absolutely i mean if you're an offensive line like i mentioned big jake wobile you're saying let's go let's get it done rely on us we understand how important that this drive is that these this points could be so tenth play of this drive an impressive drive for gunner holmberg in this offense really enacting that minute 24 offense if they had hurry up and tempo so here we go first and goal durant in the backfield holmberg out of his shotgun give it to durant and he gets [Applause] it wasn't by much but it doesn't matter love the play call love the trust from your big offensive line wool bob front making things happen watch them getting a great push everybody moving guys out of the way mateo does the rest robert porche had a chance for a tackle for loss and end the half what an effort out of him but durant now the third touchdown of the half second week in a row he scored three touchdowns [Applause] look if you're david cutcliffe you go into the locker room not happy with how it's going but praising that last half execution but gunner just left with that absolutely it is hard to win football games people don't understand how difficult it is how much goes into it he's gonna be you know happy with the lead but he needs more to it i'm actually not surprised they're taking another look at this see where that knee is mateo tucked the ball a little bit he didn't stretch out he kept it right kind of at his midsection we're going to need to see a side view here to really confirm because that well he does it his knees stay up that's what i was looking at i don't know he's hidden and see what if he was falling down and he was falling down front his knee would certainly touch he turns sideways kind of gets to his back so everything's going to stay off the ground great effort by this defense though yeah he's going to be in right there his butt stayed up off the field he rolled his back at the end zone an important thing is that it was called a touchdown i don't think we have a clear enough view to see where the ball is if they were to reverse it and hear the applause on the field you saw mateo give the thumbs up if it is reverse there's no timeline the the half is over and so you talk about momentum swing going right back to a t right here with a big stop timothy hedgepath continues to look into the monitor i i just don't think there's anything that would overturn this i think it will stand and duke will take a 21 for 2014 lead right now barring the extra point and you look how he turned his body that was my main concern did his knee go down his knee is not anywhere close into this play so now it's it's his bottom you know does that touch where's the ball it's good that's a touchdown look i'm gonna go to the bathroom i'll meet you guys in the locker room i've got my third tv in the half i'll see you guys hey speaking of if you're an away team you gotta hide the first review the ruling on the field stands touchdown okay please set the game clock to three seconds three seconds left on the game clock [Applause] charlie ham mr durant's gonna head in early get some hydration relieve some hydration jackson hubbard the holder ham on for the extra point well 21-14 there's a flag on the play ham got some contact after the kick [Applause] personal foul roughing the kicker defense number three the ruling on the field is a successful try the 15-yard penalty will be enforced on the kickoff and look at the contact [Laughter] no give him the trophy matt you know ham had a sold earlier that he could hang with the big boys after the on side and getting up there and roughing with everybody and then that he's doing it big time three seconds left maybe that's what they were looking at with that replay why it took so long with this one you probably just want to squibb it down the middle not give him any chance of a return we'll just boot it out of the end zone you just got an extra 15 yards you know what that's a dollar charlie ham for that acting job i mean he was basically asking them to bring out the orange soccer tray that's right to take him off the field you know this new world of nil man he might be auditioning for some commercials right there he did a great job with it so if you're both coaching staff quickly from the sam washington side what are you telling your team at the half that we can play with anybody we can hang in this game we've out physicaled them we've outmatched them i'm going right up to my offensive line and say we're keep going we're going strong we're relying on you guys give me david boys let's go do it in the second half we've got the lead we've got this victory in our grasp we just have to execute better defensively keep doing what we're doing on offense duke got the ball to start the game so it'll be the aggies who begin the second half with the ball and now we've got whistles we we can't end the three seconds late game kicking team five yard penalty is still the kick down matt i have never seen a delay a game on a kickoff before you know but i appreciate it more air time for you and i that's true shout out mom and dad listening they get to hear our voices one more play you know i'd have to look back but when they were five seconds left on that clock when mateo durant scored five seconds football time to real lifetime has to have been five minutes no question about it [Music] all right can do it again and if that penalty was on charlie ham but it's definitely a dollar fine for him after the acting little pooch kick and that'll do it for the first half hey we got a good ball game here at wallace wade 21-14 at the half jordan cornett ej manuel mark rick they're gonna take it over after the break but an entertaining second half coming up duke up we welcome you back to acc network football presented by dr pepper at the half duke up 21-14 as we begin the start of the third quarter in what's been a highly competitive game starting from the north carolina a t perspective we learned about kingsley affini getting the started quarterback when you did but he took his first snap early and often just super effective with his arm able to really make smart decisions and then running the ball that's what i was most impressive with his patience his decision making has really been an x factor for this aggie offense rush yards 100 for the aggies the other side of it mateo durant and the blue devils have been running the ball well but they were able to move the ball when they needed to and he's been effective every way that he can through the air with his catching ability ground and pound getting in the end zone how about a hat trick going into half three touchdowns matteo duran so give credit to north carolina a and t they were able to come in here with their surprise back up quarterback kingsley affinity getting the start their their starter jalen fowler nicked up and did not come out pretty even looking at those minus when you look at rushing yards to duke and then passing yards to at t and look at that time of possession 22 minutes to seven it's remarkable what a t has been able to do with the ball sustaining these long drives and then like you mentioned the most impressive thing to me 21 rushing yards for duke a t has been playing lights out on the defensive side of the ball really containing mateo durant right to 2.9 yards per rush but still mateo being very effective uh getting three touchdowns i'm gonna take back that comment those stats aren't even at all there are discrepancies literally in every statistic other than total yards 149 to 201 but they couldn't be any more different than they are so the aggies will get the ball to start things off charlie hams get a kick for sure tootin deep for the aggies along with taemon cook we will see if you're just joining us we do have a football game when north carolina and t started with the ball they promptly ate up about 12 minutes on a touchdown drive in the first quarter so it's gonna be cook bringing it out of the end zone and he is going to get hit immediately that is one that he'll want back how about jacquez moore leading the way for duke field position not great to start for the average really a great start here and then a little bit of hesitation brings it out of the end zone and just a great start for duke getting in them in tough field position four yard line big opportunity here so first and ten ball at the six from t jermaine martin in the backfield he's to get the carry trying to get a block and he's going to be caught immediately down the third member of our team in bridging condom bridgette yeah matt i talked to coach washington coming out of the locker room he said we expect to win this game he said everything's going according to plan on the offense he wants to run the clock limit duke's chances on the field he said on in on defense though they're playing horribly he said the secondary looks awful and they need to put pressure on the quarterback and just be better all around on defense includes washington honest assessment however good at keeping secret second and nine here at the seven and affinity gonna keep it himself and he's met immediately so right out of the gate some good defense that alumni young and the duke blue devils bring it up a third and long love seeing a safety scream down and run support lumi young the fourth there just coming down in a hurry you see him from his safety position just triggering very quickly meeting the quarterback in the hole great sound tackle wrapping up for the stop perhaps one of the most impressive statistics tonight a t 9 of 10 on third down conversions now third and eight affinity rolling right looking right throws high incomplete three and out duke gets the defensive stop covered by jalen alexander one thing that's going to be missing severely from this duke team matt is just their pressure getting after the quarterback they lost collectively last year 39 sacks between victor d mukeshi and chris rump two of the best duos ever now those guys are gone duke has to find a guy somebody who can get back there apply pressure whether you're bringing extra guys you're bringing an extra hat they just in two games have not been able to get any quarterback pressure michael rivers to punt from his end zone josh blackwell deep to receive blackwell's gonna field it at the 42-yard line bobbles it makes a man miss and here we go dukas flips the field they get the ball at the 29-yard line they pin them deep after the kick they get some good field position and now duke can really take off to start the second half with some momentum this is where you see that momentum swing this is where okay we're gonna say we are the power five school we are supposed to be the school that runs in here does what we want offensively you can take some steps here tonight because a t has shown that they have the players to compete now can they go to the distance can they do that for an entire full game they did it for one half i think duke starts really laying down the pressure right here great opportunity on the 29-yard line so 34-yard punt return of nine first and ten as you said 29 yard line mateo durant the fake holmberg gonna look deep gonna go for the end zone and it's caught what a catch by ron nikki dalliman what a catch just a great play call there getting your big tight end involved we had seen gunner miss a couple of times with his tight end a great floating pass in there scoring position now so nicky dowell in the big play give it to mateo durant who's already scored three touchdowns on the night he doesn't get there caught immediately and tackled by joseph stuckey yeah jacob monk right there giving up pressure and then coming off the edge big stucky making a great play on a talented running back you see here watch the right side your screen just kind of misses but stucky i mean comes off the edge in a hurry that was similar to what we saw in that goal to go before the first half so second and goal now mateo still in the backfield holmberg off the left side to mateo he tries to reach and he's held up short and tywin howard sneaking down there to the one yard a little bit dangerous right there watch as mateo kind of stretches out the ball close to putting that ball in jeopardy holds on to it as there could have slapped that out so third and goal now two failed attempts by durant and gunner holberg and say you know what i'll do it myself flag on the play however [Music] might have been a similar situation not everybody said the ruling on the field is the brother was short of the goal line offside defense number 99 penalty is half the distance to the goal it's still third down henry daniel the guilty party for the aggies ruled short it looked like he got clearly there's a couple of guys that might be offsides right here but you see the quarterback under center gets good push yeah i mean that looks good look at this i don't know how that's not a touchdown that's an interesting call you know who is so happy that duke is under center right here ej manuel he loves it when quarterback to 14 lead after starting with great field position the defense the punt and now the touchdown for holmberg one yard over the top of the pile now charlie ham on for the extra points jackson hubbard the hold so duke scores just before the half they force a three and out get the punt in their first possession of the second half eric now they're starting to roll a little bit great job marching down the field getting the touchdown love to see it when a team is on the goal line in short yards go under center big jack wolobuk pushing the line easy touchdown really shouldn't have been reviewed qb gets in there with ease love that push from the offensive line everybody's getting across the end zone i share ej's uh sentiments on quarterbacks under center there is nothing that gets my football temper going more than when you're on goal to go maybe three yard line in your line of the quarterback up out of shock you're you're just getting now you're making it seven yards yeah it's awful trying to hand it off to the running back line up on the center plate football come on that's right this get off my lawn moment brought to you by quarterbacks out of the shotgun full city action i hear you come on dude damon cook need to receive the kick [Applause] he's gonna have a go at this one fair catch that there 10 yard line we'll start the ball up to 25 let's bring her in bridgette bridgette yeah matt total change of emotion on duke's sideline jake bobo went up to every one of his players sitting on the bench high five them said let's go we got this you guys remember he was the one last week that rallied his team in the locker room and said after that loss we can do one of two things we can give up or we can unite and this is them uniting right here they never gave up even early in this game bobo the favorite target last week gutter holmberg tonight has been jalen calhoun five catches 98 yards matt barry eric maclean and bridgette convent on the call both these teams looking for their first win of the season so kingsley of fetty back at quarterback ball at the 25-yard line early movement false start offense number 16. five-yard penalty is still first down lawrence lagrone to guilty party hey the aggies talented offensively with their running backs we haven't seen much at a ron hunt tonight but they can go down the field to get right back in this game they absolutely can they have skill players all throughout this field really been impressed with what we've seen from him and you mentioned it that talented backfield can easily get going baker nice play call there he's got that shake and fake does keizhawn get a nice play there on first down for the aggies really great design play there a little misdirection everybody's going right we're gonna go back left get everybody moving really great play call but you've got to make that tackle in space dude that has been the story time and time again with this defense you can't do that to win big football games fortunate to be ahead right now but this defense cannot relax a gain of 10 now second and five baker remains in the game [Music] to give to bushuel tootin to the outside he escapes the tackle you just mention the tackling and against duke again two could have brought been brought down immediately but he stays on his feet gain at 25 here come the aggies both times they're lummy having the angle having the pursuit just not able to bring the guy down you love this look at that closing speed but you have to tackle wrap up go through your target great effort there by 90 making it play down the field that's a big defensive tackle saving what could have been even bigger of a run we've talked about it four running backs tonight baker martin tooten and around here calling a little trick play he gets around the outside tame on cook again another missed tackle miss cook picks up a nice game matt if you remember in the first half i said whoa watch that orbit formation are they trying to do something sneaky to set it up that was it right on cue not a massive pickup but a great play design you got your wide receiver end around make sure they're looking duke was in the position but a missed tackle again good pickup great play call and again what do we say it keeps your defense honest and creates the space that was killer for duke last week in their loss to charlotte second and four now baker in motion that he's going to keep it himself we've seen this ahead of the fetty he can run the football and he's doing it again what a block what a run corey banks added some yards for kingsley 27 yards pushed out by leonard johnson i've been very impressed with the play calling of oc barnett watch as they get the running back out of there that leaves space there's no other linebacker in a 4-2 defense gives unbelievable space for the quarterback to get up in motion make a big pick up great play calling on this drive a big fella de george simpson up front sprung the block so first and ten here come the aggies and they give inside to baker again slips through a couple of tacklers surprised though jermaine martin here with baker kind of a hot hand on this drive but what about a fetty the quarterback 13 carry 78 yards and a surprise start i'm a young he's he's been active in the wrong kind of way in this drive missed another attack yeah he's doing a great job being around the ball that's what you want from your safety screen down run support but you've got to finish you have to be able to wrap up the quarterback don't just try to arm tackle don't just try to lower your shoulder see what you hit wrap your arms around the carrier and bring them down [Applause] t can still get a first down it's a fetty again he's held up by a host of new defenders led by michael reese bringing up the third down gain a warrant here's that ben don't break duke has not been successful at stopping the aggies on third down can they do that here [Applause] to third and five [Applause] and fatty to throw has time looks right incomplete intended [Music] on the player an eligible player downfield offense number 83 was covered penalty is declined it's fourth down north carolina a t is going to bring out the field goal unit but a good answer out of the aggies coming back down and being in a good position to add some points especially getting stopped that first drive not having great field position really just marching down the field coming away with threes big here staying in this game keeping it close giving your guys confidence saying hey we're not out of here yet andrew brown to attempt right through the sticks so 28-17 duke great answer out of the aggies good way through the third quarter here on the acc network my potential so thank you miss belle i want to thank you for teaching me to not take myself too seriously and find a way to enjoy learning thank you teachers extra yard for teachers week an annual effort led by the college football playoff foundation that brings college sports together to support and honor great teachers across the country at games on social media to learn more about extra yard teachers follow at cfp extra yard and that is gunner holmberg's mother she's been an elementary school teacher for 14 years so thank you to all of the teachers for your selfless work that you do with the youth of america's duke is going to get the ball at the 25-yard line i have said it forever teachers are the most underpaid people in the country no question and it's not even close no no no question i mean when you talk about as coach cut said the most important job i mean that's the future of our society and uh man the way they get treated it's never enough and uh thank you for everyone out there uh that is a teacher that sacrifices and uh just keeps us going let's go down to bridget bridget yeah gunner's mom you just talked about we told you earlier those tough times i'll let you take this one man those tough times when they first moved to north matt those tough times when they first moved to north carolina was those three years gunner's mom was teaching third grade and when her husband passed she was tasked with the responsibility of keeping two young kids focused after losing their dad and managing a classroom bridgette thank you mateo durant's gonna get the first down and look i know you've had teachers that have impacted your life i've had teaches an impact in my life but it is the first adult influence that you will have as a child outside of the home and that's an impact they can make for life duke can do some real damage here to the clock on this drive mateo durant gain a four they're doing that offensive line rotation they they put up eight of them gunner holmberg looks left how about that what a catch by jake bobo that's a good football throw for the football nerds to really appreciate that one where he put this one man just drops it on the dime outside shoulder right on the sideline that's a heck of a toss from the qb whisperer's newest quarterback it was a great throw prior to the snap the previous players under further reviews the whistles would indicate they didn't want that play to get off they're going to look at that again from bobo for 25 yards first blush on our first replay that we showed it looked as if bobo hit the ball now first and ten six fifteen left in the third quarter matt barry eric mclean bridgette con have a look at the catch here great throw great catch he's in his back foot was actually in uh first with possession a little eric decker in bobo okay i like it i'll sell it holmberg to the right quick throw it's been all duke receivers eli pancole gain of 18. holmberg continues to spread the wealth we were just talking about it at break there say i would love to see eli get more involved great to see it right there durant off the left side kind of patiently waits doesn't really open up for him led by najib reims on the tackle gain of two durant just not able to get vertical right there tried to stretch it out as long as he could really great job by the pursuit of this aggie defense not allowing him to get vertical cut cliff loves seeing his quarterback 12 and 12 on passes of 10-plus yards 13-13 that falls incomplete intended for bobo crowd thought maybe herbert booker got a little healthy with the hands but no flag maybe the ball was uncatchable we'll see it right here great little hesitation that's a lot of contact might have been too far outside a lot of contact though so third and eight quick throw to the outside to mateo makes a couple of men miss and he's going to move the chains for a first down reims on the tackle listen we talked to mateo duran said what are your best attributes as a running back first thing he said leadership second thing he said his ability to catch the ball out of the backfield this guy can truly do it all he's such an explosive player not a surprise at all that duke is trying to find every way to get him the football 15 different touches 13 carries two receptions just two total yards jordan waters down the backfield for duke first and goal the fake to waters holmberg going to run it he's got space gunner touchdown duke first career start in durham and gunner in front of his mother and his family and friends gets to celebrate with his teammates duke goes up 34-17 jacob roberts had an opportunity for the tackle gunner beat him and he's having a heck of a night he's the blue devils quarterback yeah that play was supposed to go to the tight end great job by the aggie defense just mushing him not allowing him to get off the line of scrimmage gunner saying hey that's all right i'll do it by myself dual threat guy charlie hamm's extra point attempt is good [Applause] so gunner holmberg 263 yards throwing as you said athletic enough dual threat guy everything's covered i'm going to take my feet and go yeah and again aggie's doing a great job almost double teaming tight in 81 coming out of the backfield gunner says it's all good mama's happy everybody's happy it's one of the great things about college football when you see the families in the stands to know everything that the gunner and his family went through in this area growing up with his father passionate brain cancer at the age of 10 coming to duke to get the treatment he said mission number one was to make this area a happy place for his family and in his first career start here at duke i think he's done that first career start at home check that box and again you talk about family members my mom and dad just so grateful for them making every game and how important it is to us as athletes uh my wife there as well just it means a lot so i know for gunner to be able to look up in those stands see his mom hit his chest once talk to his dad it's a special moment this could be tamon cook receiving the kick again he'll fair catch the ball to 25 and duke has done all their damage scoring touchdowns on the ground that was their fifth rushing touchdown on the night you know you talk about nil and all of college football's legislation and things that they do i i've said it for as long as i can remember you do what you can to get these families to every game absolutely the sacrifices they've made coming up i want to see every family from every team regardless of where they're from attend their son's games and that's what's so fun about when you get to the playoff in postseason that that you know there is support for that to make that happen big moment kingsley of fetty the fake get a boot and roll right pressure throws it away paul's incomplete first down it's one of the first times we've seen pressure right there ben fry able to get after the quarterback explosive off the line read it correctly was able to get that pressure here you see a great pursuit by everybody quarterback hit good job getting the ball away not taking the sack great heads up play there it was an emphasis this week for cut cliff and this duke defense the d-line needed to be the difference maker not only in this game but for the rest of the season duke thinks they've got enough talent to compete because the fed is going to pull it out he's going to go deep to his receiver ron hunts big play threat's been held in check tonight and it falls and they have a ways to go to still do that you know up front they have the body types to do so they have the size but again as i mentioned losing 39 career sacks by two guys that puts a lot of pressure on others to stand up and to step up and in a league as the acc with so many quarterbacks the conference of quarterbacks you're gonna have to put pressure on them or they'll tear you apart again one of those defensive lineman gary smith number 58 he's not playing tonight so again getting the contributions where they can if eddie gonna throw in third down that's gonna be knocked down josh blackwell who's had an interesting night it's gonna be another fourth down and see and t to punt really like what we saw from this drive of just having duke defensive backs be in the same area as these receivers a great job by blackwell being physical knocking that ball down he's a stun he's one of their best on this team and a guy that needs to continue to flourish to pretty much matt eliminate a side of the field if you will he has that capability scott boylan gonna receive the punt duke gonna set up the return gonna fair catch it there and duke get the ball 31-yard line so looking at the acc network over the weekend on a saturday plenty of games to talk about plenty of games to watch right here on the acc network and always on the espn app illinois virginia brett bielema got the win in week one fell back last week they get virginia bronco mendenhall that's an 11 a.m eastern kick what kind of program does he have this year rutgers and syracuse i keep ideas i just think i think it's a fascinating game because early on greg shawn has recruited well and how can that build a little bit of confidence against a guy in dino babers who a couple years ago is one of the hottest coaches in the country holmberg wisely slides there's a flag on the play looks like there could be a holding personal foul illegal hands to the face defense number 91 15-yard penalty is added to the end of the play automatic first down let me just say that's rare that happens for an offensive lineman that that gets called but you love it when it does and just you know a little bit of extracurricular right there those defensive guys do that all the time so first you're thinking 62 is gonna get hit for the hole right yeah that's what i thought i thought he held on too long but as you see why he did he got the call the o-lineman loves it chalk went up for the big fella there's bobo a little bit of a slip screen [Applause] jake bobo pays for it hit hard by jacob roberts and roberts ejected last week for hitting hard a big time hit right there first half suspension back in the game that's mateo durant yards wise mateo has been held in check 30 35 37 yards three touchdowns for him officials timeout for a ninja player injured aggies player he looks like a little bit of a cramp but the way he's reacting hope it's not anything more serious than that that's carfa cabba you know this time of year we do see that early season humidity games in the south hydration cramps tend to be a thing late in the game in the early part of the season absolutely and going back to what you were talking about with matteo durant i mean you know a t has done an unbelievable job this defensive front who by the way is missing a ton of guys you know really led by jermaine mcdaniel right there who talking with coach washington said hey look he's our war daddy he's our guy if we need a big defensive play i know i can absolutely rely on him unfortunately he's not in this game but these backups next man up mentality and have done a really really good job of containing mateo duran i know he has three touchdowns but 2.6 yards per carry matt that's astounding you know at north carolina center j.r smith had eligibility that he didn't use because he went right to the pros from high school he is now on the golf team at north carolina a t as matteo duran pushes forward for the first down and look i cover golf and do golf for espn and you know a good swing boys i love it j.r smith college golfer who to thunk it jordan waters in the backfield gunner's going to take a shot has a man looking for eli pankal incomplete great coverage there by miles simon matt a little bit too much air on this ball you see a great job by eli just taking off he's got him beat you just have you can't put that much air on it probably would have been out of bounds anyway a little bit of a missed opportunity there nothing to worry about too much so second and ten that's water still in the backfield he's gonna get the carry off the right side so duke opening week lose to charlotte 31-28 ncaant tonight coming up next week they've got northwestern that's a good opportunity for coach cutler to figure out who his program and what they are that's right battle of the brains two great schools our commissioner in the acc jim phillips coming from northwestern we'll see where his i'm just kidding his allegiance is with this conference but i know he's going to be excited to watch that one third and six designed run for gunner holmberg and what a nice puck he's got to do with credibility we saw him in the touchdown comes off after a big gain of 26 for gunner holmberg sumter and reams off the tackle yeah helmet kind of ripped off right there but when you see this play really a great design get everybody up field and just take off gunner does a great job with his legs make a little cut really impressive right there jordan moore is in at quarterback now why holmberg gets the hat figured out he's a guy that they love with his running ability and you see why how about that one play one run one touchdown jordan moore a player that they said they need to continue to bring him on and he just saw why for nine yards [Applause] man i love the play call i love getting a young freshman in there i know it wasn't by design but hey take advantage of your circumstances and your opportunities there jordan moore matt we got to go to practice see these guys up close he is electric he is a guy that i hope duke will find ways to get on the field he's that good of an athlete he deserves it and if he keeps doing things like this making the most of his opportunities he will surely get them eight plays 69 yards as duke now continues to add to their lead another player down that's devin harrell down for the aggies that's our player a moment ago cramp up that's harold they certainly can't afford to lose anybody off the offensive line he's already dealing with depth issues as for duke six touchdowns on their last seven drives they went down early seven nothing got out of the first quarter down seven nothing and they they've been foot to pedal ever since really just a creative play here just being an athlete out athlete everyone else on the field you see his initial push not open bounces outside bounces outside again does a great job cutting inside finishing the drill in the end zone you saw a couple of backup offensive linemen in there as well big cave normally man what a fun story he's been in fun to cover just a great talent at the left guard position but how about the quarterback so it is all duke after the extra point 42-7 dean bridget what do you have yeah this is the first year for co-offensive coordinators jeff ferris and rayquan boyet we talked to them earlier this week and they used to play here together at duke they said that is so important because they have a respect for each other they have different opinions but they go into those differences of opinions with respect jeff ferris actually said voyette's daughter is his niece and when we talked to him about this relationship he said it's amazing to be able to do the best job in the world with your best friend if i could draw it up and have anyone to do it with it would be rayquan boy yet bridgette thank you it is a good story when you get out there call ball plays with your best friend have some fun you got a talented running back say hey you know how we can look good give the ball to matteo durant as many times as we can it was a lot of fun talking with coach ferris and just his energy his passion his excitement man he's the guy you want to play for it was a safety walk-on at duke kind of got through his career and said hey look coach cutt i'm not going to go to the nfl i'm not going to be a guy that plays for you know all these years i want to coach they said okay come in the quarterback room as a player and just learned and has had a great career coached almost every offensive position outside offensive line now the o.c you know i'm going to bring this up there's a chance i get a call from david cutcliffe this week but to this point minute 56 left in the third quarter duke up 42-17 we have not seen one turnover out of the duke blue devils you had to say it huh you've never heard of the announcers purposely did it when they run defense smart you know but that's it that's been number one for them i mean for two years they have been awful at giving that ball away last year led the country so that is number one on cuts checklist and they've been fantastic tonight the defense has also responded jermaine martin sees why the big early hit flag on the play i hope they're not going to say something with targeting rj open personal foul defense number 92 15 yard penalty automatic first down enes the guilty party that was a heck of a collision in the backfield how about the running back just staying up and absorbing it you like demaine martin you had said in some of our meetings do you think that he's got an nfl body to play at that next level i absolutely do and just the way that he runs he's a bigger guy he he has that breaking tackle ability but also home run speed i mean we've seen him rush for nearly 300 yards in a game we've seen him catch the ball out of the backfield he's going to be a great late round to free agent addition to somebody this coming nfl draft process started his career at coastal carolina bridgette what do you have on jermaine yeah jermaine martin when he was 18 years old you don't see this that much with a running back he was working in the backyard like doing some yard work with his dad and a piece of a generator broke off cut nerves in his left hand he had to get 12 stitches he has no feeling in his left hand from his ring finger to his pinky but doesn't seem to mess up the running back he had 23 touchdowns in 2019 setting a school record just an incredible story for him as he i had said early on there were thoughts maybe he wouldn't be back and he went on social media so i've got i've got still got something to prove they expect the big season out of him when conference play begins now third and one officials time out for an injured player we've got injured player now for duke that's jamerrick woods just going back to jermaine and seeing his ability seeing what he can do for an offense the type of impact that you expect him to have was limited tonight uh you know only right at two yards per carry as woods gets up there hope he's okay but he's a guy as you mentioned when it gets to conference play they're going to be leaning on him big time for this aggie offense and a guy that's going to be able to deliver time and time again and i'm glad you brought it up in terms of martin and draft status and what he can do all you need to know look at the baltimore ravens and what they're dealing with that they're running back a position losing three guys to major injuries if you're a guy like jermaine martin on the practice squad and you get in their fourth fifth on the depth chart you're three injuries away from starting week one of the nfl no question about the flat nfl big hit right there in the nfl the best ability is availability and for guys to be able to stay healthy as shaka hayward introduces himself in the backfield here that's really the first time that we've seen shaka kind of the leader of this defense being involved in a big-time play right there but that that's what it takes and you know i think this guy's built for it in martin and think he has what it takes to play at the next level he runs with bad intentions he's we are headed to the fourth quarter here on acc network it is all due 42-17 over north carolina a t stadium for the first time in 600 plus days happy to see the score heading into the fourth quarter 42-17 eric mcclain matt barry bridget condon happy to be with you here acc football friday night n c a at t gonna go for it on fourth and three betty to pass stumbles and it's gonna fall incomplete kingsley tried to make the play to move the chains couldn't get it done got the start surprised everybody didn't know it was even a consideration of him getting the start but jalen fowler banged up last week and the ball is going to get turned over on downs and gunner holmberg's night's complete jordan moore who just scored the touchdown gonna take it the rest away and i'm excited to watch this jordan moore get this opportunity he's a very creative quarterback has a very accurate d ball are they going to let him air it out a little bit are we going to just keep running the ball you know it's going to be interesting to see when you have this opportunity matt you want to build depth you don't want to show boat you don't want to you know be uh somebody who's trying to pour it on but at the same time you've got to keep growing your offense and learning these new players yeah i'd imagine maybe a 60 40 split because you have to develop the young quarterback see what he can do to throw it tackled by jacob roberts poor gonna roll to his left and throw to his left davis robertson the intended receiver bring it up at third and five and that was a tough play there thrown against your body moving one way just a little bit low little behind him designed to run for moore not able to get out of the tackle that's a flag on the play some car for copper go down a minute ago with cramps good to see him back in the game he's gonna skip off the field after the play unsportsmanlike honda defense number 14. his first of the game 15-yard penalty automatic first down so the play was short the penalty is going to move the change for duke you can't do this man when you get a big time stop getting off the field just a silly ton especially in an era when officials are looking for that can't do that wholesale change is now purdue gadison penn the new center how about this shot at the end zone incomplete jordan moore had his guy jarrett garner but great defense there by miles simon and knocked the ball away that was good on good right there and if you remember a week ago jared garner with a touchdown drop and he gets it here great play by the defense to swipe it away but you've got to squeeze that ball that's a touchdown you've got to bring that in a great throw by jordan moore airing it out perfect throw miles simon the great effort boy's going to keep him himself put a cutback he can run henry daniel to tackle [Applause] coaches early on of the season they'll tell you that ideal situations for them is to get a lot of these guys to just get practice work game work late in the game there's no question about it there's no pre-season in college football you don't get any warm-up games and so when you have a game like this when you have an opportunity like this you've got to get your young guys in you have to develop depth and just understand what you have as a football team injuries happen all the time guys have to be ready kai don't going to carry their second and six more gonna look to throw again looks left and that's gonna fall incomplete again intended for robertson might have been on a different uh you know just communication right there looked like he was running an inside route jordan threw it high and outside you know we cover these teams on a weekly basis you hear acc network up saturdays for me on espn and we talk about programs that consistently field depth and how depth builds a program nice tackle there good defensive play by 91 janoris robertson and to get to that level where you're competing for conference championship division championships you're too deep you're two and a half deep your three deep has to always have those guys to replace the strongest no question it starts with recruiting clearly but you also have to be able to develop it and you have to be in situations where you can develop it just to have that next minute mentality it's one thing to say it it's another to be able to execute go out there and do it uh duke with a little bit of miscommunication on that play before but just look for these guys to get their opportunity to make the most of it to charlie ham on for a 36-yard attempt he's been a busy man tonight i'd say duke definitely has the kicker position solved he splits the sticks there 45 to 17. so it is all dope because we march on here in the fourth quarter 45-17 foreign i'm with you i want to see brennan armstrong go berserk a great quarterback great runner want to see my tigers bounce back a little bit of a difficult performance from the offense and then how about the late night man florida state jacksonville state come on there's no my in the booth anymore there's there's no mine in the booth you know you call it clemson game i'm gonna need you to critique them fairly but look hey speaking of clemson georgia that was just two damn good defenses playing football absolutely not one was better than the other there wasn't an offensive touchdown score did a pick six the only touchdown of the game i mean that was just good football if you're a defensive guy that's the best game you've seen in quite maybe since lsu alabama when was that 0-9 maybe where they they faced off twice one in the regular season one in the national championship but man great performance georgia just scored on defense and ultimately the the difference in that game what did that loss do for clemson big picture man i think it fired him up uh you know there's certainly a lot of people out there saying man that the season's over there's no shot for playoff we all know that's not going to be the case the tigers will be just fine and if they handle business in the acc and then the rest of the season they'll be right back where they want to be is there a concern with koala as a face mask face mask on 42. shaka hayward personal foul face mask defense 15 yard penalty automatic first down kingsley of fetty and the aggies still slinging it but back to the tigers clemson the thing to watch out of them now moving forward look not not all is lost in the game against the sec still very much put yourself in a position to win the conference championship the argument is going to be moving forward where are they going to get that quality win and it might be the acc championship it might be a team in florida state who's constantly getting better a pit team who has a really good shot this year with their defense and clemson traveling to pitt for the first time but i think unless there are you know four undefeated teams and in the power five uh maybe a cincinnati type team you know clemson still all their goals in front of them and historically you know the tigers don't make six straight playoffs by accident and what they've been able to do i'll tell you the best thing for the acc you just mentioned a couple things one i think pitt has a really good option they get a big one at tennessee tomorrow night that they need to take advantage and look at a fetty going deep head of man falls incomplete it was isaiah fisher smith the shul toot and the intended receiver but pitt has an opportunity against tennessee nc state has an opportunity against mississippi state when you get those schools like pitt and nc state what florida state did monday night against notre dame the biggest problem the acc has had over the last few years it's been clemson and everybody else because that everybody else miami florida state none of them have been competitive miami needs to take charge against appalachian state not mess around in that game because that could be dangerous absolutely i think the biggest critique of the acc these last five maybe six years is you know no clear number two it's a revolving door we had eight different teams represent the coastal with coastal chaos and and you know that hurts you when you don't have that second tier you know that's something that a lot of other conferences a lot of other schools are going to point right to and say see looky here so somebody has to emerge consistency and maybe it's virginia tech it could be fuentes i mean we've been waiting for that thing to take hold and conferences to me when you start talking about the overall argument i'm a top to bottom guy right i'm not oh you've got one dominant team and everybody else is just everybody else if your league is strong top to bottom and when we just rattled off north carolina's on the up under matt brown he's building that thing to be something virginia tech historically good i mean there are so many teams two through eight that are close just gotta keep the college football powers what continued the football discussion coming up next 170 yards through the air added two rushing touchdowns solid bounce back out of here really efficient play from gunner we saw that a week ago we saw him be very smart in this offense turnovers have plagued duke especially in the passing game that's not the case with gunner he goes through his reads he finds the right play to make and he can hurt you with his legs it's been very fun to watch this young man in his first start here at outdoor stadium wallace wave new quarterback now luca diamond the quarterback for duke we just saw jordan moore get some reps so coach cutcliff getting an opportunity to get some guys game reps and we talked about it earlier you want to build depth a freshman in here coming in a great opportunity to learn when it's a real game when it matters when if you make a poor decision it's going to be reflective in the stat sheet in the box score let's go down to bridge yeah we hear coach cut keep talking about how this team has a chance to be unique he wants everyone to step up in practice create competition and he needs everyone to be able to go on this roster at any given moment after the loss last week he told the guys in the locker room they're not just going to ride a couple of guys he wants his players even the young guys to gain his trust and that they have a lot of people who are close to being ready to play he calls it potential magic jalen coleman on the carry he's getting some raps some of the favorite stories we got this week cut cliff he is just so tired of turnovers just driving him nuts look at the effort there by eli pankold but he is so sick and tired of turnovers this week at practice and the unit turned the ball over and kicked him off the field because that's what happens in real life yeah we again i keep mentioning going to practice but it was a great opportunity for us and to see them he would say hey get off you turned it over you don't get another opportunity bring another group to really simulate what happens when there's a turnover and then grain that into their brain that hey we can't do this i'm going to step away from the injured player octavius pringle 10 15 10 16 left fourth quarter all duke there's been no better sight from week zero to now fans in the stands bands cheerleaders it feels smells taste like football again certainly sounds like it after a year probably one of the most challenging years these players and coaches have ever endured but it's good to have everybody back richie kittles on the tackle that's before the break luca diamond another quarterback for duke can i just tell you lane stadium packed out out of their minds that was one of the most beautiful scenes i've ever seen for college football to be back man those fans absolutely brought it to get it on a friday night i'm always a big fan of these games that happen when you're when you're the only show in town absolutely so everybody can get on board and see they showed up another injured aggies player richie kittles is on his knee and help people recover from this disaster eric mcclain matt barry bridget connor back with you duke and c-a-n-t 45-7 aggies you've run into a little bit of an injury situation here late in the game kramps players staying down but a great tackle there jalen coleman the ball carrier brings up a fourth down for duke looks like they'll punt it away we were talking before we went to break as we sit here on acc network when you look at this trio of teams florida state miami virginia tech have all been top 10 programs you get them in the equation [Music] there's cory banks everyone's deciding whether he fair caught it or not he says he was shading his eyes but the official said no you fair caught it sneaky sneaky trying to get a little extra let's get a jury out here what do we have come on go i don't know that's fair catch any kind of movement if people get that jimmy one more time let me see that one more time hey he's selling it man we'll let the play right i want to take another look at that let's go on t they've been able to run the ball throughout the night all right here's another look final vote matt claim fair catcher shading from the lights fair catch no question no i think it's a shade no no question it was it wasn't definitive enough asked bridgette she saw it what'd you see down there absolutely not a fair catch yeah thank you absolutely not absolutely not hey okay all right i was trying to i was trying to agree with both of you zachary yeager now the quarterback for nc a t so back to the acc conversation so you take those four schools that i just mentioned florida state virginia tech miami who have all been in national championship conversations one time or another in the last 20 years florida state miami two of the most dominant programs 80s 90s early 2000s you get them back to complement them with clemson virginia tech michael vick they were raised on thursday night football on espn get them to a competitive level matt brown's got north carolina on the up and then you have the teams like nc state being competitive being competitive that's a good conference if you can get those other teams up you just have to take that next step and even a team like boston college who i think is going to have a solid year this year especially offensively but you're right you have to go up on the field make it happen get the wins especially when you're going out of conference and that's what you should be encouraged by that because you have the ability to do it there's the resources there's the tradition there's the history you just got to get back to it and make it happen jeff haffle in a good position he's got your cover back quarterback you're right boston college is another team you have to to look at you just have to build from the bottom up for you not to take the punches you take week in and week out nationally that's right and when you look at a conference again you talked about it earlier top to bottom you know where are you as a lead you know you're only as strong as your weakest member and so collectively steps that need to be taken for the acc and then we've seen that we've seen the effort we've seen the commitment to facilities to institutions to coaches salaries and you know it's going in the right direction maybe not happening as fast as some people would like or at the rate of speed as some of the other conferences especially the southeastern conference but you know on the right track and the future is very bright especially with the leadership of jim phillips at commission i'll say the one thing that has helped the acc nationally is when clemson does get in the playoffs for a national championship and then they go and beat alabama and they go and beat some of these schools the way that they do because that helps like you you win not the strongest league got given yeah but when you go and whoop alabama are you going with a national championship that's all you need to know they've got the talent and i i have a list of programs kirk curve street and i talk about this in the college football podcast every monday you can download anywhere you get your podcast company man miami's great for football florida state's good for college football nebraska is good for college football penn state some of these other teams that are outside the food group of ohio state oklahoma alabama clemson you those historic powers you need them texas you need texas football usc usc you have to have parody is a paramount that's why we see such success and interest from a tournament that is so great as the ncaa tournament basketball i think football is on its way what we're going to see with expansion talk with all this conference realignment that gets people so excited to talk about if we get to that at least there's the opportunity right because that's all you can ask for is the opportunity for parity at the end of the day it might still be just those top four teams bite but at least eight others are going to get a shot that's right you know the announcement today that came out that the ucf houston byu and cincinnati are going to be welcome to the big 12. no one's sitting here saying that that's going to replace the brand of oklahoma in texas but what you have now called the ucf boise state game last week ucf is a huge campus with a lot of talent if you're that program now look at the lottery you just hit with gus malzahn if you're cincinnati look what you have in luke fickle and if you're houston look what you have in dana holgersen none of those guys are going to get eager to move away now because they're no longer going to be group of five those are now power five jobs where you can build and develop exactly really excited to see that happening in 2023 as of now and uh man the world's gonna look a lot different here in a couple of years especially in the world of college football and uh you know just being leaders in the space it's fun to see the evolution [Music] yeah you mentioned usc what kelly's got doing at ucla number 43 off in pac-12 north took a hit look morgan has an opportunity against ohio state tomorrow the 14 and a half point underdogs washington after losing to montana has got to go to the big house and take on michigan stanford doddley falling off i don't know what's going on in there in palo alto david shaw but pac tells another netherland you need those northern schools to compete south's wide open ucla usc arizona state utah there's so much to talk about to be decided here in week two of the college football season where you hope outside of those four at iowa state someone steps up and says you know hey what about me i can beat oklahoma how about hervey just jumping on from week zero saying hey this is your time i'm telling you about ucla this is your time to jump on them and they just smacked lsu physically just dominated that if you had downloaded the espn podcast you would have known you would have heard herbie and i were we've been heavy on ucla since camp it was the right time people one of my biggest college football pet peeves are rankings before halloween because you can't so how do you think it's just no no ranked teams i don't want i don't care about rankings and i'll tell you why most of the time i'd say 90 of the time every ranking and a number attached to a school in week one is based on everything they did the year before absolutely with all due respect to north carolina and mac brown sam howell was a hell of a quarterback they've got that thing going you don't lose four players to the nfl and are the 10th team in the country no doubt you're just not no doubt no doubt and there were a lot of factors in that but i agree with you it would be fun to see okay how can we remove it how can we push it back because as you said those rankings i mean we saw so many ranked teams lose in week one and and teams that shouldn't a washington team loses to montana in the fcs was that the number 20 team in the country absolutely not but hey we've got to have something to talk about in pre-season come on david cutcliffe gave us something to talk about this week after losing last week to charlotte came in with a checklist of things he wanted to get accomplished tonight in game two against north carolina a and t as the quarterback roulette continues now riley leonard and at quarterback for the blue devils let's pull up that cut check lift again take care of the football yet check zero turnovers execute on offense check eliminate space and defensive backfield your thoughts on that yeah something they have to continue to work on we saw flashes of it not consistent throughout the whole game especially uh two of those first three drives i mean guys were running just wide open and so you never want to see anything like that and building the fence up front you know defensively this team has been able to rush for 200 yards so really defense is still going to be the main focal point second to turnovers as you see this stat right here uh just incredible for them to have zero the passing yards allowed although it looked small matt there were guys running wide open so it's something they have to continue to work on i promise you we will not be in coach post-game press conference but i would bet you any amount of money that the first thing he references tonight and goes on about it's no turnout absolutely guaranteed no question he would talk into him the look of absolute disgust on his face with the turnovers he took a lot of heat on himself for the one near the goal line last week against charlotte that ended up being a game changer but the fact that he can come in here with a minute 15 left and not have one turnover he's gonna love that and just tell these guys hey this is what we expect and he said to us and talking to him earlier in the week we will never lead the country in turnovers again i promise you that and i know he means it i know he cares and you know one of the best ever for duke and what he's been able to accomplish a man that has gotten so many things done for this opportunity you talk about the fundraising for the football team you talk about the facilities that he has been able to to accomplish and build i mean there was a track around this football field matt when i played at duke back in 2013 that's high school stuff and that's not he changed all of it and so duke is forever indebted to that man david cutcliffe and what he's been able to do just a tremendous coach quick down to bridge and one final thought out of you bridgette yeah i just had you guys forgot about the best thing that he said about those turnovers he said that little bit of hair that he had on the back of his head he lost it last year after those 39 turnovers let's see if the note turnover game was was was football row games couple of sprouts picking that hair a little bit feeling good about it 14 years at duke for david cutcliffe you know his history and his story by now the quarterback whisperer the danning brothers daniel jones hoping to turn things around for the new york giants this year but i'm with you one of the great football guys in america the smarts so easy to talk to such respect from his players barring any last minute injury flag or what have you that should do it that'll be it for david cutcliff and duke came out here tonight against north carolina a and t and wanted to get a win in game two and they did so started off a little bit slow but up next for the blue devils a date with northwestern your thoughts on what they have coming this season yeah i'm excited to see those guys just continue to grow you know a huge second quarter a huge third quarter 42 points scored right then and there but these guys just have to continue to develop lean on your strengths lean on mateo durant lean on the efficiency
Channel: ACC Digital Network
Views: 2,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duke, Blue Devils, Duke Blue Devils, NC A&T, Aggies, North Caroilna A&T, ACC, ACCDN, ACC Digital Network, Atlantic Coast Conference, Football, ACC Football, College Football, Highlights, Game highlights, Top Plays, Full Game
Id: 35zanTOUrVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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