NBA Legends And Players Who Were Terrified Of Larry Bird

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Larry Bird is a cold-blooded assassin on the court and with this gifted high IQ of skills he made players fearful of him so I'm going to show you some NBA legends and players sharing stories of how terrifying it was playing against Larry Bird mixed in with some hilarious Trash Talk stories and after the vid tell me what your favorite clip is enjoy the video man I'm thinking oh he's slowly can't get off a shot he's not that strong this is gonna be a layup bail knocks down the jump shot maybe that was luck gets the ball again bam knocks down another jump shot now I'm thinking like okay hey you know what up in the D this guy up I'm just show him his life 20 feet away bam 25 feet away bam my mind just gone so good damn this way God can play I remember sitting on the bench watching Kevin McHale and Larry Bird and Larry Bird did something to me I'm still Marvel at this and he got so many people it was a timeout and one of our teammates Bart kofold had a camera right he's taking pictures so Larry Bird came over there and looked at our bench and he said uh three-pointer from right over here so I'm sitting over there looking like that Babe Ruth so I say I'm sitting there looking he looked down at the floor hell everybody look down at the floor he like he threw something and he hit the three can you believe that and I remember Kevin kind of looking over at the bench like this is gonna be a long night I fear no one but Larry Bird because if you keep it close and he has a chance to win it but Larry Bird would put fear in me and everyone else just like Luca does and I I watched him going man this dude is every move Uh Kevin McHale's ever had plus and he could put the ball in the basket Ashley we're planning and he told me young fella let me tell you something I just want to jump her anywhere I want to and he said you supposed to be a great defender right he said I'm gonna make sure I tell you where I'm gonna shoot the ball at and I was like man come on now you you're not gonna shoot the ball What was Larry's What was Larry's Trash Talk style like what was what would he what were the things he would kind of say that he was cold man he'll tell you like this you bend down said salty he was like you know what I don't know what you got for Christmas but I know what I'm gonna give you what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take on this block I'm gonna dribble two times and so he said I'm gonna take you over in that corner right there he's head over there by my bench right and I'm gonna give you something and it's gonna be this jumper right and I said [ __ ] watch this so all of a sudden we playing and I'm getting him up and he slow ball me that's where I got the slow ball put you back to the back like this and his back was bad during his time so he went right to that corner and I'm up on him I'm wondering and he said Young fella what did I tell you I was gonna do and then I'm gonna pull up in your face in the neck and say and then that'll be your Christmas present for me I'm just like whoa you cold tablet man and he turned around raised up looked around it was all draw and I said [ __ ] I ain't gonna mess with you no more and now you know that's just that's just a a veteran knowing how he can play WoW you know what I'm saying what he can do he knew that I was smaller than him he could shoot over me and he can get he can he can create space when I'm trying to D people up he learned how to neutralize Me by turning his back and make me have to go through him and if I reach on him he'll turn and spin and get away from me and he gone and you couldn't do that so that's just being smart about the game everybody used to say Larry Bird was slow and all that game I mean I don't care what nobody said he had the ultimate gang and he used to do it he used to back it up we was playing uh Boston Celtics so the great Larry Bird I didn't really know much about it you know I'm from Indiana Larry's from Indiana I know about the history of Larry but I didn't realize how he really got down when we got to when we got to Boston that morning I knew someone right I saw an X-Men he was limping around the court a little bit like he was sore I figured he'd be all right you know Xavier McDaniel David McDaniel I figure I go to the game on the early bus I get there they come out on they say hey Sean uh you starting tonight against uh Larry and I was like I'm all fine though you know so um the X-Men he didn't play he had a sore knee but my point to you is this uh Larry gave me he gave me uh he gave me 50 and three quarts in high school right and I was like yeah that's me my brother too right the Eddie and I was like yeah that's me he said I got you tonight so every shot he was calling at the defensive end he would tell me he'd be like when I get down to the other end I'm gonna pump fence you on you look at you but that's how cool America was so you know being from the streets man I was to the point of like I'm gonna follow him so hard that he's gonna he's basically gonna take his will he started Super Bowl with his left hand man I was trying to follow his radar he was shooting with his left hand banking it off on me looking at me still slapping me on my butt and everything man tell me everything [Music] he actually invited me to his house that's somewhere after the game man he told me he said that's the best defense I've seen so far the best effort Larry Legend straight up but there were times where he would come out of a timeout I remember this one time you might have heard this before because he did with a lot of people I had to guard him you know the play is coming but he would tell you it was coming he told you to play you know with DJ handling Robert's gonna McHale's gonna set a flash a pick for for Robert but Robert that's only to free him up to come instead of pick for me and he says if you Trail I'm on the trail into the lane and shoot a little floater and he said if you [ __ ] pop he said if you try to get over the top he said I'm gonna pop to that corner and bust a jumper on your [ __ ] face I'm like [ __ ] you Mom I'm all up on it you know I got a shirt tail I'm holding it you know you know you know where I'm from I'm from Gastonia sure enough man he the ball comes in DJ takes a couple dribbles I'm quick I'm quick enough I think I can get over the top I I get over the top I get out there but he pops to the corner and I'm running he kind of waiting you know [Laughter] he's an [ __ ] Mark Aguirre didn't want to play against the Boston Celtics for whatever reason uh yeah so I was the I think at that point the third small forward and Larry gave us 50. [Applause] Larry Bird for three with four seconds to go Celtics lead it by one what can you say about Larry birds for whatever reason somebody else didn't play again I was starting and I go okay uh do you want bird or Mikhail oh great challenge [Laughter] I was on the bench deservedly so the second move seven seconds to get in get it up and it's so effective was he could shoot oh yeah see so what he did was when he get that pump fake means if you don't if you don't honor it all right he gonna shoot it and make it so he would get you put it on the floor oh okay are we gonna let the young guy talk we gotta he has the most years in the league and we're not even letting the youngster talk it's like having a little brother it's like Danny Haynes we couldn't get the shot exactly yeah you went to guard Larry what was that like well the worst thing was when you guys were in pick and rolls because you know Kevin or you or or yeah Chief came up and it was a quick pick and roll with a slip and denying the ball as much as he can force it out and uh and then you know let Danny Ainge drive to the basket let Danny shoot no that was a problem yeah she was on the other side but yeah you had to pick your poison Danny one time said he came in and Danny had a big fourth quarter and Danny who comes in he goes you know he goes I'm our best fourth quarter player and Larry's sitting there Larry Larry was funny because I had a great sense of humor people those Larry hilarious hilarious British sign his shoes and he kind of looks up and he goes well hell I hope so because your man's either standing by me or Kevin he goes you're playing by yourself The Story Goes that when he played against Denver they had a guy named John Hansley you remember John Hansley no six seven Notre game Notre Dame guy white guy really good Defender okay okay they put him on Larry and Larry was weighing his ass out and Larry would run by the bench and tell Doug Moe who's the coach yeah get him off me [Music] that's why he gives Coop so much he still says to this day coop is the best defender he's ever played against wow really but he was like you you disrespected me by putting the white guy on I feel you but that's right back in the day that's all he played against was brothers so he was like don't put no white guy on me that's disrespect so what so when he did that he said I I had to torch his ass so they understand this story about Larry Bird I remember him he was cursing under his breath and I asked myself Larry what's going on with you he says you guys are being disrespectful to me and I says what are you talking about he says you guys are putting a white guy on me disrespectful wait who's the white guy I can't remember who it was I just started laughing I had no comments it's disrespectful when y'all put a white guy on me and I'm sitting there like I'm laughing in the middle of a game he says the one I really hate it uh to guard uh was uh Larry Bird he was not a nice guy uh matter of fact there was one game in in Cleveland where he was having a pretty rough first half and in the old days in Cleveland you walked off the court the same way at halftime and I kind of puffed up on him and walked beside him and was like yeah you're one for ten I was like that's defense you know and um he just kind of looked at me and said there's two halves and he came back out and hit about 10 in a row on me and the last one was left-handed and he asked me if my mother was watching because uh he wanted to embarrass me so yeah so he was tough oh everybody he was 92 91 92 season and we was playing the Boston uh Celtics it was it was Burr McHale Parish the great three angel and we was up one okay he said who's guarding me as we come out time out now remember I'm a rookie because practice out because he heard right he says who's guarding me I says pregilo he said why you got that white boy on me no put the white ball on me he said that was the most now remember Larry Bird is white right he said I'm gonna go over here and we'll get in the corner then adjustable and pass it to me that one here the last thing just do whatever you care Greg Daryl Discoverer right all bird did was go like this see it delivers not how strong you are sometimes it's leverage yeah he said yeah look how hard that is yeah now somebody's Strongbow yeah that's right he's a surprise that's all I need TB but that's a basic basketball yeah you know his fingers was all broke right right he gets a shot all his chemical all them uh uh Randy Whitman on them were jumping on right he was getting them off over by Tears he walked off and said Legend Larry Bird Man um the best guy played against might have been uh you know Larry Bird you know because she just this was this muscle here the one between his ears yeah that was his best you know because he made the three pointers and he had his cysts and rebounded Steels he was always at the right place at the right time on the court you know one of the great players you know I had the opportunity to play against so they were almost impossible to go in there and be and they say why I said because you could not make a mistake with them if you turn your head or you don't rotate right on time or whatever it was those guys made you play and it was him like he was like he was a savant on the court like just a savant like two plays ahead on everything and so um I was just talking about this uh maybe three or four days ago how hard it was to go into Boston and be the team when bird is in his prime and then you had the inbounds pass that bird steals that that goes back to my Savant uh uh statement like just knowing whether it be seeing what's happening and anticipating and boom he jumps right in and steals the ball so guys I hope you enjoyed the video and tell me what's your favorite Larry Bird story so make sure you like share subscribe and show us the YG gang and I'm out [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: YounGala
Views: 1,405,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: larry bird, latest hoops, nba, michael jordan, larry bird highlights, larry bird trash talking, larry bird stories, prime larry bird, larry, bird, nba legends explain how crazy good larry bird was, larry bird reaction, what nba players think of larry bird, nba players on larry bird, larry bird trash talking stories, boston celtics, celtics, larry bird celtics, larry bird celtics highlights, youngala, NBA Legends And Players Who Were Terrified Of Larry Bird
Id: 5IGIpSxs-Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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