Navy SEALs Take Out Dictator Fleeing The Country | Navy SEALs | Wonder

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[Music] Navy SEALs entrust their lives to their training but no matter how much they prepare they often face they expect we're sent to seize Panamanian dictator Noriega everything [Music] in 1961 Special Forces was created for covert operations on the sea their missions have been kept secret for national and secrecy [Music] so classify library [Applause] [Music] good stories [Music] December 1989 the Central American country of Panama was in chaos in an effort to control protests against his regime dictator Manuel Noriega ordered his PDF or kind of minion defense pastors to clamp down on the civilian population and the US troops stationed there the PDF heavily fortified their headquarters and set up rigid curfews all cars have stopped and checked for violations [Music] on the night of December the 16th for United States Marines got lost on their way back to their barrows they claimed they accidentally wound up at PDF headquarters they like that the PDF soldiers were immediately suspicious tensions mounted animated software [Music] Americans realized they were in imminent danger inside [Music] PDF open fire garage of gunfire that followed lieutenant Robert class marine intelligence officer was hit he died later that night to stay can't wait tom mark Cove a naval officer stationed in the Canal Zone was out with his wife they now found themselves witnesses to the violent assault Tom this is serious going on here PDF was not interested in destinations [Music] [Music] [Music] the mark coats were brutally beaten and detained for hours eventually they were released but the incident triggered outrage in the u.s. already international public opinion had turned against Noriega for denying the elections that whatever replaced now the killing of the US Marine and the brutal victimization of the Naval come push the situation beyond the brief President George Bush promised action and vowed to bring the renegade dictator to justice the day after the assault Bush secretly ordered preparation for an invasion of Panama by American forces noriega remain defiant and his supporters accused the US government of plotting to overthrow him in his regime once cooperated with the CIA facts had emerged that clearly linked Noriega with the illegal drug trafficking he was also using his army to harass and intimidate those were posting when The Dictator canceled democratic elections massive protests erupted [Music] the US federal courts brought formal charges against him he was officially a wanted criminal in December the Panamanian National Assembly a body appointed by Noriega declared a state of emergency and named him head of state yet capturing Noriega was not going to be easy in order to defeat his PDF it would require a massive joint services invasion war planners would employ every branch of the military including the Navy SEALs overseeing the seals of JSOC or Joint Special Operations Command was Admiral Larry Walker given the strength of the PDF ground versus he knew his SEAL Teams would be facing one of the stiffest challenges the war planners expected that once the invasion began Noriega would attempt to flee the country in his private plane kept at Pattaya Airport the seals had a specific mission take Katya Airport block his escape and capture him if you arrive walk her hand pick Lieutenant Commander Mike Dillon to lead the raid this is our target he had proved himself in other conflicts around the globe he could manage a combat situation and earn the respect of his men [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and seals covert assault on the TM included taking out the PDF soldier stationed there [Music] and neutralizing the plane quickly and decisively [Music] it's a good job gentlemen weird this was only an exercise but the seals rehearsal was crucial to this success is critical once the invasion began the seals would have just 15 minutes to complete their mission otherwise Noriega who was only 20 minutes from the airfield could take flight and they'd lose it [Music] Dylan was commanding 48 men to take down the airfield but overseeing a precision tactics group this law those problems [Music] they would restrict their flexibility it also moved in the bigger target more easily spot [Music] they're stealth was imperative to mission success with only 36 hours to the mission began the seals were still training in what amounted to a crash-course multi platoon tactics one platoon was getting close enough to take out Noriega Jeff the sniper fire and Dillon had the shooters who could do just that one member of his platoon at Marlow could pinpoint a target from 800 yards a few well-placed shots to destroy the landing gear and prevent the situation from escalating this would eliminate the threat of engaging the enemy and thereby minimized the seals risk further block Marianas escape the seals had to penetrate the airfield disable other smaller aircraft the Noriega dear and also push some of these planes into position to block the run this presented its own set of problems intelligence reported that many of the light aircraft at the team belonged to Colombian drug runners who were kept under armed guard although intelligence predicted only light resistance at the hangar they didn't have exact numbers estimates range from 10 to 30 PDF soldiers for successful assault Dylan knew it was best to have a three to one advantage that meant he would need as many as 90 seals the 48 assigned to him would not be enough but the Navy brass felt they could make up for any ground force disadvantage with Air Force gunships [Music] the CEO superiors wanted to utilize the air force's state-of-the-art gunship the ac-130 Spectre spectres pinpoint accuracy large numbers of troops destroy tanks apcs buildings sites from thousands of feet above it also carried sophisticated surveillance equipment that could monitor activity on the ground even in total darkness Dylan was glad to have the support but he wondered if they would be maximizing the seals unique capabilities that have proven to be so successful in the past get in quickly complete the mission and get out all without detection all right generally a lot of bodies on the ground with close air support seals guarded the Commissioner zone after running their last dress rehearsal they assembled for their final briefing detected on deck as veronica seals were divided into three platoons Delta and Bravo and Gulf Admiral Walker had placed captain mark Monte his point man on the operation side of the mission he would be coordinating the assaulting JSOC headquarters golf cartoon would be led by lieutenant Gil truck he would maneuver into position to disable Noriega splain bravo platoon led by petty officer trevor hill would neutralize any resistance from the drug runners security force and blocked the runways with the light aircraft carry an area right near Delta platoon led by Delhi that secure perimeter and back the others surprise was crushed under the cover of darkness they would take zodiac graphs to the Tia sneak ashore and then on to the airfield dillan remain concerned about detection [Music] lieutenant commander is going to be passing out some photographs overheads of the runway the airports well there's unglazed apartments covers they advanced on the hangar sir do we still have backup that's going to be covering the approaches in the event of Panamanian soon reinforcements and we only anticipate that there will be ten to fifteen panamanians in the area but other reports place the number much higher with only hours before the invasion launch intelligence still did not have accurate estimates of enemy troops drinks at the PDF hangar bravo gulf and delta the seals were confident I would overcome any increased resistance until the war planners dropped a bombshell answer at this point in time I want to bring in the intelligence officer who is going to inform you of the rules of engagement the seals indeed the entire intelligent force would be required to follow hi Lois tricked of rules of engagement mandated by the State Department they could not fire unless fired upon this world eliminated the seals preferred tactic of reconnaissance by fire in a high-risk military insertion the seals have shoot first and ask questions later but now being restrained they also were to avoid in Flint of lateral damage to Panamanian accidents the US government wanted to hand of existing the animating property to the new government with minimal damage meant they would have to disable Noriega said without destroying it [Music] opposition to the plan began to surface Lieutenant Commander Wayne McCarty who oversaw the SEALs training was concerned about the severe rules of engagement using a very small number of seals this plan is designed to create casualties McCarty worried that assaulting a homeland across an open runway could spell disaster for the men he could not sorry in good conscience to sign off on what he perceived as a potential suicide mission and he let his opinion be known are you gonna sign off on it no sir and you're dismissed the military brass was determined to move forward with their plan despite the party's protests stifled by State Department restrictions the seals were ordered to move out at 1300 hours on December the 19th and left right Jenna let's make sure we have everything you check your weapons in gear ten minutes from now to be a bad time to realize he left none at all [Music] Americans and Panamanian pairing for Christmas now only a week away seals left the Virginia base [Applause] they could tell their loved ones nothing at the danger flying into the seals prepared for their mission in Panama the US military [Music] even as the strike force moved into position Noriega was busy beefing up his defenses expected Americans will be Bay we plan to mount a vigorous response [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the situation Dylan tried to maintain the morale of his troops listen up gentlemen we have a little matter to dispense with mr. Rodriguez front and center see men Ike Rodriguez as you have successfully completed all the requirements of training it's my pride and privilege to present to you your Trident Rodriguez including himself through a rigorous training in countless exercises Fortuna they earned the right to wear the seals most coveted metal the seal tried [Music] all right gentlemen unfortunately we're gonna have to postpone the celebration until after our work in Panama is done it's no exercise gentlemen any mistakes from here are now going to cost you a lot more than your pride in addition to the 12,000 military personnel already in fentanyl the United States flew in 4200 Special Forces who would initialize the invasion it was the largest American airborne operation since World War there had been increased diplomatic efforts by the world community to resolve the conflict in Panama however when talks broke down Noriega and his officers knew the Americans would take military action they didn't know how or when the Panamanians routinely monitor American air traffic but escalated tensions had intensified their efforts but the CIA yet oh and the hook is that way no say no to me but I think it was Americanos or some movie in the same PDF radar operator some nice number of troop transport a halt in Europe a sure sign of invasions elos you know Trenton's esta ocupado is Castellanos yeah keeper but because the US had military bases in the Canal Zone the Americans routinely operated heavy traffic in the area to hide their movements the u.s. maintained the same number of flights to the colony and they changed the size and type of aircraft using heavier equipment for days the deception work see los Americanos attendants entiendo sobre nosotros en estos momentos Panamanian surveillance began to identify the increased transport size in the media immediately placed every military unit on alert [Music] the seals had landed at Howard Air Force Base in the Canal Zone after loading their gear on to combat rating rubber rest they silently made their way along the coast and entered the tidal waterways around the TNT airport [Music] commander Dillon was still counting on the element of surprise [Music] he approached bhatia Airport unaware that the Panamanian military was gearing up for the assault [Music] it was just after midnight December the 20th 1989 the united states student ministry God was ready to hunt massive 16,000 man u.s. task force to take over the Central American country to capture its dictator Manuel Noriega commander Mike Dillon in a SEAL team moved towards the bhatia Airport under cover of night the seals would land at the nearby beach and set up field headquarters then at h-hour the moment of invasion 1:00 a.m. the three platoons of golf Bravo would approach the hangers across the time their attack was to synchronize with the rest of the invasion than rehearsed down to the second however as the seals advanced on their position American troops were spotted in Panama City fighting broke out immediately and the PDF who knew the invasion was on you have that link inspector Thunder five five Thunder five five broad sword symmetry Dylan was unable to make radio contact with an ac-130 gunship assigned to the mission he had to have his air cover in place before he began himself without radio contact it was impossible for the specter to provide air support both or to three broad store to three this is air pop over the field commander on the ground not only had to pack coordinates he was solely responsible for ordering at the top with Noriega now aware that the Americans were coming the Pentagon moved up the official start of the invasion 15 minutes hundreds of field commanders quickly adapted their units assault plans this is Abner Admiral Walker at 4:00 drag JSOC continent with the seals are you news h-hour had been pushed to 12:45 I don't think I have 15 minutes to shave off this mission but that was the least of Dylan's concerns at the last minute the war planners also changed Dylan's mission he wasn't simply to disable Noriega jet he was to actually take the hangar and slash the Jets tires all right gentlemen State Department feared that the seals might unleash too much fire if they simply shot at the plane from a distance 15-minute directive meant putting the seals an incredible risk they would have to approach the hangar the PDF forces Dylan quickly informed his men of the change in Michigan just before they landed [Music] they encountered no initial resistance [Music] Amazon echo preparedness davin lunatic a de las américas PDF officer immediately called for reinforcements say necesito hotels and report of immediate Amenti a [Music] Dylan as men proceeded not realize that PDMS position [Music] standby for two three actual we have intercepted a radio transmission indicating that Noriega is headed towards pattaya copy that we do not have an ETA at this time Roger out change of plans Noriega helicopters on his way over I'll take Delta to intercept the chopper Bravo and Gulf proceed as planned Dillon had to move out immediately if he was going to stop Noriega but he didn't want to go in without air support Thunder five five this is broad between UNICEF receiver is the specter Thunder five five thunder five five this is broadsword two three over are we talking with that Spectre yet no sir not yet we're working on it though we need that air support now yes sir Thunder five five hundred five five this brought the seal radio operators tried changing the batteries of antennas hundred five hundred nothing world [Music] Specter tried everything he could to communicate with the series quad surah 2 3 broadsword 2 3 this is air Papa Hal copy this transmission over but neither side could raise the up the command centers were swamped thousands of radio links below jamming the conjecture golf leader Bravo leader with me Dylan quickly reviewed the new assault plan with hill and Trotman back at JSOC Walker continued to get confirmed reports that Noriega helicopter was nearing petia we've just intercepted more PDF radio chatter Noriega Zetas helicopter on the way to the theater well we'll need to move quickly intelligence also warned of armored personnel carriers heading toward the airport stand by for two-three actual time was running out for Dylan in the Smith case up with Noriega and a pcs full of reinforcements on their way the assault had to move forward copy that even without air support Roger out keep your eyes open we may have some APCs coming our way let's move this is broadsword 2/3 over that communication with the specter yet no sir not yet we're working on it all right if you guys get at least one of these radios working keep you posted we're moving out yes sir the three platoons began their assault [Music] expecting light resistance Topanga and less experienced seals remain in golf and prowl gyms they were too advanced together until they reached the target once at the tarmac Bravo would separate to pull planes onto the runway as planned then they would proceed to the hangar to back up goal [Music] Troutman's golf platoon was to head directly to the hangar and slash the tires on the jack no longer just providing backup Dylan and his Delta platoon now had the primary mission of intercepting Noriega helicopter they would have to reconnoiter the airport and determine where it might touchdown also when the dictator arrived he would be heavily defended by highly trained guards since Delta would be the first to confront these elite forces Dylan kept the most balanced ease and seals with him as the seals began advancing the PDF reinforcements arrived at the TV he concealed themselves in the Hank now the element of surprise was on their side all they had to do was wait for the Americans to come closer as golf and Bravo platoons move closer to the hangar and tarmac areas the hangar looked quiet almost deserted they saw no soldiers no APCs Delta continued their reconnaissance waiting for Noriega helicopter to arrive give me JSOC right barks tu-160s or two three over Nance is two three yes sir no sir there's no sign of the chopper Noriega will be there keepo the command post was still certain that the helicopter was coming away copy that Dillon had to be ready to apprehend Noriega [Music] Dylan scouted the perimeter for PDF reinforcements positioned Delta for Noriega scribe golf and Bravo platoons continued their advance they could see Noriega jet parked in the hack with night-vision goggles Trotman made out figures moving in the darkness [Music] this was expected at the briefing they had been told they would probably see people around the airport building manner I'm digging up some movement down by the tower copy keep your eyes open Dolf proceeded on and Bravo platoon split off as planned to complete their mission of pulling the small planes onto the ground the PDF soldiers had a near-perfect position the approach to the hangar was a broad expansive ask them for hundreds of yards in every direction there was no cover [Music] as Trotman and his gauntlet ooh got closer they spotted new bombs soldiers there was still no sign of your head inside their eyes up proceed with caution golf continued their advance Bravo arrived in the plains [Music] each squad had a spanish-speaking seal to address any loafers knowing the planes could be guarded the seals cautiously approach with their interpreter in the lead such a threat could be quickly eliminated with a few well-placed shots but this contradicted the rules of engagement the seals couldn't harm civilians that included drug dealers once they were restrained Bravo proceeded to block the run with a small aircraft [Music] commander we had some locals guarding planes threat eliminated we're just now getting back to moving the planes copy I see you [Music] commander any word from her father nothing yet where the hell is my air support but they still could not make contact with the spectre no word yet Gulf the waiting the radios used encryption quickly to scramble communications they frantically tried different codes but they had to work through thousands of possibilities Dylan even tried patching through to the specter at via JSON even headquarters could not get through to the gunship for some reason the spectre could not lock on to the signal and decode the incoming message broadsword two-three broadsword two three this is air popper over switch to two let's switch to to posture document frequency broad Thor to three broad sword through their sophisticated surveillance equipment the crew of the ac-130 could see the airfield below yet they remain powerless to help broadsword two-three this is air Papo waiting for your command the spectres awesome firepower was immobilized forward with no back up [Music] but the thermal energy to take Nova has to armacao de péra mo the tapping down his ball took that first and down the open tarmac they fight for their lives put you under attack Dillon and Delta platoon rushed to reinforce them from the other side of the airport Bravo splash with the drug runners cost precious time to delayed them from reinforcing their team [Applause] we'll find the arrived they directly into the line of fire shielding the wounded seals with their own bodies yep the pilots of the ac-130 certify overhead watching helplessly as with Babylon 4 all weapons are high this time but I still do not have authorization to fire bunch of 2 + or - 3 PDF soldiers used armor-piercing bullets we right through the seal spots those that weren't shot directly without hit by flying pieces ambassador Trotman poetry [Applause] eventually the superior locksmith ship the seals paid off every shot fired by the PDF soldiers the seals got a better lock on positions finally billions Delta platoon arrived they took positions on the edge of the continent and joined the fight get in there the seals are Delta platoon charged directly into the firestorm risking their own lives to drag their wounded teams to say lasted only three minutes by this time eight men and JSON system they could hear the battle raging over the radio an animal walker ordered them to abort the mission [Applause] [Music] Dylan what setup it wasn't concerned about the damage the at4 anti-tank missile brought defend against the APCs most pain [Music] three-two-three over got the radio we got spectrum beautiful just beautiful the missile punched a hole in Noriega jet completely disabling the concussion from the blast put an end to any remaining resistance in the hangar I'm not seeing any more movement can you confirm that's clear from here cover me call in medevac Delta let's fall in and mop up the pieces finally it was safe for the series to end of the egg happy so most of the PDF soldiers inside the hangar were dead or seriously wounded a few shell-shocked survivors surrendered without a struggle [Applause] the battle was finally over it had lasted only 15 minutes Dylan ordered some of the seals to stay in the hangar and attend to the enemy dead and wounded while he went back out to the tarmac to check on his own men how's he doing he's got only hours after receiving his Trident the newest member of the team Isaac Rodriguez was dead [Music] they could only wait for the evacuation or seriously wounded to mostly bleeding to death on the tarmac [Music] when the hell is that medevac chopper I wish I knew Asian forces have taken heavier planet effects than expected the medevac helicopters have been diverted to other American looted in Panama City a few remaining PDF soldiers made a last-ditch effort to inflict damage on America they were quickly dispatched it's good that medivac here now [Music] it was over ninety minutes later that the medivac finally arrived and the bhatia Airport accomplish their mission they took the airfield and disabled Noriega jet instant possible odds and under heavy fire [Music] but in the end four seals play dead seriously it was the worst single loss the seals have never experienced in one mission [Music] overall the invasion of Panama when of the books as a success Noriega skeleton cop who never did arrive at the dia airport however American forces finally captured Noriega and he was brought to trial in the United States the Navy came under fire for the ill-fated seal mission terminations abounded and careers were lost the Navy released a sanitized report about what happened all the public ever heard was that it took 48 seals to disable a single airplane [Music]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 761,573
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Keywords: Wonder, navy seals, navy seals untold stories, wonder military videos, navy seals untold stories full episode, military training videos, navy seal training, seal team 6, special forces, special forces documentaries, navy seals invasion, military breach, military doc, military invasion, warzone docs, seal team, wonder extreme docs, navy seals s2 ep1, navy seals documentary, us military, hostage breach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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