SEAL Team 6 Hunts For A Brutal Serbian War Criminal | Navy Seals S2 EP3 | Wonder

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[Music] in Bosnia indicted Serb war criminals walk free their crimes the deadliest since world war two the rounded remain unpunished the international community demands justice [Music] the US Navy SEALs and British SAS team up to capture three men charged with genocide in 1961 an elite team of Special Forces was created for covert operations on the sea [Music] their missions have been kept secret for national security reasons who they are and what they do is remain shrouded in secrecy now based on first-hand accounts of classified operations these are the untold stories of the Navy SEALs [Music] Bridget over Bosnia 1992 Bosnian Serbs embarked on a campaign of ethnic cleansing they targeted their non serb neighbors of Muslim and Croat descent Synod areata was the chief of police as a Serb official he was determined to eliminate any threat to serve rule in Bosnia as a businessman he allegedly made enormous profits selling the homes of his victims he was not alone Serb officials formed paramilitary squads all over Bosnia to rid the country of non Serbs twenty-five thousand terrified Muslims and Croats fled their homes in the wake of the violence the United Nations established a safe haven for the refugees in strepa Nitza [Music] Dutch troops were deployed to guard them [Music] Serb forces easily over Randy Enclave Serb soldiers loaded thousands of Muslims and CRO heads onto buses some will be sent to refugee camps some would never be seen again [Music] British journalists smuggled out images of a refugee camp Omarska [Music] to the world they were a painful reminder of Nazi atrocities in World War two [Music] slobodan milosevic the president of Serbia hid behind a tapestry of lies in denial [Music] in 1995 NATO used airstrikes to bloger an end to hostilities in Bosnia within months the Dayton Accords achieved an uneasy peace but suspicions soon arose about the fate of the rest of Bosnia's non Serb population [Music] satellite imagery confirmed NATO's worst fears here's what's cool they spotted areas in the Bosnian countryside that appeared to be mass graves teams of NATO experts were sent into Bosnia to conduct a more thorough investigation the Serbs had taken steps to hide the bodies of their victims but evidence of their atrocities remained as Muslims and Croats mourn the loss of their loved ones they were asked to identify their murderers [Music] now the accusations became personal men like C Madariaga were no longer anonymous as the search expanded the body-count grow mass graves on earth all over the country the world community demanded justice the International Criminal Tribunal ordered the Serbs to hand over a number of suspected war criminals [Music] the Serb government refused [Music] if the Hague wanted to bring former Bosnian soldiers to trial they'd have to catch them first NATO planned and launched operation tango a team of British SAS commandos was deployed to Bosnia they carried with them secret warrants for the arrest of Serb soldiers accused of war crimes on March 14 1997 the team of SAS commandos spotted sea Madariaga and prijedor a Serb stronghold in Bosnia but the target had surrounded himself with heavily armed bodyguards this level of security was marginal for Arriaga it was as if he knew they were coming target head hurry up abort mission I repeat abort mission turn to base hello put my cooter operations communications between the SAS and The Hague will be monitored by Serb militants advance warning of the SAS plan have been sent directly to targets [Music] now forewarned the accused war criminals had taken extreme measures to protect themselves from capture as long as they remain free the rule of law held no meaning in Bosnia on July 9th 1997 world leaders convened in Madrid to discuss the problem the summit produced a clear mandate to arrest people who have been accused of war crimes and turned them over for trial this was more than a call to action it was a promise to the civilized world England in the United States feel that a team of the finest commandos the British SAS and the US Navy SEALs inserting teams into the country would be difficult the u.s. airbase in Tuzla was located 50 kilometers from the Serbian border Serb spies kept the airfield under constant surveillance they were looking for anything that suggested the arrival of American commandos no initiative go team of Rihanna was somebody loves Avion the seal slipped in the Tuzla undetected they used the modern-day Trojan horse walker in Bosnia gentlemen Tuzla airbase was located in the American control sector eastern Bosnia it would house the missions base of operations commander Michael Lowrey would run the operation from Tesla Lieutenant Commander Mike Dillon and British SAS major Hewlett meant would lead the team in the field manner Lowrey morning morning together they play series of missions to capture three men accused of crimes against humanity sir bring in gentlemen listen up the commander briefed the seals in the British SAS and the targets gentlemen meet the bad guys see me I'll turn Latka age 49 headed the secret police in Priya do it officially Dario cha had helped run the concentration camps at old Marcia and Kira term unofficially he ran a gang that sold off the homes of dead refugees Milan kabocha [ __ ] age 57 this guy was a doctor in the former deputy mayor Priya door he oversaw the operations of the camps where refugees were tortured and executed like Dario Chia kovachev each was a corrupt official who used his position to make money he specialized in taking over the businesses of non Serbs who had been murdered at Ulm arska and last but certainly not least general rowdy Slav Christus the first two guys are basically thugs but Christic is a prime target as commander of Bosnia's fifth Corps priest each was personally responsible for the massacre of 10,000 refugees it's rubber Nitza he had been accused of the worst atrocities since World War two before Nero mandos can arrest Vander Dell would have to track them down mission brief surveillance would be tricky to limit the risk of discovery the seals at a secret weapon an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV this remote-controlled plane has been developed to provide mobile surveillance without detection the UAV was small enough to avoid radar but carried powerful digital cameras that could downlink real-time video anywhere in your hand it would serve as the team's eye in the sky okay gentlemen listen up our mission is to provide communications and surveillance support for the British 22 SAS we will jointly and covertly infiltrate the prey at our region of northern Bosnia to capture three persons indicted for war crimes the team would travel via a truck convoy from Tuzla 120 miles northwest to preach adorn the Serbs at an established network of spies and the country was teeming with gunmen if the commandos were stopped it would be dealt with decisively not be a second a commander Dillon exercise the universe though we're not here to leave small footprints gentlemen we're here to leave no footprints whatsoever in this point on we are ghosts gentlemen under cover of night a team of US Navy SEALs traveled from Tuzla airbase to a remote location deep inside Bosnia they kept in the back roads to avoid serve checkpoints their destination is safe house outside the city of Prijedor their mission to capture three Bosnian war criminals the safehouse was their forward command post in-country its proximity to the targets made it an ideal staging area for the covert operation [Music] the seals were met by the British SAS under the command of Major Hugh Whitman [Music] between the seals and the SAS the team in an unparalleled level of technology and special training at their disposal surveillance and tactical missions would be launched from the safehouse but these operations would also be monitored over 100 miles away in Tuzla [Music] to control centres would use laptop computers to relay real-time video images via satellite this would aid in communications and mission planning squad take the watch the rescue listen up the first priority was to get their surveillance equipment online both fixed post and moving surveillance solid intelligence the key to any mission was critical here seals had to find out where the three war criminals were most vulnerable to capture priority businesses get the surveillance communications equipment up and running Isis whatever help he needs on a spring morning in 1997 kabocha [ __ ] left his house for work [Music] the mobile ground unit watched his every move they turned surveillance duties over the UAV unit once the target left [Music] as kabocha [ __ ] car sped away an unmanned aerial vehicle was launched from Tuzla wiring visually it's high resolution video cameras came online immediately q2 airborne at 1906 Zulu all systems were green as the UAV sped towards Bridget or the images were related to Tuzla and the safehouse simultaneously once in position the safehouse assumed control of the plane they used the UAVs powerful cameras to sweep the city's access roads they had to require the target quickly Roger uplink to manual control the gravy picked up kabocha which is black sedan on a road leading into prijedor Roger that it's cameras track the suspects route to work and fed the images to Tuzla and the safehouse a mobile ground unit was on the move before kabocha [ __ ] even arrived at his destination rigid or hospital [Music] they were waiting when he got there b-squad we had the target one or two two can return the base kabocha matches bodyguards accompanied him only as far as the entrance this information will be useful when it came time to capture him the surveillance team remained outside the hospital while kabocha [ __ ] went about his daily business a man accused of mass murder was now working as a hospital administrator Midland collects which she's taking out cups oh I do much that so avoids a moment commander Dylan and major Whitman reviewed their course of action kabocha [ __ ] was only vulnerable inside the hospital his guard stayed outside difficult but they could work around the bodyguards see Madariaga showed no such vulnerability days went by as the seals followed his routine watched his habits once report back up and learn to anticipate his behavior I mean do you know I'm tell neck one thing never variables the presence of the heavily armed gunmen protecting derecha the UAV finally revealed his one vulnerability he liked the fish the tiny plane followed Dario chip it was fishing cabin it was located in the mountains 50 miles outside the city of Pali he had traveled to the remote destination with only one other person his teenage son [Music] [Applause] by Bosnian standards Dario to lived the life of luxury luxury that had been paid from the blood now a team of dedicated men intended to find justice for his victims images of teary otters activities were transmitted in real time to bulb the safe house and the seal basin Susan [Music] commander Lowrey was alerted he considered the possibilities what the lake at his back the target would have nowhere to run on-site recon revealed that a single road led in and out of the area the isolated cabin was the commandos best chance to capture the accused war criminal the surveillance was now complete the commandos would move on the two targets separately simultaneously and with extreme aggression it would be the first time Western Allies would use force to capture a war criminal in the early morning hours of July 10th 1997 a joint team of US Navy SEALs and British SAS commandos launched a two-pronged operation their mission to seize two Serb officials charged with crimes against humanity their targets were 100 miles apart they would have to capture them silently on simultaneous on the team would then rendezvous with a helicopter for extraction to the u.s. airbase all of this would have to happen in a matter of hours the team left the safe house just before dawn b-squad went after kavagi [ __ ] the commandos headed towards Bridget on a convoy of three vehicles [Music] a van would be used to transport the prisoner a chase car would provide back boys [Music] the third vehicle was hidden a few kilometres from a Serb checkpoint [Music] [Music] the commandos carried forged papers that identified them as members of an International Medical Association [Music] they hope there was enough to get them past the Serb checkpoint leading into Prijedor [Applause] [Music] checkpoint crossings were routine especially for international aid units delivering medical supplies but I just told you leave da Messina of penicillin will go me too only Susan Amma the suitors no city penicillin today the guards seemed alert on edge the seals were under direct orders not to engage local forces but they would defend themselves if they had to [Music] the mission was on schedule they would make it to preach adorn Hospital at precisely 9:00 a.m. [Music] minutes after the convoy cleared the barricade samode area and his son left their cabin and headed for the lake they were joined by Darius brother each lesson yah-yah-yah shoot people today they might be a do it system on a mop it visits to the cabin there was no sign of three gotchas bodyguards the isolation of the property had lulled him into a false sense of security the commandos intended to use that isolation to their own advantage a squad had driven back roads to the property at dawn they held their position 100 yards from the shore as anticipated areata pulled away from the dock a few minutes after it [Music] and exactly 9:00 a.m. B Squad arrived in Prijedor Hospital [Music] why [Music] coppy Bravo squad standby [Music] a squad was ordered to close in on the lake [Music] [Music] I go on a squat in position [Music] Viraj your outfit stand by both squads were now in position waiting to go ahead from Tuzla alpha bravo this is tango 1 you have a green light I repeat a green light at exactly 9 20 nice quad prepared [Music] the hospital receptionist refused them entrance she told them to leave the medical supplies at the front desk tomorrow so sleepy so okay here to support be south of us petty officer Jack Navarre explained that he needed kabocha [ __ ] to sign for the supplies personal motive posted upon still she refused Lavar I knew they couldn't force their way in not with kabocha bitch's bodyguards so close at hand [Music] Sumida Niko so similar running out of time Anya velvet at the lake surveillance had proven correct Dario was an impatient fisherman once he reached the dock he would have nowhere to run [Music] [Music] [Music] tango 1 a joint squad of Navy SEALs and addition SAS commandos a point accused war criminal is fishing usnea but sea Madariaga had no intention of surrendering peacefully to extract the team to transport body the Tuzla what friendly wounded the first half of the mission had not gone according to plan unaware of the events at the lake b-squad was already inside the hospital mama medicine is dr. komoti DG emotional 7000 came here to support me south of us kabocha [ __ ] guards lingered in the lobby just a few feet away [Applause] the seals were out of time see Malkovich a [ __ ] motya posted upon when his outfit Navarre had no choice he bluffed magic I think I beat it then Navarre II told the receptionist he would take the penicillin elsewhere if kabocha [ __ ] could not sign for the shipment personally they would deliver it to another hospital [Music] she finally relented [Music] the team moved quickly to the east kind of the hospital they had only minutes to grab Covanta [ __ ] the extraction van would arrive at exactly 933 [Music] once inside the administrator's office the caption went down like clockwork [Music] there would be no shootouts on this mission but the team had to get him out of the building fast before someone noticed he was missing [Music] with kabocha [ __ ] met on a lobby they would need to find an exit [Music] [Music] the van was ready as they also a bunch of a job [Music] the convoy would take back roads out of bridgid or the vehicles used in the snatch were abandoned even with kovachev it's safely out of the city they could take no chances kabocha vich was transferred and driven to a remote clearing in the woods by a helicopter to Tuzla and from there to the hague [Music] the COS and the British SAS had put the Serbian government on notice war crimes would not go unpunished now the team faced its biggest challenge capturing one of bosnia's most notorious and all protected war criminals in 1997 the US Navy SEALs and British SAS had taken down two alleged Serb war criminals see Madariaga former police chief chose death over capture Malenkov atcha [ __ ] was taken alive he was flown to the Malvinas to stand trial for his crimes in November 1998 a NATO courier arrived at a CIA safe house near Prijedor Bosnia he carried with him a secret indictment issued by the International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague commander Mike Dillon and his team had been ordered to go after the most powerful Serb official to date lieutenant general rat a slob Christic prestige was accused of leading an attack on the UN safe haven at Schreiber Nitza we're 25,000 Muslim refugees it sought sanctuary from the war in Bosnia under the command of Christie and his military chief general Ratko Mladic Bosnian Serbs rounded up thousands of refugees reports described how more than 60 bus loads of refugees were taken from the UN safe haven to execution sites in the country there the refugees were ordered to dig their own graves you not know me you not gonna show up [Music] [Music] then systematically murdered Dariana and kabocha [ __ ] had been motivated by greed and racism krysta CH was a deadly professional with a penchant for cruelty a week after the murders of Trevor Nitza Chris teach was promoted for his efficiency but to non-serbs it was the worst atrocity of the war Chris teach was a critical NATO target his arrest would establish an important precedent in cases of genocide the men who give the orders are just as guilty as the men who pull the triggers [Music] once again the UAV was called into action the commandos would use both aerial and fixed post surveillance to watch the targets movements diri atch is deaf and kovachev expressed and made Christie wary armed guards patrolled the perimeter [Music] the general had taken drastic steps to protect himself and those were just the security measures they could see [Music] intelligence indicated that some served future have slept with their guns and planted landmines in the front yards [Music] [Music] push a pet pet this video to Gretchen fixed post surveillance of the residence was up link to both command and control centers all right [Music] going Chris teaches residents at an intersection the building had at least a dozen potential escape routes Chris teaches home was to secure surveillance revealed Chris teach was far more vulnerable when he traveled he made regular business trips to Banja Luka the city and our southeast of Prijedor [Music] it was usually accompanied by a single driver if a team was successful December 2nd 1998 would be the generals last trip [Music] target is in roots driver only no bodyguards the most direct route to Banja Luka to crease teaching his driver through the American control sector of Bosnia they had been through this checkpoint many times and had never encountered a problem let me tell arter this time would be different the body grew thicker than is from bill is Australian what's he like [Music] a team of highly trained command base was reaffirmed when a mysterious was egalitarian are a genius [Music] [Music] they hit the target fast and hard Christie and his driver were too stunned to resist they were extracted from the vehicle in a matter of seconds the captured had been flawless but now the team had to get their prisoner out of the country [Music] a Serb controlled checkpoint stood between the team and their extraction point [Music] the fate of the mission would depend on the next few minutes the commandos stowed their weapons as they approach the checkpoint [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the team escaped without bloodshed it was now only a few short miles to the rendezvous point [Music] a NATO helicopter was waiting to airlift Thunda Tuzla [Music] from their general Christi she had a one-way ticket to behave on march 13th 2000 the trial of rata slaw creased each commenced at The Hague [Music] in his opening statement prosecutor Mark Harmon called the case a triumph of good over evil [Music] and condemned men like Chris teach men I participated in genocide or stood silently in the face of it [Music] despite his crimes Simo Dario chose death outraged the Serb community they claimed NATO overstepped its mandate by actively pursuing more criminals Milankovitch Ovitz would never return to the homeland he terrorized he died of a heart attack in prison [Music] on August 2nd 2001 general rata sloth Chris teach was found guilty of genocide he was sentenced to 46 years in prison he was the first person to be convicted of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal on June 29th 2001 Serb authorities turned President Slobodan Milosevic over to the Hague he is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 2,472,833
Rating: 4.6086078 out of 5
Keywords: Wonder, navy seals, navy seals untold stories, wonder military videos, navy seals untold stories full episode, military training videos, seal team 6, navy team, seal team, navy seal team, seal team 6 training, seal team 6 movie, seal team 6 interview, navy seal, boot camp, clint emerson, special forces, seal team six, seal team season 1, military documentary channel, military documentary special forces
Id: bs9eMb-NNI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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