These Navy Seals Hunted Down A Ruthless Dictator | Navy SEALs S1 EP2 | Wonder

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[Music] the world's most elite fighting force launches a bold rescue within the walls of the US Embassy in Mogadishu hundred-seat safety outside a civil war erupts the Navy SEALs race into a nation in collapse to save civilians and diplomats from certain death [Music] in 1961 an elite team of Special Forces was created for covert operations on the sea air and land their missions have been kept secret for national security reasons who they are what they do has remained routed in secrecy now based on pushed hand accounts of classified operations these are the untold stories of the Navy SEALs [Applause] Civil War in the African country of Somalia rebel factions were fighting in the streets of the capital city Mogadishu [Music] standing in the midst of it all was the last safe haven of Western democracy state centers not again Amy McAfee The Ambassadors assistant had left the compound earlier in the day to evacuate her house hold on upon her return she discovered a faulty gate was keeping her prisoner in the escalating pandemonium McAfee had been in the Foreign Service for seven years even taken the terrorists responsible mandated for State Department employees but nothing prepared her for this there was energy in the streets [Music] a few Marines assigned to the embassy were out found an unfair widespread looting has broken out the situation was quickly becoming Desmond [Music] I'll try it work last time [Music] teenage boys high on a drug named cob became armed terrorists driving what they call technical with machine guns they would kill at random [Music] [Music] McAfee finally made it inside the compound how long is remain a sanctuary was not it was time to evacuate LGD [Music] [Applause] u.s. nemesis by the chaos in the streets over a dozen armed factions were fighting the Somalian government troops for control of the lines of command to breaking down there were police assassinations civilians were terrible government troops turned on their officers because they were from a different truck gaygent boundaries and loyalties were fast before I need secure US ambassador Frank James a veteran diplomat had seen this coming 23 years in Foreign Service had taught him one thing diplomacy is the first thing to be sacrificed during a Civil War survival was the only law the ambassador and his staff had rehearsed for emergencies however they had not anticipated the failure of the telephone I'm gonna patch us through in the Radio State Department I've made a little time for that I'm afraid we don't have time the Ambassador needed to get a message through to the State Department hello this is a ambassador James US Embassy Mogadishu k7 area overrun with government factions we've retreated to the embassy compound transmitted by radio he had no way of confirming that his message was received [Music] two weeks earlier as a precaution James had ordered all embassy families to be sent home at least they were safe with the rebel factions pressing in he wasn't sure if he and his sac would ever see them again in January 1991 the focus of America's military attention was in the Gulf preparing to oust Saddam Hussein's forces from Kuwait the world watched as military leaders mobilized a massive Joint Task Force to invade Iraq war was imminent [Music] Pentagon officials were caught off guard now the crisis in Somalia from the State Department and after tank the Pentagon war planners listen to ambassador James urgent message and call for help the embassy was surrounded and there was no way out the time for diplomatic solutions was long past sir the Ambassador says and I quote it doesn't seem to be any government the command staff quickly assessed their options ambassador James had asked for paratroopers to be sent in from Saudi Arabia but paratroopers would be easy targets with so many Somalis on the ground wielding weapons their only hope was a SEAL team on board the USS Juan in the North Arabian Sea just the force needed for a complex evacuation [Music] the flag officers quickly devised a bold plan they'd have to send in the seals by helicopter under the cover of darkness if there was any chance of rescuing the embassy staff [Music] [Applause] word had spread that the American Embassy is the last safe haven in the city diplomats from every nation we're asking for refuge [Music] head of security Bob Gorman realized the only way to silence the rebels guns was to let money talk he had learned during his stint in Mogadishu that anything could be bought for price especially now under the chief instigator of this practice was a man who dubbed himself major Syed [Music] though he was only a local police official he ran his own protection racket and reign of terror he was an opportunist and quickly realized he could profit from the current chaos desperate people will pay anything for even small measure of security and the ragtag police force in control could offer just that [Music] growing up in the inner city Gorman had witnessed local gangs intimidate their rivals he understood Said's methods and motives [Music] it was evening when Admiral Larry Walker got his orders to rest Ryan's although his men will they have little time and information Walker needed both for a successful mission if there was one bomb left to pick on his feet it was Lieutenant Commander Mike Dillon the veteran seal Dillon had proven himself in several conflicts Ronon get yourself situated beyond his tactical proficiency Dillon was politically savvy as well the Admiral considered to be perfect for the job but the mission would still be extremely difficult getting who was the first hurdle the seals along with a backup squad of Marines would fly hundreds of miles by helicopters Arrigoni using night-vision goggles for pilots would navigate through the darkness your job is to get in there and make sure that the Ambassador is secured and kept safe any questions Admiral any idea what kind of firepower we're gonna see most likely WK 47 once inside the embassy compound it would reinforce and hold a perimeter turning up the help of the u.s. embassy Marines on the ground the seals were to ensure the safety of Dan passenger and to hold off any advancing forces until the ship could steam closer then they could carry out a full-scale evacuation sir we're receiving an unsecured message from ambassador James the lone speaker let's go gentlemen the SEAL team left the deck of the Guam that night uncertain of what lay ahead they only knew that innocent people were trapped and needed to be rescued as the Americans waited for help to arrive the embassy was overflowing with non American diplomats seeking rescue was nearing the African coast as Dillon briefed his troops we discussed let alone rehearse this scenario we got to get it right the first time anybody been to Somalia the Serb you know never any one could be an enemy or a friend if their member to use their first weapon up here let's be vigilant professional gentlemen each man checked and rechecked his equipment though they were safe for now waiting and wondering seemed worse than any potential conflict that lay before them [Applause] [Music] tensions continue to escalate at the Embassy every life the price until you to climb the payoffs to Sayid may the other rebel groups want a piece of the action as well Gorman was keeping Sayid at bay but he couldn't begin to manage the volatility of the other groups it was only a matter of time until they initiated an assault [Music] thanks to my calculations curly a few minutes out we're gonna be inserting from the south here heading up over the airport most of the funnies in the northern section boss this maps updated so they are aboard their information was obsolete their intelligence data virtually non-existent they couldn't afford to reckon or any of the city looking for their touchdown they'd be the only chopper in flight around Mogadishu making them an easy target there was heavy fighting in the north of the city the pilot took a low-level insertion profile from the South hoping to dodge enemy radar 100 feet off the deck made for a rough ride oh we got back Jonathan he dropped even lower and fire screaming 75 feet of says the cup up surrounded by a large white wall there were no ground beacons for the aircraft to lock onto their maps were outdated the pilots navigated through the area using known visual reference boards every minute the chopper remained airborne it was an open target [Music] Sayyid was content with the money he had extracted from the Americans but word soon traveled like wildfire about cash reserves at the United States Embassy [Music] determined to get their share other Somali factions began storming the industry they're coming over the walls [Music] the fighting in the streets was spilling over into the embassy compound hit this way over a dozen rebels 47s were seconds away from ransacking the embassy compound and there was no way to stop [Music] the six Marine stationed at the Embassy were no match for the attacking Roman sea when the seal rescue team finally saw the gleaming white walls of the embassy the situation was critical Somali soldiers began to slip on the pilot banked the helicopter the Somali losers off the wall the seals were unaware that a few rebels had fallen inside the compound was on the ground first priority was to secure the embassy grounds even one well-placed bullet from close range to disable the helicopter good thank what suddenly they were confronted by the rebels we've scaled the wall tell them not to shoot what what the hell are you ambassador James James Brown no matter how dire the situation diplomacy stillness superseded military action you don't want to be responsible for this situation escalating into a full-scale conflict the order was clear they could not fire on any Somalis unless they were actually inside the walls of the compound okay rules of engagement take your positions and no shots fire the tangled oil pumping just not returning fire place them at a disadvantage but the seals followed orders will it click their lives in danger members of the SEAL team took to the rooftops to gain better vantage points word of the seals arrival spread quickly through the streets the havoc outside the walls died down the soldiers and cruising technicals had disappeared at least for now they're ready to love the chopper now particularly 60 people excellent that'll cover motion on embassy Americans and non-essentials they're ready now James and Gorman were anxious to evacuate they're worried about the helicopters drawing enemy fire Dillon insisted if they left immediately the Somalis would still be in disarray if we leave now they won't be ready Dillon was finally able to convince the Ambassador we're wasting valuable time [Music] dillan his men would have to load the chopper quickly before the Somalis would respond the chopper could hold only 60 passengers but there were at least three times that many at the Embassy the others would have to wait until the Gwang got in close Dylan got the first wave of the back Uli's on the chocolate the chopper would be most vulnerable those first few seconds after liftoff when a rocket-propelled grenade could bring it down [Music] yeah thank you for flying US Navy ladies and gentlemen [Music] Sayyid was furious that the helicopter has escaped every departing American made thousands of loss protection dollars the measure concluded that the Americans couldn't fit everyone inside the embassy on one helicopter as long as people remained in the embassy he could exploit the situation for his personal gain and here he condescended over the embassy which only served to heighten the SEAL Teams concern where the rebels going to leave them alone or were they simply maneuvering into position for another assault there was no time to wait the ambassador's staff her be prepared for evacuation Admiral we clear the chopper we're not out of the woods yet and you hold the compound till we return we'll do our best sir [Music] Admiral we I may be sending you some strange bedfellows James Warren the Admiral that he'd be sending diplomats from over 30 countries bringing unfriendlies on board a u.s. warship could pose a security risk and Walker would have to prepare the Admiral was aware that the Guam was making good time toward Somalia but they had over 200 more people to evacuate before dawn [Music] refugees still tried to make their way to the embassy but that was becoming increasingly difficult if not impossible we have a situation three American citizens stranded in the case seminary a husband wife and child why didn't they come when I sent out a warning three days ago their electricity's been out how far is it registered ones case seven but six plus six blocks through a shooting gallery of rebel forces it could be a suicide mission for the seals despite his noble objective because of his extensive experience Dylan would have to lead the team leaving a few of his men behind and at Gorman's command let's go the embassy still had two of its light armored utility vehicles that hadn't been destroyed or lost to extortionist an embassy marine was served as navigator he was familiar with the street but negotiating the surrounding chaos was anyone's game [Music] seals are trained to think clearly in the midst of uncertainty and Dylan was determined to assess and respond without distraction go left cool dog night over James could not officially authorized the use of weapons outside the compound however it was understood that the seals would use whatever force necessary to rescue the stranded around [Applause] commander Dillon wasn't gonna promote in it if you could avoid using his weapons he would [Music] something's up watch your six copy that nothing back here [Music] training had taught Dylan not to let the opposition eliminate one's options [Music] correction sir we have a little traffic behind it looks like a technical thanks I see it given these ace mechanics up here another second [Music] the rescue party reached their destination it wasn't at the rendezvous [Music] where are they it was supposed to be right in the doorway all right Plan B stay with the Sargent guard the vehicles ughter with me we're going it though the building was small and the seals remain vigilant searching for the family endanger his team as well as the primary admission of jetan evacuated in the embassy yet Dylan proceeded dillan kept to his objective they had to find the family and they had to find them soon they thought they'd found the right place but what greeted them certainly didn't sound friendly very slowly [Music] got yourself killed sir all right let's get out of here follow me stay close behind me take the lead back the embassy the sentries waited for the return of the rescue team it was quiet maybe too quiet hey guys what's going on at the front gate over [Applause] it's not sure yet it looks like we got company [Applause] the rebels had launched another attack as they stopped to reload the rescue team returned to dance outflanked the rebel soldiers fled [Music] situation diffused we see you the gates opening the Guam continued towards the East African coast and flight speed Admiral Walker had calculated the number of helicopter trips he'd need to evacuate the embassy they could do it but there could be no delay they unloaded the first evacuees and immediately turn the helicopter around [Music] unbeknownst to Walker diplomats from other countries were pouring into the embassy looking for safe passage out of Somalia [Music] ambassador James's staff were faced with the most difficult decisions only American citizens and those with proper passports could be evacuated without violating international law even Somali nationals that had worked at the Embassy for years had to be left behind it was diplomatic triage and James certainly didn't relish the task the streets outside the embassy remained a powder keg ready to explode but the seals would not be provoked there back here's the chopper they landed safely again however with the rebels now aware of the helicopters the second trip back to the ship would be even more dangerous than the first the Somalis could lock onto their flight path and possibly bring the aircraft down one o'clock I got five that's nine boss looks like we got visitors at the gate on my way Friendly's that's a negative boss man I miss the Welcome wagons driving around with anti-tank guns [Music] major Syed had returned his arrival threatened the evacuation happening Big Boss I don't know let's take a look take my left request permission to speak to ambassador James identify yourself I am major Sayid we got him covered he's got an anti-tank gun in his truck ten men in a grenade in his hand ambassador James and Gorman explained to commander Dillon that Sayid had been soliciting bribes for safe passage but Dillon saw a way to turn the tables on Sayid if Sayid were brought onto the compound and isolated from his men he'd be powerless and we can evacuate everyone without a firefight I think it might be just a breakthrough we need faster you're gonna insist you wear this the meeting was risky but they counted on the one thing that would distract Sayid one wrong move by Sade and you take him out he's on embassy grounds I won't hold fire on this absolutely the boarding evacuate should have to wait for James and the seals to deal with sight Tyrus each step of the way in the air piece my snipers will be covering a from up top will stay clear on your every step if you hear left you immediately drop to your left all right cause if you understand good luck sir [Music] hate to say methadone what can we do here this evening Dylan demanded that the major hand over his grenade he had to disarm Sayid if he was going to achieve his objective you wish to speak with the Ambassador I'm gonna have to insist [Music] Sayeed reluctantly agreed to get his weapons and the radio but the major wouldn't relinquish his radio [Music] if their plan was to be successful they had to get the radio you on them counting his breath sir Dylan had emphasized to the Ambassador that he was about to enter the diplomatic negotiation of his life one wrong move on his part and they would all pay a price come in major please major have a seat [Music] The Ambassadors first task was to put the major at ease [Music] though Sayid was there to negotiate Dylan had an alternative purpose to buy time until the helicopters could leave to ease tensions [Music] their every move was being watched by the seals just outside Sayyid probed to find every opportunity he could to profit from the Americans predicament he even offered to protect them during their evacuation ambassador James downplayed the evacuation saying they were simply relocating staff until things settled down [Music] with Syed distracted they can now continue with the evacuation but before they could fly I'd still need to get that grade the choppers loaded and ready to take officer in my men can help I can't let him talk to his men I think we understand one another major [Music] ami would you bring in the keys to the cashbox please if you would follow me and agent the ploy worked Syed had left his radio [Music] the helicopter made a run for it Syed's men didn't fire if they did the Americans might kill say [Music] 60 more evacuation their way to the ship but there were still many left to go it would take only ten minutes for the next helicopter to arrive the negotiations continued without a hitch would you consider this inadequate down payment the sound of the music blocked out the helicopters departure and the money placated Sayid as soon as the next helicopter arrived another group of evacuees moved to the landing area Dillons plan was working like clockwork [Music] see God made you the ambassador continued to play the generous host buying precious time the drink [Music] one by one the choppers came and left with their car Syed was playing right their hands plan was on track by now that wah was just off the Somali coast the chocolates will turn around the Somali soldiers were becoming alarmed Syed might be held prisoner [Music] it's the last of them how's that bastard holding up like long-lost friends [Music] aged aged in oak dawn was minutes away this was the last time the chopper could safely land under the cover of darkness everyone leaving the embassy had to be on this last helicopter including the seals Somali soldiers could wait too long they began their assault [Music] we're ready to go sir what my radio you lied major major the United States like to keep his friends riding in style James offered the Embassy's Mercedes if the major would ensure safe passage sir it's time [Music] but before the helicopter was fully loaded the majors men forced their way into the content the ambassador in Dillon didn't know sigh he would take their final bride war retaliate and shoot down the last helicopter they're breaching the perimeter coming to the front gate now as a gamble they'd have to take there was no time to lose the embassy was under attack the major it seemed had kept his word the last of the evacuees safely cleared the compound but the celebration was short-lived an evasive move by the pilot barely dodged incoming this [Applause] commander my men and I need a lift to the Trenton can we get a chopper not yet the Admiral wants a debriefing with you and your SEAL team immediately down the conference room so much for rack time later they would learn from news reports that the entire embassy was overrun and ransacked by the rebels they had just made it out the fate of major Sayid and the other Somali soldiers is unknown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] overall it was a mission executed flawlessly 281 people rescued including eight ambassador's four charged affair 41 children when people look back on the Somalia embassy rescue some might say they made it look easy but for Dylan James and the others they knew the only easy day [Music]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 2,970,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Navy SEAL books, Special Ops team, Wonder, black ops, combat training, counterterrorism, elite combat unit, military heroes, military history, military operations, military pride, military strategy games, military thriller movies, mission execution, real life heroes, special ops, tactical training, tactical warfare, trained warriors, war strategy, war tactics mastery
Id: GuiHcz0b1Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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