Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator in Flutter Android

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okay if you are facing that type of error in your flutter application navigator operation requested with the context that does not include a navigator then how you can solve this uh solve this error this error occurred due to some reasons and in my case whenever you press the button it's showing me an error like this so let's solve this error okay this error is occurred due to our material app widget and just uh we are just using material app which is in my uh in my stateful widget that name is home and this is a home state okay here what need what we need to do we just need to remove this thing from here and then why it is closing brackets okay here and then you need to go to your run app and in the run app we are calling our home and that's then wrap with our material lab widget material app okay instead of using child we need to write our property home okay let me format this thing okay so I'm just going to save this thing okay it's showing me an error but don't worry about it just you need to reload your application again okay I just reload my application and you can say restart and I'm just going to just some favorite and just go to that in this way now it's working okay so in this way you can solve this issue okay I'm just going to go it again okay let me select another ones okay so let me conclude my all this discussion so only you need to call the material app widget in your run app application and in your States and your custom widgets it may be stateful or stateless you need to start with a scaffold and and don't need to start with the material app so in this way you can solve this issue okay if you if this video is helpful for you please subscribe to my channel and press the Bell icon for latest update and one more thing share this video with on your on your platforms and in order to help the people who really want to solve their type of error in your flutter application or other application thank you so much for watching this video we'll see you in next video thank you so much Allah Hafiz [Music]
Views: 1,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pwh services, Navigator operation requested, operation requested with, requested with a context, context that does not include, that does not include a Navigator, Navigator in Flutter Android, flutter erros, common errors in flutter, android sdk, learn dart
Id: 23iJEwPyzo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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