Navigating through the unruly startup landscape | Shubham Maheshwari | TEDxVivekanandaCollege

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the spark of my journey all of it started with a famous Bollywood movie which was released on 26th of January 2006 I was in 10th Grade and I went to see this movie on my birthday 10th of February about a week before my board's examination I belonged to a school which was you know famous for producing Ians doctors CA and which made me a studious kid while watching the movie I got a very different perspective altoe the three things which got stuck in my mind were number one you had no control as to how you came into this world but the way you will live will decide how you will leave this world so make some sense out of your life so that people remember you when you're gone number two there are two kinds of people one who constantly cribs about the problems while others who take the responsibility to solve it number three most of us are either stuck in our past or constantly dreaming about the future while missing on the opportunity to enjoy the present hi my name is shubam maheshwari and I the founder of being Chef the learnings from the movie became the pillars of my thought process and I started my first Venture in 11th grade when I launched Eco club with my school friends we started to work for the environment while preparing for IJ examination back then most of the scien students used to focus into getting into an i and I was no different I remember I was decently in studies and I was decently prepared but Destiny leads you to your destination and my destiny took me to an unexpected destination my self-made pressure to get good rank failed my health during the exam though I cleared it but I didn't get the desired rank most of the people in my family suggested me to go for an IIT brand name while I selected and I decided to study mechanical Eng engering at nit jaur I always wanted to become a mechanical engineer so instead of going for an i Brand name I decided to go for mechanical at nit jaur I remember the first day of my college I was not happy unlike other students I was feeling that I will be left out in the race of life because most of my friends went to IIT I think that was the first time probably I had a one-on-one conversation with myself and the conclusion was simple and clear I cannot change the fact that I'm not getting into an I now but these four years can be instrumental in shaping up my life so do whatever I always wanted to do do extracurricular activities get involved in societal movements work for the nation and evolve yourself as a good human being in this four years I got involved in many mo many movements many activities and I was awarded youth change maker award at the age of 19 I remember an incident I was a face of a movement and I was asked to address lacks of people I had a stage fear back then and I used to always avoid getting on the stage but as my name was already announced I had no other option while I was getting on the stage I was feeling very anxious I was having all kind of thoughts in my mind and again that one-on-one conversation helped me in boosting my spirit again the conclusion was simple and clear that I might not get this opportunity again in my lifetime when lacks of people are waiting to listen to me so just go and live it up just speak your heart out after an impro to speech of about 30 minutes my life changed my risk appetite went up I got a vision that I have to work for the betterment of the society I was in third year back then I started observing people around me started observing the problems that they're facing into day-to-day life but none of the problem excited me enough I was lucky enough to be placed in a us- based consulting firm from my college and I was supposed to join the G in India in 2013 when I shifted to gooda that was the first time that I shifted out of my homeown I'm a big time foodie and my mom cooks amazing delicious meals I always had a privilege of having food on my plate and food never made to my problem list but most of you can connect to it if you're staying away from the family daily meal is a big time hle cooking is extremely time consuming uming and Technical while eating out is expensive and unhealthy if you try finding a good cook trust me boss it's extremely difficult plus they also know there's a huge gap between demand and supply and then they take the advantage of this I was struggling for 3 months in 2013 and one F day all of us friends decided I mean big deal let's go to kitchen and cook our meals we tried following a YouTube video recipe and we cook the meal in 40 minutes though the recipe was Time 5 minutes we ended up spending 40 minutes in the kitchen we created a lot of mess in our kitchen the food that we cook it was so pathetic but we enjoyed it because I think the sense of belongingness when you do something out of your own hands unmatchable and I think that was the Ure moment for me I got a purpose in my life I need to change the entire way cooking has been working around and it has not changed from past so many centuries I started sleeping over it did a lot of market research and I was shocked to know that most of the people 90% of the people who were staying away from the family was going through the same issues in their day-to-day life in fact one more thing which came out in the research was that nutrition is not accessible to masses you'll be shocked to know that 80% of the Indian population is protein deficient 75% is vitamin deficient nutrition has always been sold as luxury in India that's why masses mostly ignore it I left the job in 8 months of joining and started working on this concept full-time in 2014 after three levels of beta launch we find finally launched 5 minute rest in June 2014 we became the first mover in the industry using our kid even an 8-year-old kid can cook healthy delicious meals within 5 minutes and eight simple steps we decided to bootstrap in the initial years and we bootstrap for eight good years I always wanted to create a model which can combine profit scale and impact because the agenda was always clear to create a legacy we were in no hurry to raise funds and get into the numbers game we did a lot of iteration created multiple revenue streams made our model so extensive and after doing all of it then we raised the funds the journey was extremely exciting with lot of ups and downs and my constant support from family and friends was the backbone of the journey we also were appreciated by a lot of media houses nationally internationally government of India I was fortunate to be listed in Fes 30 under 304 Asia was also awarded by Amazon transformation of the Year award in the presence of Jeff Bazar amongst the other Awards my suggestion to the buing entrepreneurs is that think 100 times in fact thousand times before you start a company and only start a company if you feel so deeply connected to the problem that you want to solve it every single day once you have identified that right problem figure out a solution which is scalable yet profitable make sustainable companies and once you've done this entire fit then for don't geted even will not be able to because to win a game you have to be in the game and you can only be in the game when you have Vision which is large enough which will excite you in your low times also never be rigid be adaptable be agile change as per the consumer needs change as per the market trends because history is evident the one who has shown resistance eventually die in the competition there's all opportunity in whatever obstacles you will face in life use the opportunity to contribute to this world so that people remember you when you're gone thank you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business, English, Entrepreneurship, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:55548]
Id: jtYW4Bji5zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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