Navigating the Liturgy of the Hours

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okay guys so in this video here I'm going to explain how one actually sets up and uses the for volume set of the Liturgy of the hours I mean also here one volume referred to as the breviary um is what's more commonly referred to as I'm just going to show you how to place your ribbons where they should be set and when you're going to flip to what ribbon um as we pray the Liturgy of the hours here in community there's four different volumes here that you see so you'll have the Advent and Christmas season the Lenten Easter season and then you have two volumes for ordinary time weeks one through seventeen and then weeks 18 to 34 I'm just going to go ahead and set up one volume in this video because they're all set up the same way so once you set up one it transfers over to all the others and I'm going to go ahead and look at the fourth volume of ordinary time 18 to 34 because I'm currently in the nineteenth week of ordinary time so let's go ahead and just look at that one okay guys if you want to go ahead and open up one of your volumes again I'm using the fourth volume here the four weeks 18 to 34 of ordinary time and go ahead and open up to the table of contents the beginning we're going to go ahead and do a brief overview of the different sections that are in the bravery so that you just have a general understanding of the terms that we're using don't worry if you don't understand the terms or what they mean exactly now you'll come to know that later so long as you kind of know where your ribbon is placed and when you're supposed to flip to it that's really all you need to know now the rest will come but we're just going to go through it you have a kind of a familiarity with the terms that we're going to be using so the first section you'll see here we're going to look at is the proper of seasons so this section of the bri-bri is just going to have all of the prayers that are proper to the specific season of the liturgical year that we are in so since I am in the fourth volume here ordinary time you'll see that all of the sections below that are associated with that week of the season that I'm in so all the way from the 18th week an ordinary time through the 34th week an ordinary time so all the prayers associated with that week will be located there then you'll also find some solemnities such as the solemnity of Christ the King for example will fall within that season so those are located here in a different section and then you'll see we have the ordinary of the Liturgy of the hours the ordinary is essentially beans directions for how one prays the specific hour that you are currently praying and it will also have prayers that are repeated every day during that hour so they don't have to be reprinted over and over so for example in morning prayer you will always be praying the canticle of Zachariah so instead of reprinting mechanical of Zachariah over and over and bulking up your book they just print it on one page you'll set a ribbon to that and then flip to it whenever you come to that part in morning prayer and so after the ordinary of the hours you get to the bulk of what you're going to be praying in the breviary and that's going to be the Psalter the Psalter is split up into four weeks that you'll pray and that consists of your Psalms and canticles and readings and intercessions that you're going to be praying during morning prayer evening prayer daytime prayer but you'll see night prayer is located within its own section that's just because like every Monday of the week night prayer is always the same every Tuesday Wednesday etc and that's the same for every season so your night prayer ribbon that we would set is going to be the same throughout all four volumes so if you're in ordinary time or Easter night prayer is pretty much always the same - you know a couple of Alleluia 's in the season of Lent or added additionally in the season of Easter it's pretty much the same and then after the Psalter you see that we have the proper of saints so we had the proper of seasons here all the prayers proper to the season of the liturgical year now we have the proper of saints so in the proper Saints you're going to find all of the feast days memorials and solemnities associated with the saint of the day according to the month of the year that you're in so for example yesterday was August 15th and we celebrated the solemnity of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary so the proper of saints told us where to find the prayers associated with that day and it then directed us to the section of the Commons here the Commons is just prayers that will commonly be used on different feast days so you'll find the common of doctors of the church or virgins or of holy men and holy women so you yesterday since it was a feast of the bus Virgin Mary it directed us to the common of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is where we pulled the majority of our prayers from and there's a couple other sections here in the book that you can familiarize yourself with but right now we're not going to go through that just know that there's a couple other things added in here so there's a poetry section in the back of the book a couple of other indexes of Psalms and canticles those won't be needed when you pray through the Liturgy of the hours but we're going to go ahead and set up our first ribbon so that we can begin to familiarize ourself of how one flips back and forth in this book so the first section we discussed here with the proper of seasons and that's going to be where we pray place our first ribbon doesn't matter what color you're using just as long as it's the first one there doesn't really matter they differ when you buy each volume anyways so you're going to go ahead and find what season what week of the season you're currently in you could just do that by doing a Google search figuring out what season liturgical year you're in look at a liturgically calendar or go to the USCCB website look at the daily readings and it will tell you you know Monday of the nineteenth week in ordinary time or whatever else it is or the week of Lent Easter etc but I know that I am currently in the nineteenth week in ordinary times I'm going to flip to page 88 and I would set my ribbon there let's go to page 88 for the 19th Sunday in ordinary time so I had set it here on Sunday and he would continue to flip and currently I am on a Wednesday so I have mine set for Wednesday of the nineteenth week an ordinary time so just leave that there we'll kind of understand when we're going to flip to this later but just go ahead and set that as your first ribbon the second ribbon you're going to go ahead and set in the second section that we discuss of the ordinary so the ordinary like I said is kind of the instructions that one might find so if you again you can go to the table of contents and figure out what page this is on and your current volume but this one begins on page 611 in this volume and it's Ordinary liturgy of the hours for ordinary time and so ordinary is going to be used even if you're you know in Easter or Lent ordinary is not just associated with ordinary time it's fit for all four volumes you see that it's always going to begin with the inventory the inventory is always prayed at the first hour of the day and then you'll find the office of readings and then it will go through morning prayer daytime prayer evening prayer and night prayer all of those instructions and prayers that are common kind of to that section will be found here and when you come to brutta here we'll be praying morning prayer evening prayer at night prayer together in community each day depending on the day of the week of our schedule and then we'll be praying the inventory on Thursday mornings together at least with the current schedule that we have set up here and when one comes to brew today one is not expected to be praying all of these hours every day right when you were introduced to literature the hours you know you we won't be expecting you to pray the inventory the office of readings morning prayer day temporary evening prayer and night prayer each day a priest you know has made a vow to pray those hours each day every day and a lot of religious orders do the same and the lady has been encouraged to pray the Liturgy of the hours but when one is first being introduced to the Liturgy of the hours one is not expected to pray all of those right from the get-go you know seminary especially as a process of gradualism and the spiritual life you know is more of a marathon than it is you know sprint and so it's about slowly adding these hours into your prayer life as you you know grow and love of our Lord and get more comfortable with it and more familiar with it in your prayer life and so have that conversation with your spiritual director you know how to add these into your prayer life and generally our rector you know might say that you know maybe pick you know two hours to do you know will in addition to you know will obviously be praying you know certain hours in common but you know maybe in addition to those you know on your free time or when you're home on break you know maybe pick two hours like morning prayer and night prayer or morning prayer evening prayer and just kind of start small with it and build up and then you know you talk to me the spiritual director and as you grow in your spiritual life and mature these will all kind of be added into your spiritual life and throughout the six to ten years that you're here in seminary by the time you get to your diaconate you who will be have you'll be praying the Liturgy of the hours for quite some time just remember you know adding more vocal prayers and more devotions to your prayer life is maybe not what you're needing at this exact time to grow you know in love of our Lord and to grow in your spiritual life so just talk to your spiritual director about adding these in but for right now we'll just go ahead and set our ribbon in the ordinary to morning prayer and then we'll go ahead and set our third ribbon so we'll go ahead and grab our third ribbon and again don't worry too much about when is going to be used we'll get to that we're going to set our third ribbon and that will be located in the Psalter so if I were to go to the beginning of my table of contents again I flip to the section known as the Psalter you'll see that it has a couple of different weeks listed here I currently know that I am in the third week is what we're using for the Psalter and you can figure out what week that is by going to your first ribbon if you were to flip to that and you'd see the proper of seasons here and you flipped to the beginning of whatever that is so I know that mine begins on the 18th week in ordinary time if I were to go to the first day of Sunday of that week it will tell you at the top what week you should be setting your Psalter to so at the beginning here 18 Sunday in ordinary time telling me my Psalter is set to week 2 so sometime now on the 19th we can for Denari time I already have it set to the third week so that's how you can figure out what week of the Psalter you're in and then once I get to the 20th week I'd be in the week 4 and then when I get to week 21 of ordinary time I'd flip back to the beginning of the Psalter and restart from week 1 and that will go just on a cycle throughout the season that you're in so we'll go ahead to the week 3 then since I'm in the nineteenth week of ordinary time and I'll set that to Wednesday of morning prayers is that is where we are at when I'm filming this video and we'll find our morning prayer section here and set that there so all right we got our main three ribbon set that's typically all you're going to use when you pray Liturgy of the hours for morning prayer or evening prayer here in community those are pretty much what you're going to be flipping between for the most part but we'll go ahead and set our other ribbons because you will be using these frequently as well our fourth ribbon that was going to be for night prayer so not associated with the main bulk of the Psalter here in those four weeks but night prayer and again you can find the page in the table of contents to where you set that you would flip to that and set it for the specific day the week that you are on so for example today is Wednesday I have my night prayer set to Wednesday this is the only section that you're really going to use for a night prayer you're not going to flip anywhere else at the beginning of this night prayer section though so if I were to flip back you see that they have all the hymns located there so you'll see they have just different hymns you can select so the prayer leader will announce what page the hymn is going to be coming from and then they will begin that him at the beginning of night prayer each day and you'll find here also in the night prayer section that your NSC and after evening prayer one on Sundays and salinities and an after evening prayer two on Sundays and solemnities in this after evening prayer one and two is just kind of associated with how Sunday's work and the celebrations of the liturgy in the church so on Saturday for example you are able to go to Mass you know at 5:30 at your home parish and that counts as a Sunday Mass because for the Jewish people you know their Sabbath was kind of set from not midnight to midnight but sundown to sundown was how they kind of calculated their days and that's kind of transferred over to what we have now but we also do our midnight to midnight cycle so we just kind of looked out and I guess kind of had a day and a half of Sunday celebration so on the evening before is when the Sunday begins again around the 5:00 5:30 is why we can you know celebrate sometime ask then we do the same thing in this liturgy in the Liturgy of the hours so on Sunday for example you're going to pray evening prayer 1:00 on Saturday so on Saturday evening you'll pray evening prayer one and then for night prayer it would be after evening prayer one that Sunday that you're on and then when it comes to Sunday you would do you know morning prayer evening prayer and at the end of the day you would do after evening prayer - on that Sunday and again that's also used for solemnities as it notes here so yesterday we had the solemnity of the Assumption and so since yesterday was Tuesday on Monday we prayed after evening prayer 1 and then we had the celebration of the solemnity all the way through Tuesday at the end of Tuesday we concluded the celebration with after evening prayer - on that solemnity so if you ever have a solemnity and it falls you know on one of the days of the week like a Tuesday just remember to flip back to the celebration for that solemnity beginning on evening prayer 1 so that's our ribbon set here we're going to set that for the day we're on Wednesday for a night prayer and then the final ribbon you're going to have here is set to the proper of Saints so again you can go to the table of contents and find the current page that you're going to be on for the month of the year that you're in and go ahead and set your ribbon on that page so you'll see that mine here is set to August 15th suggest your day and if I flip through we'll find that today August 16th is the memorial of Stephen of Hungary so if you were to flip through here you would just find the days and what Memorial is coming up so the next Memorial after that would be on August 19th and you also find that these volumes there are they're older and kind of outdated as to what Saints with canonized since you know these volumes were put out so you'll find some memorials of some saints that are on the you know liturgical calendar that you won't find you know here in the proper of Saints but go ahead and set your ribbon there for whatever day you are on and then we'll go ahead and explain just how one actually will be flipping back and forth in this volume now that we have all of our ribbons set so when one is coming to morning prayer for example since that's what we've just set you're going to want to go ahead and just double check that your first three ribbons since those are the ones we're really going to be using our set to the proper days so I know today is Wednesday of the nineteenth week an ordinary time I have that set that is only going to have the office of readings for the volume that I am in so it's not actually really going to be used during morning prayer but you always just want to have that set as you go through each day we'll go to our second ribbon then make sure that that is set to morning prayer and it will have you know the beginning prayer so for God come to my assistance is how it will begin with the introductory prayer there and then it will have the the response of the people Lord make haste to help me you'll have the doxology go to the Father etc and then we'll continue with the instructions in red to tell you you know where to go next so if you follow this it would tell you that will have the hymn the appropriate hymn is said and we'll see that for Sunday and weekdays offices which we were on a weekday now the hymn is given in the Psalter then we would flip to the Psalter to find that him but since we're in ordinary here we can just go ahead and flip the page because the next prayer that we're going to need is going to be this canticle here the canticle of zechariah so we'll just set that to that page so that we can flip to that in a moment and then we'll go ahead to our Salter and we have that now set to the current week that we're on that again we found that earlier from the proper of seasons we'll go ahead and set our ribbon to the current week and day that we're on Wednesday morning prayer and that will have that same introductory prayer God come to my assistance that we just found in the ordinary and then after you have the introductory prayer you will again then find that hymn associated with the day and it will sometimes give a couple options you know and it will separate that with an or and after you have the him you'll then begin with the Samedi so if you were to flip to your ordinary which I said is kind of the instructions of how to pray it you see that that's listed here you have the introductory prayer you have the hymn and then you have the Samedi and it gives you instructions on all of this here you then have your reading you then have the response to the reading the gospel can achill intercessions etc you'll find all of that that's the same order of things that have here in the Psalter so we just had our you know introductory prayer we had our hem and now we're beginning with the Psalter and the Samedi here so we'll have basically three Psalms or canticles that will be prayed beginning with antiphon the psalm itself concluding with the same antiphon antiphon to the second Psalm mechanical and then concluding with the second Hanif on and again with the third antiphon third Psalms and the third antiphon and then just like it said in the ordinary the next thing is going to be a reading their response to that reading and the response rehear and then we have that canticle so that's the antiphon for the canticle so here at brut a we would chant this antiphon and then you would flip to the canticle for morning prayer you would pray through the canticle and then you would flip back to again conclude with that antiphon sorry I forgot to move my ribbon that antiphon there for the canticle of zechariah so it's the same structure is what we just did with the Psalms we have Nana on the psalm antiphon mechanical is just located at a different spot since we're praying that every day they don't need to reprint it here on that page and then we have our intercession that will be located here led by the prayer leader and then the reader and the response is all located there for you and then we have our our Father but before one begins the our Father it's always preceded with an invitation so that everybody can you know begin the Our Father at the same point and you can pray the entire prayer together and so the prayer leader would also find that invitation here in the ordinary again kind of with that instructions after you have the intercessions it'll say all then say the Lord's Prayer and may be preceded by a brief invitation you can choose any of those here so let's conclude our prayers with the Lord's Prayer and all we begin our Father etc so back here to our page with the Our Father you'd pray that and then the prayer leader will do this concluding prayer and then it will tell you here now flip to the ordinary for the conclusion if you flip back to the ordinary you'll see if we flip our page here it's got the conclusion listed here may Lord bless us protect us from all evil and bring us to ever sting life amen or in the presence of a priest you would ask for their blessing and that would basically be morning prayer so that is how that would work and then you could just you know kind of leave your ribbon set where they are but for when you then come to evening prayer later in the day you could flip to your ordinary here section for evening prayer and you'll see again it's going to have basically the exact same setup it's going to have that introductory prayer to him the Samedi there reading the response and then the gospel Kanaka associated with evening prayer so that's going to be the Magnificat beginning with my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and then we can go ahead and set our ribbon for evening prayer later when we pray that in community and again it will have your opening prayer your him etc so pretty much as you can see we're only really using those two ribbons for this volume right now and it will just tell you where to slip so you'll get the hang of it but just essentially know that when you begin just begin with this main third ribbon here and that's where the majority of your prayer is going to be coming from the third ribbon in the Psalter there pretty much everything is going to be coming there you're going to be following through it the only time you're really going to flip to a different spot is once you come to whatever canticle you are doing for that hour so for evening prayers the canticles berry for morning prayer it with botanical Zechariah flip to the ordinary fine mechanical flip back that's really the only time you're going to flip for morning prayer an evening prayer for different days you'll find some it will it will direct you to different location so here's just an example of where it might tell you to flip to a different page so here it's telling me that if I'm praying the office of readings here before morning prayer it would tell me that the reading and the prayer is in the office of the day so that would just flip back to the office which is located in the proper of seasons you see we have the office of readings there and it would have your readings and prayers located there so if you ever see the read just that source telling you to flip the only other thing you want to know so on a normal day again we're only using the middle ribbon and the second ribbon for the Psalter in the ordinary but sometimes you might have the Feast of a st. appear on that day so for example today August 16th I'm going to look at this and it might tell me to pull from a different location so if I were to look at here there's a prayer located here that at the end of evening prayer for example we saw that it concludes with a prayer and it has its concluding prayer one could also take the concluding prayer from the feast of the day so you always just want to make sure that your ribbon is set to the proper of Saints and when you walk into morning prayer evening prayer etcetera just check and see if there's something different there so for example yesterday on August 15th we're now in the celebration of the Assumption I'll go to the first page there so you can see that if August 15th is the Assumption tells you whether at the memorial of Easter solemnity solemnity being the highest and that were and then feast and memorial and then it will give you pretty much all the prayers that you need there for example so if we're praying evening prayer one which is on the day before August 15th it would give you the him they want us to pray it would then give you you know the antiphon which we found earlier in the Psalter it your antiphon is now going to be come from here and now it's going to tell you where all your Psalms and canticles are coming from so it's not going to be on the typical day you're basically replacing you know the middle ribbon there that that Salter ribbon with the final ribbon here in the back from the proper of saints so we do that antiphon and it's telling us okay the Psalms and canonical is coming from the comment of the Blessed Virgin Mary we talked about the comment earlier that's going to be on page 1607 you would go to page 1607 and if you have any prayer cards floating around in your room that wonderful people have given to you this is going to be the time to break them out I always keep prayer cards in the front of my bravery for occasions like this where it's going to direct you to a different page 1607 here at the office of readings we're currently doing evening prayer though so you would just flip to the evening prayer section and pray that so you keep it there and again you have to flip back for the antiphon and can you going back and forth so just make sure you follow with that ribbon you might get confused the first couple times it happens but just know that sometimes there's a feast it's going to kind of change the normal order of things but again the normal order of things just the middle ribbon for the Psalter and the second ribbon for the ordinary so that you can get that canticle so that's essentially how one navigates the breviary for the Liturgy of you hours and you'll get more comfortable with it as you go on and get more confident with it but just know now that you have a general overview of how one navigates the official prayer of the church
Channel: Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary
Views: 30,678
Rating: 4.8962722 out of 5
Keywords: liturgy, hours, prayer, catholic, brute, simon, bishop, college, seminary, church, navigation, flipping, ribbons, set
Id: 47G1Nvrxhk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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