Christian Prayer vs Liturgy of the Hours - a Comparison

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all right thank you for sticking with me through throughout my entire video series now we're going to get that some brass tacks explaining the difference between the four volume set of the Liturgy of the hours and the single volume set of the Liturgy of the hours Christian prayer Edition first of all the things that you get with the book the book sets are a little different I mean they were same but yet more from the larger set obviously you're paying more for it as well with the Christian prayer book you simply got you know the flyer two cards and the Christian prayer book the st. Joseph's guide with the Liturgy of the hours you got the st. Joseph's guide you've got four complete cards cardboard cards the introduction and a supplement a little bit more out of it not really the main difference though not really the deal-breaker and so to speak the main difference though is your one book so you can prop that up in your one book versus your four books like that that's an awful lot of we don't know what so let's discuss what that we don't know what is all right now the main difference that I've noticed between these two books when I'm going about what I've been going through it it's pretty it's pretty obvious the office of readings as I mentioned in my Christian prayer video series I was not thrilled at all with any of the you know the office of readings selection or how it's done as opposed to the end with the Psalter as well also you know what let me let me just explain something they've also done now with the Psalter the four weeks altar in the in our normal you know where am i I'm in the lickin season in my normal for volume set I know that my office of readings through the proper seasons start I know that I have my office of readings with a nice full readings worth reading look at this nice old beautiful reading over eating's second readings you know you really can't beat it and each of these you know readings that you know they change every day here's Friday's now they alternate they change they're laid out for you it's not in fact the entire day sequence is laid out for you beautifully here's a Thursday start with your office readings move on to morning prayer move on to daytime prayer broken up into mid-morning midday mid-afternoon moving on to evening prayer but you evening prayer right up until the next Friday's officer readings can't go wrong the entire day is sequenced right here in conjunction with the Psalter Thursday Thursday yeah Thursday begins inventory office of readings with the hymn embedded in there all ready for you Psalms this whole Samedi moving on to morning prayer oh you saw him too here well you saw him too here busting out at the daytime prayer Dave's your initial daytime prayer here you know and your Psalms for at least one of them just don't forget even in the other book daytime prayer is made up of three components mid-morning midday and mid-afternoon but both books only cover one one set of Psalms and then you have to use the complementary Samedi for the remaining two sections of the daily prayer day time pair sorry both books have that and that's fine but and as he saw my Salter was laid out nice and neat my four week cycle every single thing I needed you know you know right right from inventory straight through the evening prayer was categorized listed in order easy to follow beautifully laid out I love it now the Christian prayer unfortunately the way they've done the Psalter I've got a little demonstration here of how I see how they've done this altar here's the liturgy of the hours here's the salt in the Liturgy of the hours goes by the four-week cycle and it's broken up into office of readings the morning prayer the daytime prayer in the evening prayer now if they've done for the Christian prayer book is simply this way of taking the office of readings they've thrown that in the back of the book somewhere they have taken morning and they have taken evening now they have taken the morning and they've taken the evening and they've put them together in the center of the book and their little red pages there they put the wolf to the side they Jam this poor thing back into near the very back of the book someone's laid out it back there and now for your midday prayer what they've decided to do was pretty much this okay there's week 1 here's week two and three four there we go throw that out that's what they've done they move and they move that daytime prayer was after the Psalter so they put it right like that and this is a somewhere near the end because this is even past night prayer proper Saints hymns and music yeah this is this is this is you know it's all the way over here in the back of the book all right not very easy to follow and this here really irks me they use the seven-day you know to set them I'm trying to say here the seven-day cycle for the daytime prayer they do not use the full four weeks alter for that they just redo the week one similar to what they do for night prayer well we know with the entire liturgy does for night prayer it's the seven-day cycle it just gets repeated over and over again they did the same thing with a daytime you know which to me you know again I'm personal structure and I feel like I'm you know it's like the difference between like uh you know like a White Castle steamed burger versus a 20 ounce ribeye steak you know I want the steak yeah I don't want it I don't want a little burger here you know yeah maybe a little you know like two French fries over there I want the whole steak dinner with the you know the baked potato with the butter and the sour cream and a little some chives on the top I want everything that's why I prefer the four book set the other thing that I also don't like is the you know the proper seasons again proper especially in this Christian prayer book like for example back to that 19th week you know them 19 Sunday it's yeah it goes immediately from 19th Sunday in ordinary time it goes right to 20th Sunday in ordinary time there is nothing here for any of the other days of the week now I you know the full the full version you know does go through the entire week you know today proper seasons it is Thursday evening prayer during the second week of Easter you know it covers the entire you know you even in you know what hold on let me second even an ordinary time even in ordinary time they cover eighth weekend or anytime they cover it every day of the week Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday going back to Sunday night Sunday in ordinary time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday I'm like the old Hyundai commercial but anyway the you know the this is why these books are so much bigger you know the Christian prayer book and knocks out anything and everything it can it knocks out the entire week as far as I'm concerned and like I said it cuts out parts of the Psalter the readings themselves are kind of you know even like even though the readings in the Christian prayer are just generic you know yeah just like fine to pick your own as a matter of fact if you look in this in the guide you know this boggles my mind because the four week you know the four volume set of the liturgy does you know have you know different readings for you know for the full four-week cycle for every day of the week you know it's a tremendous in your resource when I was looking at this just as you know just as a it's a favorite familiarize myself with in I'm looking at the readings here and look what I'm seeing here you know it's just in the week of August okay there's new office of readings for you know for that day yeah page 18 16 18 19 21 24 okay so that is moving advancing by day you know it's showing there are different days involved here but then look at the readings themselves 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 you know even even the secondary ones two oh four five two oh four five change I'm gonna there's two oh four five - eleven - oh eleven yeah there's so much repetition here that yeah you're really not gonna get the joy and love of this devotion if you're just repeating the same thing over and over again now I understand you know some some would argue about but you're doing the same thing with your daytime prayer anyway with the complimentary sombody's true but you know at least with the complementary sombody's you can mix it around a little bit you can throw a date you know you can you know use the you know the three you know know the three Psalms set you can switch it in for your off your morning or your afternoon or your or your midday you could at least bury that up a little bit and the three uh three songs you know continually change you know what this off and the officer readings in the in the four book set they're all different yeah and yeah and they're and they're you know enjoyable the nice and long to read this I just I just again I know I'm harping on it but I just can't get over you know the you know the you know what they're giving you I understand why because this is a lot easier to handle than that you know cost wise and you know physically carrying around but I feel that if you're going to get involved with the Liturgy of the hours on a complete scale as I have done you're going to outgrow this book fast and it's not gonna really be worth it to you if you're just beginning or if you have limited you know time and you can only do morning and evening prayer god bless you this is the book for you this is the most common one that most people get because of that you know they say that the you know the people in monastic life are the ones who go you know get these you know these big honkin books here but I like I like completeness just because that's you know that's who I am so yeah so the proper seasons and the Christian prayer you know I mean they do have the weekdays for the length Easter Holy Week and stuff but in ordinary time you know the way it switches out to Sunday's only yeah I think that's a you know a little bit of a disservice like I said I get it you know you have to cut somewhere you gotta trim it down somehow and that's how they do it and it's fine I mean that's like I said but for somebody who likes completeness it's just not for me um and the four-week cycle and like I said that really bothers me that day time the way they just you know eliminated three weeks of daytime prayer for the sake of brevity but you know obviously this book is cheaper than all four of these you know books this book may have actually been a little bit more expensive than each of these individually so yeah you have the option obviously if you either just picking up this book and doing everything for of even spreading out the cost of these and just buying the ones you need during the season like right now we're in the you know I'm still in the Easter season so you would you just need by him to I'd follow this through until you know till conclusion you know and when we switch back to ordinary time which I believe might be might be returning back to ordinary time weeks into 17 I'm not sure I think you can buy that book so you know you have the option to build your collection you know slowly instead of just making a large outlay but again this is you know as far as as far as I can you know my personal judgment this this set is for those who are serious about the community as possible the Divine Office yeah with all the you know most of the prayers available to us that I'm familiar with at least you know the inventory the office of readings morning prayer mid mid morning prayer midday prayer mid afternoon prayer evening prayer night prayer you know this you know this is the most solid complete you know you know book that you can you know set of books you can get the Christian prayer yeah if you're limited to you know keeping yourself mostly to mornings and evening prayer and the inventory maybe also touching on night prayer as well it's sprinkling in the officer readings and daytime prayer as you know just as a learning tool that'll be fine but if you really intend on you know following through yeah and doing well thing you had the complete devotion I strongly recommend you get the four book set you know you can even advance up if you wanted to you know start with the Christian prayer book see if this is something for you you know do it for six months you know just morning and evening prayer if you feel that that you're ready for more or you're thirsting for more you know move on up there's no shame in that so that pretty much covers it hopefully uh hopefully this will help somebody at least you know help somebody determine whether or not they're ready for a full full commitment or a beginning commitment all right I'm gonna get away if you were here and you're interested and you're looking at these things doesn't matter if you got you know you know like the expert set or if you got the you know you know the intermediate you know set you're here god bless you and you know and and it really is something to be said about that you know you should be happy you should be joyful you should be glad you know that that you've come to this point in your life now there is another another book that I would be remiss in not mentioning it is called believe it or not the even shorter Christian prayer I have no idea what that is I can just imagine it's a you know at the cliffnotes yeah I just couldn't I just couldn't even you know pot the plate purchasing that one it's bad enough well not bad enough but you know what I mean uh I mean this one I want to do this video I want to help somebody so I went ahead and got this book even though to me it's a it's a little bit of a step back from what I'm used to doing uh but it's something that I can at least refer back to maybe even start my own children eventually uh you know I'm doing um so that's the goal um just trying to be a better person and that's it so god bless you hopefully like I said these videos have helped you out and it helped you come to a you know come to a more prayerful life because honestly it's the the world needs more prayer and these are the things that can help us get there all right god bless you and I love you all goodbye
Channel: Christopher McNicholas
Views: 11,816
Rating: 4.8705502 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Prayer, Divine Office, Breviary, Liturgy of the Hours, Opus Dei
Id: FwXJc13oY_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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